Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 848 Is this the end? !

Chapter 848 Is this the end? ! (Four)
"What's the matter, why don't you leave? Want to be a voyeur?"

Lucifer stood guard outside the door, leaning against the wall on the side of the corridor, brushing the bangs of the coffee-colored hair who turned into a history teacher in the mortal world with his hands, and his eyes suddenly became sharp when he heard the sound.

"The original words I want to say are 'It takes a hundred be cured...' I said who was so wicked and interrupted my spiritual connection with Ophelia at the most critical words, thinking about it You are the only one who can do such an exaggerated thing." Lucifer snorted coldly, and said with a sneer, "I don't have the habit of peeping, but Lord Demon King has not recovered yet, and I won't leave too far away..."

"You know that they are coming, but you deliberately say things that are easy to be misunderstood. Aren't you wicked?" Her slender posture and the lazily pouring in of the sunlight from outside made her plump figure flawless, and her lazy facial features were even more charming and lovely.

"What I'm saying is the truth. If they voluntarily give up their qualifications to be favored by the devil, I don't mind turning into a female body to accompany the devil for the rest of their lives." Lucifer showed an extremely evil smile, turned to look at the beauty, "compared to you I'm still far from pranking you, God King Yafiel."

"I think it would be better to scare Ophelia in this way, and the facts have proved that." Yafeier pretended to be angry and said, "Please call me Athena here, how high-profile it is to call God King!"

Lucifer's cognition of Yafeier's cheekiness has set a new lower limit. How can anyone in the mortal world not know that this human princess is the incarnation of a god king!Is there a difference between being called Athena or Yafeier?

"Now that everyone is in the mortal world with a neutral identity, the opportunity is rare, so let's talk about the festivals of the year. Even if you are in retreat at your level, it is impossible not to hear such a big movement outside. Why don't you stop it? A tragedy? Interesting to watch me rebel?"

After the twilight of the gods, until the appearance of the new devil, Lucifer has a chance to meet the king of the gods.During this period, two wars broke out between angels, one in the heavenly realm and one in the mortal realm, but each time miraculously did not see Yafeier's figure, Lucifer felt as if he had been deliberately abandoned, until Today, he still has not been able to relieve the resentment in his heart.

Obviously at that time, he was the most loyal Archangel!Consider the orders of the God King more important than life!
He is not convinced by what the God King has done to him!It can even be said to be resentment!

"Chuangshi God created the world when he first created the world. At that time, he only created me, and I was alone... Later, in order to balance the world, Chuangshi God split the chaos and created reincarnation, and then created Hades, the king of the underworld... So the calculation , Hades and I should be regarded as a pair of siblings born to go in different directions." Yafeier fell into a long memory, and said slowly, "Finally, there is a difference between light and darkness in the world. Hades has been hostile since birth. We want the world to become a different scene, and we continue to fight for it. The Three Realms, under the continuous creation of the Creator God, have gradually formed because of me and Hades. If you use The relationship between siblings is compared to the relationship between me and Hades, then you seven archangels and I are the relationship between mother and child, and I have created you through a long period of time."

"Take my pride and turn it into the shining angel Lucifer; take my aggressiveness and turn it into the battle angel Michael; take my loyalty and turn it into the angel of death Gabriel; take my wisdom and turn it into the law Angel Yuriel; take my purity and become the charming angel Haniya; take my gentleness and turn it into the healing angel Raphael; take my righteousness and turn it into the military angel Kamal. Just as the creator god understood Truth, time and everything has an opposite side, just like the battle between me and Hades, can help the Three Realms to be formed. I thought, let you each have my own advantages, and only advantages. But it turns out that this is just my wishful thinking I gave you pride, but I gave you self-confidence; I gave Michael progress, but I gave him desire; Gabriel was loyal, but he had no ego; Juriel was smart, but less Human touch; Haniya's pure heart is like a blank sheet of paper, easily deceived by lies; Rafael's gentleness makes it impossible to make a decisive decision; Kamal is upright, but his head is stubborn..."

"All the advantages have been distributed, so you are only left with a black belly?" Lucifer interjected mockingly, "I repeat, my name is Lucifer now, and the name Phil has been abandoned by me."

He didn't understand how Yafeier's long speech had anything to do with his own problems. In his opinion, he was just evading his own problems.

"Since you hate him so much, why do you call yourself Phil in the mortal world?"

"I'm too lazy to name it, just use it casually." Lucifer said in a tone that was both true and false.

"Then what I call you now is your name in the mortal world. Your surname is Lu Xi. Is it okay to call you Teacher Lucifer by your full name?"

"As a god king, don't tell me that you don't know that my surname is not Lucy! Lucy is not a surname!"

How many times does this guy whose surname is Lu or Lu Xi have to play with Lord Demon King?Don't you get bored?
"Of all the archangels, on the surface, only your shortcomings are the most deadly. But in fact, only your shortcomings make me feel at ease. I believe that only you can avoid any temptation in the devil world. Because your arrogance can make Even if you fall into darkness, you can still maintain your original intention. Sure enough, I was not mistaken. Since then, the Three Realms of Heaven, Demon, and Mortal have ushered in a long-term peace, allowing all races to preserve their strength, until the battle of annihilation comes, and they can fight with all their strength. You It played a vital role in this battle of annihilation!"

"I understand. On the surface, I joined the demon world to strengthen the power of the demon world and make the heaven world uneasy. But in fact, the strength of the two worlds tends to be balanced, and the gods of the heaven world cancel the war. Desire, peace has really been achieved..." Lucifer's face darkened, it turned out that his suspicion was right at the beginning, and his betrayal was deliberately done by the king of gods.

Knowing this fact, Lucifer understood that the God King used him to prepare for the future war of annihilation, but he was still extremely upset.

"That's right. The Devil Realm has indeed become different with more of you joining. It seems that the way of darkness has also produced a sense of pride belonging to the way of darkness. I have been silently paying attention to it, and I am constantly proud of you! Lucifer , I am most sorry for you, for making you suffer so much for the war of annihilation...I'm sorry." Yafeier put away his lazy expression, and said seriously to Lucifer.

"Forget it, it's all over. Your confession has made me untie the knot now, and you don't have to feel guilty anymore. In my opinion, the character you should give out most is your kindness and fraternity engraved in your bones, otherwise , It’s too self-abuse.” Lucifer smiled, and Lucifer didn’t know the nature of the god king. When he led himself to betray, the heart of the god king must have been more painful than his own. Thinking of his stern face at this moment, he quietly melted a little, " Speaking of which, I have to thank you for allowing me to meet the current Lord Demon King, whose greatness is not inferior to yours in the slightest."

"I know, he is much more dazzling than me." Yafeier regained his lazy expression, stood up from the edge of the corridor, and walked slowly into the distance, "I have nothing to do, come up to the heaven for a while, Yulier They should be glad to see you as a guest."

"Aren't you coming to the Demon Realm? The end of the war of the last days is over, and you can already consider facing your own heart. The god king should also have the pursuit of the god king. Anyway, there is still Juliel in the heaven, isn't it?" Xifa said lightly.

There was a hint of cunning hidden in the faint words.

"Lucifer, Lucifer, you have failed in the Demon Realm..." Yafeier's footsteps froze for a moment, and then he continued to move forward and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"It's just the concern of the old family." Lucifer turned his head, raised his head, and looked at the blue sky.

After unraveling the knot in his heart, it was different. He had never discovered before that the sky was so blue... No, the sky in the Demon Realm was not blue at all, and he was so emotional!


In another corner of the teaching building, seeing no one around, Yafeier finally couldn't help but eagerly called out to the long-legged beauty guarding the stairs.

"Jarvan! Jarvan!"

"Here, what orders does the Lord God King have?"

"Let's go, let's go to the devil world to play an exciting and thrilling game, shall we!"

"Uh..." Gabriel began to have an ominous premonition, "Playing, playing what?"

"Seduce the king of the demon world, let's see who gets it first, okay?"

"Not good!" Gabriel hurriedly stepped back, his snow-white face turned red all of a sudden.

She subconsciously stayed away from Yafeier, because the proposal of the God King made her feel a little ready to move, but it was obviously not right!You must not be tempted by the God King to do something unreasonable!
"Is it really bad? Don't you want to see him? Sigh, it's really miserable. He returned from a ten-year battle with the Lord of Chaos with serious injuries. I'm afraid he can't even beat ordinary people now? What if the big demon gods in the demon world Taking advantage of the opportunity to rebel, I don't know how helpless I will be... Sigh..."

"What's wrong with him? Are we going down to the Demon Realm to protect him? I'm willing to use my sword to protect his safety!" Gabriel anxiously walked a few steps closer to the God King, pressing his hand on the dim and low-key black sword at his waist. long sword.

She didn't know until Yuan Feiwu came back, and she still didn't know about Yuan Feiwu's situation.

Thinking about it, what the God King said is very likely to be true!If the weak Yuan Feiwu encounters the betrayal of the great demon gods... the consequences will be disastrous!
"Of course!" The King of God added with a smile, "By the way, go down and be a vixen?"

"There is no such convenience!" Gabriel couldn't laugh or cry, after all, the king of gods wanted to play a game of seduction! !
After all, he is a majestic king of gods, so he always thinks about hooking up with the king of the devil world!No matter how much you like it, you should keep a low profile!like myself...

"Then let's happily decide! Let's go! Destination, Demon World!"

(End of this chapter)

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