Chapter 866

In the next few days, apart from the discussion in the college that caused everyone to stay in the classroom suddenly that day, the students in the college started their campus life peacefully again.

Speaking of which, Nangong Feng was injured worse than Lolo and Bi Ni that night, his body was scorched east and west by Spring's magic, he was the worst one.

To Nangongfeng, these injuries were really minor skin traumas. If he hadn't sealed his divine power, he might have healed himself on the spot.

But it's a pity that Nangongfeng has sealed his divine power at present, so he had to stick two pieces of adhesive tape on his face, and came to the principal's office amidst the ringing of the class bell.

"Good morning, Principal Livia, would you please help me to ask for leave? What if the head teacher thinks there is a kidnapping case and makes a fuss later? If my majestic Invincible Fighting God misrepresents the news of my kidnapping, many gods will die of laughter " Nangongfeng sat down at the place where Livia put the teacup in the morning, and joked with a smile.

"Already greeted your head teacher."

Livia is strict in handling things, and it is impossible to miss this kind of thing.

Nangongfeng didn't make a sound, just waited quietly.He came to the principal's office today to listen to Livia's reply about the interrogation results of Spring, the leader of the disappearance case.

"Spring claimed that he was the only one who committed the crime and had no accomplices. We investigated the crime process according to what he explained, and we did not find any signs of accomplices."

"Hmm...why did he do that?" Nangong Feng asked softly.

"The older generation of his family all died in the war with the orcs. The heads of several grandfathers were once hung on the wall of the big city on the border of the orcs' mainland, where they were subjected to all kinds of insults... until the war of annihilation. Afterwards, the relationship between the various races improved, and Star Luo Continent redeemed those corpses back then." Livia said.

"This...but these orc students are innocent! They are just civilians, and they were not even born a long time ago when humans and orcs were at war!"

"He also knows that he has tried his best to suppress his anger and not vent it on the civilians of the orcs. But the fact that the Landis School of Magic opened a branch in the Orc Continent to teach the magic of the orcs made him collapse Yes. Originally, the long-distance and large-scale attack methods of the orcs were relatively weak, but the Star Luo Continent also passed on its own advantages to the orcs. In this way, the physical talents of the orcs in melee combat were better than humans , a slightly weaker race can play a very important role in the rear after learning magic, and the overall strength of the orc race will be unprecedentedly strong. Spring, can't accept this status quo of making wedding dresses for enemies. But he still softens his heart , he quietly observed the students who performed well in the practical training class, and only killed a few students who showed great talent in the practical class..."

"This is the country's enmity on the common people..." Nangongfeng stretched out his hands, covered his face, and rubbed it slowly to wake himself up.

He now understands the conflicted and relieved look in his eyes when he fought against Spring.The hatred of the family and the country cannot be forgotten, and he should not forget it, but he also understands that the hatred should not be vented on the hands of ordinary orc people, especially in this era when humans and orcs live in peace... So he contradicts and is called After defeating myself, I felt relieved again.

Nangongfeng walked into that cave when he brought Lolo and Bi Ni out, and there were two corpses inside, both of which were burnt to charcoal in a very peaceful posture.I am afraid that Spring also knows that there are good thoughts in his heart. If he goes into the cave and sees these sleeping faces, he is afraid that he will not be able to do it.So every time he killed someone, he would stand outside the cave and use magic inside to make them die less painful and more peaceful.

The Landis School of Magic opened a branch in the Orc Continent, with the hope of friendship between the two races, but Spring, as a veteran of the battlefield, saw from his perspective that doing so was tantamount to cultivating human beings. A more formidable enemy.His loyalty and filial piety made him want to change everything, and his kindness and integrity kept torturing him physically and mentally.

In this matter, it is difficult for Nangongfeng to objectively judge whether Spring is right or wrong.On the one hand, the hatred of the family and the country cannot be forgotten, and on the other hand, it is the new generation of murderers who have slaughtered their ancestors and relatives.If you accept everything and get along peacefully, you will feel resentful and uneasy; if you strangle young talents ruthlessly, you will be stained with innocent blood.This kind of thing is indeed very difficult to judge right from wrong.

Next, there may be more human beings who have had bitter hatred with the orcs and demons to face the present era, and the orcs and demons also have people who bear hatred to face this era.But if Nangongfeng is allowed to judge subjectively, then what Spring did is absolutely wrong.

Whether it is the fault of the times, the fault of the war, or the fault of those rulers and warlike people whose hands are stained with blood, crime and resentment should never end on innocent people.

After all, I don't have this kind of family hatred, so Nangongfeng's subjective judgment is a bit one-sided. If all the members of his Nangong family were killed and their bodies were hung on the tower to humiliate him, maybe he would also follow the path chosen by Spring. , or maybe even crazier.Without personal experience, it is not easy for him to take the moral high ground and accuse Spring of anything.

"What are you going to do with Spring?" Nangongfeng asked.

"He expressed his willingness to pay any price to pay for his hatred. He committed such a case at this period when various races began to accept each other, which had a great impact on the relationship between humans and beast races. We will hand him over to the beast race. Family processing."

"Has the beast clan decided how to deal with it? If necessary, I can explain it to the king of the beast clan, at least..."

"Hearing our decision, Spring committed suicide in prison last night. He said that he didn't want to die at the hands of the orcs, and he didn't want to become a sinner who destroyed peace through the ages. He understood the meaning of this era, Perhaps this is the era in which wars are truly avoided and more innocent people die in wars... Everything is his personal fault, so he is regarded as a murderer who commits all kinds of crimes. End as redemption, don't cause more racial conflict."

"Are the Orcs willing to accept the prisoner's suicide?"

"Ms. Douglas has already gone to communicate with the king of the orcs, and the king of Yanongjing has also agreed to pay huge financial compensation. Although money cannot solve the pain of losing his family, it can be regarded as a kind of atonement. They try their best to make the orcs Agree to let the corpse stay in Star Luo Continent..."

"In any case, Spring will have to pay the price for what he has done. Let's just end this matter. I hope the resentment between the two races will subside as soon as possible."

Nangongfeng stood up slowly. Before coming, he had already made mental preparations in advance. This trip would be a trip full of smog, so he adjusted his mood quickly. He patted his butt and planned to go out for a walk in the sun. relax.

"That's right." Livia suddenly called out to Nangongfeng who was about to leave.

"What?" Nangongfeng turned around suspiciously.

"Lolo, apply for withdrawal." Livia pointed to a white envelope on her desk.

"Exiting school? Why? She and Bi Ni didn't come to school for several days, didn't they go to recuperate?" Nangong Feng turned around and said in amazement.

"They don't have any injuries at all. Why do they need to recuperate? They all asked for leave and left, but this application for withdrawal was sent in just now. The reason was not specified in detail. It only said that the application for withdrawal was due to personal reasons."

personal reasons?

Nangongfeng's mind was a little confused, he always felt absent-minded after not seeing that shy little fox these few days, now it's all right, he dropped out of school for no reason.

"Ahem, I can let this letter stay on my desk for a day... I will deal with it before I get off work tomorrow night at the latest."

Livia has always been a rigid person, everything must be done meticulously to be satisfied.

But this time, she made an exception... No, it's not an exception, the latest time she allowed herself to deal with such letters was one day and one night, and she would formally accept the withdrawal application before the end of the next day.

I can only help you here.

After Livia finished speaking, Nan Gongfeng left the principal's office ahead of Nangongfeng. Facing a letter that was deliberately delayed was a very tormenting thing for her. She needed to let herself be busy with other things and forget about it.

(End of this chapter)

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