Chapter 884 Good Omens

Seemingly aware of the danger, the light gray ice cubes beside Xueyue shot towards Lucifer spontaneously!

Those ice cubes are all formed by the uncontrollable venting of Xueyue's divine power, and they cannot be compared with ordinary ice cubes at all.

Facing the gray ice blocks flying over the sky, even Lucifer did not dare to underestimate them. He swung the Star of Morning Glory and slashed boldly, sending out several broad black divine power to meet all the ice blocks.From the few cuts, we can also see the strength of Lucifer as the head of the former Archangel and the current head of the Great Demon God.A few broad black divine power skillfully covered all the space in front of him, sealing all the ice blocks in an airtight manner!
In an instant, countless waves of divine power erupted from the collision on this cliff, overturning the rubble, fire, and wind and flowers on the ground.

Lucifer naturally saw the existence of Fenghua. Under such circumstances, such an ant-like human being still hastened to run for his life, and was foolishly acting as a melon-eating audience here. Isn't this courting death?Fortunately, Lucifer guided the burst of divine power into the air during the collision, otherwise this human being would just be overthrown.

He has no time to pay more attention to that human being. If she still wants to die, he has nothing to do.

The tricky thing now is that Xue Yue doesn't seem to have any plans to catch her without a fight.Not to mention how difficult this Xueyue is now, just to fight at their level in the mortal world, I am afraid that this mountain will be turned into the next barren continent of the demon world!It's not good for anyone to fight Xueyue here!

"Xueyue, have you forgotten your promise to us?" A strong black light appeared from Lucifer's body, and he was at a disadvantage after a long battle. I won't let you become the next Michael!"

While Lucifer was speaking, he had gathered a manic divine power on the Star of Morning Glory, making the Star of Morning Glory look even bigger!

When it is broken, it will be broken, and if it is not stopped, it will be chaotic.

Lucifer had no time to think about whether it was right to kill the brother of the Lord Demon King like this. He didn't want to see another cruel Michael-like existence that made everyone go through cannibalism again.If it is left to the Lord Demon King to do it himself, causing the Lord Demon King to be heartbroken, it is better for him, Lucifer, to do it for him!He is willing to bear all the infamy!
The black divine power escaped from Lucifer's slashing sword, and the divine power that was obviously on the Star of Morning Glory became extremely quiet after leaving Lucifer, as if there was endless darkness, and only silence remained.

"Don't kill Master Xueyue!"

That stupid human stopped Xue Yue before the divine power came.Lucifer had noticed her rushing toward Xueyue early in the morning when he raised his sword, but Lucifer would never stop his attack. Since the opponent chose to die for Xueyue, he respected the opponent's choice.

To Lucifer's surprise, the human didn't die.

Xueyue, who should have been out of control, jumped in front of the opponent in a blink of an eye, and the ice and snow spear filled with light gray divine power stabbed heavily into the generous divine power that Lucifer swung.

It's a head-to-head matchup.

The point of the spear with concentrated power naturally defeated Honghou's black divine power and smashed it to pieces.

But the attack on the front will not stop because of this, the black divine power that has been shattered into pieces still rushes towards Xueyue and the human being unrelentingly.

Xueyue's gray and cloudy eyes reflected all the black fragments, as if they were all still in his eyes.

The divine power at the tip of the spear suddenly exploded, and countless light gray divine powers scattered out, accurately hitting all the black divine power fragments!
Boom boom boom...

It was like a low thunder roaring, the ice and snow divine power collided with the dark divine power, and the erupting sound was so depressing.

Xueyue perfectly digested Lucifer's attack, and protected Fenghua with divine power, preventing Fenghua from any impact.

Lucifer was amazed, judging from the hand shown by the other party, this half-demon Xueyue had definitely surpassed his strength, and he alone might not be able to make Xueyue walk peacefully.

"Don't get her involved." Xueyue said to Lucifer, her eyes were already full of gray aura, cloudy and empty, but a wry smile suddenly appeared on his stern face, which looked a little strange against the backdrop of the demon scales, and at the same time turned the ice and snow The gun retracted to the storage space, "Hurry up and do it while I can control myself. I don't want the wind, the scenery, and the shells to see me like this..."

"No! Lord Xueyue!"

Fenghua probably understood what Xueyue meant, Xueyue planned to let the other party kill her!
Fenghua can respect Xueyue's way of life that she doesn't need to follow, but she can't accept that he wants to die!
Fenghua hugged Xueyue tightly, crying relentlessly, no one knew what she was crying about.

Lucifer looked at everything in front of him, his eyes almost narrowed into a line.

He was confirming what he saw.

As the human being cried, the grayness in Xue Yue's eyes actually faded a bit...

Oh, this is a bit interesting...

"At least make it through this time, otherwise you will be sorry, and you will have another one."

Lucifer dissipated his divine power, took back the Star of Morning Glory, and with a playful smile on his haughty face, he turned and disappeared into the jungle.

Lucifer frowned, although what he saw was a good sign, it didn't mean everything about Xue Yue was fine.He was thinking whether it was the right thing not to kill Xueyue now.

" can't do it, I don't mind doing it for you. I don't want to see some dirty things left in the Three Realms, and it will give him a headache when the Lord Demon King returns."

A middle-aged man was standing under a tree beside Lucifer, and Lucifer walked by him. After turning his amber eyes twice, one looked at Lucifer, and the other looked at the woods The direction of the outer Xueyue.

"You do what you want." Lucifer turned his head and smiled contemptuously.

Grass... I can go to TM morning, okay!
Both eyes of the middle-aged man turned to Lucifer, with an angry look on his face.

This guy is doing something on purpose!In the battle of annihilation, I suffered much more serious injuries than Lucifer, and I haven't recovered to [-]% until now. Isn't it the same as sending Xueyue to trouble?At least let's play two against one!Do you have to speak your words so clearly, pretending to be a B is not enough!
"It was you who told the birdman Yulier that Xueyue would be handed over to you, and you are the one in charge if something goes wrong!" the middle-aged man said angrily.

That's right!If something goes wrong, it is Lucifer's responsibility!So why are you angry?Oh, it shouldn't be something that I'm angry with, it's purely angry with Lucifer's face that deserves to be punched!The middle-aged man reacted quickly.

"That kid probably saw Huang Li's door today, and met a nobleman. Oh, yes, Beelzebub, don't be sentimental, the nobleman is not you." Lucifer suddenly laughed.

"What the hell, is it interesting to harm a little girl?" Beelzebub sneered.

"Anyway, people are willing. As for whether it is a marriage or a bad relationship, it depends on their good luck... But at least there is still some hope." Lucifer arrogantly cast a glance at Beelzebub, opened the void and walked in. .

Beelzebub followed behind Lucifer silently, stopped in front of the void, looked back, and shrugged.

From the bottom of his heart, he also hoped that Xueyue could survive, as long as he survived until Lord Demon King came back, there would be a solution.But... can you make it through?
With his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his lips, Beelzebub took a step forward in what he thought was the most pretentious gesture.

Unexpectedly, I stepped on the air.

Made, embarrassing!
"Lucifer, you bastard, you will die if you leave the door alone! I curse you to crawl back to the mortal world to clean up your hands later! I see how you can beat the demonized god of ice and snow, motherfucker!"

Beelzebub cursed and kicked, and a void was drawn in front of him again. A few pairs of fly wings appeared behind Beelzebub, flapping them at high frequency, and floated in with a hideous expression.

The mountains and forests returned to silence again.

Xue Yue didn't expect Lucifer to leave just like that. Surprised, a heart-piercing scream erupted in his consciousness, and he was caught off guard that his head seemed to explode!

"Go away!!" Before Xueyue forcibly blocked her consciousness, she only had time to push Fenghua away, turned around and fell to the edge of the cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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