Chapter 856 Start Here

"What about hooking up with beautiful women? Am I like this? I'm not Adam Kun!" Nangongfeng defended himself very seriously.

Obviously, his personality is a handsome, bright, sunny guy who loves cars, sees the coffins in the car, and opens the lid when he sees the coffin. Why do you feel that the evaluation in the eyes of others seems to be declining more and more seriously?There is no reason!
"You suddenly walked in with the most beautiful beauty in our school, I can't help but get caught up in the wild." Livia was honest, and said something in his heart, "Tell me, what's the purpose of letting a beauty bring you into the branch school? No. Is it already the finale, and you can still add drama to yourself like this?"

"I've asked this question before, so please don't escalate the question and throw it to me. Adding drama or something is completely slandering." Nangongfeng smiled wryly, "I guess there are too many pitfalls, and the author has to finish it. Let's get back to the topic , I really have an important mission to come here."

"What mission?"

Livia accepted the reason Nangong Feng said, after all, there are indeed a lot of pitfalls.

"Find a man, no, find a god."

"The whereabouts of the active flying dancer?" Livia's plain eyes stirred up waves.

After the Great War of Extermination, a thousand wastes are waiting for prosperity, but prosperity is flourishing.But they all understand that this is not a perfect ending.The great demon king who was supposed to represent darkness and evil has never been heard from... No one will just let him go, they are not reconciled, the people who are guarded by the back of the enemy with a mutilated body , will never be willing to lose this savior just like that.

She, Livia, still hasn't given up looking for this Lord Demon King, her junior brother.

"No." Nangongfeng's heart darkened when he heard Livia say the name, "I'm here to find the Beast God who has been missing for more than a year, does Principal Livia have any news about the Beast God coming down to earth? "

"Beast God?" Livia's rigid expression also showed a trace of doubt.

Seeing this expression, Nangongfeng already understood the answer.It seems that the beast god descended to earth quietly and sneakily!It's normal to say that cats are born to like to move quietly, nature!This TM is nature!

How hard it is to find a lost stupid cat hiding in the dark, doesn't Julier have any idea about it?Don't send more manpower to him!
"The branch school was established and opened four years ago, so I have not been here for a short time, but I have never heard of it. If there is anything weird, it is the river that suddenly appeared in the Orc Continent, but It also doesn't match the time when the Beast God disappeared," Livia said.

"I don't have any information at all, it's really tricky, I knew that bastard Yulier must have nothing good to find me here. Forget it, anyway, the Beast God is so powerful, what can happen in the mortal world? I don't know what happened in the mortal world? Where did you sleep to death and didn't realize that you slept for so long?" Nangong Feng laughed.

"..." Livia was a little at a loss for words. The gods I respected in my heart when I felt that the distance was very far away can now be heard with my ears, and there are many down-to-earth complaints. , "Speaking of which, we have also had a few cases of disappearance here, and the disappearance of the Beast God seems to be at the right time. I am investigating but have not found anything so far. Could it be related?"

"Serial disappearance cases? Such a coincidence? I think there is a possibility that it is related, so it is also a good choice for me to stay and use the Landis School of Magic as the base camp."

Nangongfeng felt that before there were no other clues, he could consider starting from here. After all, this was a disappearance case that even Livia had a headache. It may have exceeded Livia's ability to find out the clues.And events that can exceed the level of a great magister in the mortal world are very likely to be related to gods!
"With your help, I feel more at ease." Livia smiled a little on her serious face, "The student dormitory will arrange a separate building for you, so that you can move around more easily. By the way, the teachers assigned here are relatively young Teacher, I have never had contact with you, so you can rest assured that your identity will not be recognized, but the name must be changed, help you register Afeng..."

"Ah Feng is fine, it's just a name, whatever you want. But... why is it a student dormitory? At my age, I really want to pretend to be a student here? At my level, it's okay to be a teacher who teaches fighting spirit, right?"

"Of course there is no problem, if you know the magic of erasing memory." Livia said coldly.

"That... won't..."

"Is there still a choice?" Livia glanced out of the window, and there was a large light yellow tail dangling in the corridor outside the window.

They didn't need to see the picture to imagine a nervous girl waiting anxiously by the corridor.

"Whether I can apply for a bursary, she seems more nervous than me..." Nangongfeng was a little bit dumbfounded.

Do you have to be so concerned about someone who is not relatives or relatives?What kind of strange orcs are the fox clan!
"Fox orcs are kind and helpful by nature. You are not allowed to complain about them. I can only wrong you to be a student. Take the key." Livia is straightforward and neat. The things under her management are always in order, and you can find them in no time. Put the keys in different categories and throw them to Nangongfeng, "Magic Class 1, Grade [-], I will help you with the admission procedures. You can just go to class when the school starts tomorrow."

Nangongfeng took the key resignedly, but wailed resignedly: "Why the magic class? Let me go to the fighting qi class!"

"The missing ones are all students from the magic class... It just so happens that you have always liked magic? From the basics, let me give you back the dream of a magician."

"Report to the principal, you can print the last sentence on the poster, I think it is a very good slogan."

What else can Nangongfeng do besides accepting his fate, a magic student is a magic student!Today is not what it used to be, now that he is an imposing and invincible fighting god, how can mere magic be able to stop him?

"I won't say hello to anyone about your affairs, so as not to overwhelm others, so please be a good magician student and don't make any problems, such as cheating with divine power, which may expose your identity all at once." Livia said, "Also, all three of your masters are visiting professors in the school. If you are entangled by them, you probably..."

"Isn't it just a little thing like magic, what did I do wrong? But Principal Livia, it's too late for you to talk about the three masters..." Nangong Feng wanted to cry but had no tears.

Such an important reminder, why did I give it now!In an RPG game, it is completely a bug!
"This... I'll ask again, will you erase the magic of other people's memories? Punching amnesia is also allowed..."

"Principal Livia, I'll say it again, I really don't know how to ... and amnesia or something, your words also revealed that you are very unhappy with those three old bastards!" Nangongfeng waved his hand , "Forget it, I will settle those three old men who don't practice. If it doesn't work, I will do it again in a different way. Please be more tolerant and tolerant of them."

"Of course, I was just joking..." Livia's serious expression couldn't hide a trace of regret.

Just kidding!Your expression betrays you!Please make your rigid face a little more rigid, please!

Nangongfeng walked out of the office, and Luo Luo, who had been waiting in the corner for a long time, came forward timidly and expectantly: "What, what? Is Principal Livia willing to provide you with a bursary?"

"Of course there's no problem with me." Nangong Feng showed the dormitory key and smiled confidently.

The bright and confident smile that seemed to have a sunny CG left Luo Luo stunned.She has lived in the fox family who are walking on thin ice since she was a child. She has never seen such a confident and hearty smile. She is so envious and yearning in her heart that she forgot what to say next.

"Do you want to take you to see where my dormitory is?"

Nangongfeng reached out and touched Luoluo's head, the furry feeling really made him want to stop.

"I'll visit you later, now I have other guidance work for freshmen. Why do you always touch my head?"

Lolo shrank her neck, although she wasn't used to it, but she didn't dislike this kind of touch, and her tail swayed because it was comfortable.

"I want to express my liking for you. Thank you for your help. I'm enrolled." Nangong Feng said with a smile.

"It's great that you like Luo Luo!" Luo Luo said happily.

Luo Luo's mind is so pure, because someone likes it, then it is worthy of being happy from the heart, and she will not think too much about any ambiguity caused by that liking, all she has is goodwill.

"Go ahead and get busy. I'll just go and get acquainted with the environment myself."

"Yeah! Lolo is leaving first!"

Nangongfeng wandered around the campus and found his dormitory after a long time.It is also the last room of the top single-family dormitory. The architectural style is almost exactly the same as that of the non-human house, and it looks unusually familiar.

Nangongfeng opened the door and walked in. Even the decoration style inside was consistent with the non-human house, full of nostalgia and regret welling up in his heart.

I wanted to rest for a while, but was stimulated by the burst of regret. Nangongfeng self-reflected how he could be depressed, and suddenly he was full of vitality.

"The most important thing to do is information, oh, and food, let's go for a stroll first!"

With a hearty smile on his face, Nangongfeng slipped out of the window at the back of the house. With his skill, he could still be found if he moved quietly in such a remote corner of the campus.

Not long after Nangongfeng floated away, Luoluo came late, and found Nangongfeng's dormitory in a daze. After the work was over, she planned to find Nangongfang for dinner.

With her status and wealth, she can't afford to live in a high-end area here, and it's her first time here!

"Do you really live here? But the number he reported is indeed here..." Luo Luo knocked on the door cautiously, but there was no response for a long time.

Did I remember the wrong number?This place obviously looks different from the dormitory they lived in... Lolo scratched her head with a dazed look on her face.

"Hey, isn't this my little Lolo? Why, I didn't invite you a few times before, and I can't wait to deliver it to my door just at the beginning of this semester?"

A soft voice suddenly sounded from behind Luo Luo, almost jumping up in fright. When she looked back, her face suddenly turned pale, and her head shrank even lower.

The clothes of the visitor were very luxurious among the orcs, his skin was a little blue, his pupils were as thin as a vertical line, and his eyes revealed a cold breath.

Seeing Lolo appearing here, the visitor was very happy, showing a smile that seemed to make people tremble in the bottom of his heart, and stretched out his forked tongue to lick around the corner of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Rowell, I didn't come to look for you, I may have found the wrong place." Lolo said in a trembling voice, looking at the way she came from from time to time.

"Hehe... my little darling, forget it if you don't look for me, I will wait a few more months, and then I will taste your delicacy. I believe that mere foxes will not dare to disobey our snakes Family, I am very relieved." The visitor laughed, with a hoarse hiss, "Do you need me to take you out?"

"Yes, I will once again thank the snake clan for their protection on behalf of the fox clan! No, no need, I know the way out!" Lolo quickly said goodbye, turned around and ran away.

"Hmm... run carefully, don't get hurt, my little baby..." Rowell's pupils shrank sharply at the running back, and then he said slowly.

As expected of the most beautiful girl in the most beautiful fox family, she is too cute not to make people salivate...

(End of this chapter)

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