Chapter 870

In a small pond on a certain mountain, the originally gentle water boiled violently.

Such a sound frightened many animals that came to drink water, and they fled away one after another, causing some noise and disorder in the forest.

After a while, the water surface suddenly rose, and there was a bang, and a jet of water exceeding the water volume of the small pond sprayed into the sky.

"Ahem... I'll go, this experience is enough to make me unforgettable..."

After the water jets went up to the sky, they were sprinkled again, and the ground near the pond was dripping wet.And two of the desolate figures crawled exhaustedly on the ground. After getting away from the pond, they spread their hands and lay on the ground, letting the water droplets falling from the sky hit their bodies, as if their bodies had been hollowed out.

And after one of the people opened his hand, a big fish fell to the ground. After losing the water, he struggled non-stop, splashing a lot of mud on the person's face, and the person didn't bother to pay attention to it.

These two downcast figures are naturally the unlucky Nangongfeng and Patreon.The clothes on Nangongfeng's body were already rotten, and he was almost naked, with blood-red scars visible on his body.Patreon's clothes and body were in good condition, but the wings that he was most proud of as a fallen angel were riddled with holes, causing Patreon to keep looking at his wings from side to side.

"Sit and stand, how should we go to the Snake Tribe now?" Nangongfeng turned around and stretched out a hand to hold down the thumping big fish.

Now Nangongfeng didn't know where he was, and he didn't know how to get to the Snake Tribe. He looked up at the sky, and the sun had already started to set. He didn't know how long it had been.If Lolo has already married into the Snake Tribe, wouldn't the day lily be cold!I wanted to take a shortcut to hurry, although the momentum of the water flow was indeed much faster than his own flying, but it was a kind of sadness not knowing where he was rushed!
"We were directly sucked into the bottom of the purification channel...Fortunately, you are so strong that you survived...Alpha IX won't ask you to pay for the equipment damage...We were going to climb out from the penultimate exit... But the exit at the bottom of the purification channel is not too far away from the Snake Tribe..."

"You didn't remember which exit to go out until we were almost stuck inside, right?!" Nangongfeng said depressedly.

He said to himself more than once when he inherited the Hades god, he said to himself more than once that he must no longer trust this benevolent friendship to fool himself into inheriting the god, and then watch the Internet leisurely while he inherits the god Novel giggling bastard!Well, regret it now!

"It turned out that at the moment of death, I would really rebroadcast my life like a slide show... The memory of the chip was also read again, so I remembered it... It's only been more than 20 hours now, and it's still Much faster than your flying speed..." The big fish was spitting out bubbles, looking like it was about to die.

Nangongfeng didn't wait for the big fish to finish speaking, grabbed the big fish and threw it into the pond angrily.

Fuck your flashbacks!Go to your chip and it will come back!You are a scam!

"Hey, you threw him back before asking where to go!"

Patreon got up from the ground, and simply folded his wings to prevent himself from being sad.He walked to the pond, looked at the big fish that had come back to life in the water, and was about to fish it out again and ask them where they should go now.

"No, just ask them directly... just want to change clothes."

Nangong Feng smiled coldly, and two orcs from the Snake Clan came out from behind the mountain forest not far away, they were stunned for a moment, and then rushed over angrily.It is estimated that there was too much movement here, which attracted the nearby orcs.It was the snake orcs who attracted them. Obviously, the tribe of the snake orcs is not far away!

"You are qualified to use the word 'change'?" Patreon glanced at the few rags left on Nangongfeng's body. Can this also be called a "set" of clothes?
"Well, I guess they will be willing." Nangong Feng spread his hands and looked a little innocent, "There is no problem that can't be solved with one beating, if there is, then two beatings... I believe they will always be willing a moment."

"Okay." Patreon also smiled. Although he most admired Mr. Yuan Feiwu's quiet, low-key but omnipotent invincibility, he also liked Afeng's tone with a strong criminal atmosphere!

The two snake orcs didn't know what kind of bad luck they had, they met Nangongfeng and Patreon, two killing gods.After being tortured by them, he obediently acted as a guide and brought the two of them to the snake tribe's residence.

The Snake Tribe's residence is in a depression among the rolling hills, it's really hard for Nangongfeng to find it by himself.After finding the resident of the Snake Tribe, the two passing Snake Tribe orcs were useless. They were knocked unconscious by Nangong Feng and thrown aside. One of them was still naked, very pitiful.

"Shall we go directly to rob relatives?" Patreon turned around and asked Nangongfeng.

"Damn! What kind of marriage, I've never fucking agreed to this marriage!"

Nangongfeng suddenly had Rowell's arrogant face in his mind, and it was the face that was showing off when Luo Luo was standing beside him, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"It seems that this marriage is not up to you to decide at all, right?" Although Patreon looks like a tease, he is actually a tease, but he is not out of his mind, so he has to despise Nangong Fengdao.

"The person I like, then I can only take care of it." Nangong Feng rubbed his nose, showed a confident smile, and spoke loudly.

"I like your reasoning very much."

Patreon laughed, he hadn't met such an interesting guy in a very long time!It's a pity that Partridge is not here, otherwise they will definitely hit it off better!
After the simple communication, Nangongfeng and Patreon rushed down the hillside.On the outskirts of the Snake Clan resident, there were some Snake Clan orcs who were cultivating various crops. They all passed by and rushed directly into the resident.These ordinary people don't need to waste time on it at all.

The Snake Clan's residence is like a big village with a large population. Many people saw Nangongfeng and Patreon as two uninvited guests, but they ran away before they could react.But the Snake Tribe is the stronghold of the Snake Clan after all, even experts like Nangongfeng and Patreon can't say they can come and go as they please.

Nangongfeng originally planned to find a house in the village with a larger family, and the patriarch's son got married, so the patriarch's house should be the largest one.

Before finding the target, the two were intercepted by a group of snake masters.

"Who are you? Are you able to break into the land of our snake clan!"

An elder of the snake tribe drew out a sword that was not much longer than a dagger, and stared at Nangongfeng and Patreon with gloomy eyes.

The orcs of the snake clan like to use this kind of short sword, because if they are forced to fight in close quarters, they prefer to get close to the enemy, which may have something to do with their tongues.Their tongues have the characteristics of snakes and can sense temperature, breath and many other situations. The closer they are to the enemy, the faster their reactions will be.

"Misunderstanding! This big brother, it is like this, we are serious people who come to the Snake Tribe to do business..."

"Kneel down! Come on, sing Conquer! Oh no, hurry up, hand over the bride! Oh no, hurry up, hand over the woman Ah Feng likes! If we don't hand over, we can only grab it!"

Nangongfeng hypocritically put out a kind smile on his face, and was about to pretend to be a businessman to see if he could get in front of the patriarch, but when he turned his head, Patreon over there was really slow. Clan fighters rubbed against the ground!

Brother!Are you so anxious to start!Let's pretend at least, shall we?And your tone is not to stop the wedding, it's completely a bandit who is here to snatch a woman, okay?At present, I am only above the strength of Sky Warrior, so if I really want to fight the whole snake clan, I won't take advantage of it, okay?Can you outsmart me first?
The elder saw that his fighters were all subdued, so he didn't listen to Nangongfeng's nonsense, he twirled the dagger coolly in his hand and rushed towards Nangongfeng.

Alpha Ⅸ Pit, Alpha Ⅸ Pit, Alpha Ⅸ Pit, Patreon Pit; Patreon Pit, Patreon Pit, Patreon Pit... Anyone who wants to come to the Pit, please let me know ?Nangongfeng didn't know how to express his depression!

But he is not a person who is afraid of troubles. Now that they are all making trouble, he can't back down no matter what.In front of him was Lolo who assumed her own fate and gave up her life choices. How could he back down and let that shy girl with furry fox ears lose her smile forever!

Nangongfeng faded away the hypocritical smirk, restored that confident smile, and rushed towards the elder.The secret stone glove had been put on at some point, and his left hand grabbed the dagger of the elder of the Snake Clan.

The elder probably didn't expect that the person in front of him was the invincible God of War who participated in the battle of the gods in the battle of annihilating the world. He couldn't help sneering in his heart when he saw that the opponent was wearing gloves and was about to grab his sword.

"Looking for death!" His sword turned the tip of the sword, stabbed at the glove, and waited for the iron-cut sword to stab his hand in half!

The point of the sword pierced the glove, and before the elder heard any sound, he suddenly felt a burst of strange force, and looked at the broken sword in the opponent's hand, and it turned into a twisted shape!
At this time, there is still time to be dazed, and there is only one defeat!
Nangongfeng stretched out another punch, which knocked the stunned elder to the ground.

"Speak! Where is Rowell? Where is your patriarch? Where is Lolo?" Nangong Feng rushed forward and pressed the elder to the ground with his backhand, asking anxiously.

"Shameless villain, even if you beat him to death, I won't say it!" The elder was still a bit stubborn, after all, he was an elder of the same clan, so how could he give in so easily.

But Nangongfeng didn't care whether he said it or not, because he felt two sharp figures flying out of a stone temple-like building in the middle of the village.

That building looks unusual, so how can it be said that the people living in it must be big figures like patriarchs, right?

Then go there and find it!Even if the chaos is turned upside down, he will find Luo Luo back!
(End of this chapter)

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