Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 875 Is This Abduction?

Chapter 875 Is This Abduction?
The beast god, falling from the sky, stood up straight, revealing his perfect body curves flawlessly.He stretched out his hand to grab the void, and a divine force rolled upside down in his hand. The black smoke that was about to fly out of the gap couldn't get rid of the invisible suction, and was forced to fly in front of the beast god.

The lack of a mouth in the illusion is equivalent to a waste, as long as there is a communication channel between the illusion and the outside world, then the distinction between illusion and reality is equivalent to breaking.Without the absolute separation, then the power of illusion is not so absolute. The illusion and reality are blended, and everything speaks with strength!
Ordinary people may have nothing to do with a wisp of black smoke, but God is different.The reincarnation demon was indeed seriously injured, and even his body was destroyed, leaving only his consciousness.God can naturally change the invisible consciousness into form, and the black smoke caught in front of the beast god becomes a tangible object.

"There are grievances for grievances, and revenge for revenge, so it may hurt a little, you understand?" The beast god grinned, a few cute canine teeth were exposed, his drooping ears had already been erected energetically, and his tail seemed to feel the pain. Funny and swinging left and right.

"Don't kill me... I am willing to surrender to you..."

"Hei Qi prying the sky!" Before Hei Yan could finish speaking, the Beast God's head had already hit Hei Yan.

"Break through the sky!" He licked his paw eagerly.

Nangongfeng smiled with his mouth crooked. The beast god is indeed the god of all beasts. There is no beast move that he doesn't know, and he can play it to the fullest in his hands.

But Nangong Feng still couldn't help teasing: "Beast God, how about giving up one hand as agreed?"

"Give me a ball of yarn! Can you believe what the cat said!" Beast God replied very confidently
Well, the Beast God is still the Beast God, the thick-skinned Beast God!Now I don't even want a godhead, just treat myself as a wronged kitten to escape the big words I've said!
The demon of reincarnation died, and without the support of the demon of reincarnation, the illusion of reincarnation began to gradually disappear.When the surrounding scene changed rapidly, Beast God and Nangong Feng found that they were no longer in the stone temple, but outside the snake tribe.It is estimated that the distance they moved in the illusion is not short, and the illusion loses the support of power and there is no way to limit them to a fixed range, so they appear here.

"After this time, I will treat you as my life-and-death friend of the Beast God! I owe you a favor, so don't be polite to me if you need anything in the future!" The Beast God greedily sucked in the fresh air around him, feeling that he was about to be reborn, He can't wait to leave, he really feels uncomfortable after staying in one place for too long!

"Wait!" Nangong Feng hurriedly called out to the Beast God.

Divine power quickly repaired Nangongfeng's body. As far as the body alone was concerned, Nangongfeng had basically recovered.However, it is not so easy to recover from the injury to the spiritual consciousness, and it takes a long time to recuperate.I have to admit that I was unlucky, and I almost lost my life after going down to the mortal world, and speaking of it... it seems that he was beaten by the beast god when he almost died, so who can I ask for reasoning?Depressed to death!
"What? Tell me in advance, I won't let you beat me back!"

The Beast God grinned, smiling cutely, and stepped back quickly on all fours, with his tail raised high, obviously about to run away.

"Get back! Who's going to beat you up!" Nangong Feng couldn't laugh or cry, the logic of the Beast God is really hard to fathom sometimes, I don't know if the blame should be thrown on the neurotic cat, "I want to ask you to do me a favor ..."

Before the Beast God could answer, a surprised small voice came over.

"Feng? Why are you here?"

That Nangong Feng's thoughtful voice suddenly came, making him unable to bear to look back.

A small group of orcs circled out of the nearby forest, all of them were fox-beastmen with fox ears and big tails.Several male orcs carried a wooden sedan chair covered with a thin white sand curtain.A beautiful fox girl opened the curtain, wearing a beautiful red fox dress, revealing delicate legs and a large smooth shoulder skin.

The thin lips and face were like peach blossoms, and the girl looked stupid and cute.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Nangongfeng couldn't help laughing, like a fool, laughing until tears flowed out.

It took a long time for the fox girl to be sure that the naked upper body and pale man in front was Nan Gongfeng, and burst into tears.

During this period of time, she had imagined countless times that the wedding dress on her body could make Nangongfeng take a look at her.Her extravagant hope is only this little, hoping to let Nangongfeng take a look at her most beautiful and most precious moment in life.But the cold war between her and Nangong Feng, the snake tribe suddenly forced her to marry in advance, making her extravagant hope dim.

Thank the heavens, thank the Beast God, I didn't expect the wish to come true!
Luo Luo covered her mouth, and tears fell one after another. She was already very content to fulfill this wish.

"Today is so beautiful, why are you crying?" Nangong Feng walked towards Lolo, and saw that the injury that made him dizzy seemed to be healed, "Aren't you going to marry the snake clan, did you make a mistake, this kind of How could you be late for such a big event?"

"Woo..." Lolo wiped away her tears obediently, but she still couldn't restrain the lacrimal gland from venting.

Maybe it's grievance, maybe it's unwillingness, the emotions buried in the bottom of my heart become restless under the increasingly clear Nangongfeng's handsome face, and can only be relieved by crying.

"Sorry, we got lost..." While crying, Luo Luo answered Nangong Feng's words aggrievedly, making Nangong Feng's heart almost melt.

He's not blaming her!This is so lost, isn't it right?

Luo Luo is so beautiful, if Rowell feasts his eyes, he will definitely overturn the jealousy!Such a beautiful Lolo, he doesn't want to show it to anyone!

"We have been walking around several nearby hills for a long time, and I'm really sorry that we didn't meet the brothers of the snake clan who came to welcome us." A middle-aged fox clan orc came up to meet him and said timidly.

Uh... Nangongfeng suddenly remembered that he and Patreon sat and stood in the Dajiang purification tunnel. The movement of climbing out was too loud and attracted a few snake orcs. Could it be that those snake orcs were responsible for welcoming and leading the way? ?
Nangongfeng couldn't help laughing, this mistake was really a good thing!In the future, I really can't use this incident to call Alpha Ⅸ a scam.

"Um... are you here to pick us up? But you're not a snake orc?" the fox orc asked doubtfully.

"Me? I'm actually here to snatch a kiss!"

Nangongfeng laughed, his figure was extremely fast, he passed the middle-aged fox orc, picked up Lolo and flew into the forest!
It took a long time for these fox beasts to react, and I have to say that these guys are so naive, the length of the reflex arc is comparable to that of reptiles in the Jurassic period.

"Snatching relatives? Chasing, chasing!" The middle-aged fox orcs roared as they were about to rush towards the forest, when suddenly a vigorous figure blocked their way.

"Why are you chasing after me? Am I not qualified to be a matchmaker for him?"

"Beast, Beast God!!!" A group of fox clan orcs saw the blocking figure clearly, fell to the ground with a clatter, and worshiped reverently.

Beast gods are easy to recognize. These ancient orcs still have animal fluff on their bodies, and they have more characteristics of beasts.Later, with the evolution of the orcs, many useless features slowly degenerated, and became the appearance of the orcs on the orc continent.

"You want to marry that fox girl to the snake clan? Come on, isn't my brother more powerful than the snake clan? Let's go, I'll take you to the snake clan and quit this marriage!"

The beast god raised the corners of his mouth, feeling a little excited inside.I didn't expect being a matchmaker to be quite interesting, as if I was holding a red thread binding two people in my hand, and I could wrap it around however I wanted... He suddenly thought of the Ice and Snow Goddess who has passed away, since he can accomplish a good thing for God of War, then Why add another sad story like yourself?

So this matchmaker, he must be a beast god!

"Ah Feng! Where do you want to take me?"

"Snatch a kiss, didn't I say that!"

"No, the Snake Tribe will..."

"It's okay, my friend will settle the matter. He has a great status in the Beast Race Continent. You don't have to worry about it if you have him as your partner. You can decide who you want to marry!"

"Ah... Is it as prestigious as the Baruru warrior? Then... So, is that what I mean by marrying Afeng?"

Nangongfeng stopped suddenly, and in the windless forest, scattered leaves silently drifted down. Their time seemed to be slowed down, and they acted as the background in Luoluo's sight, slow and free.Luo Luo's heart is like that of the fallen leaves, hesitant because she can't believe it, but she knows that she also hopes to enjoy the free and unfettered life in her heart.

"If Ah Feng wants you to marry him, don't you want to?" Nangong Feng lowered his head and asked softly with a gentle smile.


Luoluo refocused her eyes from the backgrounds in her sight to the real focus of her eyes, seeing Nangongfeng's face that made her blush and her heart beat so close in front of her eyes, she couldn't even falter when she spoke.

"You really don't want to?" Nangongfeng said helplessly.

"No... I need some time to accept all this, it's too sudden..."

It was indeed too sudden, from marrying Rowell one second, to marrying Nangongfeng the next, the changes here are simply two extremes!

Luo Luo still can't believe it until now, she is afraid that if she believes in this beautiful dream, she will feel even more painful when she wakes up from the dream.

Looking at the beauty who was swaying in her arms, showing fear and worry from time to time, Nangong Feng felt inexplicably distressed. He understood that this pure and innocent girl was actually very brainy. Dare to get out of the cage, I'm afraid it's just Nankey Yimeng.

So, Nangongfeng leaned into Luoluo's ear and asked in a gentle tone: "Then I will help you accept all this slowly. Let's play a small game where I ask you to answer. The questions are very simple. Answer me, Afeng Which one do you prefer, Rowell or Rowell?"

Luo Luo raised her head and blinked her big eyes. She didn't expect this kind of problem, but she had no choice but to timidly say to Shang Nangong Feng's serious eyes, "Ah Feng."

"Bai Yang and A Feng, which one do you prefer?"

Bai Yang is a tall, rich and handsome guy in the class, he often chats with Luo Luo, and Nangong Feng often shows him some embarrassment.

"Student Bai Yang is also very good..."

"I didn't say he was bad, which one do you choose?"

"I like Ah Feng more..." After Luo Luo finished speaking this time, her face was blushing to the point of bleeding.

In the past, she always treated everyone equally in her heart, but now Nangongfeng came out alone, greatly widening the distance from other people, which made her feel inexplicably shy.

"Patrion and Afeng..."

"I like Ah Feng..."

"Balulu and Afeng?"

"I like Ah Feng..."

"God King and Ah Feng?"


"Chuangshishen and Afeng?"


"Who do you most admire?"

"Of course it's the great Beast God!" Luo Luo's small face was slightly raised, with such a proud look that Nangong Feng couldn't help but want to taste her small mouth.

"Okay, so which one do you prefer, Beast God or Afeng?"

"Ah..." Lolo struggled.

I go!Unexpectedly, his greatest rival in love turned out to be the Beast God!Nangongfeng suddenly felt a little bad!
Seeing that Luoluo has been hesitating, Nangongfeng unhappily bit one of Luoluo's ears near his mouth, and gently gnawed on it, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"It's so itchy, Ah Feng..." Luoluo's face turned even redder, she gave Nangongfeng a shy look, and buried herself in Nangongfeng's arms.

"Then answer quickly, Beast God, or me."

"Ah, Ah Feng..." Luo Luo actually already had the answer in her heart, but she was too embarrassed to say it because she seemed not very polite to the beast god.

"That's it, I'm even better than the Beast God, who else can you marry if you don't marry me?" Nangong Feng smiled triumphantly and whispered in Luo Luo's ear.


It was only later that Luo Luo realized that in her mind, Ah Feng had far surpassed the most respected beast god!If she really wanted to choose to spend her whole life with someone, of course Luo Luo would choose this only answer without any hesitation.She really likes Afeng very much!
Nangongfeng let out a long sigh of relief, and quickly kissed Luoluo on the lips like a dragonfly. She was so ashamed that Luoluo didn't dare to raise her head again, so she hurriedly continued flying in the mountains and forests.

In fact, he wasn't very at ease, he felt guilty that he had tricked a young girl who hadn't experienced much in the world...

Anyway, it doesn't matter, in short, he confiscated the heart and heart of this little fox in his arms!


This is the end of the extra chapter of Nangongfeng
The battle of annihilation that many people have doubted will be revealed in the next extra chapter, don't miss it!
In fact, it doesn’t matter if you miss it, the author said while picking his nostrils
(End of this chapter)

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