Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 882 Professional Ethics

Chapter 882 Professional Ethics
"Because Master Xueyue is the 'Oiran Lord' chosen by my concubine, so of course I must follow Master Xueyue!" Feng Hua said with a smile.

Fenghua showed a very innocent smile, not at all like the temperament of Fengyue's place... However, Xueyue does not accept this reason.

Although Xueyue doesn't go in and out of Fengyue place, it doesn't mean he doesn't know anything.An oiran is the most beautiful woman in a romantic place, or a romantic place in a region, or even in a city or a province.Every once in a while, these romantic places will organize the selection of oirans.The oiran is not only beautiful in appearance, singing and dancing, body temperament, etc., but also must be a virgin... It can be said that the oiran represents the ultimate embodiment of female beauty in this area.

This girl who called herself Feng Hua... Xue Yue glanced at the woman beside her.

Although she is dressed like a ghost, but with her tall height, perfect body proportions without a trace of fat, and her almost alluring appearance, it is indeed in line with the former Tost Empire, which is now called Tost The aesthetic standards of this area of ​​the province.The aesthetics for men here are tall and strong, while the aesthetics for girls are tall and beautiful.

But...whether she is the oiran or not, he does not admit that he is the "lord of the oiran".

The owner of the oiran is the person who bought the oiran at a high price... Basically, the people who want to buy the oiran are not ordinary nouveau riche, it is the rich or expensive nobles who have the financial power and status.

If Fenghua is really an oiran, even if it's just the oiran of their shop, that's priceless. No wonder she jumped out of the window and caused so many people in the building to chase her out.

"I didn't choose you." Xueyue turned her head, looked at the flames on the fire in front of her, and said coldly.

Since the other party didn't know the meaning of Xueyue's name, and misunderstood that she was just an ordinary person who went to the Fengyue place to find pleasure, then let's follow her misunderstanding to avoid unnecessary complications.

Hurry up and get rid of this troublemaker, he has other things to do.

"Yeah, Master Xueyue just ran into the concubine's boudoir, but 'absolutely' doesn't count as choosing the concubine's body, and 'absolutely' doesn't count..." Fenghua approached Xueyue, smiling happily, as if this It was a very happy thing for her. She stretched out her hand and brushed the long bangs hanging in front of her eyes to her ears. The ironic words she uttered were not annoying at all, but instead made people feel charming, "So What the concubine said was 'the concubine has chosen Lord Xueyue'. Since there are two candidates, the concubine can of course choose the one that the concubine likes... I have to say, the other big fat man is too ugly Well, I would rather die than follow..."

Well, at this point Xueyue feels that she has understood clearly.

He was tricked by the creation god, Yi Ge, and accidentally jumped into the room of the oiran of the Fengyue place, and whether the oiran Fenghua beauty took a bath or not at the time, it probably wouldn't have much impact on the current result.Because this wayward oiran doesn't like the person who bought her ownership at all, so in the end she will rely on herself to help her escape.

Just knowing what happened, Xue Yue didn't intend to waste time on such chores.

"It's useless for you to choose me, I have no money." Xue Yue said sharply.

To become the lord of the oiran, at least you need to pay a very considerable amount of money. Xueyue easily and simply draws a line between herself and the troublemaker.

"The money paid by that big fat man can be treated as if you paid it!" Fenghua tried her best to make her smile look a little more sacred, as if she was praying for the blessings and eliminating obstacles for all living beings.

But it's illegal, right?Can you treat the money paid by others as if you paid for it yourself?There is no way to make this look noble with a fake smile!

Well, what Fenghua thinks is actually not something Xueyue needs to worry about.Speaking of breaking the law, from the moment he took Fenghua away, he was already mentally prepared to be charged with the crime of robbing a civilian girl.

"you're free."

Xueyue intends to accept Fenghua's statement, so she is the master of the oiran, so she naturally has the right to deal with her own property, right?Release the subordinate relationship between them, so that the troublesome spirits who are tied to him today can finally be dealt with.

"Ah? Is there something wrong with my concubine?" Feng Hua's smile immediately collapsed, revealing a pitiful look, with crystal tears in the corners of her eyes.

It's a waste for this guy not to be an actor... No, it seems that he is an actor in the first place!The basic lesson of the oiran is to show various expressions to psychedelic or please the guests!Especially this kind of cute and pitiful appearance, made by Fenghua, will definitely make the guests willing to give up all their belongings in exchange for a smile.

So, that's what it means to be a beauty.

This trick might work for other guests, but it really didn't work for him at all.First of all, he is not good at women, and he has seen too many Yuan Feiwu Athenas, so he is almost numb to appearance, let alone be tempted by beauty.

So Fenghua's pitiful appearance was like the Titanic crashing into an iceberg, sinking to the bottom, without any effect.

"You're not wrong, but I don't want it." Xue Yue said without hesitation.

"Master Xueyue, you are too wasteful! You bought everything, at least tasted it once!" Feng Hua said indignantly for Xueyue.

The puffy cheeks seemed to be fighting for injustice.

But now their improper relationship between men and women can be expressed in such an outrageous way!What is waste, what is taste at least once?Do I buy vegetables at the vegetable market?

"Don't..." Xueyue's thousand words can only be turned into a burst of depression.

Since he didn't hang out with Lin Beck, he hasn't tried this feeling of depression for a long time.

But he doesn't reject this feeling, at least it can make him feel different emotions again, and make him feel that he is still alive.

Even if life is worse than death, it is still alive.

"Then at least let the concubine perform a dance for you."

Seeing Xueyue's resistance, Fenghua stood up very unhappy, and began to stretch her body.Although wearing loose clothes and trousers with a long-sleeved dance dress looks ridiculous, but just looking at Fuka's stretched figure and posture, it can be seen that Fuka's claim to be an oiran is indeed well-deserved.

"No need..."

"You don't need it, you have to watch it! Anyway, let's watch the concubine dance, otherwise it will appear that the concubine has no professional ethics!"

Fenghua interrupted Xueyue's words, did not give Xueyue a chance to speak again, hurriedly started to walk to the side of the fire, and put on an opening pose ready to dance, as if Xueyue would not let her dance if she didn't start soon.

job, professional ethics?Oiran's work ethic? !It's all about professional ethics, Xue Yue doesn't know what else to say!
Xueyue, who is so proud and stubborn, actually feels frustrated by such a prostitute.In the past, in Dancing Wind and Moon, he was surrounded by eloquent guys. Now he regrets a bit, why didn't he learn some eloquence skills?He found that sometimes he really couldn't say enough about this beautiful woman.

Just as Xueyue was reviewing herself, a soft sigh came into her ears.

It seems to lament the unsatisfactory state of the world, and it is like watching the sky alone by a cold window.Just a sigh, can actually touch the heart.

Xueyue looked up, and saw Fenghua began to dance with her long sleeves flapping her arms to the accompaniment of her humming.

Under the moonlight, the beauty swayed.

Obviously the light is not good, the background is desolate, and the clothes are wrong, but she can be like the most shining elf in the night, sometimes graceful, sometimes light and graceful.

The two tubes of pale yellow long sleeves almost turned into her wings, which can always be the icing on the cake, ready to set off her flying high at any time...

Very beautiful.

To Xueyue's surprise, he thought that the dance Fenghua learned would be sexy and vulgar, something aimed at satisfying the desires of the host or the guests.

Unexpectedly, it is so elegant and beautiful.

But after not watching for long, Xueyue stood up, turned and left without turning her head.

And Fenghua's dance didn't stop, she continued to complete her dance with trembling and tears streaming from her eyes.

Because it was agreed that if she wants to present a dance, she must perform a complete dance... In this way, at least there will be no regrets in her heart when she leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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