Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 850 Part 1: I made an exception to save you

Chapter 850 Part 1: I made an exception to save you
A group of small groups walked through the forest at high speed. They rode light horses with their mouths tied and cloth strips on their hooves. They traveled quickly but did not make much noise.

"Stop, stop first!" The leader gently reined in the horse, and the horse stopped the rushing momentum comfortably and smoothly, showing very superb equestrian skills, "The front is already the possible retreat route chosen by the Fengyu Empire. Maybe there will be the other party's investigators, don't act rashly, let the scouts go to explore the way first!"

The ten-man team behind him stopped quickly, competing to show off their extraordinary equestrian skills.

They are the most elite scouts of the Second Legion of the Dire Wolf of the Northway Empire. This time, they follow Silas, who has a low position but has been authorized by the three major legions to lead the entire army, to explore the way.I thought that an important person like Silas came out to explore the way, and he was just strolling around the front line within a safe range.Unexpectedly, Silas came over and waved casually, and led them to go around the enemy's rear for two days and two nights!
Can this TMD be called Pathfinder?It's just looking for death!The opponent's large army may be nearby, and any disturbance they make may cause them to die without a place to bury them!
Although the elite scouts of Dire Wolf were astonished, they didn't complain to Silas at all.

The ability to control the battle situation that Silas has shown in the last few battles is enough to make them worship him.Among them, Silas's dependence on and value for these scouts moved them even more.Every time a battle is won, Silas is the first to thank the scouts who always bring him information in the summary meeting!

As a result, recently, these scouts, who were originally unknown and had no chance of making great achievements in the war, often made a big splash!Let more soldiers who fought bloody on the front line understand the importance of their scouts!
In anything, intelligence is the most important!This is how Silas implements the principles he has learned from others!

Listening to Silas's order, two of the ten-member team jumped off their horses and walked quietly into the distance.This kind of simple pathfinding, among the elite who can be said to be the best at investigation in the mortal world, does not need to issue additional instructions.Based on their position and the nearby terrain, they can immediately determine who should dispatch.

"General Silas, we can just leave this matter to us, why do you risk your life?" The rest of the people rested on the spot, and one of the squad leaders worried towards Silas.

"This battle is very important. Their large troops have entered the forest and rely on the blocking of vision. We can't rush into it. It is wisest to judge their retreat route after bypassing this section of forest as the place to start the battle. But if there is no If we can predict the opponent’s escape route correctly, then they will successfully get rid of our pursuit, and our victory will be delayed for at least three months!” Silas took off his light armor helmet and took a few deep breaths.

Going deep into the enemy's hinterland to conduct investigations, he is also under great pressure. If he is not careful, he will definitely die!
"General, there's no need to risk your life! At most, it's only three months later, and we still win!" another team member laughed.

"During the war, people sacrificed every day, every day people lost their relatives, every day there were wives and children scattered and their families were destroyed! As long as the war can be ended one day earlier, even if I lose my life, what is it? At worst, it’s just victory three months later?! If you can’t face up to the cruelty of war, you are not qualified to be a soldier! Soldiers exist to protect peace, not to generate war!” Silas glared at that The team members were rarely angry.

"I'm sorry, it was my subordinate's slip of the tongue!" The team member bowed his head and admitted his mistake. He naturally understood the cruelty of war, but the victory is now in sight, and the Northway Empire is about to complete a great cause that no one has ever accomplished before to unify the Xingluo Continent, so he is a little carried away.

"I can only judge that the opponent has three best retreat plans. One is to bypass the river in the southwest. The road is far away and easy to be found, but as long as they bypass the river, they will be most familiar with the mountainous area. At that time It will definitely leave us behind; the second is to retreat directly to the southeast, which is the closest to their base camp in a straight line, but it has to climb several snow-capped mountains, the speed is not necessarily faster than other routes, and there is also a shortage of food and the crisis of cold and cold; the third is the forest where we are. To retreat to the forest in the northeast, there are not many detours, but the forest is dense, and I am afraid that a lot of luggage and supplies will be lost if we go on the road. The terrain I have learned from I have confirmed it countless times on the map, but I still can’t be sure which way the other party will go, so I have to go there myself, and maybe I can find unexpected gains on the spot.” Seeing that the team member admitted his mistake with a correct attitude, Silas didn’t worry about it any more , sighed and continued to explain the purpose of his coming.

Of the three routes, Silas felt that this was the most likely one, but he couldn't make a definite judgment.The matter is of great importance, so I have no choice but to step on it myself.

"Report! There is no enemy ahead!"

Half an hour later, the sent scouts returned and reported to Silas.

"Okay, the two scouts rest where they are, and the others spread out to investigate, and gather here in 10 minutes!" Silas gave the order.

Everyone is a veteran, and after receiving the order, they all dispersed furtively, leaving the two resting scouts who just came back from going out just now to guard everyone's horses.

But Silas went out on horseback. The forest was so big that he wouldn't know when he would see it if he lingered!
Silas rode his horse galloping through the mountains and forests, taking note of all the key places in his eyes. If the opponent really retreated from this road, these would probably be the places where their army marched and ambushed.

Silas became more and more fascinated by the terrain. After rounding a hill, he didn't find something strange about the horse under him. Suddenly, the horse under him seemed to be tripped and fell to the ground.

And Silas, as a land warrior, naturally wouldn't just be thrown into shit like that.He turned sideways very handsomely, his feet landed on a tree trunk as a buffer, and he bounced up in the air and turned around to release all the momentum, and then he fell to the ground in a buoyant way—then he fell like a dog eating shit.

"Who?! Who the hell kicked me when I landed!" Silas quickly rolled on the ground, and when he stood up, the long sword was drawn from his waist.

In front of him stood a middle-aged uncle with a well-proportioned figure and a pair of amber eyes revealing a disgusting evil spirit.

As for this terrible temperament, once Silas has encountered it once, he knows that he will never forget it for the rest of his life!

"You are the manager of the inhuman house, Xiao Bu?" Silas pointed the tip of his sword down slightly, completely unable to understand why he met Xiao Bu here, and did not dare to put away his vigilance, "What are you doing here? ?”

"I was ordered to come here to save your life. You are really lucky to let the Lord Demon King take care of you. Come with me."

Xiao Bu said something to save people, but there was an evil smile on his mouth, and the gaping mouth made Silas subconsciously take a few steps back.It's not that Beelzebub wanted to scare Silas, but that he was born with such an evil smile.There are few among the Great Demon Gods whose smiles are not wretched. At most, only Lucifer's smile is not wretched, but he is arrogant. It is a big joke to expect to see a gentle and kind smile from them.

"Master Demon King? What Lord Demon King?! Who are you!" Silas suddenly raised his sword, preventing Beelzebub from taking a step closer.

"Who am I? I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I tell you! I'm not a human being, I'm the most powerful demon god in the demon world, 'Gluttony' Beelzebub! Tremble, kid! Ahahahaha..."

"You are really sick! Yuan Feiwu is so kind to give you an errand, you should cherish it! Your brain is so funny, I am so handsome, I dare not think that I am a charming angel Haniya! At the age of one Hurry up and wake up from the second illness, this place is very dangerous, you go quickly! Also, isn’t Lucifer the most powerful demon god in the demon world?"

Silas rolled his eyes and shoved the long sword back into its scabbard. Now he really didn't think Beelzebub was a danger, and he really didn't know what to say when he encountered such a psychopath.

"If Lord Demon King hadn't repeatedly ordered you not to use divine power in the mortal world, I really want to fill your mouth with flies." Beelzebub sneered a few times, and continued, "Lord Demon King has already guessed that you will have such a calamity, That's why I let my avatar follow you. Now, it is not only your inevitable catastrophe, but also an opportunity for Lord Demon King to place hope on you. Lord Demon King has high hopes for you, and I don't want you to die in this ghost place in vain. You take it to places where you can get promoted quickly."

As Beelzebub said, he walked towards Silas. Suddenly, Silas found himself locked by the other party's qi machine, unable to even move!
"What the hell! Who the hell are you! I can't die here!"

Silas was stunned, and quickly snorted, bursting out with the strongest fighting spirit, but still unable to move!

In the face of absolute strength, will and faith are just bubbles that can burst with a poke.

"Well, since you're so resistant, I'll let you choose, choose whether to follow me or not to follow me. Lord Demon King often says something to say, more reasoning and less action, I can't help but listen, right?"

Beelzebub shrugged, Silas was able to move immediately, and sat down on the ground, his whole body was drenched in sweat.

It was the first time he encountered such a situation, like a piece of meat on a chopping board being slaughtered, this feeling is too scary!

"I'm not leaving!" Silas said coldly.

"Oh. Anyway, if you stay, you will die, and if you eat it, you will die. It is better to be eaten by me. A little bit of cultivation is also cultivation!" The stench made Silas want to vomit!

The smell is nothing, the big mouth slowly sucked Silas towards the end, allowing Silas to taste the slow arrival of death, this feeling made Silas feel desperate!

"Damn, is this called being reasonable! I didn't see you giving me a choice! It's not a dead end in the end!" Silas roared angrily.

If you don't go with you, you will die. This is also called having a choice!
"Well, you are right, because you just chose a dead end." Beelzebub spread his hands helplessly.

Beelzebub agrees with Silas's statement very much, this kind of unreasonableness makes Silas aggrieved and wants to cry!
"So what on earth are you trying to do! If you scare me like this again, I'll call for help! It's embarrassing for the dignified general to call for help, please don't force me!"

"I want to save your dog's life. If you don't believe me, I can show you your ending." Beelzebub smiled.

"Okay!" Silas swallowed his saliva. After all, this is also a good strategy to extend the army, and he is also curious about how to see his own ending.

(End of this chapter)

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