Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 852 A commission from heaven

Chapter 852 A commission from the heavens
"Damn it, isn't it the finale? Why is there an update!"

"That's the end? Do you believe it? You're too naive." Julier raised his head, looked at Nangongfeng standing in front of him, and said in an incredible tone, "I haven't seen the author's fungus for a day." Change the status of the novel to be completed, and write the words 'complete book' at the end of the chapter, and don't believe his routine for a day. You don't understand such a simple truth?"

Nangongfeng lowered his head in a rare way, reflecting on his own innocence, feeling extremely annoyed.

That's right, Fei Wu hasn't come back yet, how could it be possible to leave such a big hole and let the novel end.

"Well, even if it's not over yet, you lost a god in the heavens, how did you find me?" Nangongfeng straightened up, pointed to the divine emblem on his forehead and said, "See clearly, this is a god made by the king of the underworld." Hades' emblem is refitted, even if it is A-grade, it is something made in the devil world! So I, the invincible fighting god Nangong Feng, should belong to the devil world camp. Since ancient times, heaven and devil have been incompatible, so why should I help you guys? work!"

"Let me give you a personal piece of advice. Try not to say your own name. It's really a bit vulgar." Juliyer walked aside, patted the mountain-high documents, and revealed between hesitant brows A trace of indifference said, "I'm very busy with work. The statistics of casualties after the World Annihilation War, the new work arrangements for the heavens, the selection of the new archangel...even I, a workaholic, can't handle it."

"Wait, don't talk to yourself indifferently, have you listened to what I said? I said, why did you call me up for the affairs of the heavens? Feiwu's life and death are still uncertain, I can't waste time On boring things. When I achieve great cultivation and break through the Three Realms to get rid of the order, I will go to the vast universe to find Feiwu!" Nangong Feng put on a serious face, very dissatisfied with Yulier's expression of arranging his work with peace of mind, " Besides, please don't say the word workaholic out of your own mouth, it's really a bit vulgar."

Nangongfeng sneered, and the last sentence was a counterattack to Yulier's saying that his name was ugly.

"Oh, then you can rest assured that what I'm giving you now is definitely not a waste of time." Yulier picked up a piece of information and quickly read it at a glance, and at some point there was a white feather in his hand A writing brush, from time to time, something is recorded on it.

This is why Haniya hates gossip with Juliyer the most, because that guy is born with the ability to listen only to what he wants to hear in an instant, and filter out what he doesn't want to hear!No amount of chatter with him is futile!

"What I mean is let someone else run errands for you, stop talking to yourself! Also, your casualty statistics haven't been compiled yet, it's been too long!"

Nangong Feng has a hearty personality, and it's a headache to meet such a disobedient guy!

Now I'm already hesitating whether to turn around and leave, and I'm so stupid to talk to the other party for so long!
If he wants to leave, he doesn't believe that there is anyone here who can stop him!
"Every angel who sacrificed has a detailed record of his status and origin. Most of them have a long life span of tens of thousands of years. Regarding their demise, we can't just take it easy. A lot of information needs to be read slowly. Proofreading and review, this is a boring and tedious detailed work, it is not so easy to complete."

Nangongfeng was stunned for a moment, he also understood that what he just said was a bit casual and offensive.God, their existence is of course much longer than ordinary people, so of course it will take more time to determine their passing.The regret brought about by the long years of existence always makes people want to pay homage to them for a while. This is a kind of remembrance and a kind of respect.

"Also, the heavens can no longer find suitable people to do this. Michael... Needless to say; God King is still seriously injured, Kamal is still seriously injured, Haniya is still seriously injured... By the way, Haniya was injured by your brother Xueyue, right? Raphael stayed in the temple to take care of the wounded; Gabriel temporarily led the army for Kamal, guarding the heaven and the mortal world. The wingless god There are only two elders left, and the internal affairs of the Wingless God are too busy. Tell me, who else can I ask to run errands, err, who can I ask to do this meaningful thing?"

"Hey, you seem to have slipped your mouth just now, right? This is just an errand job!" People like Nangong Fengneng and Yuan Feiwu Xueyue Yalong Jing Linbeck get along well, so they are naturally not fools. Birds of a feather flock together, his brain But terribly shrewd!
It's not that easy to be fooled!

"If the King of the Demon Realm was here, I don't think he would be as evasive as you are, right? You should also understand what the King of the Demon Realm has worked so hard to defend and what he hopes to leave behind. If you don't get that guy back Come on, who knows what will happen." Juliyer raised his head from the information and gave Nangongfeng a meaningful look, with a hint of worry in his cold eyes.

Afterwards, he put down the documents. He had already finished approving this thick document, picked up the next one, and started to read it again.

He is really busy, otherwise he would have already descended to the mortal world himself.However, I have to admire Yulier's wisdom. When no one is available, I thought of Nangongfeng.

Firstly, this guy is not a native of the Great Demon God, and secondly, this guy and the King of the Demon Realm are brothers and sisters. According to his understanding of the Demon King that people have to respect... Nangongfeng's character barely reaches the level that Juliel can trust the point.


"I beg you to help because you are more familiar with the mortal world. I am sending other angels down. I am afraid that I will not be able to change my bad habit of pride, so as not to cause any trouble and make everyone who has just experienced the war of annihilation arouse their sensitive nerves again." .”

"Is this the attitude of asking for help?" Nangong Feng rolled his eyes.

Being called up suddenly, and suddenly clattering to him about the task of running errands, with a look of naturalness on his face, Nangongfeng really couldn't see the attitude related to the word "begging" from Yulier's face.

"So, Nangongfeng, the invincible fighting god, are you willing to help us?" Julier, of course, let the words he didn't want to hear die with the wind, and continued to speak indifferently, as if nothing had happened.

"All right, all right, let me go for a while! It's the first time I've received someone else's request, I feel so uncomfortable! You have to pay back the favor you owe me!" Nangongfeng had nothing to say, turned around and left.

Yulier waited for Nangongfeng to go far away before raising his head slightly, rubbed the base of his nose with his index finger and thumb, and relaxed his brows with a slight sadness: "Thank you..."

Nangongfeng really didn't want to deal with that guy anymore, so he flew out of Yuriel's temple in a gloomy mood.

Nangongfeng couldn't refuse this kind of crisis that threatened Yuan Feiwu's desperately bought peace, but agreeing too easily seemed to make his labor very cheap.However, it is really not easy to raise one's posture in front of Yulier's celestial brain. I didn't get anything, and I was still tired.

Don't think too much, think more tired.Nangongfeng walked to the area limited by the heavens that can open space cracks, opened the space cracks, and walked in.Not long after the World Annihilation War, the Heaven Realm re-sealed the free passage from the Heaven Realm to the Mortal Realm.

In the eighth year after the World War ended, Nangongfeng accepted the entrustment of the Angel of Law and came to the mortal world.

The reason is that the beast god went down to the mortal world to care about the reconstruction of the mortal beast race continent. More than a year later, there was no news, and he couldn't even detect a breath, as if he had never appeared again.

The content of the task is to bring the beast god back to the heaven.

"Beast God...he is indeed a troublesome guy. I don't know what kind of moths will be caused if he stays in the mortal world." When Nangong Feng walked out of the space crack, he was still murmuring.

(End of this chapter)

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