Chapter 885
The gray divine power roaring in the air dissipated because Xueyue lost consciousness, and the surroundings returned to calm again.

"Master Xueyue!" Feng Hua's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he quickly threw his arms around Xueyue's body, preventing Xueyue's body from sliding down the cliff.

It was too difficult for a weak woman to pick up a grown man, and even with all his strength, Feng could only drag Xueyue up from the edge of the cliff little by little.

Such a move had already exhausted her strength, Feng Hua couldn't even catch her breath, but she finally didn't let Xue Yue fall off the cliff.

But Fenghua's violent breathing began to become more and more painful, as if the air had been sucked dry, leaving only the scorching breath burning her nasal cavity.

After coughing violently a few times, Feng Hua looked back, only to find that the forest not far behind her was on fire!The fire has burned the trees closest to them, and the fire quickly spread to them along the dead branches and leaves on the ground!

Fenghua immediately remembered that Xueyue had a little fight with that Lucifer just now, and the burst of energy hit the fire into the forest, and the mountain fire was born at that moment!
The flame burned very fast, Fenghua didn't have time to think about it, the flame had already rushed to Xueyue's side in the blink of an eye.

out on a limb!

Feng Hua gritted her teeth, she had no time to choose, and she had no other choice!Pushing Xueyue down the cliff along the edge of the mountain wall, and then he jumped up and stopped in front of Xueyue, using his body to buffer Xueyue's falling speed.The sharp stones on the edge of the cliff continued to cut Fenghua's body, but it also effectively slowed down their falling speed.The cliff is not very high, and they controlled the speed of the slide so that it was not too fast. After more than half of the journey, Feng Hua looked down, thankfully.

Below is a pool of lake water, even if the mountain fire burns over, the wind and flowers will not be afraid!
But just then, a particularly large boulder got stuck in the path of the cliff they had slid down.Fenghua has no power to change Xueyue's sliding direction, she can only use her body to influence Xueyue's sliding trajectory.Without any hesitation, Fenghua bumped into the stone directly...

If blocking the divine sense can prevent the influence of the demon seed on Xueyue, Xueyue did this early in the morning, he just restrained the divine sense so that he would not lose himself immediately.At the same time, let the out-of-control divine power temporarily disappear. Since it is uncontrollable, then temporarily unplug the power supply!Until the day I completely lose myself!

Michael's roar kept crashing back and forth in Xueyue's mind, tormenting Xueyue so much that she couldn't do anything, she could only hold on to her last sliver of clarity, struggling to support herself.

He knew that when his sanity collapsed, there would be no turning back.

"The God of Ice and Snow..."

A soft call was interspersed with the non-stop roar.The voice was very soft, but Xueyue grasped it tightly like a life-saving straw

"Goddess of Ice and Snow..." Xue Yue quickly responded to the soft moan in her mind.

Every time it appears, Xueyue can feel that her mind is clear, and she confidently resists the control of the inner demon left by Michael.Speaking of the fact that he had declined so quickly in the face of the demons planted by Michael, he still blamed it on Michael.Originally, he had already used the reminder of the Ice and Snow Goddess to seal the magic seed left by Michael in the corner in advance. Later, when fighting against Michael, he burned his own vitality without hesitation. God's burning of his own vitality is actually burning his cultivation and God. Consciousness, practice quickly regressed.At the same time, when the spiritual consciousness was weak, the demon species took advantage of it and controlled part of the mind, which led to the result that it was on the verge of losing control.

"My sliver of consciousness is about to dissipate... Xueyue... You can only rely on yourself... Don't let the demon seed planted by Michael control your mind..."

Xueyue fell silent, and the magic sound that had been roaring unceasingly seemed to not exist in his ears at this moment.Hearing the words of the Ice and Snow Goddess, his heart was extremely depressed, not only because he lost the barrier to resist the demons in his heart, but also because the last trace of the Ice and Snow Goddess's consciousness dissipated.

With this trace of consciousness dissipated, the existence of the Ice and Snow Goddess in this world really completely disappeared.

It's a pity that the Ice and Snow Goddess Primordial Spirit is gone, but with just this bit of consciousness, not to mention Xueyue, even the God of Creation can't do anything to bring her back to life.After the Creation God Yige recovers his supernatural powers, he may spend some time recreating an identical Ice and Snow Goddess.

But that Ice and Snow Goddess is definitely not the original Ice and Snow Goddess.

"But I still have something...maybe I can help you..." The Ice Goddess's voice became weaker and weaker, as if she would disappear at any moment, "When I entered the God Realm with the guidance of the God King... I was The mortal world has left my brainchild... Heart of defend the blood of our go find it...use it to baptize you again...maybe you can cleanse Michael and give it to God Only the demon seeds left..."

So much for the Ice and Snow Goddess.

Xueyue tried her best to distract herself, using her consciousness to wrap the white and almost transparent ice and snow goddess consciousness in the corner.Although he couldn't stop the Ice and Snow Goddess' demise, he would try his best to slow her down.

That's all he can do.

Calm was regained in the consciousness, no, it was the part of the Ice and Snow Goddess who regained calm.

Michael's screaming roar was still rushing back and forth in Xueyue's head, shaking Xueyue to feel that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode, and his mind became more and more exhausted and crumbling.

"Master Xueyue, I only found some wild fruits today. I tried it myself, and it is absolutely not poisonous..."

"Master Xueyue, your body is getting colder and colder, please don't mind my concubine getting taller! Hehehe..."

"Master Xueyue, my concubine body is too useless, I can't make a fire, I'm sorry..."

"Master will definitely wake up...this concubine will always be by your side..."

Xueyue floats in her sea of ​​consciousness.

His frosty face showed a little surprise that her voice could be transmitted into his sea of ​​consciousness.Xueyue heard from her before the God King retreated and cultivated, that she blocked her own divine sense detection, and could hear Lucifer's begging outside the temple.When the sound can be transmitted into the blocked sea of ​​consciousness, it means that the sound comes from the heart, and the spiritual consciousness subconsciously let the emotional sound pass into the ears.

Xueyue thought it was a joke that the king of gods was both true and false, but now he has seen it.However, why is she so devoted to herself?Obviously they just met, at most they just met by chance.

Xueyue couldn't figure it out.

But whenever I feel cloudy and distracted, the words that come into my ears can always make me forget the torment of my demons and keep my heart clear, which really helps me a lot.

"I don't need to eat."

"I won't be cold."

"If you can't make a fire, it only affects you, no need to apologize..."

"You... why do you keep guarding me?"

Every time she heard a soft call, Xueyue responded lightly, as if the two people separated by heaven and earth were talking to each other in their respective places.

I don't know how long it took, Michael's roar seemed to be tired and stopped.The self in Xueyue's consciousness finally opened her eyes slowly.

Unlocking the blockade of spiritual consciousness, Xueyue himself also slowly opened his eyes.

It feels like I have slept for a long time.Ever since Xueyue inherited the Ice and Snow Divine Emblem, she has never tried to sleep like this again.Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the influence of the demon seed left by Michael became stronger and stronger. It is not a good thing that he was asked to close his consciousness to resist the demon seed this time.

After waking up, looking around, Xue Yue instantly judged that she was in a natural small cave.He got up from the ground, and the place where he was lying just now was covered with some dry grass and a thick piece of clothing, and at a glance he recognized the cotton padded jacket he brought to Fenghua.

Next to it were some shredded wood and cloth, light yellow muslin cloth.Next to him lay a few small wild fruits in hay.

Xue Yue covered her forehead with her hands, and once again confirmed that Michael's magic voice did not appear, she tentatively radiated her divine consciousness.

All of a sudden, he found the tall figure in sloppy clothes outside the cave, trying to catch fish in the water with a homemade wooden fork by the river.

I don't know how long I haven't seen her, she is almost skinny, her cheeks are sunken.The cloth on the storage tube was tattered, and the exposed legs were full of wounds. Cooperating with Xueyue's spiritual sense to detect the traces of stepping on the nearby hillside cliffs and the wild fruit trees on it, Xueyue was able to reconstruct in her mind what she was doing. She slipped and fell countless times before she was able to touch some wild fruits on the cliff, and the price was that her legs were worn out and broken.

"Master Xueyue hasn't eaten meat for a long time, fish, you guys can do me a favor and let me catch it once..."

Fenghua shook her head, she was also dizzy after being hungry for several days.A weak woman's ability to survive in the barren mountains is really limited. During this period of time, the only food Fenghua can get is a very small number of wild fruits. Stuff it into Xueyue's mouth or leave it to Xueyue.

She didn't dare to go far away. She was not a fool without a brain. She walked out of this safe valley for food. She knew whether to hunt or be eaten as prey.

She didn't care about life and death before, but now, if she dies, what will Master Xueyue do?
After she shook her head, her eyes seemed to see more clearly, and she saw the fish swimming in the stream.With no experience in fishing, she hurriedly stepped on the water and rushed over, frightening the fish so that it disappeared in a blink of an eye.And she also fell hard because of the weakness of her legs.

She thought she was about to become a drowned chicken again, but in the end she found herself falling into a warm embrace.On the harpoon that was thrown out by mistake, there were a few more lively fish struggling on it, and they were held in other people's hands.

"Master finally woke up..."

Fenghua originally thought that she couldn't shed tears because of Xueyue's coma because of her hunger, but when she saw Xueyue appearing beside her, she still couldn't help crying.

(End of this chapter)

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