Chapter 894

In the past, Xueyue always thought that one day she would trample under the feet of these people who had ignored him and abused him, but now that it has come true, he is not at all happy in his heart, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, instead, he hopes that these people can live up to their spirits and gain a sense of self-accomplishment by fighting in the nest. How boring and ignorant they are, they might as well spend their time on cultivation.

After a few hours, the woman really sent a set of thick quilts to the small room.

Xueyue opened the door to pick up the bedding, then turned around to close the door.

"Hey! I brought the quilt here myself, and you didn't even say 'thank you'?" The woman blocked the door.

She never thought that one day she would block other people's doors like a shrew, and Emei was so angry that she frowned.

"Thank you." Xue Yue couldn't be more perfunctory, and wanted to close the door again.

"Wait!" The woman blocked the door again and glanced inside. Feng Hua was also looking at her curiously, and the two of them met their eyes. Come with me, leave this foreign slave here to rest."

"No need."

"No need? Do you still want to live with this ugly monster?" The woman raised her voice an octave in surprise, and looked at Fenghua with a big pimple on her face in disbelief, her eyes were cold.

"She's not ugly." Xue Yue said coldly.

Sensing Xueyue's bad tone, the woman gritted her teeth angrily, and turned around angrily.Before he had gone a few steps, he heard the sound of the door closing behind him as if impatiently.

Even if this lonely Xueyue didn't know that she was proud of her status among her peers, seeing her own appearance and comparing it with the foreign slave he brought back, it should make his eyes shine, right?Are you blind?Xue Dongyan was so angry that he trembled all over, he turned his eyes fiercely and stared at the rotten house, and left quickly.

"Master Xueyue, in fact, Fenghua's bedding is enough..." Fenghua whispered.

In terms of appearance, identity, and status, Fenghua knows what is most worthy of Xueyue, and she is satisfied if she can follow Xueyue, she is very sensible.


Xueyue responded indifferently, put the quilt away casually, went to the side to meditate and rest, and did not explain what she meant by "um".

Fenghua quickly rolled into the quilt, but the quilt was still warm and comfortable.She lay down and looked at Xueyue who closed her brows meditating beside her, her mouth couldn't be closed from ear to ear, and she couldn't help drooling by the way.Until I don't know when I fell asleep dimly, I was still vaguely thinking about how to help Xueyue make breakfast the next day...

The next day Fenghua was woken up by the sound of the door opening, Xueyue turned around and said to find something to eat and left.Well, here she is running around, probably either freezing to death or being killed, it's better not to add to the chaos, just give up on breakfast or something.Rolled over and continued to sleep.

Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu who were not far outside the door were stunned when they saw Xueyue walking out of the door suddenly, but then forced out a faint smile.

"Xueyue, although you are not directly related to the blood of the Xue family, you don't need to live in this dilapidated house. Didn't Dongyan tell you yesterday?"

The faint smile on Xue Qigu's face was so stiff that it made people feel awkward.

"What do you want from me?" Xueyue nodded lightly, her movements were so small that even if she was not concentrating, she would not know that he nodded.

People from the Xue family, no matter how Xue Yue dislikes them, she will give them some face.In the past, Xueyue's bullying to them by the original wife could be regarded as never happened, as long as the other party did not bother him anymore.

Xue Qigu felt that Xueyue's attitude was being ignored, and he was very angry, but he managed to hold back and did not attack.

"I said, are you out of your mind? Xue Dongyan took the initiative to show his kindness to you, personally delivered bedding and prepared a new residence for you, and you left him out? The granddaughter of the head of the family, her talents and aptitudes are top-notch, Why do you look down on others?"

Since Xue Qigu had a bad relationship with Xueyue in the first place, he shouldn't say anything to improve the relationship now.But Xue Qichun, as Xue Yue's father, was able to show off his father's prestige, as soon as he opened his mouth, he had a tone of hatred for iron.

"I didn't look down on you." Xueyue responded without any waves in her tone.

neither haughty nor humble.

Xue Yue was neither arrogant because of her extraordinary strength, nor fearful because of her father's intimidation, just like a random stone on the side of the road, without any emotional ups and downs.

Xue Qichun only now realizes that his son is so strange to him, was Xueyue like this before?have no idea.

In the past, the number of times he saw Xueyue in a year was counted with five fingers. He really knew very little about this taciturn son, and he couldn't see what Xueyue was thinking at all.

"If you didn't look down on me, why did you reject her kindness? Listen to your father, and immediately go to apologize to that girl. Also, we have already asked the patriarch and elders for that foreign slave, so let her stay first." Xue Qichun said in a tone. He softened a little, he was uncertain about Xueyue's character, and decided that it would be safer to move her with emotion.

"Where is mother?" Xue Yue suddenly looked at Xue Qichun, and suddenly changed the content of the conversation, which caught Xue Qichun off guard.

Xue Qichun met those eyes that were very similar to his own, and subconsciously took a few steps back.He didn't know if it was because of the majesty in Xueyue's eyes, or because Xueyue suddenly mentioned his biological mother.Xue Qichun was the last person to mention Xueyue's biological mother at this time. It would be unwise to mention this before the father-son relationship between him and Xueyue had eased. After all, Xueyue's only close person in Xueyue's family was his. Mother.

But meeting those introverted but intimidating eyes, Xue Qichun found that he had no way to avoid this question, so he could only say as lightly as possible: "Dead. I died of illness. After you left, your health has become worse and worse... I'm not to blame." Take care of her."

"Where is it buried?"

Xueyue's heart was quiet, and he had already guessed it from the moment he opened the hut and didn't see any sundries.He was sorry, but not distressed.His mother only has the grace of nurturing him. As for the relationship between mother and child, to be honest, there is almost no. He is just a vent to vent his grievances by his mother, and all dissatisfaction is poured on him, whether he understands it or not.In this case, his childhood was like being entangled with a mad woman full of curses, being bullied outside, and being baptized by negative energy at home, with nowhere to escape.

But his mother always said at the end: Xueyue, you must be stronger than them!

Now, he has surpassed, but you are gone... May you stay away from the greed of people on the other side, and enjoy relief and peace.

"Buried in... the land of the snowy land, foreign slaves are not buried, they are buried in the outer mountains." Xue Qichun said more and more guilty, although what he said was correct, but if he had applied at that time, Xue Yue's mother could still be buried in the snowy land edge of the land.

The foreign slaves who gave birth to the children of the Xue family can be buried in the snowy land with the exception of the net.

But Xue Qichun did not intercede for her.

Facing Xueyue's questioning now, he couldn't be confident.

"En." Xueyue turned her head away, and went straight to Xue's kitchen, intending to find some food for Fenghua.

His appearance didn't change much, but Xueyue's five senses were mixed in his heart.It was not the first time he felt the Xue family's indifference and unfeelingness, but this time his mother was buried in the outer mountain, which made him feel even colder. Maybe after the Frost Heart matter was resolved, he and the Xue family would never have any contact with each other.

"Wait, you haven't given me an explanation about Dongyan..." Seeing that Xueyue was leaving just like that, Xue Qichun asked quickly.

But Xue Qigu stopped him, gave him a wink so that he would not push too hard, and said to Xueyue's back: "The patriarch and the elders want to talk to you about something, you should be more polite later!"

"Why did Qi Gu stop me..."

"Stop talking, we have no influence over him, haven't you noticed?"

"You're right. Why don't I go to Xue Dongyan to test it out? If that girl is really interested in Xueyue and can make this couple happen, then Xueyue's position as patriarch is a certainty!"

"That's right!"

Xueyue came to the kitchen in a blink of an eye, where there were chartered foreign slaves working here, Xueyue just ordered some warm food that looked good and left.

The patriarch and elders suddenly appeared at the door of the kitchen, which surprised Xue Yue.

Xue Qigu said just now that the patriarch and elders wanted to find him, but he didn't expect to be so anxious, so he came to the kitchen in person.He didn't believe that they would come to a conclusion so quickly about borrowing the Frost Heart, and it was impossible to personally approach him to lend him the Frost Heart. This matter must have changed again.

"Hello patriarch! Hello elder!" The foreign slaves saluted anxiously in surprise.

The patriarchs and elders didn't even look at the slaves, they smiled at Xueyue and said: "Xueyue, we have something good to tell you today."

"Please say."

The patriarchs and elders actually didn't have a conclusive conclusion on Xueyue's discussion, but they didn't expect things to turn around suddenly.Xue Dongyan, the patriarch's granddaughter, is a proud person, and she never fails to get what she wants.This time, she was very angry when she met Xueyue, who was soft and stubborn, but the more Xueyue talked to her coldly, the more aggressive and possessive she was aroused.

She was the one who was thrown out of the door by Xueyue last night and immediately went to Xue Qichun to complain, and it was she who was eager to ask the patriarch and elders to help pull the red line early this morning!More anxious than Xue Qichun and Xue Qigu who are anxious to deal with them!The patriarch and elders were found by her!

However, the patriarchs and elders were inspired by Xue Dongyan's request.

At such a young age, he is not weaker than the elders of the patriarch, this Xue Yue has already confirmed that he is the best descendant in the history of the Xue family.And the truth that a hero is sad and a beauty passes is also applicable in the Xue family, as can be seen from how many disturbances Xue Dongjian has made in pursuit of Xue Dongyan.Xue Dongyan's vision is really high, and he fell in love with Xueyue, an unworldly genius, but the patriarch and elders also love Xueyue, no wonder Xue Dongyan fell in love with him, as someone who has been here, he immediately fell in love with her Of course.

It not only suits Xue Dongyan's wishes, but also allows Xue Dongyan to tie Xueyue to Xue's house, and maybe even correct Xueyue's character. This is of course a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!
So when Xue Qigu and the others were still slowly testing Xue Dongyan, the patriarch and the elders couldn't wait to find him!
"The male college should be married and the female college should be married. Xueyue, it took you many years to come back from the investigation mission outside. Thank you for your hard work. Let alone the praise, we plan to arrange a marriage for you first, and we will definitely not treat you badly." You." The patriarch smiled, "My granddaughter Xue Dongyan, you have already met, she looks like a fairy and is smart, are you interesting?"

(End of this chapter)

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