Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 861 Happy Events One After Another

Chapter 861 Happy Events One After Another

Anyway, what he wants to use is just the fireball technique. Since the magic power can't smoothly change the fire vortex in his hand into a fireball, why don't we just throw it out and pretend it's a fireball?
God, what should I do if I continue to be so smart!

Forget it, now is not the time to lament your wit, the most important thing is to complete this class exercise.

Nangongfeng's most concentrated attention in history was this time. He carefully observed the condition of the fire vortex after adjusting his magic power and mental power, and slowly pushed forward the fire vortex.

A loud bang!
The fire vortex pushed out by Nangong Feng suddenly exploded!
In the end, Nangongfeng still couldn't use his magic power to control the group of things, and after loosening his control on them, they all fell apart.However, that kind of brokenness is the brokenness of the fire element spirit leaving, not the explosion of energy out of control. The scene seen at the scene is like a gorgeous firework exploding in the palm of Nangongfeng, and the red light spots are scattered on Nangongfeng. The surroundings are very beautiful - the only bad thing is that the scene looks like a firework accident, it looks very dangerous, no one explodes fireworks on themselves.

Before everyone realized whether the magic of exploding sparks was successful or not, they immediately saw Nangong Feng's figure flicker, ran out, and then jogged all the way in the direction of the target.

While running, he clenched his fists and shouted passionately: "Come on! You can do it! Don't give up! Fireball! You are the best!"

Everyone looked confused, it seemed that the danger had been lifted anyway, so they all stepped forward to watch carefully, only to find that there was a thumb-sized flame next to Nangongfeng's running figure——Okay, Let's call it a fireball first, and it floats forward slowly, feeling that a gust of wind will blow it out in a while!
Of course, from Nangongfeng's main perspective, this fireball is incomparably majestic and huge, after all, this is the first real magic he has cast in his life.

Everyone just watched Nangongfeng cheering for his "fireball technique" silently, while running to the finish line... No, this is not a marathon where people and Huo Miao are touching and encouraging each other!
In the end, the flame successfully hit the target, without even the slight "pop" of Lolo's wind blade just now, it just went out.

Nangongfeng lay on the ground, so moved... For the first time in his life, he successfully cast magic!Who would dare to laugh at him as a magic idiot in the future? !As long as it is gold, it will always shine!

Who dares to laugh at him as a magical fool?First of all, Bi Ni yelled at Afeng for what kind of tricks he was using. It was better than him to light a candle and throw it out.If Lin Beck and the others were here, they would probably be hospitalized if they didn't laugh.Even Xueyue threw down her paralyzed idol bag on the ground with a smile for the first time.

Gold does shine, but it is more difficult to determine whether the shining thing is gold or glass slag.

For example, right now, the head teacher is having a hard time thinking about how to grade Nangongfeng.

Judging from the strength of magic power alone, there is no doubt that Nangong Feng is definitely at the level of a magister!This is a terrible existence!But combined with the use of a magic, this guy is pitifully weak.After all, most of the magic of a magician is based on effects. It can't burst out with powerful magic power, but in the end it can be called an excellent magician if it throws a small flame that can't even ignite paper?

This is totally a freak!It's like a fool who has a whole year of internal strength but can't use it at all.

If Wufeng Nongyue and the others were here, they might understand why this happened.Nangongfeng has quite good elemental talents, but for magic talents, it is really bad that can break people's values.Even if Nangongfeng is already a god, but if he casts magic in a well-regulated way, his extremely poor comprehension will definitely hold him back and lead him into the abyss.

"Teacher, do you want to give Afeng a pass? I think the magic is barely cast, and it hits the target. There is no requirement for how powerful it must be, so it should be considered a pass? The most important thing is , you see he is as happy as a child..." Lolo leaned over to the troubled homeroom teacher and said timidly.

"Okay, I passed. Lolo, it's your last sentence that affected my judgment..." The homeroom teacher wrote down Nangongfeng's grades in the notebook with tears streaming down his face. After all, Nangongfeng was on the target's side After entertaining and cheering for so long, she couldn't bear to draw a cross for him, what a shock.

In the end, Nangongfeng's qualification was based on his appearance and compassion. I don't know if he will be heartbroken if he knows the truth one day.

In the distance, Spring is still full of surprise, surprised that Nangongfeng's magic power is so powerful, and also surprised that Nangongfeng's ability to control magic is so poor.

But Spring understood why Livia sent this person directly to the third grade.This person already has very perfect hardware conditions, all that is missing is a little bit of tweaking.But if Spring knew that even the savior, the Demon King, couldn't tell Nangongfeng to open his mind, he wouldn't comment on Nangongfeng like this.

From then until the end of the course, Nangong Feng's mood was extremely bright.

I found some clues about the disappearance case of the branch school. The rich second generation of the snake clan who was always coveting Lolo was rectified by Spring. I also completed my magic debut in the training class. One piece after another!

Especially the successful casting of magic, whenever Nangongfeng thinks about it, he will be delighted. After all, he dreamed of becoming a magician when he was very young. He didn't give up this idea until even Yuan Feiwu tactfully persuaded him to give up.Now he has successfully cast a spell, giving him the joy of fulfilling his dream.His dream was just to be a magician, so now that he successfully performed a magic once, he can be regarded as a magician, and his dream has come true... The strongest three-element magician?Have you ever said such a wish?nonexistent!Anyway, the dream came true!

Of course, Nangongfeng is quite self-aware. He is already very satisfied to have such a level. If he really wants to continue his studies step by step, he is very confident that he will never graduate.

"You seem very happy, human."

Nangongfeng was standing outside the small courtyard of his dormitory and was about to open the door when a gloomy voice came from his ear.

Although the sound disliked him very much, it couldn't dampen his joy today.

Nangongfeng turned around and said very happily: "I know who you are now, Rowell, right? Why, why don't you hurry back and write the self-criticism? If you don't have time to hand it in tomorrow, you will be reprimanded again. It's a trivial matter, it's shameless to be kicked out of the academy. You are the first batch of students in the fourth grade of the Landis School of Magic. This kick is the first person to be kicked out of the school. Where's Qianshi!"


"Don't worry..."

Nangongfeng and Lin Beck got along very well, and his exasperated lip service was basically passed on. He didn't have a word of swearing in what he said, but his ridicule made the other party burst into anger.

But Rowell stopped the companion who wanted to make a move, and kept protruding his forked tongue from his mouth, as if he was looking at Nangong Feng.

It seems that this guy's backer is that Prince...

Cut, Prince, is it gross?It's just a clown!After walking out of the academy, Rowell killed him without a burial in minutes!

But in school, Rowell still restrained himself a little.As Prince said, if he caused trouble here, even the king of the beast race would not be able to save him.

"The review is to be written, but we are too lazy to write it. Sisi, junior, help the four of us write it. Oh, I almost forgot, if the handwriting is different, the content will also be different, you understand this? Otherwise, you will have a better life." Rowell said with a gloomy face, in a soft but ruthless tone.

"Oh, you want me to help you write a review? Tsk tsk, you really don't know who you are offending..." Nangong Feng was a little bit indifferent.

Is this called Huluo Pingyang being bullied by dogs?The problem is that his fall is not a step backward, and coming here can only be regarded as a rest, right?Threatened by several orc fourth grade students?Tell this story to Yalongjing, Nangongfeng can guarantee that he can bear the jokes of Yalongjing for a year.After all, Yalongjing is always busy with political affairs, so it's very boring.

"The review is just by the way. The most important thing is to warn you not to think about Lolo again. Sis, otherwise, I will blow your head off right now." Rowell finally showed his ferocious face, his nostrils almost turned up to the sky, and his lips Below are the sharp fangs, and the eyes are constantly shrinking and expanding, like a poisonous snake about to attack!

"It's you who don't want to make Lolo's idea." Nangongfeng smiled contemptuously.

He clasped his hands behind his back, jumped up in an instant, and kicked three legs in one go. In a blink of an eye, the three snake orcs brought by Rowell were kicked several meters away together, and fell to the ground moaning in pain.

"How dare you do it!"

Rowell was still angry, but his expression had gradually calmed down, and he ran to help a few companions up in embarrassment.

This Nangongfeng actually hides his secrets. Apart from learning magic, he is actually a master warrior himself!
Before the people of the Snake Clan had the opportunity to learn magic, they had their own battle qi passed down from generation to generation. Of course, Rowell and the others also practiced, at least they were all intermediate warriors, and they were considered outstanding among ordinary people.

But this Nangong Feng knocked down the three of them as soon as he made a move, making them unable to even react, which shows that the strength of the opponent's warrior is definitely superior to them!

If they can't beat them, the Snake Clan doesn't know how to fight recklessly, but this beam is formed!

"Why don't you dare to do it? In my eyes, you are just ass! If you don't give me a lesson, do you really think you can bully people casually? I will give you a little memory, and if you get close to Lolo in the future..."

Nangongfeng walked towards Rowell while talking, Rowell's face turned pale, but he didn't leave his companion behind, and he was a little bit caught off guard and backed away.He understands that these humans are different from the orcs. The orcs understand how powerful they are when they take revenge. These humans don't have that kind of fear!So the other party must dare to do it!

Rowell can only admit it, but he will definitely find someone to kill this guy later!

"Stop! Ah Feng, stop!"

Suddenly, a familiar and lovely figure stopped in front of Rowell to protect him, which surprised Nangongfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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