Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 868 It's Urgent! !

Chapter 868 It's Urgent! !

"AlfaⅨ, your data analysis is inaccurate, I'm pretty sure this is not the heroine." Nangong Feng turned around and complained to Big Wild Boar.

"Lulu...the analysis data of Alpha Ⅸ has not been finished yet...35% chance will be a supporting actress...5% chance will be a supporting actor..." Big Wild Boar pouted.

"Thank you for your analysis, I thank you!" Nangongfeng couldn't laugh or cry. He raised his head and looked at the two uninvited guests at the door with confidence and sincerity, "Although this is a big one. Misunderstanding, but first of all, I would like to apologize, I am sorry for letting you see such an unbearable picture! I only have one request, no matter what, don’t tell what I saw today! Please!”

Nangongfeng recognized the visitor, so it goes without saying that Bi Ni had a lot of dealings with her during this period of time.As for that handsome blond guy, Nangong Feng had some impressions.When the three clans held a "Princess Treaty" meeting, Nangong Feng and Xueyue met this guy when they went to the Demon Race area to resolve a few girls' quarrels. He was a fallen angel.But this fallen angel is a pair of twins besides its outstanding appearance, so it is particularly impressive. Nangongfeng recognized it at a glance.

And judging from the situation at that time, it seemed that the twins were Yuan Feiwu's followers.In this way, he and himself are half of us!Thinking of this, Nangongfeng couldn't feel any hostility towards that handsome blond guy.

"Lord Patreon, although this Afeng has some strange eccentricities, since he has begged so much, let's not tell it, shall we?" Binny shyly rubbed on Patreon's body as she spoke, very cute appearance.

I go!Bi Ni has changed too much!Nangongfeng almost thought that Bi Ni had twins too!Suddenly realized that it shouldn't be, it's just that this guy is very well-behaved in front of Patreon, it seems like a different person!Is this cute in contrast?I don't know whether Nangongfeng is cute or not, but it's obvious that Patreon likes this kind of thing, and the unruly aura on his body disappeared instantly.

"Okay, for the sake of Bi Ni. Are you willing to let go of that big talking boar?" When Patreon looked at Nangongfeng again, his eyes still revealed complicated emotions.

Nangongfeng climbed up from the big wild boar without laughing or laughing, he really wanted to scream at the sky at this moment!He is an invincible fighting god!What is it in the eyes of others now?Want to be perverted about pigs?

Seeing Nangongfeng get up from the big wild boar, Patreon let go of his arms, allowing Bi Ni to regain his light.

To be honest, Patreon also thinks this Ah Feng looks familiar, but unfortunately he doesn't remember where he saw him.If it didn't look familiar, Patreon would have taken Bi Ni out of this perverted dormitory long ago.

"Alpha IX, stay by your side and don't run around, my business with you is not over yet!" Nangong Feng did not forget to greet the big wild boar.

"He actually named the big wild boar..." "It's not over yet? Does he want to continue after we leave..."

"This big wild boar is... my good friend! Don't keep thinking wrong! Tell me what you want to do when you break into my dormitory!" Nangongfeng interrupted their whispering depressedly.

Don't they know it's impolite to discuss other people's affairs in a low voice in front of others?At least not in front of the person involved!

"Bi Ni wanted to come over to talk to you, but I just came along and wanted to thank you for saving Bi Ni. It doesn't matter if you want money or status, even let me help you find a good job in the Demon Race." You can do any errands, if you have any requirements, just ask." Speaking of Bi Ni, Patreon's expression immediately changed back to incomparable sincerity.

Patreon has already learned about the disappearance of the academy, and all the missing students are dead.If it wasn't for Ah Feng who rescued Bi Ni, Patreon might lose the most precious person in his life.

"No need, I don't need anything, thank you for your kindness." Nangongfeng replied without hesitation.

This guy seems to have a lot of feelings for Bi Ni... Nangongfeng looked at Bi Ni who was still snuggling up to Patreon with a shy face, curled his lips in displeasure, why does it feel like they came here specially to feed him dog food? of?Haven't you heard the saying "People are hard but never broken"?

"Thank you for receiving it, you're welcome. So what's the matter with you coming to see me, Bi Ni?"

Nangongfeng sighed, now he is busy researching Yuan Feiwu with Alpha IX, and he really wants to get rid of the dog food courier pair as soon as possible.

"I want to tell you about Lolo."

"What's wrong with Lolo?" Nangongfeng is quite sensitive to this name now.

"What's wrong with Lolo? Lolo is going to get married, and you're so heartless here with wild boars!"

When Bi Ni saw that Nangongfeng didn't even know what happened to Luoluo, she didn't know where the fire came from, and instantly returned to the familiar little sister mode that Nangongfeng was familiar with.

"Are you going to get married? Why? Tell me in detail, I don't know anything!" Nangong Feng was stunned.

Seeing Nangong Feng's demented look, Bi Ni patted her head, it was true, but Luo Luo didn't say anything, how did this idiot know what happened!
"The strength of the fox tribe is very poor. They have been able to survive in the beast tribe all the time, relying on marrying a powerful tribe and letting the powerful tribe protect them. In recent years, the tribe they rely on is the snake tribe. That Luo Wei Er is the son of the head of the Snake Clan, and Luo Luo will marry him after her 16th birthday in exchange for their continued protection of the Fox Clan."

"The protection of the snake clan..." Nangongfeng murmured.

As a native human being, he is not very clear about these situations, but he has heard a little about them.There are many kinds of orc blood in the Beast Continent. There are races that are born strong, and there are races that are weak and need protection. Those weak races are born without great strength and quick and sensitive physique. They can only live in their own way. In a small area, live among the great powers.Because they are weak, they will be frequently patronized by other races or bandits from time to time. If they want to survive, they must find a powerful tribe to protect themselves.

Nangongfeng sighed extremely, Luoluo was the victim who lost her life and future for the survival of her tribe.

"I know about the conflict between you and Rowell last time. In order to make Rowell no longer pursue the person you beat them up, Luoluo begged them for a long time in a low voice. Fortunately, you have been sulking at Luoluo all the time! Luoluo Luoben is simple, how can you know what you are angry about! Every day is depressed!" Bi Ni became more and more angry, almost pointing at Nangongfeng's nose, "Luoluo doesn't like that Rowell, but she There is no way. Well now, Rowell is upset to see you. If you want Lolo to marry him immediately, he won’t be 16 years old! I still have time to deal with it, but now I don’t have time at all! Do you think this Why don't I come to school for a few days? It's to negotiate! Let the fox tribe belong to our cow tribe, and our cow tribe will protect them! It's a pity that the head of the fox tribe has agreed to the snake tribe. Revenge of the Snake Clan! It's all your fault!"

"Where is the Fox Tribe, I'll go and tell them that they don't need to marry Lolo to Rowell. If they just need a backer, then Nan... Afeng can do it easily." Nangongfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that the last time Luo Luo went against her to help Rowell, it was to help her save her life, as long as all the misunderstandings were resolved, it felt a little sweet to think about it.Silly girl, I, Nangongfeng, still need to worry about the little snake tribe?As for the issue of the backer, since he is the backer of the Fox Clan, the Invincible Fighting God, who else in the Beast Clan Continent would dare not give face?

"Just blow it up! We, the Bull Clan, can't solve it even if we go all out, just rely on you, a fool who came to the Beast Clan Continent to learn magic?" Bi Ni rolled her eyes fiercely, "Who wouldn't shoot after the fact? Lolo has already married from the fox family, and it will be here in two days, alas, a flower stuck in cow dung."

"Married? Where is the Snake Tribe?!" Nangong Feng became anxious after hearing this.

Originally, Luo Luo's matter was simply dropping out of school, so of course it was classified as not too urgent.But now that they are all married, the severity of the matter is different!No one can abduct his invincible God of War woman!He must go over and stop Lolo immediately!

"The Snake Tribe is far away...with your current will take two days to fly there..."

The big wild boar spent soy sauce on the sidelines for a long time, and when he heard a question he could answer, he spoke to regain his sense of existence.

He is the clearest about the location and distribution of all the tribes in the Beast Continent.

"As expected..." "Well, that wild boar spoke again..."

"Don't stuff the dog food again! The top priority is to bring back Lolo first!" Nangong Feng was very depressed as he stopped talking about dog food, "It will take several days for my seal to be released. Too late! Is there a way to send me to the Snake Tribe immediately?"

"Alpha IX's energy storage in this world can't teleport through space...but Alpha IX knows there is a shortcut...that allows you to quickly reach the Snake Clan Continent..."

"Go! Take me there right away!" Nangong Feng picked up the big wild boar and flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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