Chapter 891
Xue Dongjian was very smart, so he didn't guess wrong. The patriarch and the seven elders had never stopped communicating from the beginning. They communicated with each other through sound transmission.

This Xueyue really surprised them a lot, they didn't expect that such a half-breed has surpassed many people of the same generation.It is not unusual for him to be stronger than his peers. Xueyue is only around thirty, so she is considered extremely young, and is not much different in age from many descendants of the Xue family of the next generation.And most of those peers who were brought down by him are already one or two hundred years old, and they are clearly more than a notch above in terms of aptitude.At such an age and with such strength, it is not a problem to promote him to a direct line and give him a three-character name, and even to be promoted to a guardian in the future to shine for the Xue family.

With this in mind, the patriarch and elders originally wanted Xue Dongjian to take the opportunity to increase his prestige and kill the foreign slaves in his arms as an example, and by the way, beat this Xueyue to make him reverence for the Xue family Heart.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a scene that surprised them even more!
Xue Dongjian and Xue Yue kicked each other, but it ended in a tie?That's just the surface!They are all people who are about to become gods, how can they still not see who will win and who will lose?Xue Dongjian's run-up kicked to gather energy, Xueyue just shot it casually, and in the end, each of them retreated three steps, which seemed to be a tie, but in fact, the patriarch and elders knew who would win and who would lose.Even those protectors knew it in their hearts, but they just couldn't bear to accept the result.They told Xue Dongjian to stop, in fact, to save face for him, and it would be embarrassing if they continued to entangle him and fell to the ground!
Xue Dongjian is more than 130 years old this year, and Xueyue is not a fraction of him. From this perspective, if Xue Dongjian is called a rare genius, then what should Xueyue be called?This snowy moon is unfathomable!It should be a blessing for the Xue family to have such a terrifying rising star!

If Xue Dongjian was promoted to the position of patriarch because of his youth, wouldn't this Xueyue be more suitable...

The patriarch and the elders looked at each other tacitly, and they all saw the same meaning in each other's eyes. They knew that they might have to wait a few days before retiring. This rebellious guy needs some training. I'm afraid only they can suppress it Stay with this kid.After being carved into a tool, under his leadership, the Xue Family will continue to live up to the entrustment of the Ice and Snow Goddess, so that the Ice and Snow Line will last forever.

"Xueyue, tell me, what made you come back to Xue's house and forcefully break into the main house? If the things you confessed are not important, then you can't redeem your sins by breaking your arm."

A powerful aura erupted from the patriarch's body, pressing all of them towards Xueyue.This kid is too crazy, it's impossible not to suppress him.

The juniors behind Xueyue had suffered, they got closer and were enveloped by the aura of the patriarch, they were suddenly forced by the aura to break out in cold sweat, their whole body was wet with sweat, and their clothes were about to drip water.

Unmoved, Xue Yue raised her head and said, "I hope to use Frost Heart."

Xueyue's words caused a lot of discussion on the high platform.

This guy, as soon as he comes back, he wants to borrow the Frost Heart left by the Ice and Snow Goddess for them to protect?are you crazy!
"What's the use of lending it to you?" the patriarch and the elders asked aloud after a brief exchange.

"Wash away the demon seeds in my heart, and restore peace to the Three Realms."


After Xue Yue finished speaking, the entire hall fell into an extremely strange silence.

"Hehe, since you have a demon seed in your heart, don't waste your Frost Heart. We old guys will work together to make you sleep forever in the ground, and the three worlds can also be peaceful!"

The patriarch and the seven elders all got up, and the fighting energy and magic power on their bodies quickly circulated, and the air around them quickly became snow-white and billowing.

The talent of Xueyue really attracted their attention, but thinking that he has some skills and wants to come back to snatch the treasures of the snowy land, such an ignorant person is not a pity to die!
"Let's listen to Xueyue's words. There is a big event outside, and the patriarch and elders must know about it." Xueyue continued.

The patriarch and the elders glanced at each other, and everyone agreed silently. After hearing Xueyue continue to speak, the patriarch waved: "Speak!"

Xue Yue gave a brief introduction to the battle of the three worlds.The snowy land is surrounded by snow crystals, the outside cannot detect the news inside, and the inside is also ignorant of the outside world, it is like a barrier that isolates the world, separating the snowy land and the mortal world.

After hearing Xueyue talk about what happened outside, everyone on the high platform sneered. How did Xueyue make up such absurd things?In order to win the Frost Heart, Xueyue really took great pains.

Especially in making up the death of the Ice and Snow Goddess, in their eyes, the Ice and Snow Goddess is almost invincible, how could she die at the hands of the battle angel Michael!Battle Angel Michael is the God King's number one confidant, how could he betray him!

"In the land of snow, there are more than [-] masters of sword master and great magister who combine magic and martial arts. If you join the battle, the sacrifices in the mortal world will definitely be lowered a lot. It's a pity..." Xueyue was also a little emotional while talking Well, he is also guilty of this matter, if he hadn't pretended to have amnesia to win Michael's absolute trust, he would have come to the snowy land to summon the Xue family to join the battle.

What a terrifying combat power these people in front of me are for the mortal world!

"What nonsense are you talking about? If there is such a war to destroy the world, how could the Ice and Snow Goddess not enlighten us and ask us to help the Ice and Snow Goddess?" a guardian retorted.

"The goddess of ice and snow died in battle before, how can I enlighten you?" Xue Yue became more and more angry as she spoke, did these people listen to his words?
"You said that the Ice and Snow Goddess died in battle, and the gods gave it to you? Then you prove it to us! If you can't prove it, I will kill you and pray for the Ice and Snow Goddess!" Later generations dared to curse the goddess of ice and snow, he wished he could go over there and tear him in half!
As Xueyue expected, the members of the Xue family are all extremely paranoid people, they are only immersed in their own thoughts, they do not seek knowledge or proof, anyone or anything that goes against the principles of their beliefs is a mistake!
Little do they know that they are the most ignorant and wrong one!
"Stubborn!" Xue Yue yelled angrily, bursting out with divine power all over her body.

Immediately, everyone in the hall felt a sense of suffocation and murderous aura...

Why is there murderous intent?Xue Yue herself was also taken aback for a moment, a sense of anger emerged from the bottom of her heart, making him extremely angry.He is eager to kill at this moment, he wants to kill all the ignorant people in front of him... It's so straightforward and enjoyable, why do you have to talk about this rubbish?
Then kill it!
"Master Xueyue!"

A soft call made Xueyue startled slightly, he lowered his head to look at Fenghua in his arms, her eyes were full of fear.And her hands tightly held the hand holding her waist, Xue Yue saw that demon scales had started to grow on her hand...

This glance made Xue Yue understand that she must calm herself down!This kind of demon has quietly integrated into his mind, subtly affecting him, devouring him... If it continues, it may become a demon without knowing it, and all previous efforts will be wasted!
"Divine power is not something to show off. It is a fact that I am the God of Ice and Snow. If you don't believe it, go ahead. I hope to borrow the Frost Heart in a peaceful way. I can assure you that I will return a new Frost Heart within half a year. heart of."

Xueyue concealed the divine power she had just brought up, and suppressed her desire to kill. After doing all this, her face was pale with sweat, and Fenghua quickly rolled up her sleeves to help Xueyue wipe the sweat off her face, feeling very distressed.

"You step back first, this matter is very important, we need to think about it." The patriarch said suddenly.

Xue Yue didn't say much this time, she just turned around and left, just as decisive as when he came.He also needs a quiet place to calm himself down, and then stay here to deal with them, fearing that he will become murderous again in a hurry. Now he can no longer predict when the demon seed will affect his mind.

"Patriarch!" "How can you let him get whatever he wants!" "This guy is simply a traitor of the Xue family!"

After the patriarch finished speaking, all the guardians stood up and objected. This was the first time in the history of the Xue family.

"Everyone disperses, we will discuss everything after we discuss it." The patriarch said with an unquestionable attitude, "Qi Chun, you and Qi Gu stay."

Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu are exactly Xueyue's father and his father's original spouse. Their generation is of the Qi character generation, no matter which one of the eight Bingxue bloodlines is named after the Qi character.

"Yes!" Everyone looked at each other a few times, and dispersed with helplessness. All matters of the Xue family should be decided by the patriarch and elders, and they have no right to make decisions.

The juniors of the Dongzi generation deliberately walked a few steps slower, lagging behind and walking with Xue Dongjian, who was holding back his anger, and said in a low voice: "Dongjian, we have always followed your lead, today you are so angry. If we can bear it, we can't bear it! We must teach that bastard an unforgettable lesson!"

"Who said I have to endure?" Xue Dongjian stopped, showed a cruel smile to the people around him, and then walked forward quickly.

Seeing this, the other people also sneered and quickly walked away behind Xue Dongjian.It took them many years of hard work to please Xue Dongjian, the future successor of the patriarch. They waited for this big tree to grow to the sky so that they could give back their blessings. How could they bear other people shaking the foundation of this big tree!Their future has long been tied to Xue Dongjian, and they will both lose and prosper!
Xueyue, who can make the team leader and elders abnormal, must not stay!
(End of this chapter)

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