Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 876 The Story of That Day

Chapter 876 The Story of That Day
"It's so cold! It's a hot day, why is it so cold!" "Yes, yes! It's so strange!"

Some people shivered under the sun for no reason, and a chill rose from the bottom of their hearts.

They subconsciously walked a few steps to the side, and suddenly found that it didn't seem so cold anymore.

A man dressed in white was silent, his whole body seemed to be hidden in a thin layer of mist, he turned his head and walked towards the distance.That extraordinary temperament should have been very noticeable, but everyone seemed to have forgotten it after seeing it. No one took it seriously. The temperature rose again.

The man in white went to a three-story red building in the distance, leaned against the wall, and looked with interest at a high platform piled up with tables for people to rest on the street in front of him.

This kind of situation is very common in the Tost Empire... No, now that the continent has been unified, it should be called the southeastern part of the Northway Empire.

One of the important daily entertainments for ordinary people is to use nearby tables to build a small high platform, and some wandering bards or people who know a little bit of singing can go up and sing or say something to entertain everyone.If everyone feels happy, they can also give a few small coins to help each other and have fun.

Now, an old man was standing on the high platform, his voice was high-pitched, and his speech would fluctuate with the content, which attracted a large number of leisure people to listen with great interest.

Everyone gathered to savor the old man's story carefully, not only because the old man's words were interesting, but also because the old man was telling the story of the World War.

As ordinary people, they should belong to the victims in the war of annihilation, but in fact they are more like ignorant people, without any sense of participation.

But they all understand that it is the humans, orcs, demons, black mages, gods, demon gods who are rushing to the front line... fighting bloody battles and defeating the enemies who came to destroy the world, which made them experience the terrible experience like nothing happened. Enjoy the peaceful and leisure life now.

Apart from being grateful, they were also very curious about all kinds of things that happened in the World Annihilation War. Although they couldn't participate in the shocking battle of weeping ghosts and gods, any little story that happened in it was enough for them to talk for a long time.

The man in white just listened to the old man above him from such a distance, and continued to tell the story of the World War, with endless aftertaste.

"That's right, that's the end of the story last time! Michael seized the power of chaos, mastered the power of chaos, and his strength increased greatly for a while, and there is no one god who is his general! With the help of Michael, the gods of the gods are stronger than the previous god of fire; the gods of the ice and snow gods were tampered with by Michael, causing the gods of ice and snow to betray the gods, and even directly attacked the charming angel Haniya shot down! The Allied Forces of the Three Realms are already exhausted and scarred, facing Michael's rebellion, the situation has fallen into a situation of invincibility, and the situation is extremely serious. Next, I will tell you the next story..."

Everyone listened to the old man exaggerating the atmosphere of the war of annihilation. Following the old man's tone, everyone hugged their friends tightly, immersed in the story and nervous, silently cheering for the protagonists of the story.

World War.

In the sky, a huge black divine power gathered above Michael's head. The purity and power of the energy amazed all the gods!

But everyone looked at the master of the black divine power and understood.Who can have such a guy whose strength is obviously higher than that of the gods!
"You are still you, you haven't changed at all. Do you think you can support other people's beliefs? Wrong, you are just a burden like this!"

Michael laughed out loud, he had seen this kind of drama too many times in countless years.Every time it makes people cry, and every time he feels hypocrisy so disgusting!If you can't fight anymore, just roll down to rest, and still stay on the battlefield and refuse to retreat. What is the difference between harming others and yourself?It's funny.

Michael swung the holy sword to shine, no, it is no different from the previous Seven Evil Swords, what Michael swung was the Seven Evil Swords!The gray sword energy flew out violently, easily smashing the black divine power above his head.

At the same time, everyone's confidence was shattered.

Lucifer finally couldn't bear it any longer, spurted out a mouthful of divine blood and flew back Xu Yuan, his eyes darkened and he fell.

While stabilizing the God King's injuries, Raphael closely observed the situation on the battlefield.Seeing Lucifer's situation, he immediately understood that Lucifer had already suffered a lot of internal injuries when he helped him resist Michael's catch-up sword!
Because Michael slashed a god with a sword, Lucifer deliberately held up the pain so that everyone would not be so afraid of Michael's attack. It can be said that he abruptly interrupted Michael's spirit.But the facts seem to be hidden from Michael, Michael just defeating Lucifer's divine power is enough to make Lucifer suffer a lot of backlash, and finally he can't hold back and collapses!
That's right, Lucifer hasn't changed at all. Although his wings have changed from white and pure to black and shiny, even if his identity has changed from Archangel to Great Demon God, his image in the hearts of the gods in the heavens will not change. of.In every battle, as long as Lucifer's body does not fall, the gods of the heavens will continue to forge ahead without giving up. His existence is like a flag!
The fall of the flag was a huge blow to Raphael, Gabriel, and all the angels. It was a psychological and spiritual blow!Even Juliyer, who is so rational and cold-blooded, was moved.Yuriel understands the meaning of the spirit represented by Lucifer best. How many times Lucifer faced the danger of life and death, he never retreated. His strength is the soul of the Celestial Legion!
"If even I fall, then what are you fighting for?" Lucifer said so aggressively more than once.

Uriel watched with tears in his eyes as countless fallen angels flew out from the demon world and the mortal world to catch the falling faith in their hearts.Even the Angel Legion had a lot of people flying there subconsciously, only stopping halfway, and realized that that person was no longer the belief of the heavenly realm, but the belief of the devil realm...

So now that even you are down, don't we need to fight?Uriel smiled helplessly, teasing Lucifer's words back then.

Michael didn't even look at Lucifer. That kind of garbage, when it's down, it's down. Is it different from other garbage?


Michael opened his mouth and laughed, the feeling of power was so good, he needed to let it out!His body suddenly swelled in a circle, and the space around his body produced a strong sense of distortion. It was obvious that the surrounding aura was in short supply!
"Destroy them all!"

With a burst of shouts, Michael laughed wildly and swung his Seven Evil Swords wildly, and immediately countless gray sword qi flew out in all directions!What he wants now is destruction, and then he turns the energy generated by the destruction into chaos and fills himself with it!He wants to become another Chaos Master!
Just about to rush forward, the gods quickly backed away in the face of the scattered gray sword energy, lest they be too late!Such a terrifying gray sword energy can still be swayed like this, Michael's strength has shrouded the gods like a nightmare!

"Not good!" Yulier dodged the sword energy, and immediately yelled badly when he saw the direction of part of the sword energy.

A gray sword energy fell into the human army, and a powerful energy burst out within a radius of nearly half a mile, blasting out a deep sword pit!The blood was flying like a rain of blood in that area!No one knows how many fresh lives were directly killed by this blow!
For the gods fighting in the sky above them, life on the ground is too small!Once this unequal energy reaches the ground, it will be a unilateral massacre!

There were tens of thousands of scattered gray sword qi, and immediately after that, a lot of sword qi spread to the ground, some flew to the Xingluo Continent, some flew to the Beast Continent, and some flew to the Demon Continent.

Juliel's mind can figure it out in an instant, these sword qi alone are enough to sink the mortal world...

That's right, sink the mortal world.

The soldiers of all races on the ground couldn't help being affected by Michael's sword aura just now, and they all raised their heads in despair at this moment, looking at the gray sword aura spreading all over the sky.There is a lot of trouble, mortals have thousands of worries, those silver threads hanging in the sky are like thousands of troubles in the mortal world, people see their own suffering, turn it into reality, and plan to bring the final closure to themselves.

Suddenly, a guy with a snake body, a human face, insect wings and a goatee raised his shield high above the people's heads, spreading a black and dense divine power to cover the vast expanse of Xingluo Continent.

The gray sword energy fell on his divine power, and there were countless chirping chirping sounds. The guy's divine power quickly faded, and the shield sank. He continued to sprinkle divine blood, and his figure retreated uncontrollably.But he kept mustering his divine power, without any sign of giving up, even if he was about to be smashed to pieces!

"That's... Azazel, the demon god of doom?" Under the figure of that guy, the soldiers of Xingluo Continent realized that they hadn't perished under the gray sword energy, and hesitantly called out the guy who resisted the coming of death above them .

Not only the soldiers of Xingluo Continent, but also from other directions, they could see the great demon gods unleashing a large amount of divine power in their air, resisting the gray sword energy for them.

(End of this chapter)

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