Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 880 Troubleshooting

Chapter 880 Troubleshooting

Xueyue sighed softly, unexpectedly Brother Yi would still try to trick him in the end!
Fortunately, he reacted quickly and quickly jumped away.To be exact, he seemed to have guessed that this would be the result.

In a hurry, he didn't know where he jumped. After gathering his mind, he quickly looked around. As long as it wasn't so bad luck that he ran into the women's toilet, he could talk about anything.

This is a strange place, with antique wooden doors and windows, where Xueyue is right behind a wooden screen, he can't see the whole picture clearly, but he guesses that he is in a room.

The only thing that made him feel bad was that the place where he was was surrounded by a faint fragrance, and besides the fragrance, there was also a strong vulgar fragrance of rouge and gouache, disturbing one after another.But no matter how strong the smell of rouge gouache is, it can't cover up the faint fragrance, which is the natural fragrance from the human body.

And this kind of fragrance is usually only found in girls...

Xueyue's character has always been withdrawn, otherwise he wouldn't have been so unpopular in Xuefeng Academy.In his heart, except for the people and things related to Wu Feng Nong Yue that can affect his heart, he doesn't take anything else seriously.

Even though it seemed that he had stumbled into a girl's boudoir by mistake at this time, which was quite embarrassing, his brows would not frown, as cold as ice.

Hmm... Even if the sound of water is heard behind the wooden screen... At most, he has restrained his consciousness, and just sensed it.

There was a very crisp sound of pulling the door, and the wooden screen was pulled open just like that... This time Xueyue really didn't have time to get away, who would have thought that the sound of the water inside hadn't stopped completely, and the bather could not wait to rush out?
The screen was opened, a burst of steam floated out, and the water clouds inside were eye-catching.

But no matter how seductive Shuiyun is, it can't prevent others from noticing the clarity of those pair of pupils.Of course, if the snowy moon falls further, do not look at evil, and I can't help but have a thought in my heart: rushed out of the shower room without getting dressed?This is like that careless fool Nangong Feng!
The expected scream did not resound, and the girl who opened the screen saw Xueyue, but she was also surrounded by white mist and couldn't see clearly.But no matter how blind you are, you can tell that this is a strange man, right?But the girl didn't scream, she just quickly picked up the underwear that she was going to hang to dry by the window where Xueyue was, and tightly covered her body.

"My, why are you so impatient!" The girl's voice was as clear as a copper bell, and there was a hint of coquettishness, "I don't wait until I finish bathing and changing clothes..."

The girl was only slightly taken aback when she saw Xueyue, then with a faintly provocative smile, she leaned towards Xueyue.

The girl has a slender figure, and the simple underwear can't hide her good figure at all, revealing her fragrant shoulders, beautiful back and smooth abdomen. Her snow-white skin is like a beautiful snow-capped mountain looming in the mist.

Xueyue is indifferent to everything, but she is still an upright gentleman, he doesn't look at things that shouldn't be looked at at all, even though he has roughly guessed who the woman is from her frivolous tone.

The girl leaned forward, and Xue Yue retreated subconsciously.In fact, this retreat has long been irreversible, Xueyue is only on the indoor balcony of other people's rooms, and when she retreats, she immediately feels her waist and back being blocked by the wall.

Xueyue immediately understood that behind her was the big window that she jumped in, so she simply leaned back against the fence with the strength of her back, turned her upper body and fell out of the window.

The height of only a few floors is definitely impossible to throw Xueyue out of the way. I saw Xueyue fell back to the ground lightly like a wisp of goose feather light snow, not even a single dust bounced up.

The girl just now probably mistook herself as her guest, which is a blessing in misfortune, otherwise, if it were an ordinary woman, she would have screamed and pushed the matter to a more troublesome direction.But turning over from her room like this probably scared her too much, so Xue Yue decided to leave as soon as possible.As for the woman who brought someone down later to check if he thought he had hallucinations or other troubles if he didn't see it, Xue Yue didn't bother to care.

Xueyue stood up, before the other passers-by realized that she had jumped from the upstairs, and was about to leave immediately, but during such a short pause just now, something happened again!
The woman jumped out of the window he jumped from just now!Judging from her posture, the woman didn't have any warrior foundation at all, so if she jumped down, she might have to break both legs if she didn't lose her body!
Xue Yue couldn't figure out why the woman jumped down too, but it was a bit cruel to want to stay out of it at this time.Xueyue is just a little indifferent, but not cold-blooded, otherwise she wouldn't have met the people who danced the wind and played the moon.

It was too late to say, the girl was jumping off a building, of course the speed of the fall was very fast, but it was not a problem for Xue Yue, she raised her hand lightly, and supported the girl's waist to help her land safely.

At this time, the girl had already changed into a whole set of clothes, but... the girl was just putting on a piece of clothes in such a short time, and she didn't wear anything inside. Not leaking.

"What are you looking at! Run!" The girl seemed to have noticed where Xueyue's eyes were looking, and quickly moved her head closer to block Xueyue's sight with her face, a blush mixed with her pretty face.

Xueyue accidentally looked at something she shouldn't have seen, but she just looked at it, there is no need to feel guilty because of it, Xueyue did not avoid the girl's gaze because of this, and looked at her.He didn't understand why the girl told him to run, but he could hear many people running out of the magnificent building where the girl jumped off, probably related to the girl in front of him.

But what do you do with yourself?
Xue Yue was about to leave without looking back, but happened to see the blush on the girl's face, and the restlessness with her arms crossed.Even though this young girl may have been born in a worldly place of fireworks, it seems very inappropriate to throw her disheveledly on the street like this.

He has never been a hesitant person, since he feels something is wrong, he will do it.Right or wrong or consequences, he never cared.He only cares about whether he is worthy of himself and the people he cares about.

The expression on the girl's face seemed stubborn, but her trembling body showed her uneasiness, and then suddenly her eyes blurred, and the girl found herself becoming light and light.

Looking up, the picture in her eyes has changed.As if she had passed through the white mist that she could not see through, and walked into the mist, she saw the face of the man who had been unable to see clearly. The facial features were distinct, and the face was as sharp as a knife. Shocked light blue eyes.This is a handsome face that can't help but move the girl's heart, especially the cruelty with a bit of fierceness, it is simply a straight female cancer killer!

When the girl's nymphomania was about the same, she suddenly recovered from the pain in her buttocks, and she struggled to get up from the ground before wiping off the saliva around her mouth.

"Where is this?"

The girl looked around, looking up at the big trees covering the sky and the sun, and looking down at the dirt covered with dead leaves.

"Mountain forest."

"Nonsense, my concubine is not blind!" The girl rolled her eyes. There is no difference between saying and not saying this kind of answer, "I mean to ask why I brought my concubine here!"

"You got away." Xue Yue said lightly.

This is a girl who claims to be a concubine but speaks with no humility—Xue Yue very coldly labels the beauty in front of her.And it seems a little familiar, very thick-skinned, Xueyue added another label.

In the uninhabited mountain forest, Xueyue didn't have to worry about making noise. Only then did he notice that the girl was only wearing a light yellow tulle robe, which couldn't cover her long legs.The sleeve length is very long, so to speak, there is no problem at all with this length for hanging.The style is a bit strange, but the workmanship of the tulle robe is very good, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

But everyone knows how transparent tulle clothes are. This kind of clothes should be matched with brightly colored inner clothes, right?But it was obvious that the girl was too late to wear it.

After Xueyue finished speaking, she found that her eyes seemed inappropriate to stay on the girl, so she turned around and wanted to leave.

His rush to leave has nothing to do with the girl's clothes being exposed or not, he just simply doesn't want to get involved with other miscellaneous matters, especially the girl in front of him, in Xue Yue's eyes, the word "troublemaker" is engraved on her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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