Chapter 883
On the edge of the cliff, surrounded by faint choking voices, chokingly hummed a melodious accompaniment.

Feng Hua just stood by the fire with no one there, crying and dancing by herself...

But after a while, the audience she thought had chosen to leave came back and sat in the original position.

And there were some things on her head, which were relatively large, covering her head and blocking her sight, causing her to stop dancing.

"I thought you really didn't want to be a concubine anymore! Woooooo..." Fenghua quickly wiped away the tears on her face while something was covering her head, "Also, it is very senseless to interrupt a dancer's dance. Regarding the ceremony, even if Lord Xueyue doesn't like dancing, she shouldn't..."

"If it's cold, tell the truth." Xueyue interrupted Fenghua's complaint very bluntly.

Although the dance was so beautiful that Xueyue was amazed, but it didn't mean that Xueyue lost the judgment he should have.Although Fenghua deliberately controlled it while dancing, she still couldn't avoid her slight shivering.

After spending a long time raising the idea of ​​wanting to exercise because of the cold to the level of professional ethics, after Xue Yue figured it out, she really had nothing to say.

But Xueyue is not someone who will take care of Fenghua's face, and directly exposes things that Fenghua is embarrassed to say.He didn't understand why Leng couldn't just say it straight, how could there be such a word as "shy girlish heart" in Xueyue's dictionary?

Fenghua's face suddenly turned red, she was indeed too cold to bear, but she was sincere in presenting a dance to Xueyue... Can't kill two birds with one stone!

Fenghua quickly grabbed the thick cotton coat from her head and put it on herself.After putting it on, seeing Xueyue didn't know what she was doing, she quickly moved to his side and sat down next to him.It's a pity that I didn't finish dancing, but Master Xueyue is still there, nothing makes her happier than this!
As soon as Fenghua sat down, Xueyue immediately turned her head to look at Fenghua, Fenghua could only sit sadly a few centimeters away, feeling wronged.

"Put your feet out."

"Ah? Oh!" Fenghua raised her foot without knowing it.

Xueyue gently grabbed Fenghua's outstretched foot, and gently wrapped a piece of fur from the ankle to the toe.It was unbearable to see such thin skin and tender feet running in the mountains and forests, blood clots were still frozen after the night was cool, and they were as indifferent as snow and moon.

Fenghua quickly covered her mouth, she was afraid that the caresses from her feet would cause her to hum uncontrollably, which would be really embarrassing.

After a while, Fenghua finally understood what Xueyue was doing.After Xueyue let go of her foot, a fur boot was added to her foot, and the residual heat left by Xueyue was still inside the boot, and she felt that her almost frozen feet felt much more comfortable immediately.

"Thank you Master Xueyue!" Fenghua is worthy of being an oiran, her dance skills are well practiced, her body softness is a little scary, and she just twisted that foot to the front of her nose and looked at the boot above it, she was overjoyed, "I didn't expect Xueyue Adults can make boots! Ingenious!"

"I can't be called ingenious yet." Xue Yue said lightly.

In his eyes, his black-haired brother is really ingenious.

"As long as Master Xueyue makes it, even if I am incompetent, I will like it!"

Fenghua laughed foolishly, stretched out the other leg to Xueyue's face.

But Xueyue just glanced at it and ignored it.

"Is this foot useless, Lord Xueyue?" Feng Hua said unexpectedly, "Good things come in pairs!"

"Is your left foot different from your right foot?"

While Xueyue was talking, she made another fur boot in her hand, and gently threw it into Fenghua's hands.

Well, Fenghua resigned to her fate, if she wanted this guy to be sympathetic to her, she might have run into something evil.I had to do it myself, and put the shoes on the other foot.

Speaking of which, the fur is really warm, and the feet are not cold at all after wearing the boots.

This fur is of course warm, but it is peeled off from a level 6 monster, and it is extremely extravagant to use it for boots!

Master Xueyue didn't leave her, and brought her clothes and boots back, which shows that she still has a little sense of existence in Master Xueyue's heart!Feng Hua felt that today was the most surprising and happiest day for her, so she couldn't help hugging Xue Yue's arm.

Xueyue was about to push this guy away, but suddenly felt the cold body under the padded coat, so she had to give up again.This guy didn't say a word when he was so cold, he didn't know what was going on in his head.But I also have a little responsibility. The temperature difference between day and night in the Tost region is very large, and it will even freeze to frost in the middle of the night.

Thinking of this, Xue Yue kept silent, deliberately getting angry to make her arms warmer and warmer.Fortunately, Fenghua didn't do any more unruly actions, so Xueyue let her forget about it.

"I will send you to a nearby city tomorrow, and you can choose the lifestyle you want in the future."

"No, the concubine wants to follow Lord Xueyue around!"

Buried in her warm arms, Feng Hua was reluctant to raise her head, her tone suddenly became extremely firm, as if she had changed from the inexplicable Feng Hua before.

For some reason, Xue Yue felt that, perhaps, this was the real wind flower.The seemingly carefree appearance is just a mask for her to live in a romantic place. Without a strong and persistent heart, how can she have the courage to give up the life of prosperity and wealth and escape?


"Why not? Didn't it mean that the concubine can choose the way of life she wants?" Feng Hua said.

"I also have a lifestyle that I want to choose." Xueyue said coldly.

Feng Hua was taken aback for a moment, and didn't speak any more.If the lifestyle Xueyue likes does not have her own, then she should definitely not force the other party.

In the quiet night, it was quiet again, except for the crackling sound of the fire from time to time.

Xueyue closed his eyes, he wanted to sort out the direction he should move forward, but when he closed his eyes, everything about today's oiran always popped up.Fenghua's strange dependence on herself made Xueyue feel a little awkward.

He doesn't need Fenghua's following, because Fenghua is just a burden to him.But it has to be said that his mood at the moment was disturbed by her appearance.

"Xueyue... the God of Ice and Snow..."

After an unknown amount of time, in the quiet night, a deafening shout suddenly erupted in Xueyue's ears.

Xueyue's eyebrows were tightly closed above her closed eyes, as if she was a little frightened: "Michael..."

This voice came again...

Since the World Annihilation War, Michael's voice has been haunting Xueyue... Xueyue doesn't know when she will appear, and she doesn't know when she will not appear.Recently, it has appeared more and more frequently.

But each time it came, another voice helped him, calming him down and bringing him back to sanity.

"God of Ice and Snow... I have opened a broad road for you... Why do you want to go in the opposite direction? Come in... Let's become the new masters of the world together!!!!"


Feng Hua was startled awake by a loud shout while her sleepy eyes were dim, and was immediately thrown aside by a burst of force.

When she looked up, the misty white mist around Xueyue had completely dissipated, revealing his face, which was actually covered with gray demon scales!
Xueyue shouted loudly, her divine power was churning beside him uncontrollably, countless gray ice cubes gathered and floated beside him!

What happened to Master Xueyue?Why does it look so painful? !Fenghua got up from the ground, her face flustered.

"If you want to find the Lord of Chaos to take back your friends, you must have strong power! To be strong, it is the most direct way to embark on the same path as me! Follow me, the power you desire, the power you desire very much at this time, is at your fingertips ..."

"Your magic way does not belong to me!"

Xueyue covered her head with her hands in pain, the white divine emblem on her forehead kept flickering and gradually turned gray.

Why?Why didn't the other voice come to his aid?Michael's voice seemed to be about to control every cell of him, convince him, and walk on the road of no return!

"The Goddess of Ice and Snow's residual consciousness is getting weaker and weaker. She can no longer help you. You can only rely on yourself."

Suddenly a figure came out from the forest not far away, Xue Yue looked at the black-haired and red-eyed man from between her fingers covering her head.

Fenghua was taken aback again, the person who appeared made her feel the fear of death, it was an instinct rising from her heart!This man is definitely a dangerous person!
"No, I don't want to become a demon...Michael's magic way is different from yours. It is endless killing...I can't follow him..." Xueyue moaned, and the hands covering her head began to cover her head. magic scales.

There are many kinds of demon scales, and the body of the death demon Samael is also covered with demon scales.But the one that appeared on Xue Yue's body, the black-haired and red-eyed man recognized at a glance, it was exactly the one that appeared on Michael back then.

He looked at Xueyue's painful appearance, and his face became more and more serious. Judging from Xueyue's current situation, he might not be able to last the day when the Creator God recovers or the Lord Demon King returns... If the Lord Demon King sees the falling Xueyue, who has entered the magic way, is afraid that it will be even more uncomfortable.Once she really lost herself, even the Lord Demon King couldn't bring Xueyue back to normal!
That lunatic Michael planted such a terrifying demon seed in the emblem of the God of Ice and Snow!
"You have been completely fused with the divine emblem, and I can't help you separate it. But, I can let you go in peace before you become a demon."

The man with black hair and red eyes suddenly spread three pairs of black wings from behind!

Feng Hua retreated a few steps subconsciously... That man is a fallen angel!

No, the one with three pairs of black wings is...

"Lucifer, I can't die... Feiwu, maybe I'm still waiting for my rescue... Why don't I become a demon! As Michael said, I will get the power I need, and then I can go... "Xueyue began to lose consciousness, and his will began to change.

"There is no more, because as long as I am here, you have nowhere to go." Lucifer took out the Star of Morning Glory, "Half demon, you can't control your consciousness, and you still want to become a demon? I can do it for you." Yes, just to give you a happy time!"

(End of this chapter)

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