Chapter 886
Fenghua was carried into the cave by Xueyue, and slowly placed on the coat that Xueyue was lying on before, at the same time, Xueyue stretched out her hand, and the pile of Fenghua next to her was racking her brains every day but couldn't light it. The splinters were on fire.

After Xueyue waved her hand, she didn't know when there were some white ice blades as thin as cicada's wings on her hand. When she put down her hand, those ice blades swung down, opening the intestines of a few fish on the wooden fork. Clean up the belly.Then he threw it lightly on the ground, and the root of the harpoon pierced hard into the ground, letting the flames on the fire roast the fish on it.

"How many days have I slept?"

"Eight days."

Fenghua lowered her head, seeing Xueyue accomplishing in a flash what she couldn't do for more than a week, she was very ashamed.

"Why don't you leave? I am a useless person who is going to go crazy at any time, a useless person who can cause chaos in the world at any time, and a useless person who can kill you by mistake at any time."

After finishing everything in hand, Xueyue returned to Fenghua, gently peeled off Fenghua's dirty collar, revealing her shoulders full of chilblains and scratches.The scratches were caused by abrasions. Xueyue vaguely remembered that she fell to the edge of a cliff before she lost consciousness. Fenghua should have scratched herself to protect herself.Frostbite means that his divine power was slightly out of control while he was in a coma. This idiot must use his body to help him keep out the cold.

Fortunately, he wasn't crazy, otherwise Fenghua would have been frozen into ice balls by the out-of-control divine power without him doing anything.

"You are definitely not a useless person! But, Master Xueyue, what do you want to do? I don't mind, but please be gentle..."

Fenghua didn't understand why Xueyue suddenly started to take off her clothes?The important thing is, don't take it off!What does it mean to just take off a little bit?
Xueyue stretched out her hand, which gathered blue magic power, and put it on Fenghua's shoulder, and a comfortable warm current flowed into her body, the scars on her body no longer hurt, and began to feel a little itchy.

Although Xueyue used to be an advanced element of water element, ice element elf, ice and water are inextricably linked, so he can also perform some water element magic. The simple water element healing technique is for the god of ice and snow. Nothing to say.

However, this kind of level can only cure scratches and frostbite. As for the bloodstain on Feng Hua's face...

Xueyue felt that the injuries on Fenghua's body were almost gone, she put her hand on Fenghua's face, and gently rubbed her fingertips from the bridge of her nose to her chin, as if wiping away the dirt on her face.

But Xueyue understands that such a long bloody scar on his face, which is deep enough to see the bones, cannot be easily erased by him.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Xueyue, the dirty face of my body scares you. I haven't looked in the mirror for a long time, and I don't know how bad I am now." Feng Hua smiled, lowered her head and said.


Xueyue saw through the restrained grief in Fenghua's eyes at a glance.

The stream outside is as clear as a mirror, so why hasn't Fenghua seen her current appearance?Everyone has a love for beauty, and beauty is even worse. The oiran who was once proud of her peerless beauty, how could she not be sad with her current appearance?I deliberately pretended that I hadn't seen her and didn't express my sadness, so that I wouldn't worry about her?Or to make yourself feel better?
Xueyue didn't know.

But what Xueyue knew was that he might not be able to let go of this girl from now on.

"It's not bad." Xueyue raised her hand a little, gently stroking Fenghua's cheek, "I will take you to the most powerful doctor in the Three Realms to heal your injury."

Fenghua knew that Xueyue had seen through her cover-up, and she burst into tears, she still pretended to be nonchalant and said: "What if the most powerful doctor in the Three Realms doesn't want to treat me? Can't he cure me?"

"I'll beat him until he cures you, and beat him until he heals you."

"Pfft." Xueyue's domineering and unreasonable words made Fenghua burst into laughter, "Master Xueyue, why are you so fierce!"


The healing angel Raphael sneezed hard, and touched his head inexplicably, as if he suddenly felt a strong malice.

"Hey, are you here to help me heal or torment me?" Hania wiped the snot and saliva on her back, and said disgustedly, "You did it on purpose, I still sneezed when I saw God for the first time."

"I'm sorry... maybe someone misses me." Rafael stretched his body gracefully, and said with a smile, "Lie down and don't move around, these seven holes on your body will take a few years to heal completely. If you don’t want me to heal, I’m leaving!”

Haniya rolled her huge eyes, but now they are in the relationship between a patient and a doctor, so they had to suffer from the dumbness and get back on their knees.

Raphael was staring at the seven holes behind Haniya. For some reason, he always felt that the sneezing just now had something to do with these holes. Could it be an illusion?

"You've seen my real 'fierce' appearance, you're not afraid." Xueyue said while wiping Fenghua's tears.

Xueyue couldn't figure out why her crazy appearance didn't scare Fenghua away, but at least the girl had seen her worst appearance.And I'm very grateful that she didn't leave, otherwise... without her raving, maybe he would have gone mad.

"No matter how fierce you are, Master Xueyue, as long as you are the concubine of Master Xueyue, you will not be afraid! The concubine wants to target the wife of Master Xueyue, how can you be afraid of Master Xueyue!" Feng Hua laughed.

Seeing Fenghua bursting into tears into a smile, Xueyue didn't realize that the corners of her mouth were raised a little, she turned around and turned the harpoon to the other side, and at the same time removed the cooked side of the fish and sent it to Fenghua's mouth.Taking his wife as a proud target, Xueyue didn't know how to respond to her, so she just stuffed her mouth with fish.

"Master Xueyue, eat first!" Feng Hua said anxiously, "You haven't eaten for eight days and seven nights!"

"It's you who haven't eaten for eight days and seven nights. I still have that sour wild fruit taste in my mouth." Xueyue couldn't help but stuff the fish into Fenghua's mouth.

Although Xueyue's actions were a bit rude, Fenghua was already satisfied with biting the fish that Xueyue fed.It was just taken out of the fire, but the temperature of the fish was not hot at all, Fenghua knew that Xueyue must have done something wrong, and she fell in love with Xueyue's care and arrogance.

"It's delicious!" Fenghua was really hungry, and the fish without any supplementary ingredients tasted peerless and delicious.

"Average. If I have a chance, I'll ask him to cook a delicious meal for you to taste. That would be a masterpiece." Xue Yue's tone revealed a trace of pride.

"She?? Does this concubine have a strong rival in love?? However, it doesn't matter if Fenghua is a small one!" Fenghua said hastily.

"He is my brother." Xue Yue said lightly.

Unexpectedly, in the end he still responded to Fenghua's "proud" goal.

He, Xueyue, actually decided to take Fenghua to meet his brother who is extremely important in his heart, and those who are familiar with Xueyue's character probably know what it means.But Fenghua, although she is a little spooky, but I am afraid she is not smart enough to understand the meaning it represents.

So Fenghua just ate the fish over there, and said happily: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as it's not a rival in love, you can talk about anything! There must be a chance to meet Master Xueyue's good friends!"

Of course there is a chance.

Xueyue looked out of the cave, and the sky darkened again. The moon seemed to be in a hurry tonight, and climbed up to the sky early, casting a faint silver light on the entrance of the cave.

First of all, he believed that Yuan Feiwu would definitely come back.

Secondly, he felt that he would definitely be able to defeat the demons in his heart.

Xueyue has already obtained the suggestion from the Ice and Snow Goddess to defeat the demon seed that Michael hidden in the gods to control him.Although it may not work, at least there is a glimmer of life.

The demon seed has been suppressed for the time being, but Xueyue doesn't know when the next time the demon seed will make a comeback, and Xueyue is not sure that she will be able to deal with it again.Therefore, the most urgent task is to find the Frost Heart immediately, without delay.

But Xueyue was not in a hurry, he took Fenghua to cultivate in the cave for a few more days, and waited for Fenghua's body to recover before starting again.

"Master Xueyue, where are you going?" Fenghua happily spent the past few days, like a happy little bride every day, and asked happily when Xueyue said that she was going to leave.

"Go..." Xueyue walked out of the cave and raised her head, looking to the east, with complicated emotions, even if she was as indifferent as him, she couldn't help but feel countless waves in her heart, "Go and do something urgent."

"Ah, is it very important? Or, Master Xueyue should take this concubine to a nearby town, so as not to drag down Master Xueyue." Feng Hua said with a serious expression.

"Together." Xueyue saw through Fenghua's thoughts at a glance, and said in an unquestionable tone, "I don't mind."

Fenghua always uses a bright expression to cover up her true emotions. Xueyue understands that Fenghua was amused by herself that day, but she still cares about the scars on her face and feels inferior that she is not worthy.In the beginning, even if she wanted to follow her wherever she went, now that she was suddenly so sensible and obedient, how could Xueyue not see the clues? That kind of careful thinking is really far behind Athena Linbeck and her like.

In the end, she still didn't believe that she could find a way to help her restore her appearance. Isn't it a trivial matter to heal the angel for such a small injury.If it doesn't work, you can also go to Prince Richardson to ask for medicine for scar treatment. It is said that the medicine they developed is very effective for removing scars.

But whether the scar is still there or not, Xue Yue actually doesn't care.

Feng Hua hurriedly lowered her head, not letting Xue Yue see the tears that instantly filled her eyes, and bowed to Xue Yue: "If Master Xue Yue doesn't dislike it, then I will disturb you."


Xueyue turned around and picked up Fenghua who was caught off guard, and jumped out.

Hugging Fenghua into her arms, Xueyue suddenly found that her body had remembered the feeling of hugging her, everything was very natural.

(End of this chapter)

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