Chapter 890
Xueyue was in Xue's family, she was the younger one, plus she was born as a foreign slave, so she was often bullied in Xue's family since she was a child.

In the Xue family, everyone has a kind of arrogance that disdains the weak, which is passed down from generation to generation.The strong look down on the weak, the weak look down on the mixed-race, and the mixed-race look down on foreign slaves.The depression caused by the bullying above was excreted downwards, and finally all the bitterness was poured on the foreign slave, and the foreign slave could only bully the worse foreign slave.

If Xueyue still stayed at the Xue family, she might have become a proud person who despised the weak.Fortunately, he escaped from the Xue family, met Yuan Feiwu who brought him back from the crooked path of pursuing power and ignoring everything, lived a colorful life with many brothers, and became a person of flesh and blood.Looking back at Xue's family at this time, I just feel that they are all a group of pitiful and stubborn people.

At that time, besides the foreign slaves, Xueyue was the bottom of the Xue family.Although his talent is better than many of his peers, but because he is young, his peers either have better talent than him, or have practiced for many years, these are the reasons why he is at the bottom of the food chain.Especially those Xueyue who are also of mixed blood, who listen to their parents all day long about other people's family, are also of mixed blood but have good talents, and their own is almost at the same level as foreign slaves, they are all trash.Such sarcasm made them accumulate resentment towards Xueyue, and they specifically sought Xueyue to bully them.

It was at that time that Xueyue, who had been bullied all the time, swore that she would become a strong man and win the dignity from the Xue family.That's why he left Xue's family angrily to avoid humiliation, seek training in the outside world, and devote himself to cultivation.

Now, those who rushed forward to teach Xue Yue a lesson were all those mixed-race Xue family who were taught daily lessons that were not as qualified as others.

Xueyue, who was once trampled under her feet and forced to eat the snow on the ground, and was beaten to the point of bleeding when she refused to eat, what kind of dragged Xueyue is she now!Since he left, he died outside, why did he come back!Moreover, he looked superior, and was watched by all the superiors of the Xue family. This was a plot they would never dare to imagine in their entire lives!Because they are all low-status mixed-race children!
That being the case, they strive to make a good impression in front of the superiors in this scene!
Several youths, male and female, all used their strongest moves, scrambling to attack Xueyue.

Xueyue's expression remained unchanged, she raised her right foot and stomped heavily on the ground, a wave of ice surged from behind him, sweeping towards the people behind her.

They are still the same as they were back then, but Xueyue is no longer the same as Xueyue back then.Now, he is the God of Ice and Snow. If he is placed in the God Realm, he can sit on an equal footing with the archangels, and if he is placed in the Demon Realm, he can make the great demon gods fearful. How can these rubbish just bully him casually?

As the wind and waves rushed past, those young people couldn't resist the huge force, and the freezing feeling on the ice waves, they were blown away as soon as they touched the ice waves.He rolled towards the road behind Xueyue for a long time before stopping, his face turned pale, and he immediately meditated to digest the cold air that invaded his body, and he had no time to care about the fact that he was humiliated instead of competing for performance in front of the superior.

Bing never shows off, it always destroys opponents in the most ruthless way.

There wasn't much fighting in the hall just now, but it already made everyone frown.

This half-blood son Xueyue is very strong!Stronger than anyone imagined!

No wonder he dared to come back to the Xue family to act presumptuously... But with this little strength, he dared to act presumptuously in the Xue family, isn't it a bit arrogant?
"Xue Dongjian, you are the future patriarch's choice, Xueyue refuses to accept, how do you think this matter should be handled?" The patriarch's eyes flashed, and he suddenly looked behind Xueyue and said.

Behind Xueyue, a man who had been standing proudly came out, passed by Xueyue, and let out a faint cold snort of disdain.

He, Xue Dongjian, is a leader of the younger generation.

On the high platform, the patriarch and the top group sitting are the strongest among the eight bloodlines left by the Bingxue clan in the mortal world. They are now honored as the patriarch and the seven elders, and they are the highest authority of the Xue family.The next row is Xue Dongjian's father's generation. Only the outstanding people who are selected by the survival of the fittest from the eight bloodlines are eligible to sit on it. They are honored as Xue Family Hudian, which means guardian and model.What is the survival of the fittest here?It's very simple, at least practice to the double cultivation level of Juggernaut and Great Magister!
In other words, including the patriarch and elders, there are more than 20 sword masters, great magisters, and ice elemental masters on the high seat of the main house!With such strength coming out in full force, Mortal Realm couldn't help trembling for it!

But they don't care about the outside world at all, because they look down on them.

Now it just so happens that a big event happened in the Xue family, the patriarch and other eight elders have reached the bottleneck of breaking through to become gods, and they plan to step down from the positions of elders and patriarchs to give way to future generations, so that they can concentrate on cultivation.Originally, one elite should be selected from each of the eight branches Xuedongjian's father's generation to rise to the position of elder and patriarch, and inherit the positions of patriarch and elder. The genius of the Holy Magister—Xue Dongjian.

This made the patriarch start to think, whether it is possible to directly skip a level and let Xue Dongjian, a junior with unlimited potential, become the new patriarch?

After the patriarch put forward this idea, he got the support of all the elders. Through their approval, Xue Dongjian is equal to the default future patriarch, and only the day of succession is coming.

Now, the patriarch's meaning is very clear, and he wants to take this opportunity to let him show off in front of all the elders and at the same time frighten his peers to establish his prestige, and once again show his strength to be recognized by everyone.

Of course Xue Dongjian understood the meaning, this bastard who didn't even bother to look straight at him before would become his touchstone one day, it's a bit ridiculous to say, it really lowered his grade!

"The family rules are above, who can refuse to obey? He doesn't want to kill himself, so the juniors should do it for him!"

Xue Dongjian bowed to all the seniors on the high platform, then turned to look at Xueyue.

Is he very good at repelling several garbage wild species with one move?He can do whatever he wants!

It's just that such a level dares to act wild in the main house. After staying outside for a long time, you have forgotten how terrible the Xue family is, right?
Xue Dongjian jumped up lightly, raised his leg and kicked the wind flower in Xueyue's arms, fighting spirit and magic power were mixed together, with both the wild fighting spirit and the background of magic power, the power was terrifying!
Fusion of magic and martial arts.

That's right, the highest level of both magic and martial arts is the fusion of magic and martial arts.Fighting energy and magic power are fused together to become a more powerful force that complements each other!
Without an incomparably deep understanding of the elements, this cannot be achieved, so only the element elves can cultivate such strength.In the mortal world, there are probably only descendants of Bingxue who have such conditions and opportunities!

Xueyue is also a descendant of the Ice and Snow Clan, and has become the God of Ice and Snow, how could he not be able to mere fusion of magic and martial arts.Before he became a god, he was still working hard in this area, but now, this is something that is inferior to divine power.

Xueyue kicked out slowly, and precisely kicked Xue Dongjian together, making a loud slap.This time the movement caused by the two demon fighting qi was bigger. After the collision, many ice slags burst out and flew in all directions.

The ice slag couldn't hurt the masters on the high platform, and was dispersed before they reached them.But some of the weaker peers behind Xueyue couldn't stand it, they were repelled by the ice slag, and their faces were terrified.

These two can erupt such terrifying strength just by colliding with each other, many peers who underestimated Xue Yue have already realized that they cannot be the opponent of this bastard!
The ice slag dissipated, the two of them did not fight any more, they each took a few steps back, Xue Dongjian glared at Xueyue, Xueyue stared at the front as coldly as before, and didn't even bother to glance at Xuedongjian.

There is no such thing as respecting or disrespecting the opponent. If he takes a few steps back casually, he is already giving face.

"You still dare to resist? Then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" Xue Dongjian gritted his teeth and rushed over with murderous intent.

Unexpectedly, his most powerful kick failed to take down Xueyue, because he had pushed him too hard, and it also made him lose face among the seniors and juniors!This move is related to his future, he can no longer play games, and intends to go all out to kill Xueyue!

"Stop." The patriarch shook his hand, and a stream of cold air passed between Xue Dongjian and Xueyue, stopping Xue Dongjian's momentum from rushing forward.

"Patriarch, why do such a junior need you to take action, I can deal with it!" Xue Dongjian hurriedly cupped his hands and said to the patriarch.

"Forget it, let's talk about the crime later, let's hear what he has urgently. If it is really urgent, delaying it may cause a major delay." The patriarch said lightly.

"Patriarch, how can this be done..." A guardian next to him jumped up.

"Qi Yuan, sit down. Are my words meaningless?" The patriarch glanced at a protector who stood up in a hurry, and the protector immediately sat down again and stopped talking.


The protector's name is Xue Qiyuan, who is Xue Dongjian's father.It's a shame to see my son, who is talented, bright and promising, draw with a bastard in front of everyone!How could the patriarch call for a stop at this time, so as not to let his son avenge his shame?If Xue Dongjian wants to succeed the patriarch in the future, wouldn't his prestige be greatly reduced!
But he didn't dare to disobey the patriarch's wishes.

Xue Dongjian's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't expect the patriarch to stop him just like that. Didn't this embarrass him?He looked anxiously at the elder of their bloodline, and the elder met Xue Dongjian's eyes, but shook his head slightly.

It seems that this decision was made jointly by the patriarch and the elders, so Xue Dongjian could only give Xueyue an angry look, and backed away silently.

After stepping back, Xue Dongjian stood at the edge of the hall just like those juniors.He stared at the dazzling Xueyue who seemed to be standing under the spotlight. Originally, he should be standing in the spotlight, not this little-known bastard who came back from nowhere, regardless of any reason!

(End of this chapter)

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