Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 847 Is this the end? !

Chapter 847 Is this the end? ! (three)
"It doesn't have to be like that, right? By the way, didn't we come here to participate in the Demon King's Anniversary? Why did the topic suddenly change here?!"

The office door that was covered in bruises cracked again, and all the broken boards were shot at the extremely proud man. It was the same as before, and the broken boards flew elsewhere for some reason.

"You guys are perverts! A demon king, a great demon god, what perverted things are being discussed here! It's disgusting!" Ophelia yelled as soon as she entered the door, so angry that she was about to burst into flames.

Not to mention bursting into anger, Ophelia was so angry that it was unbelievable that this demon king and a great demon god are actually discussing what is there and what is not!How much more comfortable discussing evil plans to conquer the mortal world!
"You have become a god, so you can change into an incarnation. Besides, gods don't care much about whether you are a man or a woman." The man with a proud face stepped forward, with an imposing manner, "You say that, could it be that you have other specialties thinking, so I am very concerned about whether the Demon King is a man or a woman?"

"Lucifer, you are talking nonsense!" Ophelia was still stubborn, but subconsciously took a step back.

Just as he was about to ask Lucia to scold them for help, he found that Lucia on the other end had thrown himself into Yuan Feiwu's arms and cried like a child, wrapping his hands around Yuan Feiwu and refusing to let go.

Lucia can calmly face the torment of the long wait, but it doesn't mean that she misses Yuan Feiwu less than anyone else!The eager miss even surpassed the blind worship of Lucifer by the demons. Even Lucifer was temporarily thrown aside and did not go to salute. It can be seen that there is only one thing in Lucia's eyes, and that is Yuan Feiwu.

Ophelia watched Lucia throw herself into Yuan Feiwu's arms without restraint, a trace of jealousy rose in her heart.She really wanted to just throw herself into Yuan Feiwu's arms, but her rationality kept stopping her, telling her that it shouldn't be done.But reason couldn't give her a reason to stop her from doing so. Perhaps the reason came from her inexplicable pride.

Seeing that Yuan Feiwu's warmth is not suitable for being disturbed, Ophelia held back her grievances, and her longing for more than ten years was suppressed when it needed to explode, that feeling was too uncomfortable.

Turning around, she was surprised to find that Lucifer stared at her with a half-smile, stretched out an index finger, and placed it in front of her eyes.

"The opportunity is rare, and I can't help you if I miss it, so I will give you some advice..."

The slender index finger, which could clearly see the shape of a hard bone, suddenly poked Ophelia's forehead without any warning, and the strength seemed to penetrate Ophelia's head!
call! ! !
Ophelia's eyes immediately went dark, and a gust of wind howled in Ophelia's ears!

Then Ophelia floated into a beautiful and quiet courtyard that she had never seen before.She saw a black-haired young lady, with tears in her eyes, walking erratically, throwing herself into the arms of an old man, listening to the old man tell him about his parents' misfortune.

After that, every day of that young lady flew by before Ophelia's eyes.The more she watched, the more Ophelia felt heartbroken. It turned out that the story of Yuan Feiwu's broken leg and being saved by Ying was lucky to him, it was very common for him!She didn't understand why there was such a terrifying big family, so many vicious relatives who wanted to murder an orphan, and why there were so many desperate dangers and difficulties waiting for him to overcome...

But she was very fortunate that the little lady was pretending to be forced to smile and walked over step by step.If not, she would have no way to meet this person, as if she had spent all her life's luck to meet this person.She was suddenly very grateful, thanking him for persevering in everything, otherwise her life would be missing the most important link.

So she finally understands where Yuan Feiwu's strange feeling that no one can relate to comes from.It was the protective shell that he had rolled and crawled in hell to protect himself and others, to protect his already scarred heart, and to keep the person he really wanted to be with now out of the door.

The betrayal of family and friendship has already made his life worse than death, so what he doesn't want to touch under the shadow of a snake is love.

Love, this word made Ophelia suddenly come to her senses. Her feelings for that person were different from pity and sympathy, and there were many, many other things... Yes, Ophelia could no longer deny it. , The strong affection in her heart is called love.

"If two people who want to find love are only a hundred steps apart, ordinary people may only need to walk fifty steps to get what they want. But Lord Demon King is different. If you don't have the determination to sprint ten thousand steps forward, please don't Try to fall in love with Lord Demon King lightly. Don’t think that a hundred steps of hard work will be your end point, that’s impossible, because Lord Demon King will step back without knowing where the end point is... This is My advice. I will tell you this because you are qualified, because the Lord Demon King is at least willing to stand on the starting line face to face with you... If you miss this time, you are destined to regret it."

"this time?"

"That's right, the Lord Demon King is only staying in the Mortal Realm for a while, and he will soon go back to the Demon Realm to cultivate. The battle with the Lord of Chaos in another time and space has exhausted the Lord Demon King, and the current Lord Demon King has been seriously injured. It will take a hundred days for God to be completely destroyed..."


A sharp shriek made Ophelia's scalp numb with pain, but she could no longer care about the shriek echoing in her head, and rushed to Yuan Feiwu who was thrown to the ground by Lucia and was still comforting Lucia. !
self-esteem?What self-esteem?Ridiculous pride?
What does having feelings for someone you love in your heart have to do with self-esteem?Could it be that what one loves has appeared, and instead of trying to get it by oneself, it is stipulated that love must be offered automatically?If you miss it, don't you regret it for life?

She began to regret, why did she waste so much time?Wait until the last moment, with less than a hundred days left, before she is willing to face up to her own heart?
Didn't I quietly acquiesce early in the morning, and have fallen in love with that guy?

Ophelia also rushed over, embracing Yuan Feiwu who was tightly hugged by Lucia, and ignored Yuan Feiwu with tears in her eyes, ignoring Yuan Feiwu's widened eyes because of the accident.

After a while, Ophelia reluctantly raised her head, forcing herself to look at Yuan Feiwu.No matter what this time, Ophelia will not let herself back down!Let alone [-] steps, she is willing to sprint even [-] steps!Who made this person so irresistible to her!

"Ophelia, long time no see... um... are you a little strange?"

Yuan Feiwu's supposedly calm smile showed a rare panic.

"Being in love with me is the greatest honor in your life, and you are not allowed to have the right to object!" Ophelia touched Yuan Feiwu's smooth cheeks, her face was not as arrogant as before, Instead, with very focused affection and regret, "If time could be restarted again, at the moment I met for the first time, I would definitely tell you that I would never want to be separated from you! Then I would not waste my youth. Until now There is only so much regrettable time left to spend together... But it doesn't matter, even if you disappear in a hundred days, I will turn into ashes and follow you to any corner. Please accept my love, okay?"

"Wait! Have you misunderstood something...why turn it into ashes??"

Yuan Feiwu was a little confused, and Ophelia wanted to take a bite of that silly, sweet and cute appearance.

"I still remember that you like this kind of thing very much...Although it's shameful, I still do what you want. I will pester you to death wherever you go in the future, you have to take me with you..." Lucia didn't know why At that time, she put on the snow-white rabbit ear headband.

"Wait! Did you misunderstand something too!?"

What about Lucifer?Yuan Feiwu was afraid that his movements would hurt the two girls too much, so he planned to call for a rescuer...

Yuan Feiwu suddenly lost the strength to fight back.

The culprit is Ophelia, hehe, the neck is the weakness of the Lord Demon King... If she hadn't come back here and reminded her of Lucifer tying Yuan Feiwu's tie back then, she would have forgotten it!

Let me, Ophelia, fulfill my childhood wish today and defeat the evil king of the devil world!


The broken door of the office was simply repaired at some point, and it was gently closed.

The rescuer that Yuan Feiwu had always relied on—Lucifer, stood outside the door, bowed his head and silently closed his eyes for the betrayed Demon King, thinking for about... two seconds before attaching a shielding circle to the closed door.

(End of this chapter)

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