Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 851 Part 1: I made an exception to save you

Chapter 851 Part 1: I made an exception to save you
Beelzebub chuckled a few times, then suddenly put his hand into his mouth, and pulled out from the depths of his throat a thing that was still dripping with green juice.

This scene was more disgusting than Silas seeing the broken limbs on the battlefield, but he still had to hold back the stench from the thing and look at it carefully.

When he looked again, he realized it was a blowfly about the size of a human being!
It's not exactly a fly, after all, its body and hands and feet are somewhat human-like!What the hell is this!The little Bu in front of him must not be a human being, is there any human being who can open his mouth so wide and pull out a humanoid fly the size of a person from it!
"What, my masterpiece is exactly the same as yours, does it scare you?"

"Scare your sister! How do you look like it! Am I just a f*cking fly!"

If Silas hadn't realized that he was definitely not Beelzebub's opponent, he would have drawn his sword to kill him long ago!

This is slander!A slander to your own image!
"Okay, take a closer look."

Beelzebub took a few steps forward, opened his mouth to a terrifying size, and swallowed Silas in one fell swoop.

Silas couldn't react at all. Seeing himself being swallowed into his stomach, he thought he was going to die, but after his eyes went dark, he found that he was still alive, and he could see the situation outside through a crack.

At a glance, I saw the big human-shaped fly lying on the side of the tree, his eyes were blank, his hands and feet were bent unnaturally...

Damn, can you open a VIP and change seats?It's so fucking fake!Looking at that thing and imagining it is me, I am exhausted physically and mentally!
But only after a while, two members of his team suddenly came here on horseback.

"There! General Silas is there!" a team member exclaimed.

What?What are you talking about?Are you sure your eyes are fine?Silas growled internally.

"I see! Why is General Silas resting under the tree, retreat quickly, the enemy is coming! Wow, General Silas, you are about to take a bath, you are exuding an unimaginable stench!" Another team member drove The horse approached, picked up the human-shaped fly, put it behind him, set the horse up and left.

I wipe!Brother, you are also blind!Even if your eyes are blind and your nose is not blocked, can that stinky thing be yourself!

Seeing the human-shaped fly trembling on the horseback, its limbs fluttering, its eyeballs twitching, and the strange green juice oozing from the corner of its mouth, Silas didn't know how to complain!
Help, when will they find out that they have identified the wrong person! Why does TM want to cry all of a sudden?

"Want to escape?" A few sky warriors suddenly appeared in the sky, approaching the two team members with a sneer, and raised their long swords, "Sylas, with green hair like a ball of green algae, has been found! Take your life!"

The long sword was swung down, and the green fly blood was scattered all over the ground.

The humanoid fly fell to the ground with its head, and its body also fell powerlessly...

"General Silas!" "General!"

The two team members reined in their horses quickly, and got off their horses before they could stop. They threw themselves in front of the body of "Silas", crying loudly.

"It's done, let's call it a day." The sky warriors took a closer look, confirmed that the target was dead, wiped off the blood on the long sword and left in satisfaction.

The scattered scouts in the forest heard the sound and gradually gathered over. Seeing the corpse on the ground, they all looked in disbelief.

Right, someone finally recognized it!Silas sighed slightly.He even forgot that the purpose at the beginning was to see what kind of crisis he would have, and now all his attention is on when those people will be able to distinguish the inferior fakes!
The two team members were blind, so they endured it; the Fengshou Empire despicably sent sky warriors to carry out assassinations, they were not familiar with them, so they admitted the wrong person, so they tolerated it.But it can't be invisible to others!Nima's corpse was bleeding green!
"Wow!!! General Silas, you died so badly! We will definitely avenge you!"

The team members stared at the corpse in disbelief for a while, and finally couldn't bear the grief, and all fell to the ground crying, sputtering.


"Let's go, I'll go with you, I feel that this mortal world is no longer the mortal world I'm familiar with..." Silas said expressionlessly.

His heart was really hurt badly.

Nima herself is a blowfly in everyone's eyes!Make wool!Not to mention that I can have captain Nangong Fengxueyue and the others are half handsome, but they will always be [-]% handsome, right?To be able to mistake that thing for himself, such a mortal world will really piss people off!
In the blink of an eye, Beelzebub brought Silas back to the Demon Realm, and with a strong shake, he threw Silas out of his stinking mouth.

"Damn, I was just joking, you are too fast! Feiyue is still waiting for me to return in triumph, where are you taking me! No matter what you say, I will not believe that you can take me Take it to the Demon Realm..."

Silas rolled on the ground several times before dissipating the momentum of his body. When he looked up, he couldn't speak anymore.

He rolled to the feet of a man with three pairs of black wings on his back. The man was staring at him coldly, with an impulse to worship, as if he was looking at a piece of shit.

Is this a dream? !Silas punched himself, nearly knocking out his teeth, and the pain brought tears to his eyes.

Nima, it's not a dream!

It's better to be in the mortal world, at least in the mortal world it is regarded as a blowfly, at least it is a life; here it is directly regarded as a piece of shit!
"Master Demon King, the reinforcements you found seem to have a broken head?" Lucifer sneered and turned around.

"Beelzebub, did you hit his head when you brought him down?" The devil asked with a smile on the throne behind Lucifer.

"No, definitely not. I'm pretty sure his mind was broken before I met him!" Beelzebub swore.

Demon, Lord Demon King? ? ?
From the moment he saw Lucifer, Silas already understood that what Xiao Bu said was true, they were really great demon gods in the demon world!So, the king of the demon world is really here... My life is over!
Silas's heart was gloomy, but he still planned to observe the appearance of the king of the demon world before he died, so as to gain insights.As a result, he froze as soon as he raised his head, his mouth slightly opened like a dementia.

"I said Captain, shouldn't you be staying in the palace prison now?!" Silas couldn't close his mouth, so he had to ask inarticulately.

This appearance made Lucifer even more convinced that this person had a brain problem, and the look in his eyes became worse than a pile of shit.

"Yes, but there is something in the Demon Realm that needs to be dealt with, so I came back temporarily and returned before dinner." Lord Demon King smiled softly.

Lord Demon King, as a Lord Demon King, don’t worry about such trivial things as whether to eat or not, okay?You are a majestic Lord Demon King, you have caused yourself to be imprisoned for you, worrying half to death, do you know that? !I'm so fucking worried! One sound of biu can destroy the guys in the mortal world, is it worth worrying about?
Yuan Feiwu is the devil king!These few kept beating in Silas's mind, like a merry-go-round!

"As the devil king, I must abide by the agreement with the heavens, and cannot use special power to influence the mortal world. So when Beelzebub made a move, you in the mortal world were already dead, and you could no longer exist as Silas in the mortal world .Now, I will appoint you as the commander of the Demon Realm, and lead the troops here to fight against the minions of the Lord of Chaos. Are you willing to accept my appointment?"

"I'm already dead in the mortal world? No, captain, let me go back to the mortal world! If I die, what will Scarlet Moon do!" Silas said anxiously.

"If you go back again, the Fengshou Empire will still use sky warriors to assassinate you unless you retire. Then what's the use of you going back? Besides, the battle to destroy the world will be ushered in the near future, and your commanding ability will be one of the three worlds. An indispensable help. You, I and Livia have already seen the disaster in the fishing village by the lake. If you fail to resist the invasion of the Destroyer, you should understand that everyone behind you will fall into purgatory on earth. So I suggest you stay here, you will get the fastest growth, and our chances of winning in future battles will be even greater!"

Silas fell silent.

He believed what the captain said, his captain would never cheat him... well, although he did.

"My fate is beyond my control. If I can be trusted by the captain, I can still use my strength to help the Three Realms in the World Annihilation War. Of course, I can only choose this path! It's just... can I see Feiyue again? ?” Silas asked resolutely with a smile.

The Demon King has said so, of course he must put righteousness first, the safety of the three realms is more important than anything else, and he put aside the matter of love between children for the time being sensibly.

But, it will still be in my heart.

"It depends on whether you can survive. The battle here will be more terrifying than any battle you have encountered. To wipe out all the invaders in the Demon Realm is the moment when we go to the Mortal Realm to support. Sorry, I think To save you, but I don't want to violate the rules, you can only return to the mortal world in this way."

"I understand! From today on, no, from the time I explored the fishing village, my life is yours! Captain, I will not let you down..." Silas gritted his teeth.

I didn't expect that I would be of great use in the crisis of annihilation, so Feiyue, please wait for me!This time my responsibilities are more arduous, and it will take more time. Our wedding date, let's wait until the day of peace after the war of annihilation!
"No, I have one last question!" Silas suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly said, "Captain, do you think I look like a blowfly?"

"Ah? Ah, so it's already at this point. If I don't go back, I will be found slipping away. See you next time!"

Lord Demon King smiled and opened a space crack, walked in, and waved to Silas.

Leaving Silas on the spot with an awkward yet polite smile, he turned his head slightly and met Lucifer's eyes.

"Like." Lucifer nodded without hesitation, showing a contemptuous smile.

Brother, I don't think I asked you...


team leader! !Come back to me quickly! !It's even worse for me that you avoid problems like this, I will hate you for the rest of my life! ! ! !Come back and give me the answer I want to hear! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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