Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 860 Magic First Experience

Chapter 860 Magic First Experience

"Rowell, it's you snake orcs again... I don't care if you walk sideways among the orcs, but this is the branch of the Landis School of Magic! We, the Lantis School of Magic, are willing to come to your Orc Continent to teach you magic , it was you, the king of the beast clan and the three brave beast clans who begged you to come here! If you commit a crime here, not to mention your entire snake clan, even Rudolph will not be able to save you if you come here!" Lowell, these snake clan orcs seem to be There are often disturbances that give people a bad impression. When Principal Spring came, he first scolded Rowell and others angrily.

"Siss, Principal Spring, you should first understand what happened before you teach us a lesson? It was this human being who came here to provoke first." Rowell suppressed his anger and said grimly.

"Ah Feng is not as insidious as you snake orcs, so don't try to shift the responsibility to him. Don't try to run away from today's incident. Write a self-criticism and put it on my desktop before tomorrow afternoon. Make a big mistake!" Spring shouted coldly.

"Hmph." Rowell smiled coldly, poked his forked tongue, and looked up and down Prince and Nangongfeng with a pair of snake eyes for a long time before turning around and leading them away.

This Prince, because he is a human race, he listens to any explanation and does not need to take any responsibility. He is really "frank" with his partiality, and he doesn't hide it at all!

"A group of insidious villains. It's okay, if they still dare to trouble you, come and tell me." Puslin stared at Rowell and the others after walking away, then turned his head and said to Nangongfeng.

"Okay, thank you, Principal Puslin." Nangongfeng thanked quickly.

Although he didn't need Spring's unnecessary actions, he still thanked the headmaster for his care.

"It's a small matter, it's all our own people."

Puslin was very satisfied with this polite young talent, he patted Nangongfeng on the shoulder with a smile before leaving in satisfaction.

Nangongfeng's little noise attracted a lot of attention, but Nangongfeng didn't care about it, anyway, Puslin drove away the other party on his behalf, and he didn't show anything, so there's nothing to panic about.

But when he met Luo Luo's worried eyes, he still felt a little uncomfortable, as if he had done something he deserved to die.Doesn't it seem that it is a sinful thing to let such an innocent little girl show a worried look!Well, Nangongfeng didn't know why he thought this way, but he also accepted it in his heart.

"Not bad! Very good, you even have the courage to attack Rowell, I admire you! It's alright, you have passed my level, and you don't need my consent to find Lolo in the future!" Bi Ni took the lead and walked over , with his hands on his hips admiring Nangongfeng, his hearty appearance gave Nangongfeng the illusion that the other party was an uncle!With such a personality, it's no wonder why people look down on you so much!Who wants to like an uncle!

More importantly, why do you, a young girl, let yourself pass your test? !And when I went to look for Lolo, when did you agree to it? !Am I losing my memory or are there more fantasies in your memory? !
"Nangongfeng, it's your turn."

At this time, the head teacher's call finally brought back Nangong Feng Piaoyuan's thoughts, oh, there are so many and chaotic things, I almost forgot about the practical training class.

Nangongfeng responded, trotted to the position, and began to display the results of his magic cultivation for more than a month.

There is no pressure on Nangongfeng at all with magic power.He meditated casually, and the magic power in his body was as passionate as a raging tide.

After all, he is already a god, and his spiritual power is not at the same level as that of ordinary people.Even if he doesn't use the normal way to cultivate magic power, he can use his divine power as magic power.

But that's cheating.

He is an invincible God of War, so does he have to cheat to complete an ordinary training class quiz?If I say it, I'm afraid I'll laugh off the group of big demon gods in the demon world, as well as the group of birdmen and the wingless god Da Ya in the heaven world!
Come on, let's cast a magic in the lowest way!

"Raging fire, please grant me your boiling majesty! Let me use your power to burn the enemies in front of me..."

The fiery emotions in his heart drove Nangong Feng to sing, and the tone of his voice was so majestic that the students around him were fascinated by it!
When it comes to scoring the basic skills of singing, the head teacher will award No.1 to Nangong Feng without hesitation today. His singing is so full of rhythm and emotion, it seems to be completely integrated with "fire"!
Yes, I am fire!
Nangongfeng's magic power gathered in his palm, as if he wanted to absorb all the fire elements in the nearby air into his hand and control it!The dense fire elemental spirits danced excitedly on his palm, because there were too many of them, they turned into a swirling fiery red vortex in his hand!

Prince, who was walking away, was also attracted by the violent magic power, turned his head from a distance, and looked at Nangongfeng with a surprised expression.

"Everyone spread out! The magic power in Ah Feng's body is very strong. In terms of the amount of magic power, it should be at the level of a magister!"

The homeroom teacher felt that he was not sure that he could handle the bursting power of the red vortex in Nangongfeng's hand, so he could only make the students around him run away a little bit!
She still didn't dare to disturb Nangongfeng, Nangongfeng is very focused now, she was afraid that a disturbance would distract Nangongfeng, causing the fiery red vortex in her hand to erupt uncontrollably, and then Nangongfeng would be the first to suffer backlash!
"Ah Feng..." Looking at the mighty flame vortex in Nangongfeng's hand, Luoluo was a little worried and scared, her eyes widened.

Nangongfeng under the imprint of the flame closed his eyes, seeing Nangongfeng with his eyes closed, Luoluo seemed to have the courage to look at it carefully.Only then did she discover that Nangongfeng's piercing eyes seemed to have light stones installed in them all year round, and they had such slender eyelashes.Under the light of the fire, the eyelashes cast a slight shadow on the straight nose, and further down, there is a thin lip that makes people feel that he is extremely confident. Even in such a focused situation, there is still a trace of Handsome arc.

Lolo lost the concept of time, just kept watching and admiring.Refreshing her impression time and time again, it turned out that this embarrassing transfer student who was dragged around by several grandpas outside the school gate turned out to be so much more beautiful than in her impression.

She hadn't looked at Nangong Feng's appearance carefully and carefully before.And she had never defined the difference between "good-looking" and "not-good-looking" before, but now she has identified a special existence with Nangong Feng.

Suddenly, Nangongfeng opened his eyes, Luoluo was startled, and lowered his head like a guilty conscience, his face was flushed, and his heart was beating wildly, as if he had done something bad just now.

After Nangongfeng opened his eyes, he was also taken aback, but he was taken aback by the thing on his palm!
I just want to use a fireball technique, I'm afraid this thing in my hand is not as simple as a fireball technique!

A long time ago, Nangongfeng tried to practice magic under the guidance of Yuan Feiwu, but the effect was not very good. He has elemental physique but the communication with magic elements is not very good.So he was very serious about using magic this time. This was the first time he used his own magic power to cast magic.

But today is different from the past, he began to cast magic seriously, and the effect is extraordinary.Especially he is not good at magic, not only not good at it, but also unfamiliar!Such a Nangongfeng might not be able to control the power of magic freely!

Nangongfeng immediately figured out that the lump in his hand was probably caused by his improper control, but he was just shocked, but he didn't panic in his heart.

Only then did he begin to rejoice, fortunately he had placed two seals in his consciousness before coming here, otherwise... the thing in his hand would not only have the power of a magister!
The Beast God who did whatever he wanted didn't blow up the Orc Continent, but let him blow it up, how embarrassing it is!
"Don't be afraid, I can handle it!" Nangongfeng showed a relaxed expression to calm everyone's emotions.

Turning around, I found that everyone in Nima had retreated a hundred and eight thousand miles away!This is a bit embarrassing!

Embarrassment is a little embarrassment, but it is better than safety.

Nangongfeng could only comfort himself like this.

Next, he used the theoretical knowledge he had learned for more than a month. Of course, the theoretical knowledge learned in the magic class of the third grade was different from that of the first and second grades. It was all practical knowledge of magic application, and the first and second grades were more inclined to learn cultivation methods and history. Precipitation and knowledge of value determination are almost the same.

Learning belongs to learning, and it is another feeling to actually use it, so there are practical training courses.

Like in normal times, Nangong Feng’s set of "magic power pulls the elemental spirits outside, the elemental spirits respond to the magic power, the magic power and the elemental spirits blend and fuse into the main function of the magic, resonate and burst out power and energy, spiritual power leads the direction, and uses the spirit The timing and position where the traction of force finally arrives and erupts..." The basic theory is quite smooth, and I have tried many times in the body, pretending to have started to chant magic and simulated many times, and there is no problem.

But when the magic power and the elemental spirits gathered in his hands, his magic power seemed to be stuck in the chamber, and his mental power began to fumble.

Now, he was a little at a loss, what he wanted to do subconsciously was to smash the thing in his hand as a ball of fighting spirit, or rush out and crush the fire vortex directly on the target, how straightforward!
But no, what is the difference between what he did and Livia, the spirit of the flames?A well-behaved magician is forced to be a head-to-head melee by her, so it's better to practice grudge directly! (Livia has 3 minutes to end the battlefield with an angry flaming spear!)

calm down!

Nangongfeng stepped forward with both feet, and sank slightly, which really calmed himself down.This movement inexplicably gave him a sense of peace and security, as if his body had memorized this movement a long time ago, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

Nangongfeng himself didn't know why he felt familiar with this movement, but the audience in the distance could clearly see it.

Damn, what's the matter with that guy suddenly putting on a shit pose!The posture of squatting to take a shit while holding a large fire vortex in his hand is super powerful, it really looks like a kind of disgusting that makes people feel complicated and indescribable!
(End of this chapter)

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