Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 865 The culprit of trust

Chapter 865 The culprit of trust

This tortoise that came out of nowhere only provided a clue that there was a shelter underground!

And as he said, although this shelter has a shielding circle, it is only suitable for temporary storage of kidnapped people, because Livia will definitely not miss this place and send people to find it...

So is this clue useful? !

Nangongfeng was startled suddenly, no, this clue seems to be really precious!

He couldn't help laughing at himself and flew up.He is still not calm enough, if Lin Beck or Yuan Feiwu were here, maybe he had already seen the clues!

Outside the branch campus of the Landis School of Magic, on the hillside not far away, a figure floated down, and after turning around a large rock, a large stone cave appeared in front of him.

The figure took out his staff and chanted magic, gathering a flickering red light on his staff.

"Stop, Spring, they are just innocent orc girls." A voice suddenly sounded from behind Spring.

The figure was startled by the sudden voice, and after reacting, the staff immediately deflected, turned around and swung the magic he had prepared: "Fire tornado!"

A level [-] fire elemental magic, the flames burn everything that passes by like a tornado.Originally, the figure was planning to send the fire tornado into the cave, but at this moment, it seemed that someone had found his whereabouts, and he had to deal with them first!
The person who came jumped up high and waved his fist.The red vindictiveness on the fist was as bright red and dazzling as the evening glow of the setting sun in the west. With surging power, the fire tornado was scattered with one punch.

The figure frowned, he didn't expect that the person who came was this transfer student named A Feng, and he didn't expect that this person had such a strong fighting spirit at such a young age!
Although Nangongfeng already knew who this figure was, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw his fierce face after changing from his former principal demeanor.

"How did you find this place? It's simply impossible." Spring stood up straight and looked at Nangongfeng, exuding a strong murderous aura.

"Of course I don't know this place. It was you who I found, and I followed you here." Nangongfeng said bluntly.

"Why did you notice me?" Spring asked in disbelief.

Even Livia didn't have the slightest doubt about him, why would this kid doubt him?
"First of all, being able to subdue the missing students without any movement shows that the strength is much greater than that of the students..."

"There are many fighting spirit masters among the orc students who study magic, and maybe there are masters like you lurking. It's not surprising that they subdue the missing person?" Spring retorted without waiting for Nangongfeng to finish speaking.

He could accept things being exposed, but he couldn't accept being exposed in such a comical way.Livia and the Three Juggernauts are seriously setting up a net around the school, but how could they have thought that he would have taken him out long ago, even they were kept in the dark, this young guy actually thought of following the low-key and sneaky Own?
"But those students were all controlled in the classroom except for Rowell after the two disappeared, and I can confirm their alibi for Rowell..."

"How do you prove your alibi? Hahaha, that's funny! The missing person disappeared during the break, right? At that time, everyone was free to move around, so restricting freedom after disappearance can also be called an alibi?"

"After the disappearance, Livia took people to search and couldn't find it. Even the spiritual power of the great magister couldn't find the missing person. At that time, the missing person should be hidden in the underground shelter."

This underground shelter is really a key clue, Nangong Feng was extremely emotional.Although Livia and the others had also thought of searching this suspicious place, they did not combine this condition to assume its usefulness. Such an assumption instantly narrowed down the suspicious persons to an extremely small range!

"Any faculty member can open that place. Perhaps some students have found a way to unlock it? After all, the entrance is only restricted by ordinary magic, and it's not a place of great secrecy."

"Later, no one was found in the underground shelter. Assuming that the missing person was only temporarily stored there, this clue should exclude most of the people because all the class teachers and students are confined to the classroom? Because the prisoner has to come back to find the missing person. It is much stronger than the students. It can open the underground shelter to place the missing, and then take the missing away before Livia leads people to search the underground shelter. Send it out... You are the only one who meets all the above conditions, Principal Spring, you are responsible for the defense around the school, right? Other teachers want to escape the defense without anyone noticing, but they are not sure how to do it .”

"..." Spring had nothing to refute, and even he himself never thought that he had left so many flaws.

Strictly speaking, nothing left by Spring is a flaw.All the places and time points where crimes may be committed have many suspicious characters who may commit crimes.But putting all the dots together becomes a flaw.Even the least suspicious vice-principal can only slowly emerge following the truth.

The most important thing is that as long as one guesses that the prisoner is only temporarily using the underground shelter and will then take the missing person out of the academy, then the reasoning behind it will be very easy.Nangongfeng admitted that he owed that tortoise, no, that Alpha IX a favor.

"I have a question, why don't you kill them and bring them out? Although if you kill them, you have to bring them out to deal with the corpses, but at least you have completed what you have to do." Nangong Feng's aura had already penetrated into the cave, but There should be a shielding circle in the cave, he can't explore anything, if he doesn't know, it's just a shallow cave.

However, Spring will use a fire tornado to sweep into the cave at the end. Nangongfeng is sure that the missing person is in the cave and is still alive!

It's just that there is no need to use a fire tornado for simply disposing of corpses!
"The school is a place where knowledge is passed on. It is not a battlefield, but a sacred place. Killing people there defiles the sacred." Spring's facial features are no longer fierce, and when he talked about the school, his mood became calm again, " Landis Academy of Magic used to be my alma mater, and I will not add any filth to it, even if it is just a branch school."

"What you are doing now is to shame it! Is there any reason why you can do something to these innocent students? The most basic thing to learn at Landis School of Magic is character, and the concept of kindness and integrity has been implemented for six full years. What you did It runs counter to the spirit of Landis Academy of Magic!"

Spring is calm, but Nangong Feng cannot be calm!

Just a little bit!If he had guessed the murderer a little later, or if the stinky tortoise had been slower to speak, Luo Luo would have died!God knows how excited and scared he is now!
"You are also a human being, why can you accept the current situation so easily? It is too late to stand on the same line with me. Your magic power is very strong, but you lack some understanding of magic. I can help you with these. As long as you are not an orc , I am willing to do my best to teach you." Spring said seriously.

"No need, even you can't solve my problem. Stop it, because you have fought on the battlefield and made great achievements. I spare your life to regret yourself."

Spring snorted coldly, stopped talking nonsense, and started fighting with Nangongfeng.

After Nangongfeng sealed himself, his level was only about that of Sky Warrior, and it took some effort to clean up Spring.The battle between the sky warrior and the magister here has caused a lot of noise. How could a master of Livia's level not notice that when Livia entrusted all the surrounding areas of the school to the Three Juggernauts, he hurried over and saw It was Spring who was knocked out.

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Feng, who was still smoking, came out of the cave, holding a lolo in his arms and carrying Bi Ni on his shoulders. Both girls slept soundly, and Bi Ni even drooled all over Nangong Feng's shoulders. .

"Nangongfeng, did Spring do it?" Livia asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Take him back and ask him carefully, I don't think he is a treacherous person." Nangongfeng sighed.

"Of course, he has always been a very popular guy in the army. I can even guarantee his nature with my life. It turned out to be him. No wonder I have never been able to find out the culprit. I have never suspected him." Livia Frankly.

She kept telling herself to examine the case objectively, anyone could be the culprit, but she still subconsciously ruled out Spring and the three old sword masters because they were all people she trusted very much.

"I'll take them back to the dormitory first, please ask Principal Livia to ask the school doctor to come over and check them out."

After Nangongfeng finished speaking, he hurriedly flew to the academy.

The culprit was caught and Luo Luo was successfully rescued, but he was still in a bad mood.

If the culprit is Rowell, maybe he will feel better.He couldn't forget the conflicted and then relieved look in his eyes at the moment Spring fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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