Chapter 892 Love and Hate
Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu sat in their original positions, waiting for the patriarch and the seven elders to immerse themselves in the discussion.

This time they discussed no longer sound transmission, it seemed that it didn't matter if they were heard by Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu.

"That guy is a liar!" an elder sneered.

"Of course. The Heart of Frost is the brainchild of the Ice and Snow Goddess. If he inherits the Goddess of the Ice and Snow Goddess and becomes a god, he can make one himself. Why does he have to come and take the Frost Heart that we protect!" Another elder said. Said.

It is true that Xueyue can also spend his painstaking efforts to make a Frost Heart, but according to his current situation, the Frost Heart he made is probably evil.And he spent a lot of energy in case the monsters hit his mind again, he might be powerless to resist.What's more, he needs the Frost Heart to baptize himself, why make a new one!
The Xue family was originally Xue Yue's family, even if it wasn't, Xue Yue wouldn't be cold-blooded and ruthless to steal other people's treasures.He planned to borrow the Frost Heart, and after washing away the evil energy of the demon seeds in his body to get rid of the crisis of becoming a demon, he would make a new one and return it to the Xue family.

But obviously the Xue family didn't listen to Xueyue's words, and believed that Xueyue was just coveting the heart of ice and snow they guarded, and ignored everything else.

"It's because of the inner demon, that kid does have an inner demon called greed! Such a guy cannot be elected as the patriarch." Another elder said.

"What? Choose him as the patriarch?!" Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu, who had been listening all the time, were not calm now, and cried out in surprise.

The patriarch and other elders did not answer, just glanced at them casually, and continued their discussion.Knowing that they were being abrupt, Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu quickly shut up and kept silent, but their ears were pricked up higher, wanting to hear the voices of the patriarch and elders more clearly.

"But it is undeniable that his strength is unfathomable. The last burst of power has already left me far behind. I'm afraid it is like a god." The patriarch said.

"Indeed. But everyone should be able to see that afterward he was depressed, and that burst out may have exhausted all his strength and even burned his life. If it were me, burning my life and bursting out my power would also cause such a sense of oppression. Also In other words, that kid's strength is at least on the same level as mine." An elder said.

"But I think it's okay to let him become the patriarch. He is already the patriarch, and the Frost Heart doesn't mean falling into his hands to satisfy his greed? As long as the other elders keep an eye on him to prevent him from taking the Frost Heart Can he still eat the Frost Heart? His purpose is very simple. He wants to possess the icy aura emanating from the Frost Heart so that he can cultivate faster. Since he desires the Frost Heart, that is, he desires power. Greedy people, if they get the position of patriarch, they will also be greedy and stay in the Xue family to defend what they have."

"Knowing that he is an insatiable guy, you still let him be the patriarch?" Another elder objected.

"Isn't this just right, to cure evil with evil. You forgot, that guy is also an insatiable guy... Xueyue is about 30 years old and already has the strength not to lose to us, maybe he can rely on him to cultivate into someone who can fight against that guy .” The elder reminded before.

These words made everyone fall into deep thought.

"Even if we break through to become gods, we are not sure how to deal with that guy, so even if Xueyue is very talented, I am afraid that it is impossible to surpass that guy in a short time. This idea is unrealistic." An elder who had been quiet for a long time said.

"In short, Xueyue is a descendant of the Xue family with unlimited potential. It would be a pity to kill him directly. Let's try to train it first, and it is not too late to kill him if he is really lacking in character. And if he is willing to stay with Frost Heart Xue family, it doesn't matter if he is the patriarch, Frost Heart and the patriarch are already the pinnacle of the Xue family's strength and power, no matter how greedy he is, he can't harm the Xue family." The patriarch finally concluded.

This Xueyue really made them both love and hate.

"Okay, just do as the patriarch said!" The seven elders got up together and said.

"Qi Chun, Qi Gu, come here." The patriarch waved at the two who had been eavesdropping on the discussion of the patriarch and the elders, and the two immediately flew forward, "You heard what we said just now, Xueyue's aptitude and strength belong to the First-class, we are determined to cultivate. He has been away from home since he was a child, and has been in the outside world for a long time. He is a stranger to the Xue family. You parents should communicate with him well. No matter how bad things were in the past, his surname will always be Xue! Remember, in the future he will Maybe it will be your pride."

"Understood!" The two nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu understood, the patriarch and elders left together.

Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu really understood, if Xueyue replaced Xue Dongjian as the patriarch, that would be a great pride!They have eight bloodlines in Ice and Snow, and although they are married to each other as close as family members, there are still many comparisons and competitions inside.

Especially strength and power.

Which family's children are smart, which family's strength is superior to others, and even the number of people who have entered the guardian's code have become places for them to compare.

No one wants to be worse than anyone else!
To sum it up, the descendants of the Ice and Snow Goddess' lineage are stagnant in a small world. Instead of becoming calm, their minds have become distorted, and their competitive spirit is stronger than anything else.

If their child Xueyue becomes the patriarch, they can walk in the Xue family with their heads held high!Even in front of the Xue family, who are also at the first level of Hudian, they can count on themselves to be superior to each other. There is no way, who let their son be the patriarch!
Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu looked at each other and understood each other what to do next.

Xueyue walked around Xue's house and came to a small house in the corner.Xue's house occupies too much land, Fenghua has been finding her way, but she still has no way to figure out where she has been detoured by Xueyue.

The room was not locked, Xueyue opened it with a slight push, the room was very simple, with a table, a chair and a bed, not even a cabinet.

Xueyue put Fenghua down, and all the houses built in the snowy land were prepared with magic circles, which can block the cold outside. Fenghua can move freely in the house, as long as she doesn't go out, she won't freeze to death.

"Is this the place where Lord Xueyue lived before?" Fenghua walked around the small house, although it seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time, it was still spotless.

This is also related to the magic circle in the house, which effectively prevents dust from drifting in.

"Yeah. Me and my mother." Xueyue took a few steps forward, bent over and stroked the wooden bed she remembered when she was a child.

The Xue family has such a big place, but Xueyue mother and son can only live in such a small house, which shows how much they have been neglected.But what Fenghua doesn't know is that being able to live in Xue's house is already a status symbol in the snow land, which is not comparable to those outside slaves.Especially for Xue Yue's mother, as a foreign slave, being able to live in the Xue family, the Xue family already felt that it had given her a great gift.

"What about your mother?" Feng Hua asked.

"I don't know." Xueyue stood up, turned around and closed the door, "There is no one living here, we are resting here during this time."

"Well, it's better than being in a cave." Fenghua comforted her understandingly, "Master Xueyue, what kind of person is your mother? Will you dislike my humble background when you see me?"

"Yes." Xue Yue said very honestly.

Looking at Fenghua's instantly slumped expression, he couldn't stop laughing. His mother disliked her, but it wasn't him who disliked her. That little face seemed to have fallen from the sky.

"My mother is also a person who loves vanity, but she is okay with me. She pins all her hopes on me. But it's not up to her to control my affairs. She just regards me as a tool to make her stand out. "

Xueyue touched Fenghua's head, Fenghua's long brown hair was soft and comfortable, under Xueyue's touch, she felt that the turbulent mood just now gradually calmed down.

"Oh." Fenghua responded obediently, looking at Xueyue's handsome face affectionately, enjoying the tenderness of being stroked on the head.

At this moment, Fenghua felt that she was the happiest person in the world, not one of them.

Xueyue touched it, and suddenly stopped.

"I don't know how to live or die." Xue Yue said lightly.

"What's wrong?" Fenghua looked at Xueyue with some worry.

"It's nothing, someone brought us bedding."

(End of this chapter)

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