Chapter 871 Manly......

"Let's go, the place we are looking for seems to be over there!" Nangong Feng quickly knocked out the elders under him, and turned to Patreon and said.

Speaking of causing trouble, this Patreon is really not simple, and he doesn't know what kind of structure is in his mind, and he has an inexplicable stubbornness about "singing conquest".Nangongfeng turned his head and saw that he had put all the youngsters in one place long ago, and Patreon was forcing the group of snake orcs to sing and conquer.

So what the hell is singing conquest? !He, Nan Gongfeng, didn't understand what the customs of the demons were all about. Would people who lost a fight kneel down and sing conquest?Obviously those orcs are also very confused, they don't even know what the hell it is!You at least teach others how to sing before they know how to sing, right?

Nangongfeng didn't have time to pay attention to this psychosis, and hurriedly flew towards the stone temple.

"Over there? Good! Keep singing, don't stop!" Patreon greeted these people, and then flew to the stone temple with Nangong Feng.

The security on the Stone Temple side is obviously much stricter than other places. Nangongfeng and Patreon were stopped by two sky warriors as soon as they flew close.Nangongfeng saw that the entrance of the stone temple was on the ground, so he simply landed on the ground.

More importantly, he saw an old acquaintance on the ground!
"Rowell! Where's Lolo?!"

After Nangongfeng landed, he continued to caste, and rushed to Rowell, who was surrounded by a group of snake clan orc warriors on the ground.

But before he got close, he was immediately cut off by a burst of fighting spirit, leaving a deep trace of fighting spirit on the ground.

"Rowell, do you know this intruder? Who is he?"

A warrior of the Snake Tribe wore a particularly luxurious crown that was distinctly different from other orcs, holding a short sword in front of Rowell, staring at Nangongfeng with a proud expression.

"Father, he is the human transfer student I said before, who beat us at school!" Rowell sticks out his tongue, hissing in anger, "and later framed me as a missing person at school. The mastermind, beat me up! This is good, I have not had time to seek revenge from him, but he himself came to my door! Sisi!"

"Human, I admire your courage...but I believe it is your ignorance and stupidity! After you have experienced the anger of our snake tribe, I think you will regret all your disrespectful actions to us... "

The snake clan warrior standing in front of Rowell is Rowell's father, the head of the snake clan.

As the patriarch of the snake clan, it is absolutely impossible for him to forgive anyone who dares to offend any member of the snake clan!Otherwise, how could their snake orcs survive on the orc continent!

He stretched out his hand and issued an order. A kind of snake clan warrior blocked all of Nangongfeng's escape routes. Obviously, it is impossible to let this human being go without paying a price!
"I don't care whether you plan to fry or boil me with anger, I just want to ask you now, where is Lolo?"

Nangongfeng raised his head, as if all the snake orcs in front of him were ants, and looked down upon them.

"Today is a big day for Lolo and I. After she accepts the priest's baptism in the stone temple, we will get married immediately! Lolo is mine, so you should give up on it!" Rowell went crazy Shouting, as if to vent all the anger that had been suppressed in my heart for a long time.

"Inside? Okay, I'll pick her up right now. Lolo is neither yours nor mine, she should have the right to choose!" Nangongfeng sneered, now that he knew the target was inside, his mood was at ease Not a lot.

Although it is impossible to detect the situation in the stone temple, even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire inside, Nangong Feng will have to break through it!

Suddenly, a figure passed over the heads of the Snake Clan members. Behind them were two masters who couldn't catch up. They fell back to the ground angrily and reported to the Snake Clan leader.

The head of the Snake Clan ignored the two sky warriors, he felt something was wrong, reached out to touch it, and found that the crown on his head was gone!That is the head crown passed down from generation to generation by their snake clan. It is not too much to say that it is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by the snake clan!

His head was turned 90 degrees strangely to look towards the rear. The figure passing by just now was stopping on the roof of the building on the other side, playing with the luxurious crown in his hand!
"You... are you Patreon or Patrich? As a symbol of the relationship between the orcs and the demons, you sneaked into our snake tribe and stole the treasure of the snake tribe on my head. What crime should you deserve!" The patriarch of the snake clan said angrily.

Of course, the patriarch of the Snake Clan recognized this idol-like figure who had emerged in recent years.Maybe it is the need of the times, or maybe it is because the orcs want to forget the history of blood and tears with the demons. In short, this pair of twins is regarded as the existence of the fallen angels of the demons, and the decent image is constantly being publicized.

It is also true that because of them, the communication between the orcs and the demons has reduced many established bad impressions and frictions.

But even if this person is the new idol of the Beast Clan, it doesn't mean that the Snake Clan patriarch will let him run wild in the Snake Clan!
"I'm so despicable, of course it's Partridge! Wahahaha..." Patreon stood up straight on the building with a look of showing off his might.

As a person who knows everything, Nan Gongfeng of course understands the meaning of that beating look: After all, isn't he using his own name, it doesn't matter if his image is not beating at all!
I wipe it, it's so cheap!This guy is so cheap!Nangongfeng actually felt that he couldn't look directly at the bastard above him, especially when a kind of snake orc around him began to curse the name Partridge!Is it really good to cheat your brother's reputation like this? !

"I have never regarded myself as a hero. I only do what I think is right and meaningful. As long as I think it is meaningful, I don't care whether it is good or bad to fall into the mouth of others. Now, all I have to do is to accompany Ah Feng is here to snatch the woman!"

What the hell!Can you still be your idol righteous figure!Don't mention it, we seem to be hooligans who came to rob civilian women!

Nangong Feng collapsed even more!People look like people, how can they be so cheating on things!

Patreon suddenly unfolded the fallen angel's wings, and the black wings, which were riddled with holes and hadn't recovered, lost the arrogance they should have, and looked inexplicably humorous.

But Nangongfeng won't make fun of him, because he understands that Patreon is acting quite manly now, and Nangongfeng's ridiculous wonder immediately becomes serious.

"If you have one, come grab it! I'll take this thing away!" Patreon turned around and patted his own butt, and jumped off the roof with a proud expression.

Manly Behavior...

That wretched action made Nangongfeng not know how to continue to praise him as a man!Dare you not to be so wretched!I fucking want to catch up with you!

"Stop for me!"

That crown is more important than anything else to the Snake Clan, and the Snake Clan patriarch chased after him without hesitation, followed by two other masters, determined to take back his treasure from Patreon!
Nan Gongfeng understood what Patreon meant, he was deliberately distracting the enemy and letting him enter the stone temple.Although his wretched posture doesn't match his nobleman-like temperament, Nangongfeng can't disappoint his kindness.The action is not very manly, but the inner friendship and responsibility are very manly!

Nangongfeng's reluctance to comfort him was because he was afraid that he would dislike the decision to form a team with Patreon more and more.

"Rowell, last time I misunderstood you as a prisoner, I apologize to you. But every yard counts, Lolo, I won't give up."

Nangongfeng rushed into the stone temple quickly, and the words he dropped swayed behind the fallen snake warriors.These snake tribe warriors at the level of earth warriors are not enough in his eyes.

"He's in!"

Those warriors who were too late to catch up were about to rush up, but they were stopped by Rowell: "Let him go...the Elder Yellow Snake who has a new breakthrough will make him feel that life is worse than death, Sisi..."

The stone temple seems to be an important place for the snake tribe. The stone walls inside are very smooth, and the structure inside is also magnificent. It is obvious that someone wipes and cleans it frequently.

Nangongfeng walked briskly for a short period of time before arriving at a spacious place, where he stomped his feet a little.

In the very center of this place is a high platform, on which a huge tripod-like thing is placed, and a dim fire is always shining inside.

Under the high platform, it looked like a square where people gather to pray. The dim light from the light stone on the wall made Nangongfeng stand in a corner of the square, even if he was a little dismissive, he became a bit pious.

"Human, this is not the place for you to break in."

A gloomy voice came, and Nangongfeng immediately looked to the other side of the stone wall.On the stone wall over there, one can actually see a person standing behind the cauldron, his figure is reflected on the stone wall through the dim light, a forked tongue protrudes from his head from time to time, trembling slightly.

"Who are you? Where's Lolo?" Nangong Feng asked.

"I am the elder Yellow Snake of the Snake Clan... This is not a place where foreigners can enter. Since you can come in, it means that you have good strength... God will like it, so don't leave and stay with Him."

The person behind the giant tripod floated down, his skin was yellowish, with high nostrils, pointed chin and snake pupils, which are common to snake people.

Nangongfeng remembered that Rowell once said that one of the elders in their clan had made a new breakthrough, so it must be this one!
This Elder Yellow Snake is indeed quite strong, and he may have broken through to the level of a Juggernaut, but just this level makes Rowell so confident in his snake clan, isn't it too arrogant?

Not to mention the three great warriors of the orc race, but just one of those gold-ranked Behemoths randomly pulled out, this elder Yellow Snake is no match for him, right?

Seeing that Nangongfeng didn't answer, Elder Huangshe suddenly shrank his pupils into a vertical line. The distance between tens of meters seemed to be nothing, and he rushed to Nangongfeng's side almost in a breath. neck.

Nangongfeng resisted the blow nimbly, but his whole body was taken several steps back by the momentum!

Although he despises the strength of Elder Yellow Snake, such a junior sword master is still quite difficult for the current Nangong Feng!
Now he regretted it badly, why did he bring Patreon here?Bring a tease to make it funny! ?
The three old sword masters should be brought here!
Which of his three masters can't beat the yellow snake elder in front of him!Beat him out of shit in minutes, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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