Chapter 854

The owner of the big eyes has long light yellow hair, and the delicate facial features are very beautiful.They are also pure and beautiful, but not as indifferent as Yuan Feiwu's, but rather seductive and cute.Pureness is the temperament she exudes, and charming is her natural appearance.Her eyes and smiles are very natural, but she always makes people feel charming. This is not her nature, but the result of her natural appearance.

Nangongfeng was amazed by the visitor, and was about to speak, when he was suddenly distracted, and was attracted by the two big furry fox ears on the visitor's ears.

The pretty face with the pair of fox ears, and the thick long hair scattered on both sides, is so seductive that there is no way not to let people look at it more.

"Xin, Xinsheng, are you injured..."

The timid voice sounded again, and the owner of the voice lowered his head to avoid Nangongfeng's gaze, which made Nangongfeng realize the impoliteness of his unscrupulous gaze.

"No, how could a few bad old men hurt me, ahaha..." Nangongfeng smiled heartily.

"Then what are you doing here?" The fox girl raised her head again, her big eyes filled with curiosity.

This man is so tall, he can almost match the height of the tiger orcs, but he is not as fat as the tiger orcs, he looks very well-proportioned... The fox girl commented in her heart, because the angle of her head is too high , my head is a little tired.Most of the races in the Beast Clan are not short in height, but the Fox Clan orcs are all relatively small in stature. The Fox Clan girls have lived in their own tribe for many years and rarely see outsiders, even if they come out more now to see the world. , seeing Nangong Feng's slender height up close is still very uncomfortable.

"We... what are we doing here?"

Nangongfeng laughed, this question is really hard to explain, you can't just say that I am the Invincible Fighting God, these old buggers are grabbing me and asking me to teach them something!

Simply push this problem to the three Juggernaut masters, and express his eyes to everyone who dares to reveal his true identity, we will wait and see!
"Ah? What are we doing here?" Mu Leiden was taken aback for a moment, a little dumbfounded.

Damn, this bastard wants to hide his identity, but he's too lazy to use his brain, what a bastard!

"Yeah, what are you doing?" Kimbro also reacted quickly, turning his questioning eyes to Tuo Tuo, who was about to say this a bit too late.

Tuo Tuo wanted to vomit blood. Originally, this nerve-wracking thing should be thought of by four people together, but in a blink of an eye, everyone looked at him, depressed!
"That... the story is like this... Our good grandson got the admission notice of the Landis School of Magic, and we sent him to school. Oh, it's so sad, it's so glorious..."

Tuo Tuoou was talking nonsense, even a few flying dragons couldn't hold back, combined with the geographical location, scene environment and current events, he immediately said a reasonable plot.

"Then why have you been entangled together? You see, his clothes have been ripped off by you." The fox girl pointed to Nangongfeng who exposed half of her strong shoulder, her face flushed slightly.

"This... the second half of the story is like this... When we came to the Landis School of Magic, we suddenly found that we couldn't pay the expensive fees, so shame and helplessness occupied all of us, and we couldn't help it. I was heartbroken, so I couldn't control my body and tore it together!" Tuo Tuoou winked and showed contradictory emotions as he said, although he was a little ferocious, he still bluffed the fox girl.

Perfect, nonsense is so perfect, except for Tuo Tuo, the others couldn't help applauding him!If you want to talk about the 'nonsense' ranking list, among the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters, Tuo Tuo'ou definitely ranks first!Undisputed number one!

When Nangongfeng was still admiring Tuo Tuo in his heart, suddenly that lovely figure came to him again.

"Here you are." The fox girl's voice was slightly choked, she took a small leather bag from her waist, and handed it to Nangongfeng with both hands.

"Give me something?" Nangongfeng was once again taken aback by this strange fox girl.

"Money... I have all my food expenses for this school year here. It should be barely enough to pay the school fees. Next year, if it is not enough, we will figure out a way. Don't worry, don't be sad..." The fox girl said Suddenly wept softly.

Don't worry, don't be sad, it should be you, hey!Don't cry!Seeing the beauty cry so pitifully, I'm terribly panicked!Ever since Nangongfeng was captured alive by Tuo Tuo and brought back to the mountain, he has never been so flustered again! Should TM wipe her tears now, or should he push back this little skin first!The skin bag seems to be kept close to the body, and it exudes a nice body fragrance!No, why did I digress!
"Wait a minute, don't give your food expenses to strangers indiscriminately! What will you do if you give it to us! Maybe we are lying to you!"

In the end, Nangongfeng still didn't dare to wipe the tears for others. The little girl looked innocent and timid. He was afraid that he would cry even harder when he touched her face, so he hurriedly pushed the little skin back.

"You guys are so miserable, how could you lie to me! Take it first, and I will figure out a way... I also survived like this last year... Although there is not much money in it, it is all contributed by our whole clan My... now we are cultivating new crops, and we will have more money in the future, so don't worry!" The fox girl pushed the little skin bag over again.

Damn, this little girl really believed Tuo Tuo's nonsense!The whole clan pays for you to go to school alone, and you just give away the money casually, how can you make me feel at ease!And last year too?I was cheated out of my food expenses last year!It's so easy to cheat, if I were a liar, would I not be so deceitful when I met this kind of little girl who gave her food expenses with both hands before she even started asking for money?

"Okay, you put it away first, I'm going to stop reading, okay? Look at you, what malnutrition looks like, Yuan Feiwu is half a head taller than you standing next to you! Sorry, I accidentally slandered the devil My lord, forgive me."

Nangongfeng is a little angry at this kind of guy who is so simple that he has no defense at all. He has a sinister heart. In this world, he must have a heart of harm and a heart of defense. He is as simple as a fool, how can he live in this world?
"Ah? I'm not considered skinny in the fox family!" The fox girl blushed, stood up straight and puffed her chest out, trying to show that she wasn't thin at all.

It's really not thin, Nangong Feng almost got a nosebleed.

I used to hear about vixen vixen, so that's what it means!
The orc of the fox family seems to be born with a very perfect body proportion. Although she is not tall, she has a bulging front and a small waist. There are many things that make men crazy. Now, as soon as he raised his head and raised his chest, Nangongfeng immediately felt a little hot in his body.

She possesses the natural charm of a fox orc!
"It's rare to be enrolled in the Landis Academy of Magic, you can't give up!" The fox girl was really too shy, she hurriedly shone her body and quickly retracted her body, showing a resolute expression for the first time on her timid face.

The persistence in her eyes actually made Nangongfeng want to look at it, it was a bit scary.

"Okay, okay, I'm scared, okay? I'll go to school in a while, and I'll apply for a bursary for money. If the school doesn't approve me, I'll let my three grandpas go to the principal's office and cry. Is that okay? " Nangongfeng sighed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

This trick sounds like a farce, but these two "grandfathers" have a very strong background. No one would dare to pretend that they didn't hear a word in the principal's office... No, if it was Douglas Old Jianghu, maybe there is a way to pretend not to hear.

He was convinced, even with a sulking heart.Once a person is so innocent that people can only see pure white without scratches from her body, Rao Nangongfeng has no way to blame anything, on the contrary, it makes people want to cherish and protect, not wanting to let any Dirt stained this pure white.So he used coaxing and deceitful ways to fool this fox girl, as long as she is happy, if she still wants to argue about it, he will take the three old Buxiu to the principal's office to make trouble later!Is this finally all right?

"Ah, that's right! Although Principal Livia looks fierce, he is a very nice person. As long as you meet the requirements, you will definitely be able to apply! I will take you to the principal!" The fox girl has always been a little timid, but talking When it came to Livia, she suddenly felt relieved. Two big furry fox ears stood up, and the big tail that had been hidden behind her began to flick.

"Oh, it turns out that Principal Livia came to the Orc Continent to sit in charge. I'll go find her later, so I don't need to trouble you." Nangong Feng thanked.

"Yeah! If you still have difficulties, you can come to me. I'm Lolo from the third grade magic class!" The fox girl nodded happily and ran away shyly.

"Not bad, this girl is not bad, you can think about it!"

Before Luoluo had gone far, Tuo Tuo couldn't wait to help his disciple pull the red line.

Nangongfeng didn't bother to care about these old men and women. Almost every time they saw a girl, these few seemed anxious that their apprentice would not find a wife. Nangongfeng had long since become numb.

"What's wrong? It's so simple that I'm speechless!" Nangong Feng smiled wryly.

"Hey, boy, why do you say that? Don't be fooled by the hearsay news in the Star Luo Continent. The fox clan is not as cunning and smart as the rumors say. On the contrary, the fox clan is a very peaceful, weak and pure race. Their combat effectiveness Too low personality and introverted, basically do not go out of the tribe to deal with outsiders. So the orcs of the fox clan are all as simple as a blank sheet of paper. How dare you dislike such a beautiful quality. Believe it or not, I just lift my foot. Gale volley kicked you to death?" Tuo Tuoou didn't hit a single place when he heard that, did daring and innocence become a shortcoming?

Nangongfeng really didn't know what happened to the Fox Clan, but after hearing Tuo Tuo's words, he understood a little bit more in his heart.But, how could such a weak race survive in the orc race?

"Okay, why don't you be so busy with the volley, it's rare to see each other, and come and listen to the difficulties of the disciples, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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