Chapter 887 Snow Land
Heart of Frost:

+100 armor
+20% cooldown reduction
+400 mana

Unique Aura: Reduces the attack speed of nearby enemy units by 15%.


Uh, no, I'm used to writing online games, and accidentally went into the wrong style-. -
Do it all over again:

Heart of Frost, Xueyue didn't have any surprises or doubts when she heard the name.

It can be said that Xue Yue has heard this name all day since she was a child.

Xue Yue hugged Feng Hua and flew towards the east.

The former Tost Empire, which is now the Tost Province, is located in the southeast of the Star Luo Continent. This is a colder part of the Star Luo Continent. In many snow mountains, the snow and ice on the mountains never melts a day.

Among all the snow peaks, the most famous one is the one where Xuefeng Academy is located.Xuefeng College is located on a majestic snow-capped mountain. The mountain is actually not too high, but the top of the mountain is wide and gentle, which is suitable for the construction of the college.And on that mountain, you can also see the endless pale snow-capped mountains around, just like a long snow-white dragon flying in the sky, which is too beautiful to behold.

At the beginning, it was because of the cold weather and the favorable conditions of time and place of the snow-capped mountains that the Fengshou Empire allowed Nuo Siwei and the mercenaries to jointly grasp the huge gap in strength. It took a long time to unify the Star Luo Continent.

Xueyue flew to the extreme east of Tost Province, which was a colder and more desolate snow-capped mountain group.Even the best hunters in the vicinity are reluctant to enter here. A few who want to use the external environment to exercise their will and physical cultivation may fly in, but they only stay on the periphery.I heard that if you go further inside, there are level 8 monsters that are comparable to the strength of a sword master, and even level 9 monsters that are almost godlike and can pierce the void.

In the Star Luo Continent, this place exists like a forbidden place.

Level 8 monster? Level 9 monster?
These legendary monsters that he has cultivated to the extreme do exist.

But so what?In this taboo-like snow mountain, there are more terrifying existences than level 9 monsters. What can level 9 monsters be?
The snowy moon fell into this tranquil white ocean, and the cold wind whistling by from the mountain stream seemed to tear all the flesh and blood things in the area it passed into pieces, and spread the chill to the skin, which was unforgettable.

But to Xueyue, what is this coldness?But for ordinary people, the cold and wind here can directly kill them.

Xueyue hugged Fenghua in his arms a little tighter, running her battle energy to block the cold and cruel wind from entering, Fenghua couldn't feel the slightest bit of coldness in his arms.

"It's been a long time since outsiders have come to the 'Snow Land'. I didn't expect a couple to come here today? Boy, this is not a place to flirt... Well, no matter if you enter on purpose or by accident, you can come here Don't plan to leave." A man in gray clothes came out from behind a snowy tree, staring at Xueyue coldly, his face frosty.

There are very few people who have nothing to do to enter this snow-capped mountain, but all those who accidentally entered this snow-capped mountain, if they were not eaten by monsters, they were forced to stay here.Therefore, none of the people who broke into this place by mistake could get out alive, which created extremely terrifying legends and made this place a taboo place.

It's not that there is no coincidence, but it's intentional. What I want is to be in awe of this place, and to keep it absolutely quiet and secret.

Xueyue, Xueyue hadn't heard this word for many years, and when he heard it mentioned again, his heart didn't feel any waves.

emotion?No.miss?No.excited?No more.

Only the same cold wind here...a cold heart.

"I am Xueyue."

Xueyue didn't squint, skipped the man and walked forward.


Is that...that Xueyue?

Although he is not a big person in the snow world, his surname is "Xue" anyway, which is far from the same as a mere gatekeeper!The gatekeeper quickly fell to his knees and saluted continuously.

"Master Xueyue, but the woman in your arms is..." the gatekeeper still had to stick to his duties, and asked in a low voice.

"It's not your turn to intervene." Xueyue walked forward sternly, gradually covered by the snow mist.

When Xueyue walked away, the gatekeeper stood up dejectedly, feeling indignant in his heart: Yes, the person surnamed Xue is so amazing, he is not qualified to ask questions as a gatekeeper!
Unhappy in his heart, the gatekeeper waited for Xueyue to leave and walked aside resentfully, hiding behind the snow-covered tree, continuing his boring guard work year after year.

"Master Xueyue, why are there still people in such a terrifying place? What kind of place is this?" Feng Hua raised her head and asked curiously.

"my home."

Xue Yue blurted out, and then couldn't help frowning.

Home?How ironic.

Xueyue found the meaning of "home" elsewhere.

"Ah?! Are you going to meet Master Xueyue's parents so soon? I'm not ready yet!" Feng Hua said anxiously.

"Just here to pick up something." Xueyue said coldly.

The snow wind outside didn't seep in at all, but Fenghua felt a chill in Xueyue's words, which made her shrink her neck uncontrollably.

Xueyue can still vaguely recognize the way, even though the air in the snow-capped mountains is frozen into fog and she can't see clearly, but Xueyue is not worried about not being able to see the road at all.But this has nothing to do with the spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual consciousness can't explore very far here.

There is a lot of snow and fog in this mountain.

While Xueyue was walking, she could see many large transparent and smooth stones, and those stones were called "Snow Crystals".These things are not simple. Some of the nearby white mist is naturally formed in the mountains, and some are emitted by these snow crystals.The white mist emitted by these snow crystals has the ability to block the energy and the exploration of spiritual power.

Even the divine sense can't pass through, of course, Xueyue also tried it with the divine sense now to know that even the divine sense can't detect this place.In other words, even the gods don't know where the snow land is!
That's right, otherwise, the snowy land would have been discovered long ago and made public.

Xueyue walked left and right in the white mist in the mountains. When she got out of the white mist, the first thing that caught her eyes was a big arch made of snowstone.

Inside the arch, like a village, there are many houses made of snowstone. The ground is beautiful snow crystals, covered with a light layer of white snowflakes.This place seems to be a fairyland built with pure white, clean and white, so beautiful that Fenghua finds it unbelievable.

"Who is coming!"

Xueyue didn't make any sound, but several people flew out from the adjacent room and rushed to Xueyue.

"Snow Moon."

After Xueyue finished speaking, she walked straight forward.After those people heard Xueyue's self-reported name, some showed doubts, some showed surprise, but in the end they all gave way to Xueyue.

After those people got out of the way, Feng Hua always felt that she was obedient, and suddenly she was shocked.

No wonder she finds this place so beautiful that she finds it unbelievable!

She suddenly found that the place where these people walked was not covered by snow, and the white snow on the ground was not dirty at all!So this place made her feel unbelievably beautiful, and those beauty was based on the pure white without a trace of dirt that appeared at all!
Fenghua poked her head out quietly and looked behind Xueyue, and found that there was no footprint left by the place Xueyue walked.

Although Fenghua doesn't know how to practice, it's not like she doesn't know what it means...Taxue Wuhen, these people are all masters!
Xueyue seemed to have a goal in mind, she kept walking in the village, and finally stopped in front of a huge yard.

It was the first time that Fenghua saw a yard larger than the city lord's castle, and she opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

"This, this can't be Master Xueyue's home? It's so big! Master Xueyue, are you a super rich second generation?"

"Although it's big, you won't like it here." Xue Yue laughed at herself.

This is the first time Fenghua sees Xueyue smile, but that smile contains endless bitterness and irony.

(End of this chapter)

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