Chapter 877
It feels weird.

Samael, the demon god of death with six bat wings and a bone tail growing from the back, covered with scales; Azazel, the doomsday demon god with a snake body and human face and insect wings; a locust body with a man's face and a woman's long hair showing lion teeth Abaddon, the demon god of destruction; Belial, the bearded lazy demon god with devil horns, bat ears, and tiger tail; Mastema, the demon god of lies with two feathered wings and a red face covered with feathers all over his body... …

Every tribe in the great demon gods and mortal realms has heard legends about them and their ugly appearance.

Treacherous, evil, cruel, violent... They are always accompanied by all kinds of terrible legends. For everyone, they are nightmares and terrifying existences.

But now, these legendary evil incarnations are using their bodies to resist their heads, defending their lives and the existence of the mortal world.Their horrifyingly ugly appearance remained unchanged, but the humans who looked at them, the orcs, and the demons, lost the distinction between right and wrong.Feeling throbbing, suddenly found that his face was full of tears.

The Great Demon Gods are all fighting for their lives, how can they give up? !

"What are you looking at, are you idle?! Listen to the order! The mage spread the attack! The archer opened the way to the distance! The necromancer controlled the enemy's corpse as a target! The angel and the demon god of the demon world helped those Eliminate all the annoying bastards in the air, I want to see that no enemy can survive where you fly! Warriors of all races, vent your anger forward, and howl the horn of counterattack!" Sai Lars flew the little unicorn in the air, and continued to take on the task of threading the needle.

He can't help in the battle of gods, and he deliberately ignores the blood of the great demon god that is constantly sprinkled on his head. He can do his own work well below his head, which is the best response to them.It's time like this, let's all go all out!

While everyone was silently cheering for the Great Demon God, the Great Demon God also opened a voice chat group.

Mostima: "I can't bear it, I really can't bear it..."

Abaddon: "If you can't bear it, you have to resist! As long as you are not dead, you have to hold on!"

Samuel: "Xiao Hei, go a little farther and follow your boss Qilin's ass to find some garbage to eat. It's dangerous here..."

Azazel: "For the Lord Demon King... I will not hesitate to break my body to pieces!"

Belial: "Hey, no, aren't the candidates for the Lord Demon King's harem all from the human race and the demon race? Lord of Souls, why are you running to the beast race to protect the land of the beast race? I seem to see your flesh Is it an illusion that you and your soul are going to be separated?"

Lord of Soul: "Can you guarantee that Lord Demon King doesn't have a harem in the Beast Race?"

Beryl: "...don't dare..."

Lord of Soul: "But you read that right, I'm about to have my soul fucked out! Birdman Yuriel! Why are you so dazed!"

The lord of the soul suddenly pulled Yulier into the chat group, and all the demon gods quickly found an outlet for the pain they suffered in their bodies and cursed like a catharsis.Although there were suspicions of avenging personal revenge and deliberately taking advantage of what Yulier could not refute, Yulier could only admit it.

At this moment, no matter what the real reasons of the great demon gods are, their actions are undeniably great!

"Gabriel! Covering the attack!" Uriel said in a deep voice.

Uriel understood that even if the Great Demon Gods risked their lives, they could last for a few seconds at most, so he quickly cherished this short time and rushed forward.

He dodged the dense sword energy perfectly in the air, drew out his long sword, and stabbed at the familiar and unfamiliar Michael.

A fiery red figure quickly stopped in front of Michael, and the almost white flames came over. Yuriel felt the heat wave from a distance away. He couldn't bear this divine power at all, so he could only retreat regretfully. At the same time, it cut out countless divine powers to compete with it.

When the divine power and the white flames were exhausted together, he saw the new God of Vulcan, who had surrendered to Michael just now, with a white fire dragon hovering in each hand, spraying scorching dragon breath in a lifelike manner, and pounced on him.

"Your rubbish is not worthy of Master Michael." Sabo smiled coldly.

It feels so good to be empowered!Looking at the gods whom I had sincerely admired before, now I can say to them contemptuously: You are all rubbish!It's such a good feeling!Only at this moment did Sabo understand that it was ridiculous to think that Arnold was his goal before, and he was really watching the sky from a well!See there, Arnold!That disciple who looked at your face every day and was disliked by you is already a Vulcan!
A white flame turned into a dragon, and rushed towards Yulier with a long roar!Julier slashed horizontally with his sword, but he couldn't do anything to the fire dragon, and was swallowed by the fire dragon abruptly!
"Drink!" Yuriel roared and emitted a powerful golden light before extinguishing the flames on his body.

The flames disappeared, and Julier's divine body didn't seem to have suffered much damage, but his face became obviously pale.In addition to the damage to the body, the big move of Burning Flame and Burning Dragon also has a strong damage to the consciousness!

"Gabriel, I'm sorry, I can't support you for the time being." Uriel immediately changed the order he had just given.

According to the current situation, it would be good if he can hold this Vulcan without the support of others, and Michael can only leave it to them to deal with.

"It's okay." Gabriel replied softly, and he had already appeared on the other side of Michael.

Gabriel has come to the front, how can Michael continue to sway his sword and not take him seriously?

Although the death angel Gabriel has always been taciturn among all the archangels, he has never been a guy who can ignore her!All those who don't take Gabriel seriously, without exception, listen to Gabriel's beautiful obituary and get the ending of eternal sleep.

Michael stopped swinging the Seven Evil Swords, and dexterously drew a beautiful circular arc from bottom to top according to the stop angle, as if a beautiful black half-moon emerged from his side waist.

So fast!

Michael's sword is very fast!Fast enough to surprise Gabriel!

If only talking about swordsmanship, Gabriel is definitely the most superb among all the Archangels.Facing Michael's unexpected quick counterattack, Gabriel didn't make a big change with the long sword in his hand, because it was too late.She just tilted the blade slightly, and at the same time put her other hand on the sword. After this change, the long sword barely resisted Michael's slash!

Gabriel's instant reaction and dexterous application of the sword are amazing, but the gap in divine power cannot be bridged by beautiful sword skills.After Gabriel blocked Michael's swing, he let out a muffled grunt and flew backwards. Even though the sword was supported by Gabriel's two hands, it was still trembling and screaming.

"Good sword."

Michael was a little surprised that the sword didn't cut Gabriel in two, after all, he had used all his strength for that blow.If it was Lucifer's Morning Glory Star just now, he has the confidence to cut it off again!
Gabriel's heart suddenly dimmed, and she naturally understood the reason why she was still alive... She rubbed the blade of the long sword in her hand to calm down the mournful sound of the long sword. This divine sword should have been his protective artifact... …At this moment, she wants to keep the sword in his hands to help him, rather than to be ashamed in her own hands.

Although Gabriel failed to cause any harm to Michael, at least she prevented Michael from constantly swaying the sword energy.

A group of great demon gods have also reached the limit, and almost at the same time as the sword energy stopped, they fell from the air and fell on the continents of various tribes.

Soldiers of all races were fortunate to be able to see the true face of the Great Demon God at such a close distance, but none of them had the previous thoughts of hatred and rejection. Looking at them who were panting and dying, they felt only gratitude and touch in their hearts, and spontaneously guarded them in the behind.

Just now you guarded our lives, now it is our turn to guard your safety!

And a big fly slowly rose from the ground.There was a narrow hole in its chest, and a disgusting green liquid rolled out, and a pair of insect eyes radiated anger, pointing directly at Michael in the air.

At this moment, it is so great and dazzling in the eyes of everyone!The Great Demon God who was the first to be defeated by sword qi stood up again with terrible scars!
The chat group of the Great Demon God that had been quiet showed the information that Beelzebub was online, and the first thing he did when he came up was to kick Uriel out of the group: "Grass, where did the birdman come from? I said, that Michael must Is it so annoying? If it’s not the Lord Demon King’s potential harem, you won’t do anything, right? If the Lord Demon King comes back later and sees that the woman he loves has been hacked to death by Michael, and after asking around, it turns out that we are too trashy to protect us, what? There is still an old face following Lord Demon King! WCNM Michael, I will fight with you!"

Well, the reason for Beelzebub's desperation seems to be not much different from other Great Demon Gods - to fight for the Lord Demon King's harem!However, it is better for others not to know the purpose of privacy, because the image that is rarely built will collapse in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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