Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 889 Gathering in a Class

Chapter 889

At first, Fenghua didn't want to be curious about Xueyue's family, she didn't want to be curious about everything about Xueyue's family, now she only wanted Xueyue to leave here quickly, and she really didn't want Xueyue to continue to see his family members.

She always felt that the more people she met in the snowy land, the more torture it would be for Xueyue.This paradise-like snowland, this fairyland-like Xuejia, is no longer beautiful in Fenghua's eyes, it is just a cold big icehouse, where a group of empty and heartless people are imprisoned.

But the aisle always has an end, soon Fenghua watched Xueyue walk out of the aisle and walked into a white and flawless hall.

In the hall, the guard who flew away just now was kneeling in the corner.The hall is in the shape of a ring, with a flat center, and in the distance steps up to form a high platform, surrounded by two rows of ice seats, and above the center, a gorgeous snowflake-shaped ice seat stands high above.

At this moment, there was no one there, or in other words, there were not many people in the hall at all.

Only in one of the rows under the two rows of ice seats, sat a middle-aged man, whose eyes were no different from everyone Fenghua had seen outside, indifferent and ruthless.

There are not always people in the lobby of the main house, only parties or discussions are gathered here. Usually, everyone is active in their respective areas, but there will always be one person in the lobby to deal with emergencies.The one seated at this time is the one left today.

"Third Uncle." Xueyue walked to the center of the hall, held her head high and raised her chest, not feeling weak because the other party was high above, not arrogant because she was already the God of Ice and Snow, and shouted to the person above without being humble or humble.

"Third Uncle? A person who betrayed the Xue family is still qualified to call me Third Uncle?" The middle-aged man sneered, "Quickly drain your brains before you remember that the Xue family has you as a bastard! You left Xue privately in disregard of the family law In the land of the border, it’s fine if you die outside, but you dare to come back to Xue’s house and go straight to the main house without saying a word, is this going to be the opposite?”

"Don't dare." Xue Yue said concisely.

No matter how ugly the other party's words are, if he calls the other party third uncle, that is to retain the honorific title of seniority. The other party does not want this level of respect, that is the other party's business. If he will not become a god, he will not treat his elders as human beings at all.

"Xuetong, go and inform the patriarch and other elders to come to the main hall. Then call all of you juniors, no matter the direct or collateral line, just in time for you to have a long memory of the patriarch."


The gatekeeper hastily nodded in agreement just now, and rushed away.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he stopped looking at Xueyue and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.Later, when the woman Xueyue called "Mother" walked in, she flew up to the middle-aged man and sat down not far from Xueyue without looking at Xueyue, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

The atmosphere in the hall was very oppressive, Xueyue's grudge and magic power couldn't help Fenghua stop it, Fenghua couldn't bear it, and whispered: "Master Xueyue, why don't we go?"

"With me here, don't be afraid."

Xueyue's words are still short, but the tone of her speech to Fenghua is obviously different from when she spoke to others just now, Fenghua can detect a slight difference in it, there is a little more tenderness, Fenghua's heart is sweet when she hears it.

"I'm not afraid, but Master Xueyue doesn't need to be looked down upon here..."

Feng Hua spoke in a low voice, but the two people present were all tall people, and could hear even the slightest voice clearly. Immediately, they opened their eyes wide and stared at Feng Hua, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Fenghua understood that she had said the wrong thing and helped Xueyue get out of the basket, and quickly wanted to apologize, but was stopped by Xueyue.

Fenghua only cared about herself, she had no malice, and these people were his elders, so he gave in a little bit of face, but Fenghua didn't need to accompany him to endure this bad breath.

Not long after Xue Tong left, many white shadows flew across the inner door of the hall and Xue Yuelai's passage, some flew up to the high platform and sat down, and some just stayed behind Xue Yue, staring at Xue Yue curiously. Look at the back of the moon.

Feng Hua thought it would take a long time for these people to arrive, but she didn't expect that there were as many as six to seventy people gathered in the hall within two to three minutes.

At some point in the middle of the high seat, a man with white hair and handsome face was seated. There were two rows of ice seats beside him, and seven men of similar age were also sitting on the row above the ice seat.

"Patriarch, below is Xueyue who ran away at the beginning." The middle-aged man who was called the third uncle, waited for everyone to arrive, and introduced the situation here in advance without the patriarch's intervention.

"Xueyue?" The two Xue family members on the high platform were even surprised with indescribable coldness, they just nodded slightly, and their sharp eyes nailed Xueyue in place like ice thorns.

"Patriarch, all the elders, and father." Xueyue was the same as before, she just glanced at it and saluted.

Father?Fenghua quietly looked around, who is Xueyue's father up there?The "mother" just now is not his own, so this "father" must be, right?
She originally wanted to use appearance to identify which one looked like Xueyue, but found that every face of the people here seemed to be covered with a layer of white mist, and only the outline could be vaguely recognized. Looming, it seems to see it clearly but can't be sure, and forget it in a blink of an eye.

Fenghua didn't know the goods and didn't know. If Douglas and the others saw it here, they would be so surprised that their jaws would dislocate.

This room is full of ice element elf envoys!

If you look a little deeper, Douglas is not surprised but panicked.

If everyone in this room moves together, it will be easy to wipe out the Xingluo Continent!If you add that there are still many Xue family members who are not qualified or have not come to the hall, including them and foreign slaves, the three clans in the mortal world can't compete with them together!

This is also why those captured foreign slaves are willing to stay here without any restraints to serve the Xue family, because they understand that if the people in the snow land want to deal with them, even if they go to the ends of the earth to find the Seven Great Sword Saints and the Four Great Masters The magister's protection is also in vain!

It's better to stay here to practice with peace of mind, and occasionally get rewards from the Xue family for one and a half moves or panacea, enjoy the extraordinary cultivation environment here, and improve the cultivation level faster!
"I don't have a bad boy like you." On the second row of seats, the middle-aged man sitting next to Xueyue's "mother" said coldly, "Qi Shui, you told us to come back just for this bad boy? Did you come back by yourself or did you catch him? It’s a big deal.”

"I barged in by myself, just as a warning to the juniors." Xue Qishui, known as the third uncle, said, "Second brother, don't you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind." The middle-aged woman interjected without waiting for Xue Yue's father to speak, "He also brought an extremely ugly foreign slave woman into the main house, he no longer has Xue's family in his eyes!"

From this we can see the arrogance of the members of the Xue family. Except for the Xue family, all people with the non-Xue surname are called foreign slaves by them!The fact is also true, as long as they are willing, everyone outside will become their slaves!
Xueyue's father nodded slightly, agreeing with what the woman said.

The rebellious son born by himself and the foreign slave has good aptitude, and he also made a little mention to make him a talent.However, due to their poor status, they have not been able to get on the stage, and their qualifications are not "okay", which is far worse than the orthodox bloodline.For such an illegitimate child who is like a trivial matter, it is a capital offense to abscond from the snowy land, but if he escapes, he escapes. Everyone sells his face and does not pursue it, and they are too lazy to pursue it.Unexpectedly, now he rolled back from nowhere, broke into the main house without permission, and acted mischievously in disregard of the clan rules. It really humiliated him!
Such a rebellious son can be killed or killed as he pleases!

"Leave the crime of defecting from the snowy land first. You came in from the outside, just to let us understand the situation outside." Xueyue's father nodded, and the woman said to Xueyue, "Let's put the capital crime aside, but trespassing on the main house The crime must be dealt with first! Trespassing on the main house, anyone who is not a person with the surname Xue will be killed without mercy; a person with the surname Xue, strip the surname Xue, and break your arm to warn!"

People with the surname Xue... Xueyue knows that there are people with the surname Xue.

The offspring of the Xue family's own family members are surnamed Xue, but the name is three characters, which is given by the patriarch; the illegitimate child like Xue Yue only has two characters, and the father can give the name whatever he wants, but it is still registered in the genealogy Yes, their status is much higher than that of foreign slaves.It can be said that the crime of trespassing on the main house is only valid for those people with the two-letter surname Xue and foreign slaves. People with the three-letter surname Xue do not need permission to enter and leave the main house.

Unless there is something urgent, you can enter first and then apply. For example, Xue Tong, who was guarding the gate just now, first entered before applying for emergency reports.

"I'm in a hurry."

Xueyue thinks that she enters first and then applies, otherwise... who will approve him to enter?It's too disrespectful to the Xue family to come in in an arrogant way, and it's still his "home" anyway.

Xueyue's face is saved for the Xue family, but whether the Xue family wants it is another matter.

"Urgent matter? Okay, let's talk about your urgent matter later! But you brought the slave into the main house without authorization, and the slave will die regardless of whether it is urgent or not! Is it you who do it or someone else? You choose Let's go!" Xue Yue's "mother" said coldly.

"She doesn't have any cultivation, and she will freeze to death within ten seconds without my care."

"So you mean... you shouldn't kill her? Is it reasonable for foreign slaves to come into the main house?" Xue Yue's "mother" sneered.

"The Goddess of Ice and Snow is kind by nature. As the descendants of Ice and Snow, don't we set the rules a little unreasonably?" Xueyue said lightly.

"Presumptuous! When will it be your turn to judge the Ice and Snow Goddess and the family rules?" Xue Yue's father was furious when he heard that Xue Yue not only did not kill foreign slaves, but also began to judge the family rules.

"He won't do anything, please help him." The patriarch above him suddenly interjected.

The patriarch already understood Xue Qishui's meaning, that is to punish Xueyue in front of everyone to show those juniors, to kill chickens and monkeys to warn future generations.As for the information from the outside world, whether you know it or not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, no matter how people from the outside world practice, they can't compare to them in the snowy land.Firstly, they have innate advantages, they are born to be ice and snow elf envoys; secondly, the snow land is full of aura, and the extremely harsh environment can exercise people's minds. The physique of snow elements can be dozens of times that of the outside world in a day, no matter what the outside world is. To them, Earth Shaking is nothing more than a child's play, and they are not worthy of being compared with Xue's family, and they are not interested in getting involved.

Since it's just a small thing, don't waste your time.

A few young people from the Xue family who had been showing disdainful eyes on the side, heard the patriarch's words, rushed towards Xue Yue without saying a word, fisting and kicking each other.

They rushed to the hall after receiving the notice, and when they saw everyone gathered together, they thought something big had happened.For a long time, it turned out that the little kid who was bullied by them ten or twenty years ago came back. What's so annoying about such a small person?
(End of this chapter)

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