Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 858 Determine the Right Goal

Chapter 858 Determine the Right Goal

"I am Nan...a man! My name is Afeng! My goal is to become an excellent magician!" Nangongfeng almost mispronounced his name on the podium, changed the sentence pattern abruptly, and almost gave his tongue bitten.

There are more than 50 students under the podium, but there are only sparse applause.Among them, the one with the loudest applause successfully caught Nangongfeng's attention.

Such an eye-catching beauty, but shrank behind the desk and was almost invisible, no wonder Nangongfeng skipped her at first.Nangongfeng couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that he happened to be in the same class as her, so he really wondered if Livia did it on purpose, it was too coincidental.

It turned out to be Ah Feng... Lolo poked her head out, met Nangong Feng's eyes, then lowered her head in embarrassment, her face flushed with joy.

"This human looks like a human... Hey, Lolo, you seem to be very shy, do you match your eyes?" Next to Lolo, an orc girl with horns was wearing a simple vest and shorts, carelessly After teasing Lolo, she immediately hugged Lolo in her arms, "Lolo, you look so shy! Why don't you just be my wife!"


Luo Luo struggled to no avail, and could only whimper in the girl's arms.

Nangongfeng frowned. Lolo is cute, but he doesn't quite agree with her walking on the Lily Road... Could this one also be included in the quarantine?
"Not bad, Ah Feng's self-introduction is very good, and he also talked about his ideal... But, the ideal should be done step by step, and Ah Feng's ideal is a bit too big, like empty talk. Go down and find a seat to sit down .” The class teacher applauded symbolically.

Nangong Feng took strides and walked up to the short-haired orc girl without any hesitation, staring down at the girl.

The girl let go of Lolo, and stared back at Nangongfeng without showing any weakness, her eyes were so determined that Nangongfeng was a little surprised.Although the figure is a bit flat, but the little vest on his body is too cool to wear, and Nangongfeng can't look at it for too long from a top-down angle, so he had to turn his eyes away.

"I want to sit here, so make room for me." Nangongfeng said.

"Oh? You are very brave, a transfer student. You want to challenge my authority when you come here? Just because you also want to hit Lolo, and you don't take pictures of yourself..." The horned orc girl was cold road.

But before she finished speaking, Ni was covered by Luo Luo, and rushed to say: "So your name is Afeng, I just found out now! Don't worry about Bi Ni, she has a rough personality, but she has no malice... Bi Ni You let the new students sit, they don't understand anything when they are newcomers, I can just teach them..."

"Okay, since Lolo spoke with a swaying heart, then I'll give in for now." The horned orc girl stood up lazily, a head shorter than Nangongfeng, but still stared at Nangongfeng with a half-smile After a glance, he stepped aside, "No matter how unpleasant this guy is, he is more pleasing to the eye than those from the Snake Clan... However, I just don't know if he has the courage to face the Snake Clan today."

Nangong Feng sat down on the horned girl's seat. He is an invincible God of War in the mortal world, what else can make him lose his guts?But Nangong Feng didn't take it seriously, what's there to argue with a little sister?With his identity, he still needs to prove himself with words?

"Well, I think it would be best to let Lolo teach the transfer students to get familiar with the environment. It's just right, Bi Ni, you come to the podium and talk about your ideals, so that the transfer students can use it as a reference." Seeing the horned orc girl standing up, the head teacher simply Just let her speak up.

It's the first day of school, a warm atmosphere is definitely needed, so it's most suitable for the most imposing monitor, Bi Ni, to give a speech on the first day of school!

The horned orc girl walked up to the podium with her head held high, showing a confident smile.

Nangongfeng looked at the podium with great interest. He really wanted to listen carefully to how the ideals of the orc race were set. He felt that what he said just now was well-organized and very good.

"Ahem, my name is Bi Ni, I am 16 years old, and I am an ordinary bull orc! It is a new school year, we must plan our goals, and don't be too ambitious! The goals I set this year are still very simple. It is to be fully prepared at all times!" The horned orc girl paused, the atmosphere was just right, and even Nangong Feng couldn't help leaning forward, wanting to listen to her goals for the new school year, "Be well prepared Get ready, strive to become Lord Patreon's girlfriend! To become Lord Patreon's bride in the future, take the perfect first step!"

"Oh, oh, oh! It's really an ideal for the new semester full of energy!" "As expected of Bi Ni, the ideal is so firm and enviable!"

With the applause of the whole hall, the sound of Nangongfeng falling from the chair seemed extremely small.

What the hell!Is being someone else's bride any more noble than being an excellent magician?Is this the rhythm of the goals of the Orcs? Head teacher, you are so moved that you are so moved to tears, what a shame!Only 16 years old, is it really okay to set goals so precociously!And it sounds like this Bi Ni seems to have this ideal every school year, even after so many years of fighting for a girlfriend without success?Why do you feel envious after listening to it, but I am full of pity after hearing it!

Nangongfeng struggled to get up from the ground and staggered. What he hurt was not his body, but his soul!

"It's great, Bi Ni's ideals make people feel so firm no matter what they hear, and they are full of expectations for the future!" Luo Luo excitedly said to Nangong Feng who had just got up from the ground with emotion.

"Well, that's right, this ideal is awesome..." Nangongfeng is too lazy to complain, when a person finds himself incompatible with the whole world, don't try to prove or explain anything, just shut up, "That Who is Patrion? A great man of the Orcs?"

"Ah, you don't know Master Patreon?" Lolo looked surprised, "Master Patreon is a powerful fallen angel, a super elite in the Demon Race Fallen Angel Elite Team. The top ten super masters of the Demon Race! After the World War, many refugees in the Orc Continent wanted to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune and became bandits. The environment was very chaotic. Lord Patreon and Lord Partridge, two fallen angels, often came here Support us in the Orc Continent to weed out the strong and help the weak! In the past, people in the Orc Continent always thought that fallen angels were evil and proud monsters. It was precisely because of Lord Patreon and Lord Partridge’s rescue that everyone re-recognized fallen angels. It can be said that Master Patreon and Master Partridge are the iconic characters who changed the view of fallen angels in the Orc Continent! They have been recognized by the Emperor of the Beast Race, and they are the great heroes of the Beast Race!"

"The names are almost the same? Two fallen angels... why does it feel like I have a vague impression..." Nangong Feng thought for a while, but couldn't come up with anything, so he gave up and continued to abuse his brain the behavior of.

After all, he is really not very familiar with the demons, and asking Livia will definitely know more than him.

"Well, not bad, not bad, so tired, so tired..."

Nangongfeng responded perfunctorily to Luoluo, but even so, Luoluo was very satisfied with Nangongfeng's response, and her ears twitched.

"But you are a human race, why did you come to the Orc Continent to learn magic?"

Amidst the warm applause from everyone, Bi Ni walked to the empty seat behind Luoluo and sat down. Nangongfeng didn't know how to respond to Luoluo's question on the way.

"Could it be that his talent is so poor that he can't get into any magic school in Star Luo Continent?" Bi Ni answered Nangongfeng very helpfully.

Poor talent?Nangongfeng sneered, they didn't know that they were questioning the talent of a god!
(End of this chapter)

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