Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 857 Without the Lord Demon King, the style of doing things is different

Chapter 857 Without Lord Demon King, the style of doing things is different
Nangongfeng stopped in his tracks, and was about to turn around to return, when he suddenly stopped again.

"That guy, why is he being bullied everywhere?"

His qi machine can still sense the other side of his dormitory, and he can probably feel what happened outside the dormitory door, except that he can't hear the sound.

Nangongfeng was a little helpless. After meeting this little fox, why did he feel like he had become a nanny, and couldn't live without him covering the little fox?How on earth did this guy survive until now?It's a complete mystery!

But that snake guy feels evil, and he actually lives in a high-end dormitory area, which doesn't seem simple.

Since she can escape, then don't worry about it, it's important to do business first.At present, Nangong Feng is so poor that he needs to find a way to get some money!Wanting to be an invincible fighting god, but still have to find a way to make money to live, it is quite a vicissitudes!
Obviously he came down to find the Beast God, but the most urgent thing was to find some money for self-defense. What kind of plot development is this!

Tucao return to Tucao, Nan Gongfeng has also quickly thought of an idea.Although he and Yuan Feiwu are congenial, his way of doing things is much wilder than Lord Demon King.Lord Demon King likes to persuade people with reasoning, although it is perfect, but the efficiency is still a little bit short... Do it according to his method, of course it will be comfortable to control violence with violence!

After a while, in an alley not far to the north of the Landis School of Magic, there was dust flying around a dilapidated private house. Finally, with the sound of a heavy object falling, everything returned to calm.

Many people heard the movement here, but not to mention the rotten house, no one even dared to enter the alley.This area is regarded as the slum area of ​​the city, and inside the box is the largest stronghold of dark forces nearby.This dark force usually does a lot of stealing, robbery and deception. Several times it sent a management team from the local city to deal with it. Those people pretended to be good people and cheated.

The locals dared not speak out against them. At this time, there was a lot of commotion inside, and no one dared to be curious.

With his hands behind his waist, Nangongfeng stepped on a big orc with a mocking expression on his face.

Why does he need to deal with such rubbish?
An orc standing at the door felt hot in his lower body, and suddenly realized that he had peed from fright.

This orc was the orc that was kicked away by Nangong Feng not long ago. Fortunately, he happened to land in a fish pond and survived the fall!I didn't expect this handsome guy to dare to come to his door. What else can this orc have to say, of course he won't choose to forgive him, let the brothers do it!As a result, they were all beaten down in a short while, and the other party didn't even seem to be sweating.

Now he doesn't know that he is a fool if he kicks a hard board!

With one kick, Nangongfeng hooked the big man under him to the side, crashing into a large wall, and then turned around to look at the orc standing at the door: "Why are you so impulsive? Why do you have to say a few words first, you have to move!" Are you so happy?"

"Brother, I said it, and the fight started after I said a few words." The orc knelt down and said from the bottom of his heart.

"Did you say it? What did we say?"

"I said: You dare to come here, you want to die, boy! You said: Hand over all the money... and then we will do it."

What else can the orcs say, the other party not only has a grudge against him, but also looks like he is going to rob when he comes, can they bear it!So more than a dozen of them started together, and they all lay down in less than ten seconds.

"Oh...then it's fine if you hand over all the money." Nangongfeng also sighed very much, and smiled.

You read that right, there are four asterisks. The orc swears in his heart. He will be blocked anyway. It is better to just put asterisks. The author is so smart.

"So, why don't you hand over all your ill-gotten gains?" Seeing that the orc didn't understand what he should do, Nangongfang raised his eyebrows at him, "Last year, you cheated the fox girl's money." Should I go? I won’t let you go unless I pay you back ten times.”

"Brother! We don't have any money. If we have money, we will immediately buy wine and eat meat and use it up. It is impossible to have so much money!" The orc fumbled all over his body with his hands before he found a small bag of money and handed it tremblingly. To Nangongfeng, "Just now I was going to use our last little money to go out to buy food, all the money is here, and it's all for you! Brother, we didn't know that chick was yours, if you know, give me 1 Even if you have the guts, you don't dare to make up her mind!"

The orc couldn't help crying.

They were used to being bullied around here, and they couldn't accept the feeling of being bullied all of a sudden, and they were so wronged that they felt sad.

In fact, Nangongfeng didn't know the price of the beast clan, nor did he recognize the currency of the beast clan, so he just opened the bag and took a look. Anyway, he at least knew that no matter how bad it was, there was money for a meal in it.As long as there is enough money to treat Luo Luo to a meal, it is enough for him not to eat or drink anyway, but it is still necessary to let Luo Luo know that he has money to eat, so as to save her from worrying about herself.

Looking back at the crying orcs, if Yuan Feiwu was there, maybe they should be warned and let them go.

But the problem is that Yuan Feiwu is gone now!I'm so sorry.

Nangongfeng showed a cold expression and said: "If I encounter any of you doing evil in the future, I will kill you!"

"Of course! Of course..."

The orc thought that Nangong Feng would just let him go, but who would have thought that Nangong Feng kicked out suddenly and hit the orc in the chest.The force of the blow sent him flying, knocking down the wooden wall next to the door.The dilapidated house was already dilapidated, and a corner had already been knocked down by a strong orc before. In addition to the part knocked down by this orc, the house couldn't hold up anymore, and the wooden roof made a rumbling sound and fell down. It smashed a group of hooligans who were beaten to the ground by Nangongfeng enough.

Since it is a warning, of course it must be unforgettable to the other party.

Nangongfeng sneered, turned around and flew away.

Although I haven't been a mortal for many years, but the habit is still there, and I have a sense of security when I have some money.Nangongfeng smiled, and went to other places to find out about the customs and prices of the nearby streets, and also learned about the origin of the snake clan orcs.

Don't ask, don't know, I'm startled when I ask.

The snake orcs are actually one of the richest tribes in the orc continent. They are good at growing medicinal plants, and the secret antidote is very effective.For the orc continent where they often go hunting in the wild mountains and encounter poisonous insects and beasts, it is a very popular item. No other tribe can make an antidote that is better than the snake antidote.The orcs of the snake tribe also have a very special character. They are united internally. When fighting, they are average in strength individually, but they like to fight in groups if they can't stand it.They hold grudges quite a lot. For example, if you lose a fight or are bullied, at another time you may forget about it, they may rush up and beat you up with a group of people. No matter who you are, you will get revenge. .

So in the Orc Continent, the vast majority of orcs are not willing to provoke the snake orcs. Whether they are right or wrong, they will find opportunities to take revenge and make you worry about it for the rest of your life.

Nangongfeng figured it out, that guy turned out to be a rich second generation plus a bully!Then how can you let the stupid and cute Lolo mess with this kind of person?

Nangongfeng sighed, since meeting Monroe, it seems that troubles have become more and more numerous.

It was a coincidence that the day Nangong Feng came was the last day of enrollment.On the second day, the new students started their classes, and other students also started their first day of classes.

Early in the morning, Nangongfeng came to Magic Class 1 of the third grade just on time.

The arrangement is the same as that of Landis Academy of Magic, Class 1 of each grade can only be entered by the best students.One difference is that there are nearly ten magic classes in each grade at Landis School of Magic, but there are only one or two combat classes, which is exactly the opposite of the situation at Landis School of Magic.

One is because there is no magic school in the Orc Continent, and none of the local orcs know magic, but many orcs are born with magical talents. With the relaxation of age and no competition for students from other academies, the number of magic students who can be admitted increases greatly up.The second is because most people in the Beast Race Continent already have fighting qi of various races handed down in one continuous line, so they don't need to go to school to learn fighting qi, so there are not many students in the fighting qi class.

Therefore, it is not that many people of the orc race have magical talents. Relatively speaking, the proportion of people with magical talents in the total population is still very small.

At present, the branch school of Landis Academy of Magic is only open to the fourth grade at the highest level. Livia asked Nangongfeng to transfer to the third grade at once. I don’t know whether Livia is good to me or bad to me... I originally said Why is he only in the third grade? Is he at the right age?

As soon as he entered the classroom door, he immediately said to himself in his heart that it was very suitable...

If he read correctly, there were a few uncles and aunts who looked older than the teacher sitting in the classroom. He suddenly thought that the Orcs had just started teaching magic, and the age was much more relaxed.

I am around thirty years old, and of course I only look twenty years old, so it doesn't look out of place here at all.

"This must be the new transfer student. Come on, please come over and introduce yourself first."

The head teacher is a young girl, Nangongfeng guessed, she is probably a primary school girl who came out of Landis Academy of Magic.

The head teacher guided Nangongfeng to the direction of the podium, and looked at Nangongfeng as he walked. Nangongfeng suddenly felt a little guilty. He wanted to say that this elementary school girl who didn't know how many years had passed would not recognize him, right?After all, he was a powerful figure in Landis Academy of Magic back then. He was No.3 in the ranking of handsome men and No.2 in the ranking of combat power.

It's not that I'm not low-key, but he's handsome and powerful!
"Huh? He's actually a handsome guy of the human race? Oh, it's okay, I'm just talking to myself, you can introduce yourself." The class teacher suddenly blushed after looking at him for a long time.

Is it No. 3 in the ranking of handsome guys or No. 2 in the ranking of combat power?

Nangongfeng was disappointed, he was just curious why some people came to the Orc Continent to learn magic.There are many academies in the Star Luo Continent that can teach magic, and the teaching quality of the Landis Magic Academy must be higher. Wouldn’t it be a fool to come to the orcs to learn magic?
Nangongfeng obviously only realized this now, and felt ashamed to blush.

This is not to blame Livia's bad idea!Isn't it even more strange for a human race to study magic classes here!It looks so silly!
(End of this chapter)

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