Come to another world to be the devil

第853章 这是1个魔咒,不,是1个3位1体的魔咒

Chapter 853 This is a curse, no, it is a trinity curse
Nangongfeng appeared in a barren place in the Orc Continent.

No, that was before, and it cannot be said to be barren now.

A Yangtze River crossing the Orc Continent suddenly popped up by itself a few years ago. At that time, the Orc people were still in the shadow of the war of annihilating the world, and they were terrified.

After the masters of the orc clan explored the river, they found out that this seemed to be a natural workmanship, not the minions sent by the master of chaos, so they let the residents of the orc clan approach the Yangtze River again with confidence.

Then, the benefits of bringing a beast race along the Yangtze River were slowly discovered!

First, this big river that runs through the core part of the Orc Continent has many tributaries. The seawater poured in from the boundless sea can be directly used for drinking and irrigation without any processing, completely solving the water source in the inland of the Orc Continent question.

Second, there are many edible fish in the Yangtze River. Under the guidance of Moses, the wisdom of the orcs, everyone began to catch fish in a planned way. The adult aquatic creatures were eaten or sold immediately, and the young were put into the fish that they built. Ponds were raised to develop an alternative "animal husbandry".But they still don't know that in Yuan Feiwu's hometown, this is called "aquaculture", while the orc tribe imitated the usual way of animal husbandry, which is called "water husbandry".Relying on these fresh aquatic products, the orcs have another hot commodity that can be traded with the demons and humans.

Thirdly, regard the great river that runs through the Orc Continent as a new transportation artery. The transportation of materials on water is much larger than that on land, which will greatly help the post-war reconstruction and trade development of the Orc .

It can be said that this great river made the Orc Continent get rid of the name of barren land, and their land was truly fertile because of it!

This is the blessing of the Creator God!
The blessing of the Creator God?Shit, it doesn't exist!

Nangongfeng tidied up his clothes and shook his head silently.

Although he didn't know how this magical river emerged, he was sure that it had absolutely nothing to do with the God of Creation.That old guy is still recovering from his injuries... Even if he wasn't recovering from his injuries, he wouldn't have the time to think about these things.

Nangongfeng didn't have any clue in his mind, so he had to wander around casually.The Beast Race Continent is so big, it's not so easy to find a guy who hasn't noticed any aura. If you can find someone by just walking around the Beast Race Continent a few times, how can the heavens call him to help.It's not only difficult events that have ghosts!

Could something happen to that stupid cat?But who in the mortal world can surprise him?
Indulging in Nangong Feng who couldn't extricate himself from using his brain, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched a piece of paper that was blown by a sudden gust of wind.It was a promotional poster about the opening of the new branch of Landis Academy of Magic in the Orc Continent.

"Mighty! Landis Academy of Magic has opened a branch in the Orc Continent?" Nangong Fengle, and after thinking about it, he figured it out.

Due to the opportunity of the War of Extermination, the three races of humans and beasts are currently in a peaceful coexistence relationship, and a channel for mutual trade has also been opened. The commodities and cultures of the three races are gradually blending.Therefore, Nangongfeng, a person with a human appearance, appeared by the river of the beast race, and not many people cared.There are more and more human beings coming to the orcs to do business. It is not surprising that there is a human around anytime, anywhere, and it is not surprising that a demon appears.

In such a big environment, it is a good choice to establish a magic academy in the orc continent where there is no magic.Not only can the relationship between the two races be consolidated by imparting magic, but also the way of fighting qi between the two races can be exchanged with each other.Such a branch of Landis Academy of Magic feels like a bridge connecting the cultivation cultures of both sides, and it is of great significance.

If you have no direction, go and have a look.Anyway, Nangongfeng has already made preparations for a long-term war of resistance, and it's not too short of time.

Nangongfeng was going to fly to a city where the branch school of Landis School of Magic is not located here. Before flying, he checked himself a little worriedly.

The time for him to inherit Hades' deity is too short, and Hades' original divine power is dark divine power. Although Yuan Feiwu somehow modified it to suit him, it still takes a long time for him to get used to it. .

To put it simply, it is impossible to be flexible and free, and it is easy to have a situation where divine power goes berserk, just like Yuan Feiwu was unable to control his own power at the beginning, learning to gather fighting energy but always releasing fighting energy.Such a situation is too dangerous for a god who walks around in the mortal world.Just like when Yuan Feiwu and Leicester were singled out, they didn't dare to make a move first and felt the opponent's strength first. If they didn't control the force well, let alone beat Leicester to death, they would blow everyone on the spot with a single punch. It is quite possible to become slag.

Later, Nangongfeng asked Lucifer for advice, and Lucifer said that he had no way to effectively solve Nangongfeng's problem, and Nangongfeng could only let Nangongfeng get used to it slowly.But in order not to cause any danger in the mortal world, Nangongfeng used an ancient method taught by Lucifer.

Divine power seal.

This seal can seal a god's superfluous divine power and reduce his cultivation base, so that he is not afraid of mismanagement due to poor control of divine power.Of course, such a tactic is not used to limit oneself like Nangong Feng, but is usually used to deal with captured gods.

Nangongfeng didn't have much confidence in himself, so he put two seals on himself without saying a word, and his cultivation level suddenly dropped to Sky Warrior.It is not easy to untie these seals. Nangong Feng is afraid that he will accidentally blow up the seals. The seals are very strong. It is not impossible to break them without external help, but it is estimated that it will take a lot of money. time.After all, he didn't want to suddenly lose control of his divine power and blow up the branch of Landis Academy of Magic.

And this level is enough for him to come and go freely in the mortal world. He has the magic glove made of the ancient secret stone in the heaven, and he does not need to use divine power to use fighting energy, but he also has the support of the fighting energy of the three elements. Isn't this level more than enough in the mortal world?

After the self-inspection, the two seals were secure, Nangongfeng smiled happily and flew into the air.

The city of Babylon in the interior of the Orc Continent has a superior geographical location and is close to several large tribes, making the city's trade market very developed, and gradually developing into an important big city in the Orc Continent.The daily flow of people and the long-term population have unconsciously surpassed the capital of the orcs.

Nangongfeng found the gate of the Landis School of Magic and sighed as he looked at it.

The Landis Academy of Magic branch school in the Orc Continent is not as majestic as the school itself. From a distance, the school gate looks like the gate of a large villa.However, the Orc Continent also attaches great importance to this academy. You can tell from the exaggerated area of ​​this academy, and you can see wolf warriors patrolling and defending nearby from a distance, giving Douglas enough face.

Seeing people approaching the main entrance and taking part in the entrance examination, Nangongfeng was so sad... I think he came to the main entrance of Landis School of Magic and Magic, and then he was forcibly abducted by a bad old man!

Otherwise, he might already be the world's first three-element magician with a reputation all over the world, right?

Although the three-line elemental warrior is also the first in the world, a magician is his dream!
Suddenly, Nangong Feng shuddered, an ominous, no, three ominous auras quickly approached behind him!

"Ah! It's him!" "Stinky boy, why are you here!" "Oh, the brat has become a god and started to show off, right? Seeing us run away?"


Nangongfeng began to deeply feel that he and the Landis School of Magic are not compatible!Whether it is the school gate of the school or the school gate of the branch school!It should be a curse, as long as you come to the school gate during the enrollment time, you will definitely meet those three old urchins!
"Why are the three of you here!?!? Don't just grab another orc student and go back to conduct experiments. If it is discovered, it is a political and diplomatic issue! Do you want to start a war with the orc! Also, don't mess around What do you call success or not, keep a low profile!" Nangong Feng simply stopped running after a few steps, whether it was a blessing or a disaster, he couldn't avoid it.

He is not a person who avoids difficulties, and those who dance with wind and moon always only face difficulties!Of course, the main reason for Nangongfeng's decisiveness is that these three are also the kind who don't listen to people's words!Where can he go as a sky warrior, he just wants to annoy them to death!
"Tch, do you think the three-element physique is running all over the street? You can't find a two-element physique, okay?" Wind Sword Master Tuo Tuo put his hands on his hips, with a confident look.

I can't find it, it's not that I don't want to find it!After a long time, don't you want to catch an orc and go back to do experiments?Such thinking is dangerous!

"Don't worry, we still have a backup plan. It must be very interesting to come to the elephant clan orcs to learn the elephant clan fighting spirit!" Earth Sword Saint Jinbro added with a smile.

"Don't hesitate, please make this plan the main choice and the only one." Nangong Feng's attitude was indescribably serious.

"Meeting you, of course we have to change the plan to be different! Come, come, teach us how to cultivate supernatural power! You are an invincible fighting god!" Raiden the Sword of Fire Holy Curtain said excitedly.

When the interest is high, the voice is high, and Moredon's voice immediately attracted the attention of many onlookers.

"God, stop yelling! It's not your own words that the master leads the door and practice depends on the individual! There is no shortcut to practice, you can only improve yourself slowly. Besides, my current level is only the sky warrior, how can I teach you? ?”

"Ah? Why?! You just broke your foot in that battle. It should grow back like a creeper breaking its tail in two days!"

The three sword masters were very surprised. Obviously, this disciple whom they were proud of had become a god, so why did his cultivation level drop again?

"You're a creeper! A leg grew back with a bang, what kind of creature do you think a god is! I imprisoned myself and sealed most of my divine power..."

"What confinement technique? I want to learn!" "Show me! I want to see!" "I want to see too!"

"Don't drag me, you can see it in my sea of ​​consciousness!"

The three old men messed up a handsome guy's clothes by tugging at each other, which eventually made some people think of some not-so-good things, and finally attracted more people's attention.

Even the warriors of the wolf tribe moved over here vigilantly.

Nangongfeng was helpless, in case his true identity was revealed by these three old men, he would have to change his appearance and start over.Forget it all, if you still startle the snake, wouldn't it be more troublesome!

"Let go, I'll tell you later, I have an urgent task here, don't mess it up for me..."

"Stop, stop, don't bully this new student..."

A timid voice sounded, interrupting their entanglement.It's just that it sounds like the owner of the small crying voice should be the one being bullied.

Nangongfeng turned his head dumbfoundingly, he didn't expect that he would be "bullied" in the eyes of others one day.

And when he turned around, he saw a pair of big eyes shining with tears. At the moment when they lost the concept of time and looked at each other, Nangongfeng didn't know how much trouble the owner of these big eyes was going to bring him. thing.

(End of this chapter)

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