Chapter 873
The Beast God's complexion is not good-looking, his eyes have lost their former brilliance, and his originally vigorous and streamlined perfect figure has not been revealed at this moment, his back is hunched and his shoulders shrunk.A pair of ears are drooping listlessly, like a cat with folded ears, but it has to be said that it is still a bit cute.Well, felines are kind of cute no matter what state they are in.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

Nangongfeng didn't expect that he just came to look for Luoluo, and finally found the beast god.

But now he is not happy, he doesn't understand what the Beast God is doing hiding here, and he doesn't understand the purpose of letting Elder Yellow Snake consume him.Anyway, based on his current level, if the Beast God intends to tear him up or chew him up, it's just a trivial matter.

The beast god walked in front of Nangongfeng, his eyes were full of contempt, he snorted coldly, raised his hand and gave Nangongfeng a slap, Nangongfeng didn't even have time to resist, and enjoyed the pleasure of being flesh-to-blood... Well, the above is the author's selfish delusion. The reality is that Nangongfeng was shot down on the ground, and rolled several times on the ground covering his face.

Standing up, he was shocked to find that the Beast God was already standing in front of him, exuding some aura just now, which disturbed Nangongfeng now.

This is the Beast God, with terrifyingly agile reflexes and crazy beast power!
Against the sword master Nangongfeng, he can still fight, but against Shangshen, Nangongfeng knows that he is completely invincible unless the seal is released!At the beginning, I thought that I could walk sideways with the double seal of the mortal world, but now I regret it!

But even if he hit the iron plate, he couldn't give up. Nangongfeng gritted his teeth and punched the Beast God. The fist still carried the confidence of going forward, but his mood had actually fallen to the bottom.

"Are you stupid? Can't you recognize my voice? Could it be my magnetic voice that spoke just now? Don't look like you saw the final boss. Believe it or not, I'll give you another slap? "The beast god easily grasped Nangongfeng's fist, and impatiently spat on Nangongfeng's face, "Damn it, no, God of Fighting, why are you so watery?"

The Beast God stretched out his other hand, and the meat ball that excited the author placed it on Nangongfeng's face again, making Nangongfeng feel the soft touch again...

"..." The beast god's face was astonished, and his face instantly collapsed even uglier than Nangong Feng's, "Brother! Why did you put two such ruthless seals on yourself? Are you planning to come here with such double seals? Save me out?"

"Save you out? Why?" Nangong Feng couldn't react.

"Depressed, I've been waiting here for a fool, and a fool will come!" The beast god closed his eyes, his face full of lovelessness, and his body collapsed on the ground weakly.

Many people said that a cat's body is made of water. Nangongfeng finally saw it with his own eyes. The beast god can fold his body in half twice and collapse on the ground, instantly transforming from a wild beast god into a decadent beast god. It is very miraculous.

But now is not the time to be amazed at the softness of Beast God's body, what happened now?
Nangongfeng grabbed the Beast God from the ground and shook the Beast God like shaking a carpet: "Can you explain it a little bit more clearly?"

"Didn't you notice that your body's strength is gradually disappearing?" Beast God opened his eyes a little, and looked at Nangong Feng, with a glint of light flashing in his eyes.

As soon as the Beast God talked about Nangongfeng, he realized that in this space, he could no longer absorb the aura of heaven and earth from the outside world to restore his fighting energy consumption.

"This is the 'Reincarnation Illusion' of the 'Samsara Demon'..." the Beast God said with a slight sigh.

The time goes back to the original World War, when Michael captured the Chaos Shards that fell from the clone of the Chaos Lord that Yuan Feiwu had eliminated, and after mastering the energy of Chaos, he outshone all heroes.At that time, a demon star dressed in rags, the master of chaos, was unwilling to submit to Michael, and was cut in half by Michael with a sword, killing chickens and monkeys.

That magic star is "Reincarnation Demon".

At that time, the reincarnation demon was only seriously injured, and his body fell into the camp of the orc archers, just beside Elder Yellow Snake.While Michael was displaying his power, he chopped Beelzebub and let all the minions of the Lord of Chaos surrender to him, which attracted the attention of everyone and the gods. No one noticed that the corpse emitted a plume of black smoke. It entered the body of Elder Yellow Snake.

Although the reincarnation demon is not as good at seizing the house as the heart demon, it can still be easily done by hiding on the body of the elder yellow snake without anyone noticing.

After safely escaping the World Annihilation War, he deliberately gradually increased Elder Yellow Snake's skill. At that time, the Samsara Demon had already used the illusion he was good at to control Elder Yellow Snake.He took advantage of the prestige of Elder Yellow Snake who suddenly stood out from the crowd in the snake clan, occupied the stone temple, and spent most of his energy setting up his "illusion of reincarnation".As the name suggests, in the illusion, everything is reincarnated, but both the beginning and the end of reincarnation are controlled by the reincarnation demon.To put it simply, in the illusion of reincarnation, he is a god that no one can resist!

He intends to use this illusion of reincarnation that he spent a lot of energy to create, like a spider web waiting for the prey to enter, waiting for the strong to enter, and then transfer all the opponent's power to himself in it, so as to restore the previous strength.

The Beast God was approved by Uriel more than a year ago. In fact, this statement is also wrong. With the nature of the Beast God, how could he ask Ulier for approval.However, Beast God hasn't come down to the mortal world to take a look at the Beast Clan Continent for a long time. Although he said that he came down to the mortal world and fought hard, he didn't have time to take a good look. On the contrary, that quick glance brought back his memories, so he looked for an opportunity slipped down.

In the past, the heavens could not go down to the mortal world, because they were afraid of disturbing the order of the mortal world, and there was an armistice treaty with the demon world.

But today is not what it used to be. The relationship between the heaven and the devil is a bit different from before. Yuriel thought about it for a long time, but he only thought of the word "ambiguous" to describe the relationship between the heaven and the devil now... Then the previous It seems that the armistice treaty can be ignored for the time being, right?Anyway, the devil didn't make many fouls.

Juliyer just felt that it would be good if there was one less headache for him in the heavens. He was busy enough with so many things and didn’t want any more troublesome guys to add to his burden, so he asked Kamal, the temporary replacement army angel, to guard the mortal world. Gabriel pays more attention to the mortal world, as long as the beast gods don't mess around, they will all turn a blind eye and close their eyes.

Afterwards, the Beast God landed on the Snake Clan's position so that he could not die, and played hide-and-seek quietly, and accidentally entered the Stone Temple after playing with one... and then there was no more.

"The reincarnation demon is seriously injured. If he comes out to fight me one-on-one, I can definitely give him a hand! You see, with his current strength, even if he stays in his illusion and he keeps absorbing my divine power, I've been smoking for hundreds of years, and I'm still alive and kicking!" The beast god said angrily, "If I hadn't stumbled into this ghostly place by mistake, I would have crushed him to death with one hand!"

"Beast God, it's only been more than a year outside, okay? And you look so sluggish that you won't even chase a ball of yarn, are you sure you can use the word 'live and kick' to yourself without shame? "Nangongfeng heard that the Beast God looked cute on the outside, but he was actually a shameless ruffian at the Thunder God of War some time ago. Now it is clearly proved that the Thunder God of War did not exaggerate the facts.

"It's only been a little more than a year? Ouch, life feels like years... No drinking, no fighting, I'm about to be suffocated to death before being tortured to death by the reincarnation demon!" The beast god seemed to have heard another piece of news that discouraged him, and his hands fell to the ground. Lying on the ground, crawling around Nangongfeng on the ground, flicking the long yellow and white tail up and down, it seems that he is really going crazy from boredom, "It's all your fault! Seal yourself like this ghost to save me, What's the difference between sending you to death! Can't Uliyer send some smarter guys to find me?"

"Your sister! Who knew that you fell into such a ghostly place!" Nangong Feng also accepted the unreasonable troubles of the beast god, and he was afraid that he would be pissed off before the beast god suffocated to death!
"Thank you, Beast God, for helping me explain it. I didn't expect to capture another mighty God of Fighting... It's too unexpected, even if that puppet is destroyed by you, it's worth it."

A black shadow gathered behind the Beast God, like a cloud of black mist, its shape could not be seen clearly.

Nangongfeng immediately became vigilant, while the Beast God was still listless.

(End of this chapter)

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