Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 869 The Sorrow of Nangong Feng

Chapter 869 The Sorrow of Nangong Feng
Nangongfeng drove the big wild boar at a fast speed, and the sky entered the middle of the night, and the two of them came to the riverside with one pig.

Why two people?Nangongfeng turned his head and glanced at the fallen angel with spread wings, which slowly landed beside him.The darkness seemed to be the home ground of the fallen angels. Whether he was flying or fighting at night, the darkness gave him the best cover.

Patreon followed, because Nangongfeng saved Bi Ni's life, Patreon decided to help Nangongfeng go back to repay Binny's life-saving grace.Although he, Patreon, has the natural pride of a fallen angel and thinks he is superior to others, but he also understands the truth that others should reciprocate the kindness they have done to him.This principle was also taught by that great adult, so I dare not forget it.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that Patreon wants to join in the fun.After all, after the adult is gone, he and Partridge are really bored!Now I can't wait to invite Partridge to come over, and go to the Snake Tribe to make a big fuss on the grounds of this boy who is going to snatch a bride!After all, the blood flowing from the bloodline of fallen angels also contains crazy genes!

"Jump in." The big wild boar struggled to jump out of Nangong Feng's arms and walked to the edge of the river.

In the night, the great river flows eastward, and the waves are turbulent, which makes people feel intimidated.

Of course, this turbulent Jiangnan Gongfeng will not be taken seriously, but why do you want to jump?
"This big river that runs through the Orc Continent was cultivated by Alfa IX for many years... In order to purify the sea water to a drinking water level that can be used by creatures in this world... Alpha IX is at the bottom of the river. Made a lot of purge ports... with the Armstrong jet momentum of the purge port...gets you near the snake tribe in 12 hours...this is currently the fastest way to get you to the snake tribe from here ..."

"So you built this big river? It's amazing!" Nangong Feng admired. The benefits of this big river to the Orc Continent are beyond words. From the bottom of his heart, Nangongfeng raised his opinion on Alpha IX by several levels, "Okay, let's jump off right now. What about you?"

"Lulu... This host is not suitable for underwater activities... You jump down... The host of the Alpha IX chip number 6198 will meet you below..."


Time was running out, and Nangongfeng didn't have time to dawdle, so he jumped directly into the river.Then, he heard another sound of falling into the water, and when he looked back, Patreon followed.

He doesn't care if Patreon follows or not, but he won't say much if he does, Yuan Feiwu's younger brother is half of his own, so come if you want.

"Alpha IX, come out quickly, where should I swim?"

The general's water flow was very fast, Nangong Feng barely stabilized his position in the water with his hands and feet, and used his fighting spirit to resonate in his throat to make a sound in the water.

"Here...follow Alpha IX..."

A big fish with the thickness of a thigh swam to the front of Nangongfeng, and quickly swam to the east, its body made a sound from nowhere.

The river originally flowed eastward, and since it was heading eastward, Nangong Feng felt much more comfortable, and immediately swam faster than flying with a little fighting energy.Patreon easily followed, leaned against Nangongfeng, and kept looking at the big fish leading the way.

"You have the ability to make animals talk?" Patreon asked in surprise.

"No. It's hard to explain in a word, but this guy is quite reliable, let's go with it!"

"Listen... the lower left not far ahead... there is a piece of aquatic plants swinging in different directions... remove the boulder next to that piece of aquatic plants... it is one of the purification ports under the river... this purification port has an exit Go to the vicinity of the Snake Tribe... use the momentum to go up from there and you will soon reach the Snake Tribe..."

"Wait! Let's pass by the piece of aquatic plants you mentioned?!"

Nangongfeng slammed on the brakes and stirred up countless large and small bubbles in the water.

He just wondered why the piece of aquatic plants that he just passed was swaying to the west!Shouldn't it be too much to swim for a long time!
"Oh? Maybe Alpha IX remembered the wrong place... The memory of the chip number 6198 is not very good..." The big fish turned around and swam back.

Patreon spread his wings like a speedbrake, and it didn't lose its beauty in the water. He quickly returned to Nangongfeng after decelerating and changing direction: "Are you sure it's reliable?"

Patreon was rarely qualified to question the unreliability of others.

"It's normal to make one or two mistakes once in a while, I think you should be more lenient." Nangongfeng comforted.


Nangongfeng remembered the location of the aquatic plants just now, and quickly found the boulder next to the aquatic plants, turned around and asked, "Is it here?"

"That's right...remove the boulder next to the water's one of the purification ports at the bottom of the of the exits of this purification port leads to the snake tribe...from there, you can reach the snake tribe quickly with momentum tribe……"

"Wait a minute, I seem to have heard what you said just now." Nangongfeng frowned, and now he began to feel unreliable, "What I want to ask you is, what should you pay attention to after opening this boulder? ?"

"Did Alpha IX say this... I'm sorry, I forgot... After opening the boulder... what should I pay attention to?"

The big fish was still at the bottom of the water, looking a little stupid, Nangongfeng looked at it and began to have a bad feeling in his heart.

"I asked you what you need to pay attention to, but you asked me back? Did you make a mistake! If you do this again, I will have to consider steaming or braising you!"

"Ah Feng, I pushed the boulder away..."

Nangongfeng hadn't finished complaining, and Patreon's words were just so-so. Suddenly, a terrible force struck, and Nangongfeng couldn't control his body to be sucked away by the force!

dong dong dong...

After the boulder was pushed away, there was a long, dark tunnel with many turning corners in the middle. Nangongfeng and Patreon, who couldn't control their stature, could only helplessly follow the water and crash into those turns. Mouth, use the collision of the body to change direction accordingly, making the sound of collision.

"Your sister! If you want to die together, don't try to run away!"

Nangongfeng reacted quickly, and when he found something was wrong, he immediately hugged the big fish in his arms, otherwise he and the big fish would have different weights and sizes, and he would definitely not know where he would be scattered!

"Behind the boulder is the main entrance for purification... Pushing the boulder away will have a huge suction force, and you will definitely not be able to resist it with the strength of your sky warriors. Everyone must be mentally prepared... Ordinary people have long been under such a strong suction force. It's turned into blood..." The big fish seemed to think of something suddenly, so he said.

"You might as well talk about it another day when we drink tea!!!! Another day after I steam or braise you!" Nangong Feng almost collapsed, "We're all fucking sucked in, okay! What shall we do next? Do it! Let me explain in advance, okay!"

"Sorry... The chip is always perfectly assimilated with the host... The host's bad memory causes the memory of the chip to flicker... Do you ask what to do next?"

"Yeah! Was it directly sucked to the destination?"

"Of course not... During the purification process, there are many superalloy filters that can corrode your chemical materials and are sharp enough to eliminate fine particles... If you are sucked to the end, your life will be in danger... You have to pay attention to the edges, there will be circles on it The logo...the one with the circle mark can open that stone wall and climb out...the place we are going to is about the last one..."

After a long time, the big fish didn't speak. Nangongfeng almost thought it was killed by the strong suction, and he felt relieved when he looked down to see its dead fish eyes still blinking.

"Which one is the last one? Say it quickly!"

"Forget... wait... give Alfa IX some time to recall..."

"Patrion, I want to apologize to you, I was wrong, this guy is really unreliable!!" Nangongfeng yelled at Patreon helplessly.

"Patrion also wants to apologize to you, because Patreon already thinks that you are not very reliable!"

As soon as Patreon pushed away the boulder, he was sucked into the hole, so he was always in front of Nangongfeng.He used two big wings to protect his body to buffer the collision. At this moment, he poked his head out of the wings and responded helplessly.

"So tell me quickly! If we overcharge, we won't be able to swim back with such a strong suction force!" Nangongfeng no longer wanted to change Patreon's view of him, and hurriedly yelled at the big fish.

"Oh... Alfa remembered... We didn't arrive so soon, the exit we were going to go out was almost at the end of this tunnel... It was the last one..." The big fish suddenly turned around while talking Looking at Nangongfeng with a dull expression, "Who are you? Why am I here?"


Brother, why do you want to assimilate with a fish! ! ! ! !How many seconds does the memory of a fish have? You, an AI engaged in scientific research and development, don't have a little bit of that number in your mind! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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