Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 893 Small Punishment and Great Commandment

Chapter 893 Small Punishment and Great Commandment
Xueyue walked out of the hut, and glanced at the distance.

They were followed all the way here, but Xueyue didn't bother to pay attention, thinking that the patriarch and elders were worried about sending someone to watch her.

Now he figured out who it was.

Xueyue shook her hand, and the magic power in her hand condensed into a small ice dagger that flew out rapidly, piercing several big trees in a row, and then a big tree let out a scream.

"So bold, so ruthless."

A few people turned out not far away, the leader was Xue Dongjian, who applauded gently and walked towards Xueyue, followed by a few peers with disdainful faces.

Of course it was his people who were following Xueyue. Obviously, Xueyue only showed up when she found out that he was coming. Under such circumstances, she even shot his people. Obviously, she didn't take him seriously... She didn't even look at him if she beat a dog. Look at the master's face?

"Is something wrong?"

Xue Yue has long been used to seeing the faces of these people, and he is no longer what he used to be, if he can be angered by them so easily, it is really a drop in price.But he was surprised that he came to the door in such a hurry.

Xueyue knew that this was the future patriarch's choice, and just now she saved some face for him and deliberately took a few steps back to create the illusion of a tie, but he never thought that his appearance would make the other party feel the crisis, and it did make the patriarch elders consider it. Replace the patriarch.In this case, it's no wonder that Xue Dongjian is not in a hurry!
"The patriarch is busy with old affairs and has no time to deal with you. We have to share our worries. Do you know what you should do for betraying Xue's family?" Xue Dongjian stepped forward, raised his head, and looked at Xueyue contemptuously.

Comparing the two at close range, Xue Dongjian feels that the two are not worthy of being judged on the same plane.

He, Xue Dongjian, is dressed in snow-white and luxurious white clothes, with an extraordinary demeanor; Xue Yue's white clothes are fairly clean, but they are light yellow and shabby. One can tell that even in the outside world, he has been down for a long time.

It doesn't matter if you kill such rubbish, right? !Xue Dongjian's eyes flashed with killing intent, this was the first time he had murderous intent towards a member of the clan.

"I didn't betray the Xue family." Xue Yue said casually, the language was concise and she didn't even need to explain. Coupled with her cool face like frost, she immediately made everyone on the opposite side angry.

"Even if you didn't betray, leaving the snowy place without authorization is a felony! It's a waste of time to talk nonsense with you, take off his arm for me! Also, catch the foreign slave in the house and execute him on the spot!"

Xue Dongjian has established his status over the years, even the Xue family of his father's generation are kind to him, how dare this Xueyue give him face?
Several companions beside Xue Dongjian immediately surrounded him after hearing this, but quickly reacted and took a few steps back.

This guy can draw with Xue Dongjian, aren't they looking for abuse when they go up!
Xue Dongjian smiled coldly, the group around him were also trash!However, he also found that this Xueyue had actually produced the same prestige as him, and coupled with the special treatment of Xueyue by the patriarch and elders, these were not good news.He must suppress this man's prestige today!

"Let me do it, you guys go find that foreign slave." Xue Dongjian took a few steps forward, "Just now you are defiant? Xueyue, in my eyes, you are just a straight-eyed person who doesn't even bother to take a look." Miscellaneous..."

Before Xue Dongjian finished speaking, he saw Xueyue was close to him at some point.In his astonishment, what he saw from Shang Xueyue's sword-browed and star-eyed eyes was endless ice, which was unfathomably cold.

Because of this pair of eyes, Xue Dongjian felt uncontrollable fear in his heart.

In order to dispel this inexplicable fear, Xue Dongjian kicked hard and tried his best.

"I gave you face just now." Xue Yue also kicked.

Just like what happened in the hall of the main house just now, Xue Dongjian and Xueyue kicked each other, at that time, ice slag burst out all over the sky, and this time, ice slag all over the sky also broke out.

But the ice slag hadn't dissipated yet, and everyone had already seen Xue Dongjian fall back a long way, the kicked leg bent into a terrible angle.

This... Xue Dongjian lost with just one kick? !
Xue Dongjian originally wanted to use all his strength to kick away the nameless fear of Xueyue in his heart, but this kick shattered his incomparably firm self-confidence!

This Xueyue is actually so strong?Xue Dongjian fell to the ground, and didn't care about the pain of his fracture. What was engraved in his heart was the position of patriarch that he had always longed for, and he was afraid that it would not be his turn!

This snow moon!

Xue Dongjian stared at Xueyue unwillingly, clenched his hands unconsciously, and crushed the snow on the ground into icy pieces.

After being knocked down, those peers who were about to enter the house to make trouble for Feng Hua immediately drew out their long swords from their waists in horror, and turned to face Xue Yue in fear.

"Small punishments and big warnings, remember them all."

Xueyue floated in front of them in a blink of an eye, stretched out her two fingers, snapped off the blade of a long sword, patted it on the shoulder of the owner of the long sword, and then pulled it out from behind him.The sword blade passed through the body without a trace of dirt, like a light willow leaf, spinning gracefully in Xueyue's hand.

The fast speed brought about a huge impact. After the blade was pierced by Xueyue and pulled out, a bloody arrow spewed out from the man's wound, and immediately there was a bright red bloodstain on the snow-white ground.

Before the others could react, Xue Yue's figure came to the side of the others, leaving a bloody hole in one of them.

Xueyue doesn't care about making trouble for him, but he can't tolerate these people wanting to make trouble for Fenghua!A weak woman without any self-protection ability, these people can also deal with it?He wants these people to have a longer memory, not even daring to think of the person who moved him!

These four people were the only ones who went to the hut, lying on the ground with their hands on their shoulders after being punished by Xueyue, moaning endlessly.There was another person standing in the distance, this person did not make a move, nor did he go to the hut, Xueyue came to her in the blink of an eye, stretched out his hand, half of the sword in his hand was shining coldly against the snow-white background, reflecting the beauty of that person eyes.

"Xueyue, do you dare to do something to my woman?" Xue Dongjian said angrily as soon as he saw Xueyue running in front of that man, he struggled to get up from the ground.

"Xue Dongjian, I haven't agreed to be your woman yet, so don't talk nonsense." The man sneered.

Xue Dongjian's face paled instantly, and he took a few steps back.Haven't agreed to be his woman yet?Then why did she bring someone here to trouble Xueyue, she is willing to follow!

He understood that what he was about to lose was not only the position of patriarch, but also his beloved!

Before Xueyue appeared, he gained power, and the woman who had been chasing him for many years was about to agree, but after Xueyue appeared, everything was taken away!

That woman was pointed at by Xueyue with a sword, she felt very angry, but when she raised her head, the anger in her heart was scared away by the ruthless coldness in Xueyue's eyes.

She is the granddaughter of the current patriarch, and it is definitely a certainty that she will enter the list of guardians after being outstanding among her peers.If it is said that Xueyue is a grass on the side of the road that no one pays attention to in the Xue family, then she is the other extreme, the jewel in the palm of the hand held by the entire Xue family since she was a child.

Looking at the entire Xue family, who would not give her a little face when they saw her?And this little-known Xueyue dared to confront her sword? !
But...but those cold eyes made her heart bump like a deer at this moment.Especially just now Xueyue defeated the inexhaustible genius Xue Dongjian with one kick with a devastating force, and the figure of pacing among several people before defeating them was deeply imprinted in her eyes.

Don't talk nonsense, just use your strength to see the truth, this is the real cruelty!Comparing the two, the group of people I often hang out with like to put on airs and talk a lot of nonsense, they are just as inferior as street gangsters!
The more I think about it, the more I fall in love with it, it seems that only a man of this strength in the entire Xue family is worthy of me!

Her alluring appearance is as cold as ice and snow all year round, but this time she unexpectedly showed a smile that melted from ice and snow, and looked up at Xueyue with incomparable confidence.She wants Xueyue to see clearly that she is the only one in the Xue family who is worthy of him!She has absolute confidence in her appearance!

Xueyue put away the half of the broken blade, gently swung her hand, and accurately stabbed the broken blade into Xue Dongjian's broken leg.

This is a warning, if you come to trouble him next time, the broken blade will pierce his heart.

"Get out." Xue Yue said lightly.

Xue Dongjian and those peers staggered and ran out without saying a word. They understood the rules of the game of the Xue family.They wanted to bully Xueyue but they were bullied by Xueyue. If things get bigger, it will only make them more embarrassing. They might as well leave before things get bigger.

"Wait." Xueyue suddenly called them again, startling them, but saw Xueyue pointing at the blood on the ground, "Clean it up."

The Xue family is a bit of a cleanliness freak, and likes to see everything white, Xueyue is also a little bit affected, seeing the beautiful snow covered with dirt, feels a little uncomfortable.

"Hmph." Xue Dongjian answered with a snort, and left without looking back.

"You, still not leaving?" Xue Yue stared back at the woman in front of her, and said coldly,
The woman was smiling all over her face, but when Xue Yue said this, she immediately put away her smiling face, her expression was not very good-looking.

Let her go? !She was smiling at him just now, how many people in the world have seen her smile all over the city, and he actually let himself go? !

Why don't you stay here?Xueyue is not a fool, this woman came here with Xuedongjian, no matter whether she recognizes that she is from Xuedongjian or not, but generally speaking, she is here to gloat, Xueyue can give her any good looks.

"You let me go? Xueyue, don't you know who I am?"

"Go away. By the way, let someone prepare a thicker quilt and send it over."

Xueyue connected the phone to find out who she was and was not interested, so she went back to the small room after speaking coldly, leaving her trembling with anger outside.

(End of this chapter)

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