Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 849 Is this the end? !

Chapter 849 Is this the end? ! (five)
"I was going to come back to look for you, but it happened that the Landis Academy of Magic was celebrating the Demon King's Day, so I came back here to have a look first. I didn't expect you both to be there. I really didn't intend to avoid you."

It wasn't until the evening came and the sun was setting that Yuan Feiwu flew to the celebration square of Landis School of Magic with one hand holding a beautiful girl whose face was still flushed.

So far, Yuan Feiwu is no longer confused, he has actually made a decision in his heart... After the decisive battle with the Lord of Chaos, he tasted the feeling of dying, and at that moment, he finally understood his own heart.The timidity of love is actually a kind of selfishness, ordering to hurt more people who care about!

I just didn't expect the progress to be so fast!And the other world is very open to having the same lover together!Yuan Feiwu thought that at least one of them would be hurt!

"Shouldn't you fulfill your promise first thing when you come back? What kind of celebration are you watching! Could it be that the celebration is better than me... Forget it!" Ophelia wanted to ask the standard boyfriend's proposition of "the celebration is more important or me", but After thinking about it, I decided not to ask, feeling that I would not end well, so I turned my anger on Lucifer, "It's all because of that Lucifer who talked one after another! There is nothing more than a hundred days... a hundred days can hurt you." That's all! It's not dead! That big gasp really stopped just right and made people angry! If I hadn't said such nonsense, how could I be"

Ophelia really couldn't say the word "waste" from her own mouth!Her behavior just now is exactly the same as this word describes!

She was so embarrassed after saying this, she stuffed her face into Yuan Feiwu's arms, unable to calm down her embarrassing mood for a long time.

"It's not good for you to just appear in front of them like this?" Lucia on the other side asked in a low voice.

As long as Yuan Feiwu is by her side, she doesn't care what Yuan Feiwu wants to do, she just asks Yuan Feiwu with some doubts, because she understands that Yuan Feiwu never likes to be the center of attention.

Landis Academy of Magic is Yuan Feiwu's alma mater, the teachers and principals must recognize him, besides, I heard that a statue of Yuan Feiwu was made on the day of the celebration, who will not be able to recognize a real person then?
The savior, the king of the demon world, came suddenly, so it's no wonder that the celebration scene wasn't crazy.

"It doesn't matter, they can't see us, we have a space magic circle on us. Strictly speaking, we don't exist in the same space as the mortal world, we are actually in a space crack." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Oh." Since it's a private space where you don't need to mind outside eyes, Lucia hugged Yuan Feiwu tighter with confidence.

The three of them hugged each other and flew to the sky above the square. This demon king's celebration was originally scheduled on the same day as the school's celebration.In order to celebrate the Demon King's salvation and left many precious contributions to the world, Lantis Academy of Magic decided that every year this day will be designated as the Demon King Yuan Flying Dance Memorial Day to celebrate with the school.

When they flew over, it happened that the day's school celebrations were coming to an end, and they were about to start uncovering the statue of the Demon King.

The statue covered by the red cloth seemed to be positioned more important, and it was actually set up in the very center of the square.The luxurious golden base exposed under the red cloth is enough to hint at the gorgeousness inside.

Even Douglas, the founder of Landis School of Magic, hasn't built a statue here yet, which shows how popular the Demon King Yuan Feiwu is here!
But it was very strange that there were no principals such as Douglas in the unveiling ceremony, and there was not a single important person.There were only a large group of students gathered around to probe their brains, curiously and excitedly waiting to watch the legendary and extremely beautiful Demon King Yuan dance.

A young teacher walked over silently, finished his speech briefly, then hurriedly removed the red cloth and disappeared.

It feels like uncovering the curtain is like being a thief, and it's really not an ordinary guilty conscience!
"Wow!!!" The red cloth fell, and there were countless praises at the scene!

I don't know what kind of gemstones are used to make it. The colorful statues immediately shocked and amazed everyone!
On the gorgeous base, the first thing that catches the eye are twelve beautiful black wings!It can be said that the level of the statue has been laid at an extremely high position since then!Which god in the Three Realms can have twelve wings?

With a slender body and limbs as white as jade, she is posing in a posture with intertwined hands, and many black silk threads are floating around her, as if she is showing her true self vividly in front of the world!Just by looking at this, one can already marvel at the ingenious workmanship of the sculptor!
Looking up, the fluttering long hair is scattered behind the shoulders, smooth and translucent!The facial features are almost exactly the same as Yuan Feiwu's. Although it is less lively, it is still enough to show an intoxicating face!

"It's so beautiful! It fully reflects Fei Wu's beauty!" "I never thought that Star Luo Continent could have such exquisite carving skills! We demons must learn from humans in this regard!"

Even Ophelia and Lucia were attracted by the statue. They ignored Yuan Feiwu for the time being. It can be seen how exquisite the statue is!
"Are you sure it's me engraved on it?" Yuan Feiwu hesitated for a while, and finally asked the deadliest question.

Because apart from the above, there is something wrong with the statue.

For example, clothes, the statue is wearing a small dress with a tube top and navel exposed, and the lower body is a pair of mini shorts, revealing a large section of smooth and delicate long legs that make people drool; Not to mention the upper circumference, it is completely at the level of Athena!Expressed in a simple arithmetic way, it is equivalent to three Ophelias or two Lucias!It's too big!
No wonder Douglas and the others didn't come to participate in the unveiling, I guess they can't stand it anymore!
"Oops, I feel like I'm about to fall... It's Yuan Xiaowu! Sure enough, Yuan Xiaowu is the best!"

Ophelia felt like her heart was going to pop out of her mouth for that statue!

If her heart really died because of this, she wouldn't mind, because her life was worth it!

"Student, definitely a stunner..."

Lucia wiped away the nosebleed, she couldn't imagine that one day she would have a nosebleed over a statue, and kept swallowing.

"Who made this thing? Seriously distorted... Wake up!" Yuan Feiwu shook a beautiful woman with one hand, trying to make them recover from their sinking!

Don't be crazy about a statue!And it was suddenly named Yuan Xiaowu's statue!
"Huh? I remember seeing the list of producers. It seems to be the Prince of Leicester? The art consultant is Adam Kun..." Lucia still took care of Yuan Feiwu's mood, seeing that Yuan Feiwu seemed to be infatuated with her I have some opinions, so I quickly shared the information I accidentally saw when I was wandering around the office.

"Ah... what a terrifying combination!! No wonder, in the eyes of those two perverts, Yuan Feiwu probably looks like this! No, it's obvious that pervert Adam designed the statue as Yuan Xiaowu in fantasy Appearance! Abnormal, even Yuan Xiaowu can’t be that big! At most, it can only be given to B, no more! Distorted, seriously distorted!”

"Ophelia, you seem to have misunderstood the point of distortion, right?"

Ophelia's focus made Yuan Feiwu feel a little tired.

Suddenly, there were some noises around the statue.

"Demon Venerable Dark Fire! It's Demon Venerable Dark Fire!"

"Ah? Elder Murphy, are you sure it's Master Minghuo Mozun? Why do I feel that the bust is too big?"

"Chris, you are so stupid! Since you are the Lord of the Underworld Fire Demon, then of course everything must be big if you want to use a statue to portray it! Everything needs to be big to show the greatness of the Lord Underworld Fire Demon!"

"Although your reasoning is evil, I really can't refute it!"

I don't know where two guys wearing cloaks came out, they suddenly rushed under the statue and talked for a while, then bowed their heads, without them taking off their cloaks, Yuan Feiwu could already tell that these two would only make him more tired guy.At this time, he saw the statue that made him feel ashamed of the ancient demon god, and he didn't have any better mental activities other than the idea of ​​silence.

"Feiwu, do you know them?" Lucia asked Yuan Feiwu in surprise.

"I don't know." Yuan Feiwu's answer was terrifyingly decisive.

"No, such a beautiful Yuan Xiaowu is placed here, I feel like I'm going to be underestimated by others! I want to take it home!" Ophelia suddenly burst into tears when she saw the two people who were madly worshiping in front of the statue. Woke up!Even if it was just a statue, Ophelia felt that her Yuan Xiaowu would be looked down upon by others!

Whether it's Yuan Feiwu or Yuan Xiaowu, they are all his own private property!
"Yes, I guess someone will come and lick the statue in the middle of the night."

Lucia calmly mentioned the possibility that caused goosebumps but Ophelia quite agreed.

"Take it away!" The two women suddenly said in unison, and then looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

After speaking, the two women actually dropped Yuan Feiwu and walked aside to whisper in secret, agreeing to carry out the theft plan immediately tonight.

Such a beautiful Yuan Xiaowu, of course he wants to keep it for himself!Ho ho!

With a bang, the statue suddenly shattered silently without warning, and the pieces fell to the ground...

Under the background of the audience's belated wailing, Yuan Feiwu showed an innocent smile, embraced the two women who had already been stunned and hadn't reacted, and flew into the sky.

"Don't be discouraged Lucia, neither Lester nor Adam were there to participate in the unveiling. According to my understanding of them, this situation should not be. So I speculate that there is at least one statue that is better than this statue stored in their home Adam is in the military camp, so there is no way to collect this thing, so let's go to Leicester to steal his one!" Ophelia whispered to Lucia.

"Yeah!" Lucia immediately regained her spirits when she heard it. There is another piece of art that can make people's hearts beat!Sure enough, life is full of hope (evil thoughts) everywhere!
But whispering in Yuan Feiwu's arms, can Yuan Feiwu not hear it!

"Perhaps the statue in his house is also broken later? All the blueprints will also spontaneously combust!"

Yuan Feiwu smiled brightly, reflecting the setting sun in the west, adding a touch of softness to the tragic afterglow. .

"No! I want it!" "Just keep one, just keep one for us to see! Don't worry, I will never lick it!"

The coquettish sound in his arms made Yuan Feiwu tilt his head slightly, his smile satisfied like never before.It turns out that holding the people he misses in his arms and hearing their daily conversations in his ears is the ordinary life he has been looking for.

The thing that has been far away in the sky and close in front of us has finally been found.

(To be continued)

That... Readers who find this book unbearably messy can see this as the end

As for those who are still interested in reading the follow-up, supplements and easter eggs, then move on-. -
(End of this chapter)

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