Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 844 A Long, Long Time Later

Chapter 844 A Long, Long Time Later
"All living beings, regardless of high or low, whether they were once gods or ants, if they disappear, they will always turn into the light of the soul and merge into the river of souls that circles outside the three realms... and I, born with the opposite The light of the soul is different from the sensitivity of ordinary people, and can be connected with it. Just like now, I will find the light of the soul that meets the requirements through your description, resonate with him, and extradite it to me..."

In the antique room, a man dressed in colorful clothes as if the paint had been spilled on his body stood behind a decayed old table, put his head on the table, and muttered to himself.

In front of the table, a red-haired beauty was wearing a close-fitting light leather armor, which outlines a delicate waist, making people unable to bear a few more glances.Her hair is very long, almost reaching her buttocks, and with her pair of big red eyes, she is very attractive to any man and arouses an infinite desire to conquer.

At this time, she looked at the man with cold and disgusted eyes, and unconsciously flashed a trace of expectation.

"I found it... I found it... Come here, don't be afraid, I am your extraditionist... I will lend you my body so that those who miss you can meet you..." The man suddenly said Trembling violently, he raised his head abruptly, only the whites of his eyes remained, "Here he comes! He's here!!"

Instead of being frightened by the man's strange movements, the red-haired beauty leaned forward a few minutes, staring at the man with great concentration, for fear of missing something.

"I'm back!" After trembling for a few minutes, the man finally rolled his eyes from his eyelids and put on a look of affection, "I miss you so much, I never thought I would have the chance to see you again! I haven't I have the opportunity to reveal my heart to you, this time I finally have the courage, I think..."

The man crossed the table and slowly embraced the beauty, his wretched face gradually enlarged in front of her eyes.

The beauty frowned, and she didn't know when she drew out her long sword. The blade of the sword instantly stopped only one millimeter away from the tip of the man's nose, and the man could even feel the chill coming from the sword.

And the sound came from the table under the man. The old table was neatly divided into two and fell on both sides. It was a relief considering its decay.

"You, you, what do you want to do, dear, put down the sword!" The man was so frightened that his legs were shaking, but he still pretended to be calm, and he wanted to reach out to grab the hand of the beautiful woman holding the sword.

Unexpectedly, the sword light was faster than his hand. With a flash of cold light, his arm became empty. The severe pain made him unable to hold it any longer. He retreated to the wall and lay down screaming.

Hearing his shout, several strong men ran out from the back room and surrounded the beauty with unkind expressions.

But that beauty is indeed rare, the strong men have already started to dream, and two of them quietly walked to the door to seal the beauty's retreat.

"The catastrophe of annihilation caused the loss of life. Those martyrs brought peace to the Three Realms at the cost of their own lives, which is worthy of praise and memory. But you, using the yin and yang to worry about the psychology of those who miss them, deceive people for profit, sin Damn it! Go and repent for the peace gained by the sacrifices of countless people!"

The red-haired beauty swung her long sword around her body, and the left hands of several big men were all broken at the wrist, and the severed hands fell to the ground.Accompanied by the blood sprayed out half a beat later, there were their shrill screams.

At this time, the door of the house was kicked open, and a team of guards ran in. Seeing the scene in front of them, they were stunned for a moment, and then reacted and arrested all the strong and wretched men.

The captain-like police officer saluted the red-haired beauty: "Thank you, Lady Ophelia, for your help! These little people won't make Lady Ophelia angry, please leave it to us next time!"

"It's really shameful to use the living people's longing for the dead to cheat. I can't hold back my temper, please clean it up." Ophelia turned and left the room, and jumped into the air to high altitude.

That beautiful figure made the captain stare at it for a long time without recovering.

"Fake... No matter how long I haven't seen that guy, he will only say 'Long time no see', how could he say something that makes people get goosebumps...'When your hair reaches your waist, the peach blossoms will welcome the east wind again; The heroic spirit is still the same as before, and I feel pity and smile. Yesterday I picked up the bright moon, and today I gave you a new white cloud. When you grow your hair to your waist, I hope I have returned by chance. It’s all because I dare not cut my hair because you said so. You will never return. , My hair is almost mopping the floor!"

He knew that the so-called spiritualism was fake as soon as he heard it, so why did he come here to experience it himself?Ophelia flew slowly through the air, thinking deeply.

In the final analysis, I still try with the slightest possibility.Who knows if that guy hung up without saying hello?Who knows if this person really has psychic powers?
She even hoped that the man could act a little more like that, so that she could get some comfort in her heart.

It has been ten years since the Three Realms fought against the Mieshi, and it has been ten years now.I don't know if Ophelia has never been to the two worlds of Heaven and Demon, but the world of Mortals has changed a lot.In addition to the time spent on post-war reconstruction, the three races in the mortal world have ushered in a peaceful coexistence that has never been seen in thousands of years, which has allowed them to develop rapidly, and the major continents are changing with each passing day.

It's a pity that in the thriving mortal world, the instigator couldn't see it, and the irony made Ophelia feel sad.

Thinking about it, Ophelia didn't know how far she had flown, and stopped in a daze, only to find that the look below was very familiar.

Before she knew it, she flew back again.

Ophelia wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and flew down.

Ophelia's sudden arrival caused quite a commotion, but everyone lowered their voices.All the teachers and students in Landis School of Magic know this character, Ophelia, the daughter of the leader of the human race, a newly promoted sky warrior master, has a serious misogyny.

This guy would come back to Landis Academy of Magic from time to time, because this is her alma mater, she would come back to visit Principal Douglas and Principal Livia, and then she could stay in the library all day.

This time Ophelia's body was still subconsciously walking towards the library, halfway there, she suddenly froze.

The library was completely surrounded, and this situation immediately corresponded to what Ophelia had seen in her mind.

She wouldn't go crowding with those students, Ophelia flew up again, flew in from the towering gate of the library, and soon found the eye-catching figure!
The figure with that soft long hair hanging behind her back!
Ophelia landed behind the man with a bang, and those who were watching this figure were startled. After being stared at by Ophelia, they were all frightened and scattered.

Then Ophelia ran over and patted the man on the shoulder.

Turning around, that man's face was so overwhelming that he saw Ophelia froze for a moment.

Then, he showed a relieved smile.

"It's you." Ophelia didn't want to be so rude, but she couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on her face.

In fact, the moment Ophelia reached out to pat the other party, she realized it wasn't him.

This person also has beautiful long hair, but it is not black, but in the shadow of the tall bookshelf, the other person's gray hair looks like black.The other party has a beautiful face that is absolutely not inferior to Yuan Feiwu, and a pair of purple pupils are like the most beautiful purple gemstones in time. People will be fascinated by it if they are not careful, but Ophelia is not at all the kind of person who is killed by a single blow. touch.Perhaps, as she said at the earliest, it was the bastard's face that suited her best.

"Well. I want to feel the feeling of Feiwu living here before, so I am here to help as an administrator. I have missed so much before I met him. Now that I have time, I want to feel his past. " Lucia said lightly, "Are you free? I just finished my work, and I want to hear about what happened before Feiwu, I wonder if it's convenient for you."


Ophelia was a little cautious when facing this princess of the Demon Race. The other party didn't have any concealment or hesitation to take the initiative, which prevented Ophelia from jokingly keeping her away from those stinky men in the name of protecting beauties as before.There was even a sour feeling in her heart, it seemed that only this person's beauty and identity, and only this person's unconditional dedication to Yuan Feiwu could really match that bastard.

I don't know when it started, she changed from being aloof at the beginning to being unable to not feel inferior in the face of such a perfect guy.

Distracted again.

When Ophelia came back to her senses, Lucia had brought her to the staff lounge of the library.This is a small room, and it is connected to the back door of the library.Just sitting face to face with Lucia on the simple chair, made Ophelia fondly miss the time when she was messing around here.

At that time, there was the black-bellied Athena, the hearty Nangong Feng, and the indifferent Xueyue, all surrounded by the seemingly low-key but most dazzling person... It turned out that those were the happiest times.

(End of this chapter)

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