Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 859 A Little Doubt

Chapter 859 A Little Doubt

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Whether it was the trace of the beast god or the missing case, Nangongfeng found nothing.

Fortunately, the time has come to prove his talent.

The practical training class of the magician class is held at the training base.

The so-called training base was just a large open space flattened by gravel, facing the open direction, and placed some targets of different sizes.

The head teacher of Magic Class 1 in the third grade carefully explained to everyone how to cast magic this time and where to hit it.

This class seems to be a relatively important class in this semester. The class time is full all day long. Many students from other classes will stop and watch if they pass by after class.

Also includes the principal.

Nangongfeng looked at Vice President Spring who was standing not far away, trying to identify the other party to see if he could deny who it was.The headmaster was a magister who retired from the army, and was recruited into the Landis School of Magic to replace the fallen Rodney as the deputy headmaster.This time, the branch school of Lantis Academy of Magic was established, and Spring was also transferred here to assist Livia in managing the branch school.

After all, he retired from the army. Although Nangongfeng fully recognized the other party, there was no guarantee that the other party would recognize him.

It's all my fault that I didn't adjust my appearance when I first came down to Mortal Realm, which made me need to be suspicious all day long.But he didn't expect to blend into the crowd like this at the beginning!Originally, he planned to inquire around quietly, but he didn't know that he was dragged into the water by three old masters just to join in the excitement of the new school's enrollment in the past, and became a magic student!
Of course, that timid girl from the fox family who is prone to trouble is also one of the culprits!

It just so happened that it was Lolo's turn to try to cast magic. If she could reach the third grade, no matter how bad she was, she should be an intermediate magician. Casting a first-level magic should be more than enough.Originally, this training class was not intended for students to master more advanced magic, but to exercise their familiarity and hit rate in using magic.

Magic is a course that needs to be practiced. If a magician will always only have theoretical knowledge, or can use magic but can never control it properly, then he cannot become a qualified magician.

Lolo is an orc with wind element talent, standing 20 meters away from the target, with a rare focused expression.

She chanted the spell in a low voice. The chanting was only to concentrate the magic power, and beginners had to lay a solid foundation, so no matter whether they needed to sing or not to use magic, they were required to sing it.

Lolo carried out these basics meticulously. As she chanted, a light green light gathered on her hand. When the spell ended, that light turned into a wind blade and flew towards a target as big as a person.


The magic of the wind element is faster and softer than the magic of other elements, and the wind blade landed on the target accurately, producing only a faint sound.

"Very good! As expected of a top student, the full score is [-], no more, I'm afraid you will be proud!" The head teacher praised quite satisfied.

Lolo was in a very good mood when she was praised, as long as she looked at her tail and ears, she could tell that her ears were pricked up high, and her big tail was flickering. That cute appearance made many people stupefied.

Nangongfeng clapped his hands silently, Magic Class 1 is indeed a top class, and it is quite good to have such a level.

"Are you Afeng? I'm Principal Spring. I heard that a human teenager became a transfer student. I didn't expect that I saw you for the first time after more than a month."

While admiring the cute look of Luoluo, whose face was flushed with joy, Nangongfeng turned his attention back to Spring who was walking towards him.Recently, he always tended to distract his attention to Luo Luo, otherwise he wouldn't let this principal who might recognize him get so close to him.He deliberately avoided everything before, otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that the headmaster hadn't seen him for more than a month.

I have to reflect on myself, there is no progress in the business, but I am concerned about the life and death of the fox girl all day long.Judging from the situation during this period, Lolo's daily life is actually not as terrible as she thought. The classmates in the class and even the classmates in the school are very friendly to her.

Especially with Bi Ni here, the whole little overlord of the Landis School of Magic school branch, with her best friend and roommate in the shadow, all ghosts and monsters will give up three points.

It's no wonder that Luo Luo has survived until now, it's really hard for her to have the good fortune of being photographed by noble people all the time.

Lolo went down, and it was time for Bi Ni to show off her skills.Bi Ni's level seems to be better than that of Luo Luo, Nangong Feng doesn't have to worry about her at all.

Nangongfeng looked at Spring. He was a tall and thin man with an ordinary appearance, and his eyes had the tenacity and murderous look hidden in his eyes.At this time, he had already walked up to himself and looked at himself carefully.

Naturally, Nangongfeng would not feel guilty, and pretended to be a little excited and said: "It's Principal Spring! I have seen you several times from afar, but I didn't expect you to care about me, a mere transfer student!"

"Hehe, of course, they are all from the Star Luo Continent, so of course they need to be taken care of. By the way, why did you go to the Orc Continent to learn magic?" Spring showed a little bit to every stranger The wary look in his eyes was just a habit he left behind from joining the army all the year round. After he regained his senses, the trace of vigilance quickly dissipated, and he asked gently.

"All my family members came to the Orc Continent to do business, so I had no choice but to follow. Seeing that the Landis School of Magic opened a branch here, I came here with a fluke mentality to try it out, but I didn't expect to be included in it. , and Principal Livia said that I have good talent, so he directly let me enter the third grade." Nangongfeng spoke out the materials prepared earlier in the morning skillfully, without any nervousness.

He was already very assured that the principal who had joined the army did not recognize him. If he did, he would definitely not be as calm as he is now.Just kidding, I am the famous invincible fighting god, can you still calm down if you recognize yourself?It is estimated that Spring may be a member of the Dire Wolf Legion, and that legion has the least intersection with him.

"Well, yes, you can enter the third grade as soon as you enter the school, which means that your talent must be quite good. But don't be arrogant, starting directly from the third grade will be more difficult than ordinary people, you have to work harder." Si Pu Lin smiled and said, "But I believe that the talent of the human race is definitely better than that of the orcs, so I agree with Principal Livia's method of directly putting you in the third grade."

"..." Nangongfeng said to Spring that the talent of the human race and the orc was stronger and who was weaker. He couldn't agree. Their sense of closeness to nature makes them learn magic more easily than humans.

Human beings have more advantages, but experience, and the accumulation of so many years.

But before Nangongfeng could speak, applause from all around interrupted their conversation.Nangongfeng looked up, and it turned out that Bi Ni directly hit the target with a three-level magical earth spirit spear.

He used a third-level magic so proficiently, and of course the other students continued to applaud.Even the class teacher went up and said that he could submit an application for Bi Ni to skip a grade to the fourth grade.Her strength is more than enough to enter the fourth grade who is currently the oldest!

Prince just said that human beings have better talents, but he was immediately slapped in the face by Bi Ni, and his attention was also attracted, his eyes were incredulously dazed.

"No, no, no, I'm not in a hurry to graduate. If I graduate at a young age, Lord Patreon will definitely not want to take me by his side! Besides, I'm also reluctant to part with the lovely Lolo!" Bi Ni declined The class teacher's suggestion, as soon as I grabbed Luo Luo, I stuffed it into my arms and rubbed it, ignoring that Luo Luo's clothes were all crumpled by her.

This kind of scene is the easiest to cause people to boo. For a while, students from all classes are booing, and the atmosphere is extremely lively.

But, there are also places where the atmosphere hits rock bottom.

"Siss, that stinky girl named Bi Ni has been pestering Lolo all the time, and often confronts Lord Rowell. Lord Rowell, why don't we deal with her like before..."

Looking at the practical training class of the third grade magic class 1 from a distance, there are a few well-dressed men.One of them raised his hand suddenly, interrupting the words of the person beside him.

"'Also the same as before'... what is it?"

A sudden voice startled the man.

The leader turned his head to look to the side, and a tall and handsome human man walked over with a half-smile.

"You don't have very good ears, but you still like to eavesdrop on what others are saying?" The leader stuck out his forked tongue, licked his chin, and said ironically with a smile.

He would certainly not admit a word of what his partner said, and that would get him into big trouble.

"Whether my ears are good or not, you should know better than me." Nangongfeng walked up to these people and said with a smile.

He recognized this person, the rich second generation of the snake clan who scared Lolo away outside his dormitory back then.Even a guy as helpful as Lolo can scare away, which shows how unpopular this person is.Moreover, the man's eyes full of desire when he looked at Luo Luo just now, and the leaked words of the people next to him just now, made Nangong Feng a little suspicious of him for the student disappearance case that happened in the branch school before.

"The transfer student of Magic Class 1 in the third grade, a human being named Afeng. I know you. I don't know why you went straight into the third grade, but I advise you, don't meddle in other people's business, let alone meddle in us. Otherwise, no one will know when you disappeared on the Orc Continent." Rowell's face was gloomy, his slightly blue skin made him look a little weird, and there was a bit of murderous look in his eyes.

"We humans just like to join in the fun. The more you say that, the more I want to take care of it. If you want to deal with Bi Ni like before, I would like to ask, how did you deal with it? She is regarded as a thorn in your side I haven't dealt with it for so long, are you afraid of her background? She has a lot to do with Patreon, the master of the demon race, so you are a little worried about handling it? According to my understanding of the fallen angels, they don't care about your snake clan's vengeance. Even the emperor and I don't pay attention to it, unless you are the ancestor of the fallen angels, Lucifer."

Nangong Feng folded his hands across his chest, he guessed that such a simple aggressive method would get him what he wanted to know, right?

"Sis, you also know that she is a tricky guy because of her background, but why don't you look at yourself, do you have any background that makes us feel tricky? We don't have any worries about you, Sis..."

Rowell's pupils contracted violently because of the anger, and the murderous intent sighed from its nostrils, which could not be concealed at all.

This kind of provocation of being stepped on by others does not need Rowell's instructions, and the other snake orcs automatically take a few steps forward, and they are about to grab Nangongfeng with their hands.Nangongfeng was a little disappointed, it seemed that this person was still a bit rational, and he couldn't inspire some of his innermost thoughts!


A loud shout came at the right time, making the snake clan orcs and others frowned. After seeing the person coming, they could only take a few steps back.

Unexpectedly, Spring also noticed it. They wanted to teach this human being a lesson, but they couldn't implement it. Rowell cursed in a low voice, swearing at Spring for meddling in his own business.

(End of this chapter)

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