Chapter 855

"Besides, is it possible that I have to pay for your lies and go to school to be a student! You are so nonsense, you can solve it yourself!" Nangongfeng said helplessly.

"It's not impossible to go to school... By the way, kid, what's your mission?" Mu Leiden asked.

"More than a year ago, the Beast God quietly came down to the Mortal Realm and disappeared in the Beast Race Continent. I came to find out what happened and bring that stupid cat back to the Heaven Realm." Nangong Feng whispered.

"The beast god has descended to the mortal world? We really didn't pay attention to this. If the beast god blocked his breath and didn't want people to find out, of course we would also find out. It’s not bad for you to use Landis School of Magic as a foothold, and we can help to keep an eye out for any clues.” Kim Bro said, “But there must be rewards, rewards!”

"You are all rascals, you dare to ask for rewards for the lives of the people! What can I give you!" Why did the painting style suddenly change? Nangongfeng said depressedly for the three old and unrefined cheeks.

"Anything is fine, you are a majestic fighting god, don't you have any valuables!" Tuo Tuou looked contemptuous, and rubbed his fingers in front of Nangongfeng, signaling Nangongfeng to hand over the valuables.

"You guys have evolved again! It's not extortion now, it's already clearly robbing, okay! Do you still need valuable things!" Nangongfeng really had no choice but to say, "Let's do this, How about I teach you the Seven Killing Fist? The unique secret book of the king of the demon world, full of power!"

"Okay! That's it!" Mu Leiden swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the longing in his eyes could not be concealed.

They had long ago discovered that their apprentice had learned a move from somewhere—the Seven Killing Fist, which was quite powerful.But I think it should be Nangongfeng's own unique knowledge, and they all understand the reason and didn't ask Nangongfeng to teach them.I didn't expect that Nangongfeng would take the initiative to teach them at this time, it would be different, if you don't learn, you won't learn!Their love for martial arts makes them want to learn any moves they have never seen before!

"But this is a solo secret book...can you teach it?" Kimbrough was a little hesitant.

"Of course, it's not a big deal." Nangong Feng laughed.

The Seven Killing Fist is indeed powerful, but to truly exert its power depends on the understanding of the user.When Yuan Feiwu said that this set of kung fu was the most suitable for him, he didn't feel much. Now that he is different from himself at the beginning, he finally understood what Yuan Feiwu said, and he also felt that this set of Seven Killing Fist was really suitable for him. .

And the three masters are as close as his grandfather, even if the Seven Killing Boxing is a unique skill, Nan Gongfeng is willing to teach them without saying a word.

"Okay, we're teaching at the branch of Landis School of Magic. If you have anything to do, you can come to us..." Tuo Tuo said with a smile, before he finished speaking, he saw Nangong Feng shoot an arrow flew out.

The three sword masters all looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads and flew away.Young man, young man, if you don't know how to speak, leave a way out, well, you're about to slap yourself in the face...

On the other side of the Lantis School of Magic branch school gate, Luo Luo anxiously handed over her little skin.

An orc reached out to take it, opened it, and sighed: "The money is a bit low. After paying the tuition fee, I don't have enough left over for a few days of dental sacrifice..."

"Ah? It's okay, I'll find a part-time job at school to earn some pocket money, and then you can eat with me! So you must not give up your studies..."

"That's fine." The orc nodded in satisfaction, looked lewdly at Lolo, and said with a smile, "Why don't you come to my dormitory and cook for me today? I think you can teach me, maybe I can make food for myself..."


Lolo didn't notice the remark of that orc drunken man who didn't care about drinking, and was only happy that she helped others again.

How did this guy survive to this age?If it is sold, it will count the money for others!

Nangongfeng sighed, since it happened right under his nose, he couldn't pretend he couldn't see it.

"She's not free, you'd better work hard on your own."

With a bright and sunny smile, Nangongfeng fell from the sky without any warning and kicked the orc away.The orc flew away like a pop, with the sound of flying rapidly through the air.Nangongfeng slowly stretched out his hand, and caught the little skin that fell down. His handsome movements could make any little girl scream.

"Hey, what happened to him..." It's a pity that Luoluo can only feel the dismay of being taken aback by Nangongfeng, and she is even more worried about the orc who was kicked away, "He hasn't got the money yet Now, how will you go about enrolling?"

"Did you meet that guy at school?"

Nangongfeng shook his head helplessly. No matter how you look at it, that person is just a little hooligan nearby. If he has already enrolled, he should at least go back to school wearing a school uniform like Luo Luo, right?This guy hasn't woken up yet.

"No, no." Luo Luo was always a little timid in the face of others, and replied timidly when Nangong Feng approached.

"No, it means that he didn't enroll. You gave this person the money last year, right? You were cheated."

"No one would use their misery to deceive others, it's just that the school is too big and we haven't met before!" Luo Luo retorted in a low voice.

Although she is timid, it does not mean that she has no temper. It can even be said that her heart is sometimes more stubborn than anyone else.

Nangongfeng looked at Luo Luo who had always been soft and weak, suddenly raised her face, her stubborn little nose sucked and sucked, feeling as if she was going to cry wronged at any time, and she had a very headache.

"Yes, yes, you are right. We will look for him later. But now you are too busy to take care of him. You forgot that I am also a freshman. I am here to ask you for help."

Nangongfeng's heart suddenly softened, and he immediately changed his words.Perhaps it would be cruel to forcefully prove to her the dark side in front of her, so why not just let her continue to believe in the beauty of this world.

Nangongfeng couldn't help but patted Luoluo's head, the little skin stopped on her head after stroking, but she still had a cute face, Nangongfeng just wanted to laugh.

Ahem, this is wrong, how can you want to tease someone just because they are cute, what is the difference between this and Athena Yu Yuanfeiwu!review!Must review!
"Oh! I forgot that you are also very pitiful, so you can take it!" Luoluo took off the small skin bag on her head belatedly, and handed it to Nangongfeng.

The way this man smiled just now looks so good...

Nangongfeng didn't take the little bag, but just touched Luoluo's head again. Nangongfeng always felt like he was touching some cute puppy or cat, which made him feel happier: "You took me to the principal Even if the office is a great help, hurry up, or I will not be able to apply for a bursary when Principal Livia gets off work."

"Why do you always like to touch my head? Although it's very comfortable, it's very strange!" Luoluo's ears flicked a few times sensitively, and while complaining in a low voice, she turned around and quickened her pace, apparently Nangong Fengyi said that she I also started to worry, "Come with me!"

Looking at the big fluffy tail swaying behind the man in front of him, Nangongfeng couldn't help but smile again.The fox orcs are really too cute and cute, there is no place that is not cute!I just don't know if this big tail can be touched, it feels very comfortable to touch...

Obviously, Nangongfeng did not take the entrance test and was not eligible to enter the school.But Luoluo seems to be very popular in the school, the guard at the gate foolishly let Nangongfeng in under Luoluo's incoherent and anxious urging, and he didn't even understand what he was here for.

The Landis Academy of Magic occupies a very vast area. Although it is not as shady as the school, nor does it have the bright lake view of the artificial lake, but it has cultivated a large expanse of flat grassland, which is already rare in the Beast Continent. The beautiful and quiet environment at first sight.

The teaching building is divided into many buildings, and the floors are not high, which does look a bit inferior.The dormitory buildings are densely built together, and it looks quite grand from a distance. This shows that the Landis School of Magic branch school has quite a lot of enrollment in the Orc Continent.

As expected, Luo Luo was a student who had attended classes at the Landis Academy of Magic for three years, and brought Nangong Feng to the principal's office with ease.

He knocked on the door of the principal's office, walked in and said hello to Livia very politely.

It seems that as long as she meets other people, Lolo will be shy and shy, even when facing her beloved principal Livia.

After Livia simply greeted her back, her eyes never left Nangongfeng.

Nangongfeng is well-known whether Wudi is a God of War or a three-line elemental warrior, but how many people recognize his true colors except for his classmates from Landis Magic Academy in the same grade and soldiers who have worked with him?The spectators who saw him fight from a distance in the academy exchange competition?The people who met once when the minions of the master of chaos came to rescue the disaster?
Especially after the World Annihilation War, Nangong Feng went to the Demon Realm to recuperate his injuries, and he hasn't been seen for several years. Everyone's impression of his appearance has become even more blurred.

But Livia is of course impossible to forget, she is the one who witnessed these people from the Inhuman House shine in the academy together, and then shine in the entire mortal world.She believed that she would never forget that kind of brilliance in her life.

At this moment, she was trying to identify Nangongfeng's winking, wrinkling his eyes and nose at Luoluo, rolling his eyes, rolling his eyes all the time, what the hell was the meaning of these winks at her all the time.

But Livia believed that even Linbeck couldn't figure it out here. An orc student from the branch of Landis School of Magic and an invincible God of War, what the hell was he trying to do when they walked in together?Two people who are completely different from each other and can't get along with each other appear here together. Who can guess what they want to do? !
"Li, Livia, sorry to disturb you, I, I brought this freshman here to apply for a bursary from you!" Lolo plucked up the courage to speak out her request.

Kind guys don't like to trouble others, but for others, these guys are willing to carry such difficult words on themselves.

While being moved by Luo Luo, Nan Gongfeng winked harder and harder.

"Freshman? Well, I understand. Lolo, you go out first, I need this freshman to stay and talk to me about his situation."

Livia herself is relatively dull and serious, and doesn't like to engage in such seemingly shameful activities. According to her temperament, she has long wanted Nangongfeng to talk properly and stop making eyebrows.But later, after Douglas often behaved like this, she was able to accept it a little bit, so she cooperated with Nangongfeng more face-savingly and gave an answer according to the current situation.

Seeing that Nangong Feng kept nodding, Livia knew that he had made a choice that was in line with his heart.

Luoluo looked back at Nangongfeng, Nangongfeng quickly recovered his normal expression, nodded confidently at Luoluo, and then Luoluo walked out of the office step by step.

"Tell me, what is the dignified God of Fighting coming here to do? If you tell me that it's just to hook up beautiful women, even if you are God of Fighting, I will show you some color! How can people who come out of Landis Magic Academy be so arrogant? Unreliable!"

Livia walked back to the desk, poured two cups of tea, and handed a cup to Nangongfeng.

Although Livia's face was fierce at the moment, it was rare for her to meet an old friend in a foreign land, and she was actually quite happy.

(End of this chapter)

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