Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 878 The Battle of the End

Chapter 878 The Battle of the End
Nangongfeng stepped forward again to help Gabriel, but was stopped by Xueyue, and Gabriel, who was fighting alone, suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

The comeback of the big fly brought very timely help to Gabriel. The magic it chanted continuously while waving its short staff always brought the breath of death to Michael.

"Beelzebub, you are the most annoying fly I've ever seen!"

Although Gabriel and Beelzebub were considered a terrifying and weird combination in the Three Realms, Michael didn't take it too seriously, at most he just found it a little annoying.Michael's current strength has just broken through the order of the Three Realms. He needs to use the power of chaos to destroy the three realms, and obtain energy to transform into the most primitive power of chaos to strengthen himself.And these guys who are no longer on the same level as him are still making trouble for him, he is really impatient.

However, his strength is not enough to annihilate them with a single gesture... Annoyed!
Seeing that disgusting big fly makes me even more irritable!The irritable Michael prepared to capture Beelzebub several times and kill this annoying guy first, but Gabriel would appear in a position that made him extremely uncomfortable.

Finally, Gabriel managed to leave a sword mark on Michael's face, but that was the price Michael paid on purpose.

Beelzebub couldn't escape this time, he dodged Michael's seven evil swords, but was kicked down hard, and what greeted him would be Michael's wrath!


A snow-white gun tip pierced Michael's chest when all his attention was on Beelzebub in front of him!

Michael turned his head in disbelief, and looked back at the snowy moon whose eyes had become clear again: "Impossible...God of ice and snow, you actually disobeyed my order?"

"Before the Ice and Snow Goddess died, she burned the rest of her life to seal a trace of divine consciousness in the divine emblem..." Xueyue said lightly.

After accepting the emblem of the God of Ice and Snow, Xueyue knew the real reason for the death of the Goddess of Ice and Snow from the trace of consciousness in the emblem, and at the same time knew that the emblem was tampered with by Michael.So he deliberately cooperated with Michael's order, in order to survive the worst possible moment...

"Frozen thousands of miles!"

Intense white light erupted from Xueyue's whole body, and the naked eye could see the divine power spreading from the spear to the tip of the spear, and the roiling chill immediately dispersed!Michael was the first to feel the impact of the powerful ice and snow power, and his body was gradually covered with a thin layer of ice, as if to seal him in the ice!

"Tips for carving insects!"

With a loud shout from Michael, the thin ice on the surface of his body shattered in an instant.The chaotic divine power in his body was fully activated, and it quickly melted the icy cold that had entered his body!The body that was frozen just now can gradually start to move again.

At this time, he saw the big fly not far in front of him, showing an extremely ugly smile, and then the short staff of the source of plague in its hand sprayed out a dark green skull.

The distance was too close, and Michael was controlled by Xueyue's ice-covered miles, which could not be stopped. The dark green skull disappeared into Michael's body almost as soon as it appeared.

Michael, who was melting the ice with all his divine power, had no other divine power to resist, and was so injured by this blow that he finally spat out a mouthful of divine blood!

He, Michael, who had acquired the power of chaos, was actually injured by the big fly he hated the most?Michael's eyes became more and more fierce!
He showed a cruel smile, holding the Seven Evil Swords high, the gray divine power filling the top made the dark Seven Evil Swords glow with gray chaotic light!The divine power contained above made everyone tremble!
It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, and suddenly I heard another bang!
Like a phoenix screaming high and screaming, the sound waves soared that the heaven and the earth stopped shaking!
The voice came from Gabriel's sharp eyes and quick hands.She clearly saw that the Seven Evil Swords couldn't bear Michael's divine power, and there was an unstable crack!At that moment, Gabriel swooped over, holding the ancient sword horizontally and accurately knocked on the crack. The moment he touched it, the ancient sword tilted slightly upwards.

With the help of ingenuity, the sword body of the Seven Evil Swords, which has existed for countless years, was knocked out by the ancient sword with a conspicuous crack, and then Gabriel pried it with all his strength, breaking it from it!

Duan Ren and Gabriel Qiqi flew out because of Michael's explosive bullet, like a cannonball, smashed into the ground hard, and suddenly the sand flew up, and a huge pit appeared on the ground!
Gabriel couldn't bear the power of the energy burst and spat out a mouthful of divine blood. Even though her hands were bloody due to the strong energy shock, Gabriel never let go of the ancient sword in her hand until she lost consciousness...

The breaking of the Seven Evil Swords made Michael stunned for a moment. His divine power wasted and exploded on the broken sword, causing the cold air in his body to gain the upper hand again, and his body gradually stiffened.

Xueyue, but she has not stopped burning her vitality and outputting her divine power at full speed!If Michael is a little slack, he will enjoy the price of his arrogance!

"A mere jumping clown..."

Although Michael wanted to beat up Beelzebub who was almost within reach in front of him, but the continuous injuries brought back his sanity, he restrained his anger, and figured out that the spear pierced from his back was his Big worry!
"Hmm, are you calling me?"

Suddenly, the ugly fly face in front of Michael was replaced by a sunny and handsome face.This face, Michael recognized, is really a clown...

"You and Haniya gave me a very bad experience. At that time, I said to myself that one day I will punch you in the face! Unexpectedly, I really did it, yes Right, the aloof battle angel Michael?"

Nangongfeng felt that this was the most depressing time for him in this period of time.

Without giving Michael a chance to retaliate, Nangongfeng smashed the fist he had prepared for a long time to Michael's face, and hit his straight nose.At that moment, several phantoms appeared around Nangongfeng's body, quickly superimposed on Nangongfeng's body from top to bottom, left and right, bursting out layer after layer of divine power on Michael's face and pouring it into his body.

"Seven Kills, Seven Kills with One Punch, Seven Kills!!"

Nangongfeng has been waiting for this moment for too long!

From the very beginning when he met Xueyue, he didn't understand Xueyue's words, Nangong Nanfeng had already started to play a good show with Xueyue's upper body to accompany Xueyue!Just kidding, how could he believe that Xue Yue could forget anything about Wu Feng Nong Yue?Not to mention just inheriting a small ice and snow god, even if inheriting the entire vast star universe, Nangong Feng has the confidence that he will not forget himself!

Because he himself is the same... It is Wu Feng Nongyue who let them find the meaning of their existence, it is Dancing Wind Nongyue who makes them feel that they are real living beings with flesh and blood, these are unforgettable...

The fist was pressed hard on Michael's face, and gradually, many golden and white rays of light burst out from Michael's body.Every time a little light bloomed, there would be a hole in Michael's body, and the thick demon scales seemed to be broken like powder.

Like the blooming of fireworks, beautiful and short-lived, the light intertwined on Michael's body is also brilliant and short-lived.The last ray of light appeared on Michael's forehead, and the divine emblem on his forehead was shattered...

In the next second, after a burst of extremely dazzling light burst out, Michael's body and spirit disappeared.

At the moment when he disappeared, he still had a strong sense of unwillingness, but he could only be unwilling...

Beelzebub, Xueyue, and Nangongfeng, who were close to Michael, also fell with that huge burst of energy.

Suddenly, the noise in the sky became much quieter.It seems that the sky has lost their toss and returned to calm again.And the battle between other angels and demon gods and the god-level destroyer has become like a small fight after the splendor just now, it is not eye-catching at all, and it is easy to be ignored.

Suddenly, the hearts of the people who thought the sky had returned to calm twitched violently.There was another noisy sound in the sky, and the huge fluctuation of divine power was like another haze floating on everyone's heart.

Suddenly, many people flew out of the passage leading to the heaven in the sky.

"Sorry for being late! I am Balder, the God of Light, leading the Wingless God of Heaven, to help!"

The white-bearded old man flying in the forefront looked a little embarrassed, completely devoid of inscrutable temperament and affinity for the God of Light Element, and his expression was a little numb.

But a strong man with a big beard next to him was very excited. Two big hammers touched each other, and suddenly lightning and thunder thundered beside him!

"It's the Wingless God!" Ya Longjing was the first to realize.

Most of the others reacted a beat or two later, and started to get excited and cheer!
No one can blame them for scaring themselves with trepidation at first.

In the World War One, they were constantly faced with running out of ammunition and food, and constantly faced with despair. Finally, when the situation turned into their upper hand for the first time, many people would not believe it!
With the addition of the Wingless God, the dawn of victory in this battle is already hanging over their heads!

Haniya turned over in a deep ditch, looked up at the reinforcements brought by the God of Light and the God of Thunder and began to clean up the battlefield, and laughed straight: "Okay, I have to say that you have done a good job, and I will treat you as if I have returned to you now." You two. But Xue Yue, that bastard, is really fucking ruthless, he just kicked your brother twice, and he has held grudges for so long..."

This smile immediately hurt the wound on his back, and he grinned in pain and wailed again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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