Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 888 Heartless Land

Chapter 888 Heartless Land
They just stood at the door for a while, two white douqi shot out from nowhere and rushed towards Xueyue.

Xueyue's face didn't change, she didn't make any movement, the two battle qi blew out a little distance from Xueyue's side, and disappeared.

A two-year-old gatekeeper in white clothes turned out from behind the gate of the courtyard, with a slightly surprised expression on his face, he shouted at Xueyue: "You guys look so strange, who is it? You must stop at the gate of the Xue family!"

They can dispel their vindictiveness without making a show. Are there any masters of this level among the foreign slaves?
The two gatekeepers were puzzled, and after a closer look, no, this man was wearing white clothes. Which foreign slave would dare not wear gray clothes and white clothes? !

Xue Yue felt a little emotional, the people here no longer recognize her.

It's normal, I left this place at a young age, and with his status in the Xue family at that time, I'm afraid everyone didn't bother to pay attention to his departure, let alone take himself to heart.After nearly 20 years, my appearance has changed a lot from before. Even people who have seen me may not recognize me.

What's funny is that Xueyue doesn't recognize these two... As the Xue family, they are guarding the gate. Presumably, they are also impure people born of intermarriage with foreign slaves.Foreign slaves are those who entered this area by mistake. Those who can enter this snowy mountain wasteland are all masters. Those who have not been eaten by monsters are also caught by the people of the snowy land and taken in as slaves. Dedicated the rest of his life.

If he was still staying at Xue's house, perhaps he would be the one standing here guarding the gate.It was precisely to prove himself that he ran away from home. The unwillingness and resentment that had been in his heart when he was young, now looking back, it has disappeared.He has already found a more worthy goal for himself to fight for, and such trivial matters as regaining his dignity and status in the Xue family are not worth mentioning.Moreover, today, is he returning with honor?
He thinks it's useless, if people think it counts, then it counts.

It's ridiculous, but there's nothing wrong with it here.Because in the eyes of the Xue family, the entire mortal world should revolve around the Xue family, they are the center of the world, and what they think is what is.

"I am Xueyue."


The two face each other, who is Xueyue?Is this person also surnamed Xue?A two-letter name?

The two gatekeepers began to wonder if some masters from the family were sent out to work outside, and now they are back.And his status in the Xue family is low, and he doesn't know the secret mission of the family.

Not to mention that the Xue family always seems to disdain the mortal world and never communicate with the outside world. It should be impossible to send experts out, and the people they send must definitely be the great experts of the Xue family. It is impossible for the two of them to have heard of "Xue Yue "This name.If he is a powerful master, he should be given a name and promoted from a side branch to a direct line, right?Why is the name still two words?
Before they could think clearly, the two gatekeepers suddenly found that Xue Yue had already walked in front of them!

"Xue Yue, wait a moment, we can only enter after we figure out your identity!" One of them hastily stopped him.

"I'm afraid they won't be able to figure out my identity." Xueyue continued to walk forward, and the gatekeeper who was intercepting was thrown several meters away by an invisible force.

A sky warrior with fighting spirit can easily bounce people away from the air, but if he can bounce people of the sky warrior level at the same time, then his strength may not only be the sky warrior!

The other person was not an ignorant person, and he knew at a glance that it was impossible to stop such a master with his own strength, and he guessed in his heart that this person might really be an unknown master of the Xue family!Even though they were all from my own family, in order not to let me be accused of negligence, I still hurriedly flew to the main house of the Xue family, and at least let me know if I couldn't stop it.

Xueyue didn't stop her, and continued to walk forward slowly.

He kept admiring the scenery around the Xue family compound.The snow-capped trees on the vast snow field are covered with icicles, and the sky is so white that it is impossible to see whether it is day or night.But the land of snow is like daytime all the time, and the scattered huge snow crystals all around emit a faint but penetrating shimmer of light, illuminating the entire snow environment.

The relationship between the inside of the Xue family and the outside of the Xue family is like a village within a village, but the outside of the Xue family is like two worlds. It is obvious that the houses and furnishings inside the Xue family are more magnificent.

During the time when Xueyue left, many new houses were added to Xueyue's house, but Xueyue would not get lost.

The huge castle-like building in the Xue family is the main house of the Xue family. Although he has not been there a few times, he still vaguely remembers where it is.

Slowly walking in front of a majestic ice sculpture-like building, there was already a woman standing beside the spacious gate, looking coldly at Xueyue under the stairs.

I don't know if it's Fenghua's illusion, but why are the people in Xueyue's family all so frosty?She originally thought that Master Xueyue was special, but now it seems that it is the custom here.Is it because of the cold weather here that the nerves in the face have been frozen since birth, and that's why I keep my face blank?Feng Hua thinks this explanation makes sense.


Xueyue walked up the stairs step by step, this time Xueyue turned her face slightly, and gave the woman above a positive face, this was also the first time Xueyue looked at people directly in the snow environment.


Fenghua turned her head in surprise, and looked up at Xueyue, she never thought of using her disfigured appearance, and dressed so casually to meet Master Xueyue's mother! ! ! !What a bad impression! ! !

Fenghua never imagined that the woman would be Xueyue's mother, so she panicked!That woman is very beautiful, she looks about 30 to [-] years old, how could she be Xue Yue's mother?Or... the temperature here is too low, freezing the years?
Although Feng Hua guessed the reason wrongly, she guessed right in the end.In the Xue family, everyone seemed to be frozen in time, looking too young.Firstly, it is related to the physique of the ice element elf, and secondly, it is also related to one's own cultivation base. The higher the cultivation base, the slower the aging of the body.Of course, the focus is still on the physique of the ice elemental elf envoy.

That's right, in the Xue family, everyone has the physique of an ice elemental elf!
As for those who are not, they have been expelled from the Xue family and classified as foreign slaves.It is almost impossible for a child born to the Xue family to not even have the physique of an ice elemental elf.But even if this possibility really arises, he is still not eligible to stay in the Xue family... Not having an ice element elf physique is the same as not having a blood relationship with the Xue family. The Xue family will not allow such a guy with the surname Xue. shame.

"It's really you, Xueyue?" Xueyue walked up the steps slowly, from the time he landed to the present, his speed has not changed at all, no matter who he meets.The woman waited for a while, and finally waited until Xueyue walked up a hundred steps and came close. She recognized Xueyue's appearance strangely, and a trace of disgust appeared on her indifferent face, "Don't call me mother, you Not eligible, bastard."


Feng Hua looked at the woman in disbelief, the disgusted expression on the woman's face, and the cold eyes, Feng Hua believed that she would never forget it in her life.

Why would a mother treat her son with such a name and eyes?

It seems that giving her a straight look is his greatest respect, Xueyue straightened his gaze again, and walked into the gate without squinting.Inside the open gate is a wide and long avenue, brightly lit like daytime.

"Bold, who approved a bastard to enter the main hall?"

That woman couldn't believe that Xueyue treated her like air, and that little wild species dared not to take her seriously?
The woman stretched out her hand, and the originally calm and windless main house turned into a storm.There are countless tiny transparent and bright hexagonal ice flowers in it, shining brightly in the wind and waves, rolling towards the snowy moon.

The wind and waves were erratic, and the ice flowers submerged Xueyue.

The sound of the ice flower cracking, whoosh, whoosh, kept ringing in Fenghua's ears, but Fenghua was not afraid.As long as she is in Xueyue's arms, she is not afraid of anything.

Xueyue took the snowflakes all over the sky as a welcome ceremony for her from the Xue family, and walked in smoothly.

The woman put down her hands, her indifferent face showed surprise, this Xue Yue went straight through her level 6 magic without any means!This Xueyue, did she have such terrifying strength after going out for a trip?

The long corridor became very quiet without the baptism of the cold wind and ice flowers.

Fenghua looked at Xueyue worriedly, the disharmony between him and his mother just now made Fenghua very worried, she believed that no son would feel better after hearing what his mother said and treated like that.

"That is not my biological mother, but my father's original spouse."

Xueyue didn't bow her head, but he could immediately notice Fenghua's random movements, and understood what was worrying about her little head.In fact, he was very grateful to have Fenghua's company on this trip back to Xue's house, so that his thoughts would always be on her, and he could turn a blind eye to many unsatisfactory things.

"Oh, that's how it is...Sorry, if Master Xueyue doesn't want to mention it, you don't have to." Fenghua suddenly realized.

It turned out that the original partner looked down on Xiao Sansheng's son, which is especially common among famous families. Fenghua never expected that Xueyue, who is as cold as the fireworks in the world, would also experience such mundane things.

"It doesn't matter. My biological mother is a foreign slave who wandered into the snowy land by mistake. She has a very low status and is not qualified to appear in the main house." Xueyue said lightly, "But she is better than the one who followed behind. Not much."

Not long after Xueyue walked into the main house, the woman at the door also came in. Although the strength of Texue Wuhen would not make any sound when walking, Xueyue would not fail to notice it.The "the one behind" he said is a pun, reminding Fenghua that we will meet again later.

The biological mother is not much better than the woman just now?

Fenghua found that the more she knew about Xueyue's family, the less surprised she felt, and instead felt distressed.

Is this a "home" or... a ruthless place?
(End of this chapter)

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