Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 881 The name is so random?

Chapter 881 The name is so random?

"Don't go yet, you leave the concubine body here, what will happen to the concubine body!"

The girl shouted anxiously while catching up to Xueyue.

"Send you back." Xue Yue stopped in her tracks and said coldly.

"Of course not!" the girl said without even thinking about it, "It was so difficult to escape, how can I go back!"

I can't survive alone, and I don't want to go back. Sure enough, this person fits Xue Yue's evaluation of her in her mind.But maybe all the women in the world are so troublesome and self-contradictory.

Seeing that Xueyue didn't answer, the girl didn't seem to care, she leaned towards Xueyue and said, "So let's go with me! I can sing and dance well, although I can't enter the kitchen, but at least I can go out of the hall, and I can keep warm at night Where's the bed!"

"Go to the northwest." Xueyue pointed to the northwest. If you walk over the hill in front of you, you can reach another city, which is not far away.

He flew with the girl, but he flew over several cities. It is absolutely impossible for the girl to be chased by the people there in a short time if she goes to a nearby city.

"You see, my concubine is naked, how can I see people?"

Xueyue's words were very short, but the girl actually understood what Xueyue meant, which meant that the girl was actually very smart, not as pitiful as she appeared on the surface... Well, in fact, the girl had never shown that pitiful At most, she looks a little shy because of the lack of clothes.

As soon as the girl finished speaking, a set of clothes was thrown on her body, hanging precisely on her head.

The girl took it down and saw a set of ordinary boys' clothes, pure white, very clean, with a faint indescribable smell.She had smelled this smell just now, and it was exactly the smell of the cruel gentleman in front of her.

"What do you mean, do you dislike my concubine's attire?" The girl looked shocked.

It was rare for Xueyue to look at her again, but it was not because of a good thing... This person's vexatious level is almost the same as that of Athena, right?Wasn't it because she said she was not fully clothed that he threw the clothes to her?
"Look carefully, this is the most beautiful dance costume worn by the number one dancer in Tost Province! How many people lined up just to see my concubine dance to a song in it!"

Seeing that the girl obviously wanted to show her identity and emphasized the words "the first dancer" and "in line", and then waited for her response, Xue Yue wanted to pretend to be dull and didn't want to understand.

But in the end he still nodded slightly, otherwise he might be annoyed to death by this "first dancer".

"Don't pretend you don't understand, if you still don't understand, you can also understand it as uniform temptation or something..." The girl laughed.

But after laughing twice, her face froze, and the man in front of her disappeared out of thin air the moment she glanced at the clothes on her hands and was distracted.

"Hey, where have you been?" The girl raised her head and shouted, her voice became a little trembling, "I am very scared to be alone in this barren mountain!"

Just be afraid, be afraid, and go down the mountain.

Xueyue didn't turn her head back, she walked into the distance, hoping she would remember the direction he pointed just now.

The night in the forest always comes very early, the girl felt as if she had just left Mr. Kuku, and the forest quickly became dark, so dark that she couldn't see her fingers.She has already changed into the clothes Xueyue gave her, the girl is tall and slender, but she still can't wear Xueyue's clothes, she looks loose and baggy.He didn't forget to put his "the most beautiful dance costume of the first dancer in Tost Province" on the outside, which made it look scarier than a ghost from a distance.

No one knows if the girl still remembers the way to the nearby city, because she didn't find the way out at all.As she walked in a certain direction, she shouted loudly, startling all the creatures that could be startled along the way.

However, she ran to the place in the forest where there was the most movement due to the alarm, it was almost the rhythm of sending herself to the mouth of the beast.

The girl rushed in the direction where the movement had been making all the time, brushing away the dense weeds all the way, and was startled when she suddenly pushed aside a weed while walking.

"I found you!" The girl saw the huge monster in front of her, and found that it was not a big wild boar but Xueyue, and immediately let out a laugh like a copper bell.

But Xueyue noticed the tears on her face, and her trembling body because of fear.The excitement and ecstasy she felt when she saw herself was real, but the calmness on her face that was just playing hide and seek was fake.

Obviously he has told the other party the way to go, and they are just strangers they met for the first time today, Xue Yue doesn't understand why this girl still wants to find herself, she is afraid that she won't find herself.

That's right, what the girl is afraid of is not being able to find herself, not the gloomy and dangerous mountains.

"En." Xueyue responded lightly.

He didn't know which mountain to go to, but the girl's reckless running around finally made him feel uneasy.If he doesn't come back, the girl will treat herself as a snack for the pack of wolves who are waiting here.Xueyue is not interested in meaningless killings, he appears here just to scare away the pack of wolves.As for the girl's misunderstanding that she successfully found herself in such a stupid way, it has nothing to do with her.

Before returning, Xue Yue planned to take the girl directly to the city before leaving, but after seeing the girl, he knew it was useless to do so.She would still run around like now, even though her immature feet without shoes were scratched by dead branches and gravel and blood flowed all over the ground, she did not give up.

Her inexplicable obsession with herself made Xue Yue feel very surprised, and it seemed a bit cold-blooded to leave it alone.

So the girl once again enjoyed Xueyue's embrace, and she felt the pictures beside her fly by, as crazy as racing against the wind.This feeling made her infinitely obsessed.

Xueyue's embrace is very comfortable, but it's a pity that Xueyue is not a guy who knows how to be sympathetic and sympathetic. The girl once again landed on her buttocks first with a ouch, grinning her teeth in pain.

"Please let me know when you arrive next time, my butt is about to break in two!" the girl complained delicately.

"Go ahead."

If the butt does not fall, it is also in two halves.Xueyue really hoped that Nangongfeng would help him answer such a sentence here.

The girl rubbed her buttocks and stood up, when she heard Xueyue's voice coming from behind, she turned her head in surprise and found that Xueyue had started a bonfire at some point.

"What do you say?" The girl replied, feeling the warmth of the fire, and looking around, not afraid of Xueyue's unusualness at all.

There were no trees in the place where they were, but on the edge of a cliff. Looking out from the firelight, they could vaguely see endless mountains.The girl never had the opportunity to go out for a walk since she was a child, let alone the depths of the primeval forest that only powerful practitioners can enter. It was the first time she saw this magnificent scenery, and she was extremely amazed.

At this time, she had already started to think that she must get up early tomorrow morning, and watching the sunrise here was absolutely beautiful.

"Why do you have to follow me?" Xue Yue said.

The light of the flames couldn't make the white mist surrounding Xueyue fade even a little bit, and the whole person seemed to be half-illusory, which made people feel unreal.

"It's a bit hard to say..." The girl walked to Xueyue and sat down, and said in a discussing tone, "Master, you are very secretive, can you tell me your name? Maybe I know your name. It will be a little easier to talk about.”

"Snow Moon."

Xueyue knew that this was the girl's nonsense, but although Xueyue seldom talked, he always acted aboveboard, and his name was not something shameful, so he told the other party generously.

After a day of trouble today, the two of them are considered destined.

The other party seems to be a prostitute, but Xueyue has no discrimination against her. In his eyes, there is no distinction between high and low occupations. As long as they are not doing evil things, everyone's work or struggle is for a better life.

"Sounds good! Since your name is Xueyue, then my concubine should be called Fenghua! Xueyue Fenghua, sounds so poetic! Isn't that right, Master Xueyue?" The girl who "proclaimed" her name was Fenghua very happily Said.

What is "Then let's call it Fenghua!"... Dare to adapt the name to adapt to the situation?

People who talk less are mostly people with very strong self-control, including how much they care about inexplicable things.As for Xueyue, naturally the same is true.Although the current situation seems that the name of this "Fenghua" beauty is very casual, and she is suspected of taking advantage of her, but that is not the point.

The point is, why do you have to follow me... If the reason is meaningless, Xueyue will leave without hesitation, even if Fenghua will be buried in the belly of the beast in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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