Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 846 Is this the end? !

Chapter 846 Is this the end? ! (two)
"Senior Ophelia!"

A soft call relieved Ophelia from her embarrassment. Ophelia looked up, and found that they had already entered a familiar teaching building without knowing it, where they had taken classes before.Seeing the person who called her, Ophelia rushed over as if seeing a great savior, hugging the thin figure in her arms without saying a word.

"Eh? Sister Ophelia, what's the matter, I'm about to die! Hello, Princess Lucia!" The man was not far from being strangled to death in Ophelia's arms, but he still spoke politely. With the last bit of strength, he greeted Lucia, looking very heroic.

"Hello, Teacher Alma." Lucia replied with a smile.

For the harmonious relationship between the two people in front of him or the murder scene (?) Lucia thinks it is most appropriate to take it with a smile.

"Huh? Do you know each other?" Ophelia finally let go of her hand and looked at the two of them in surprise.

"Of course, Lucia has been at Landis Academy of Magic for some time. Principal Douglas asked me to take her to familiarize her with the campus scenery and basic facilities, and also asked all the teachers and staff to take good care of Lucia." Alma gathered together Ophelia whispered the second half in her ear, "She is the princess of the Demon Race, so she should be regarded as a super high-level foreign guest, Senior Ophelia, please don't lose your status in front of the other party... "

"You don't want to lose your identity!" Ophelia originally planned to let go of Erma's small body as a magician, but after being told by Erma, she tightened her grip, causing Alma to feel the pain in Ophelia. Filia moaned in pain.

It took a long time to let her go, and Alma fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, unable to move for a long time, feeling that her body no longer belonged to her...

"Being a teacher is easy to protrude the lumbar disc. I stretched your muscles and bones for you, thank you!" Ophelia smiled happily when she saw Alma lying on the ground wanting to cry without tears.

"Ah, by the way, shall I tell you something interesting about the five little ones and that man? Come, Alma, let's have a chat."

Ophelia felt that she was really smart, since they were all telling Yuan Feiwu's stories anyway, of course it was more interesting to talk about other people's embarrassing things with Yuan Feiwu than talking about her own embarrassing things with Yuan Feiwu!
"No, no, I'm not free, I'm still in a hurry to go to class! I'm already late!" Alma stood up leaning against the wall with difficulty while supporting her waist, and struggled to walk towards the classroom. I wonder if Ophelia is so enthusiastic today, if I stay with her for a while, who knows if it will disappear!

"Okay, I'll see you later after school." Ophelia couldn't possibly abduct a teacher who was going to class, so she let Alma go without hesitation.

Anyway, with her or without her, Ophelia can still tell their jokes.

Ophelia and Lucia continued to walk in the building, walking through each floor, feeling the influence of the rich teaching atmosphere in the Landis Academy of Magic.At the same time, Ophelia told Lucia about the origin of the "five little ones", because one of them mistakenly mistook Yuan Feiwu for a primary school boy, but in an accident, he dropped his ass, and was finally caught by Yuan Feiwu An embarrassing thing to carry back to the classroom.What's even more funny is that they finally completed a dim sum with Yuan Feiwu's help, and at the end they thought Yuan Feiwu was a junior!
Hearing this, Lucia also showed a different smile, which was much brighter than the previous one, and Ophelia was stunned by that beautiful smile.

After farewell to Yuan Feiwu, another evildoer!

"Can I taste that Feiwu meatball? Can I learn it?" Lucia was interested in everything about Yuan Feiwu, and how could she miss the original food named after Yuan Feiwu.

"It should be possible... In fact, you can also eat it on the streets outside. The five little ones have already dominated the entire Landis City with this signature dim sum, and it has become a must-eat dim sum when traveling in Landis City. It is also worth mentioning What's more, because the five little ones of this signature dim sum have become upstarts, it's okay to cheat on food and drink when you meet them, so don't be polite to them!" Ophelia felt melancholy again when she talked about Feiwu Wanzi, so she had to Changing the subject made the atmosphere a little clearer, "Speaking of which, after graduation, the five little ones each went to their own dreams. Alma chose to return to Landis School of Magic to be a magic teacher; ' Carried forward, so I concentrated on managing this No. [-] signature delicacy, and my dream is to open the branches of 'Flying Balls' to all parts of the Three Realms. Because she is so cute, she is also called 'Dim Sum Beauty', and those who pursue her can learn from Randy The cafeteria of the Landis Academy of Magic is queuing up to the gate. Vader originally planned to return to Landis Academy of Magic to become a teacher, but because of her character problem, her former teacher did not recommend her, so she had to help Chuxia. It is said that the position is "snack" Beauty's personal bodyguard'...Nunora, who got into trouble with Yuan Feiwu because of her own troubles, has always been interested in history, and is now the youngest historian in Star Luo Continent's history. Her current research topic It is the "History of the Three Realms after the New Demon King of the Demon Realm took office". It seems that he intends to complete the deeds of Yuan Feiwu after becoming the Demon King and record them in the annals of history. At present, he has received strong support from the great magister Douglas and the emperor of the human race, Ya Longjing. Said the progress is very good...they are very interesting people."

"It's really interesting. But it's the 'five little ones' only mentioned four, and it seems that you summed it up a bit early. Where is the other one?" Lucia asked.

Ophelia wondered for a moment, she didn't expect Lucia to listen so carefully that such small details could be found!
"There is another named Nan Xi who is very fond of literature and is now a best-selling author... He has written several novels. The male protagonists are all cute and cute templates with black long hair and black eyes, and the female protagonists are all based on herself. As a template, every novel is full of plots of slapping dog food on readers' faces! What is even more surprising is that there are various plots that are not suitable for children appearing in various exciting places, which are unknown It's getting hot! It's clearly using the name of writing a book to fulfill your desires! It's shameful!"

"Oh? I'm interested. Are there any books in the library?" Lucia asked with interest.

"How is it possible that the college library has it! She gave me a set, if you want to see it, I can borrow it for you... No, you'd better not read it, there are too many shameful descriptions! The five little ones and the other four often because I quarreled with Nanxi about this matter, and they quarreled endlessly at the party, but after the quarrel, I had to ask Nanxi for a new book, how could they stand with these shameless and impatient things..."

"Isn't reading these books just for YY? Didn't Ophelia imagine herself in it?" The atmosphere of the Demon Race is much more open than that of the Star Luo Continent, so Lucia thinks it's no big deal.

"I, how could I put myself in it! I'm not a pervert! Forget it, just watch it if you like, I'll show it to you tomorrow!"

Lucia smiled slightly, and saw Ophelia's face blushing as if bleeding, the flustered expression that didn't match her heart, was really cute.

"Okay, don't talk about those [-] banned books. Ah, I came here before I knew it." Ophelia stopped suddenly, and the most remote place in the entire teaching building was the small office in front of her. It is for the history teachers of this grade to temporarily store heavy history textbooks and office use. There will be such a small office on each floor.

The wooden door of the office was fastened with many wooden strips. It was obvious that it had experienced the suffering that was close to being smashed to pieces, and it was already very impressive to be able to reassemble it back into a "door".

Ophelia couldn't help recalling that day, she mistook Teacher Phil here, and later figured out that it was Lucifer, the Great Demon God, who wanted to do something strange to Yuan Feiwu, and was kicked by her this door.

It is Yuan Feiwu's ingenuity to put these pieces back together into a door, full of memories!It's also black history!

"I broke the door, haha, I have to explain it to you clearly, it's not my fault! It's that vicious..."

In the middle of speaking, Ophelia suddenly stopped, staring at the door, tears suddenly bursting down the embankment and dripping down continuously.

There was a soft sound from inside, as before, the sound insulation of this door is still so bad.

"Master Demon King, if you don't have a suitable partner, I don't mind turning into a female body to accompany you for the rest of my life..."

(End of this chapter)

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