Chapter 872 Consumption

Nangongfeng thought a lot in his mind, but his movements were not slow.

The opponent was not ordinary, so Nangong Feng was full of fighting spirit without any reservations. He knocked the snake-shaped dagger aside with his glove, and turned around with his right foot as the axis, which was a side kick.

The fire element fighting energy contained in the legs is extremely pure. The current Nangong Feng is theoretically the same as the so-called fire element elves in the mortal world.So after Nangongfeng was restricted by the double seal, he was probably a high-level sky warrior with the physique of a three-element spirit envoy of Huofeng in the Mortal Realm... It can be regarded as an unimaginable abnormality.

Faced with this kick, Elder Yellow Snake didn't dare to take it hard, and stepped back a little, his waist, which was as flexible as a snake, bent back to avoid the kick.The hot vindictiveness brushed across his face, burning a gash on his face.But a strange puff of black smoke came out, the hole disappeared immediately, and Elder Yellow Snake's face returned to normal.

Elder Yellow Snake's temporary avoidance was because he had some concerns, because the grudge he stabbed just now disappeared without a trace after touching the opponent's light blue glove, as if it had been completely absorbed by the glove.

This was supposed to be something that Elder Yellow Snake was afraid of, but Elder Yellow Snake's eyes revealed an unconcealable joy.

Nangongfeng's way of fighting is different from the normal world's usual way of punching when he accumulates fighting energy, and kicking when he has accumulated fighting energy. They are all rough kung fu of fighting with strength, and whoever is stronger will win.Nangongfeng's fighting style can be said to be inherited from Yuan Feiwu. Yuan Feiwu taught all the ancient martial arts he learned as long as they are suitable for Nangongfeng. These fighting skills, which can also be called moves, are accumulated over many years The "essence" that saves effort, is more reasonable and more efficient against the enemy!
As soon as the side kick was over, Nangongfeng's right leg, which was the axis, jumped up with strength and swept towards Elder Yellow Snake's head!As long as Nangongfeng is willing to use close combat moves, then his offensive can be chained endlessly!Fast and smooth, these are the essence of close combat!
The Snake Clan was good at defeating the enemy with cleverness, and the Elder Yellow Snake didn't retreat any more when facing Nangong Feng's approaching step by step. He had already determined what Nangong Feng was holding, so he didn't need to retreat any more!He is also a master of close combat, and he needs to be closer than the opponent!
Elder Yellow Snake didn't dodge or dodge, as if he was so stupid that he took it hard Nangongfeng swept across with his kick, the fire element fighting spirit was amazing, this kick hit Elder Yellow Snake's head with a slap, Nangongfeng even felt Elder Yellow Snake His neck was crooked because of his kick!

But Elder Yellow Snake acted like a normal person, even his expression didn't change a little.Elder Yellow Snake could not have benefited from this blow. Nangongfeng, who had not confiscated his leg after kicking, felt a stabbing pain in his waist and ribs. into his waist.

I go, so cruel to the enemy and to myself?

It was the first time Nangongfeng saw someone so desperate for no reason!He and the Yellow Snake patriarch didn't have a deep blood feud, did he have to stab himself with a sword at the risk of being kicked to break his neck if there was such a big hatred?After all, the opponent still has the strength of a sword master. If you have a good fight with yourself, it is not certain who will win and who will lose. This is where you start desperately?

Even if you are a god, your body will still hurt if you are injured, and the influence you should have cannot escape at all.It's just that if it's normal, an opponent with the level of divine body protection will not be able to injure the god's body at all as long as he doesn't release water, and ordinary injuries will recover quickly.

The problem is that Nangongfeng can't use divine power at the moment.

Nangongfeng endured the severe pain and twisted his waist to fight back. The elder Yellow Snake was very ghostly, as if he had expected Nangongfeng's next move early in the morning, he dodged Nangongfeng's counterattack with a side step, and hid behind Nangongfeng Behind him, he put another sword on his back.This kind of fighting style is the hand-to-hand combat that the snake orcs are best at!
Now Nangongfeng began to feel like a prey entangled by a snake. The devil lingering on his body, slowly tightened himself until the moment he suffocated!
We must not continue to let the enemy take advantage of him!Nangongfeng reflected for a moment, and used two behind-the-back tricks to force the opponent away.No, it's not forcing it away, it's just kicking it away!

This elder yellow snake is crazy!
Even after being kicked to the point by him, he still persisted, but taking advantage of the opportunity when he was kicked back, Nangongfeng barely opened the distance!
Nangongfeng has suffered a dark loss, but he has learned a lot from a loss. He has figured out Elder Yellow Snake's thinking. Although he doesn't know why the other party wants to kill him at all costs, but since he knows the other party's purpose, Then the one who is not necessarily more "fierce" in a fight can have the upper hand!

In the ensuing battle, the identities of Nangong Feng and Elder Yellow Snake seemed to be reversed. Nangong Feng was the one with the upper hand in strength. He tried his best to keep a distance from Elder Yellow Snake, and dealt with him slowly.Every time Elder Yellow Snake seized the opportunity to pay a small price to exchange with Nangongfeng, what Nangongfeng offered was a fatal attack!

There was a crashing sound that resounded clearly in the broad stone temple, and the echo could not disappear for a long time.

This time Nangongfeng knew that Elder Yellow Snake would not be able to stand up again, so he ruthlessly broke Elder Yellow Snake's neck.The spines of snake orcs are very soft. Nangongfeng grabbed Elder Yellow Snake fiercely and broke the upper and lower spine, which should be a fatal injury.

Nangongfeng didn't want to be cruel either, he and the Snake Clan didn't want to fight to the death, but there was no way, Elder Yellow Snake went crazy!
Nangongfeng sat aside, his head had just been hit hard by Elder Yellow Snake just before he died, and he was still dizzy, and the fighting spirit all over his body was out of shape.As for Elder Yellow Snake's dagger, it was broken long ago and thrown in another corner.But its mission has been completed very well, Nangongfeng's whole body is not stained with blood, and his clothes are tattered again.

Although his whole body was in excruciating pain, now Nangongfeng was sure that as long as his spiritual consciousness was still there, none of the injuries he suffered would be fatal.Big deal... it will take a little longer to recover.

Looking at himself covered with scars, Nangongfeng had no choice but to comfort himself. The only good news in this battle was that one of the seals was loosened!Originally, it took three days, but now I can spend half a day to flush it away!Even his own seal was loosened, which shows how ruthless this Elder Yellow Snake is!

However, Elder Yellow Snake's style of play was more like risking his life to consume him, which made Nangongfeng feel uneasy.

At this moment, a wisp of black smoke floated out from Elder Yellow Snake's body.Nangongfeng looked at the plume of black smoke vigilantly, but did not move.Because that wisp of black smoke didn't have any energy fluctuations, it disappeared in a short time, and it was completely harmless.Although it seems that there is no danger now, Nangongfeng is very sure that this wisp of black smoke is the reason for Elder Yellow Snake's madness!

What are you doing!He just came to get Lolo back, and judging from the current situation, he seems to be involved in the unknown conspiracy of the snake clan again!Don't look at him running around like a fool, but he is actually very busy!It's not any cat or dog game that he has time to play!
"Damn it, since Lolo isn't here, I'm leaving. There are people or ghosts hiding behind. I'm sorry, I won't accompany you!"

Nangongfeng struggled to get up clutching the wound on his waist and abdomen, the blood stained the stone wall with blood along the traces of rubbing on his body, which was shocking.

"Want to leave? Now that you're here... don't even think about leaving..." An erratic voice sounded, as if it came from all directions, with no direction.

The stone wall that Nangongfeng was supporting suddenly disappeared, and Nangongfeng lost his center of gravity and fell heavily to the ground.

The large square where Nangongfeng is located in the stone temple suddenly began to change. The stone wall disappeared, but the stone bricks in the square stretched infinitely, as if rows of matt grids stretched out, making people dazzled... until they could no longer see. to where they stretch.

When he came back to his senses, Nangongfeng realized that he was in a place where he couldn't see the edge, like an endless world.

The giant tripod on the high platform disappeared at some point, and a figure suddenly appeared on it, slowly walked down from above, and walked in front of Nangongfeng.

"It's you? Why... you want to do this," Nangong Feng was so surprised by the person in front of him that he forgot the pain, stood up tremblingly from the ground, his eyes were extremely serious, "It shouldn't be you, Beast God..."

(End of this chapter)

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