Chapter 867

What to learn?Nangongfeng ran out of the principal's office depressed, feeling that there were a lot of messy things in his heart, and he didn't know where to start to deal with them.

But a smart person must learn the same basic way of doing things, that is, know how to classify the things at hand, prioritize and complete them in an orderly manner.For example, if two jobs have the same level of importance, but one is completed today and the other is handed in tomorrow, then there is no doubt that the first one must be completed first.For another example, two jobs are due tomorrow, but one involves important matters and the other is just a routine job that is not important, so there is no doubt that the first job should be completed first.Spending a little time rationally analyzing the work at hand can actually make you do things more planned, efficient and reasonable.These principles seem simple, but there are very few people who can really do it, because as your subjective consciousness changes, it will always affect your arrangements and judgments.

The disappearance of the Beast God is an important and urgent matter, but there is no direction to start, so we can let it go for a while; Luo Luo dropped out of school, subjectively speaking, Nan Gongfeng wants to know this matter first, but objectively speaking, this matter is actually not very important. It's important, even if she was expelled from school, Nan Gongfeng doesn't believe that he can't help her return to school, so she can go to the Fox tribe to find someone to communicate with, and she can let it go for now; Bi Ni hasn't gone to school doesn't matter, pass ; Yuan Feiwu, and his brother who was born to die and disappeared in order to save the Three Realms, the matter of finding him should be the top priority anyway, and now he has found a breakthrough that can be started.

After simply sorting it out, it is obvious what Nangongfeng needs to do now!

"Turtle! The tortoise that speaks so slowly, where is it? The stinky tortoise that caused the author to be considered by the readers to be using '...' to cheat the number of words, get out!"

Taking advantage of the empty campus where the students were in class, Nangongfeng hurried back to the training ground to find the turtle he met a few days ago.

He actually came to look for it several times in the past two days, but he couldn't find it.The top priority now is to find this guy!

Because that day when he inherited Hades' deity and left, this guy's real body (misunderstanding) was still in Yuan Feiwu's storage space!If it still hasn't left Yuan Feiwu's storage space, then there must be a way to contact Yuan Feiwu!Or know Yuan Feiwu's current situation!
So after finding this mysterious creature AlphaⅨ, Nangongfeng can know where Yuan Feiwu is, and Nangongfeng can find a way to find him, help him, or bring him back!

It's a pity that what Nangongfeng did was in vain, the tortoise seemed to have disappeared from here, no matter how Nangongfeng spread his energy, he couldn't sense its existence.

The turtle shouldn't have left this area so fast!

Nangongfeng scratched his hair like a hen's coop, and was extremely irritable. He searched around the campus over and over again until sunset.

If Nangongfeng dug three feet and couldn't find it for two consecutive days, it must not be here anymore.Nangongfeng could only return to his dormitory in disappointment. He needed to consider whether to increase the scope of the search. Maybe the tortoise crawled all night after that night and directly crawled out of the campus.

Nangongfeng regretted it to death. If he had known this, he should have kicked the turtle into his pocket that night!At that time, seeing its back crawling away handsomely, he still expressed emotion that it was really a tortoise that brought 'timely rain'!Feeling a wool!
Depressedly walking back to the dormitory, Nangong Feng who had just walked outside the dormitory suddenly stopped moving, and he heard a rustling sound.He hurriedly ran to that direction to see, it turned out that a big wild boar was digging the ground outside the towering outer wall of the school.

There is a mountain outside the campus on Nangongfeng's side. It doesn't seem strange to have wild boars, but it is a bit strange to dig the ground here. After all, the life of the orcs on the side of the orcs still relies on hunting for food and fur. They are all hidden in the deep mountains and don't come out very often.Because those who came out were hunted away.

"Lulu... Invincible Fighting God, don't be in a daze... Aren't you looking for Alpha IX... Alpha IX can't get in now..."


Nangongfeng didn't know whether to be happy or depressed, the corners of his eyes were covered with black lines.

After regaining his senses, Nangongfeng hurriedly carried the big wild boar back to the dormitory, sneaking like a thief along the way.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Nangongfeng quickly threw the big wild boar to the ground, rushed up and pressed it firmly with his body, for fear that it would run away again.

"Say! Why didn't I answer me after looking for you for a long time! Do you have something to do with a guilty conscience!" Nangong Feng excitedly sprayed the wild boar's face with saliva.

This guy is said to be one of the magic stars of the Lord of Chaos, so Nangongfeng can't fully trust him!

"Lulu... the sound exceeds 3000 standing buckets (a sound unit used by Alpha Ⅸ, anyway, readers can't understand how old it is)... Alpha Ⅸ number 1785 chip host wild boar king I heard it in the deep mountains... Don't the people around you think you are noisy..."


Nangongfeng was anxious at the time and didn't pay much attention to it. Looking back now, he ran around and yelled "Where are you, turtle", which caused a lot of teachers and students to watch after school.They probably thought they were crazy at the time!It was only when he recalled afterwards that shame took over his mind again, what a fucking embarrassment!
"Lulu... Alpha IX also wanted to answer your call...but the Wild Boar King couldn't jump over that fence... I've been digging for a long time... Lulu..."

"Where's your turtle host?"

"Lulu... the host number 0373 lost contact the day after seeing you that day... The last picture sent back was a fat old man and a pot... There were two old men beside him saying, 'The Millennium King Badabu ah'... probably got poisoned..."

"I'm sorry. Let me first declare that I absolutely don't know those three old men. Please forgive me." Nangong Feng said immediately.

Nangongfeng's excited mood calmed down immediately... It was definitely him who made the mistake for a long time.

Masters!Aren't you here to be guest teachers?What's the matter with suddenly grabbing a bastard to make a side stove!Can't Livia take care of them!
"It doesn't matter... The birth, old age, sickness and death of the hosts are normal... Including various ways of survival, whether it is hunting the other party or being hunted by the other party... Alpha IX will not intervene... This is the process of the survival of the fittest in nature... "

"I understand, but I still have to apologize to you, in various senses." Nangongfeng said embarrassedly, "Alfa Ⅸ, I came to you to ask you a question, is your body still flying around? In the space?"

"Alpha IX can be said to have no body, and it can also be said that every object carrying the intelligent program of Alpha IX is the body of Alpha IX...but the wreckage of the mechanical body numbered 636 is indeed still flying around. In the space..."

"Tell me where Yuan Feiwu is, and what happened to him?"

When Nangongfeng heard the news, he couldn't help being excited. He pressed the big wild boar's hands unconsciously more vigorously, and was about to crush the big wild boar's two front feet. let go.

"Lulu...the wreckage of Alpha IX's mechanical body No. 636 can indeed be contacted...but I'm sorry...Yuan Feiwu can't contact..."


"Yuan Feiwu's consciousness has been disconnected from the storage, the wreckage of mechanical body No. 636 can't do anything except read novels over and over again..."

"I can't get in touch...but as long as the storage space doesn't collapse, it means the owner of the storage space is still alive, right?"

"This theory is not correct... Under normal circumstances, the storage space exists objectively, but it has a spiritual connection with the user and becomes an independent existence... If the user dies, that space still exists, but it cannot be opened again... "The big wild boar snorted heavily, and the breath coming out of its mouth was a bit fishy, ​​but compared to the tortoise's speedy speech, Nangongfeng would rather listen to the big wild boar, otherwise he would have to die in a hurry, "But Yuan Feiwu The storage space is a bit different... His storage space is a space created from scratch... This kind of space may have a different connection with the creator, but Alpha IX's database has no relevant clues for calculation, so There is no way to prove that he is still alive..."

"Damn it, I can't even make sure he's alive or dead?" Nangong Feng roared unwillingly.

"There should be a guy here who can provide me with relevant clues to deduce..."


"The God of Creation here... the three-in-one world you live in is the space he created... Go to him and ask for relevant information... After providing it to Alpha IX, maybe you can Yuan Feiwu's storage space collapsed to judge Yuan Feiwu's life and death..."

"The God of Creation..." Nangongfeng fell into deep thought.

Although he still couldn't find Yuan Feiwu, at least he could prove Yuan Feiwu's life and death, Nan Gongfeng already thought it was pretty good, it was better than living every day knowing nothing and worrying about it.

"Another reminder to you...According to the data analysis of the Alpha IX database...whenever the male protagonist presses other women or other creatures to show an ambiguous posture...there is a 60% chance that the female protagonist will bump into And there was an unspeakable misunderstanding..." The big wild boar panted for a long time, seeing that Nangongfeng didn't intend to get up yet, so he reminded him kindly.

"I'll go, you're such a bad plot that only appears in vulgar romance novels! How is it possible..." Nangong Feng recovered from his contemplation, smiled wryly, let go of his hands, and planned to get up.

At this moment, the door of his dormitory was kicked open with a bang.

Standing at the door was Bi Ni, staring at Nangong Feng and the big wild boar under him in surprise.For a moment the air seemed to freeze, Nangong Feng and Bi Ni looked at each other with unbelievable eyes, only the panting sound of the big wild boar was left.

Then, another elegant man walked in from the door. He was not as surprised as Bi Ni, but his expression was disgusted: "Bi Ni, your savior has a strong taste!"

After speaking, he wrapped Bi Ni in his arms, and while encircling her with his arms, he also covered her eyes, expressing the meaning that teenagers and children should not watch the picture in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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