Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 897 The Unexpected Gift

Chapter 897 The Unexpected Gift

A figure in a black cloak flew out of the main house, looking around in a dazed manner.

I haven't been here for several years, and there hasn't been much change here, it's always white and misty.

He doesn't like such monotonous colors very much, it feels too boring, but he has no choice but to live in such a world at present.

On the steps of the main house, the patriarch and elders lined up, holding back their anger, watching the Xue family's children move some huge ice crystals.

They had never saluted this person before, and now they just looked indifferent, as if they were just sending out some unprecious things to beggars.

This is just self-comfort at the psychological level, and self-deception saves the last bit of face.

"That's all?" the person asked in a calm tone.

"Ice crystals are formed by collecting the aura of this place. It takes decades to form and hundreds of years to become huge. How can there be a large number of them? These have already been drawn from the snowy land. I am afraid that the snowy land will not be able to cover them up again." There's only so much you can tell yourself." An elder tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, so as not to irritate anyone who came by.

"Okay, I'm sorry." The visitor sneered a few times, as if he was satisfied with Xue's performance.

The patriarchs and elders, as well as some guards who are currently in place, immediately breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what the person said.

They understood that if they satisfied this person this time, their Xue family could be stable for several more years.This person needs ice crystals, and they can be the collectors and transporters of ice crystals. Perhaps it is because of this layer of use value that their Xue family was not destroyed by this person.

Even though the Xue family couldn't stand the bad breath, there was nothing they could do about this person. The gap in strength between them was an endless gap, and it was pretty good if they could protect themselves now!
It's not that the patriarch and elders didn't think of a way to solve the current situation. They didn't know where this person suddenly appeared, but even they couldn't deal with it, so don't expect anyone in the mortal world to have a way against him.That's why the patriarch and elders decided to relinquish their responsibilities and concentrate on cultivating, and strive to take this step that is almost within reach to cut through the void as soon as possible, and go to the heavens to find the goddess of ice and snow for help.When the goddess of ice and snow descends, this kind of unknown junior will die immediately!
This time the ice crystal satisfied the visitors, which meant that they had a long time to continue to implement their plan, and everyone was naturally relieved.Just wait for the last few ice crystals to come, and let this guy pack it up and take it away, rolling as far as he can.

Fenghua heard a lot of movement in Xue's house outside, but Xueyue said hello and couldn't go out, so she naturally wouldn't go out to watch the fun.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door.

Fenghua was a little puzzled, but after thinking about it, Xueyue wouldn't let her go out, but it should be okay to answer the door, right?In case Xueyue's father came over, she would not even answer the door, which seemed too rude.

"Who? Xueyue isn't here." Fenghua approached the door without even opening it, and just responded to knocking on the door more and more anxiously.

"Not here? What should we do? A friend who claimed to be Xueyue came to him, and none of us knew him. You and Xueyue came from outside together, so you should know each other?" Xue Dongyan's impatient voice came from outside. .

A friend of Lord Xueyue?Master Xueyue does have a few good friends, but he never expected to find a land of snow?But Master Xueyue is so powerful, his friends must not be bad, and it seems that it is not surprising that he can find the land of snow.

"But I don't even know her!" Feng Hua said helplessly.

"Then, as Xueyue's servant, you should entertain his friends for Xueyue, right? Don't blame me for not reminding you, Xue Dongjian will trouble Xueyue's friends later, it's none of my business if Xueyue's friends are wronged , his friend's personality doesn't seem to be very well-behaved either."

The door slammed open, Feng Hua had already put on the snow fox coat, her cyst was so swollen that it felt like a white rice dumpling, Xue Dongyan was so ugly that she wanted to roll her eyes just by seeing her face.

"Take me, my concubine persuaded him to enter the hut, please don't bully him!" Feng Hua said hastily.

Xue Dongyan didn't bother to answer, and led the way directly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Feng Hua impatiently led the way with Xue Dongyan for a long time before arriving near the main house.Xue Dongyan hadn't walked so slowly for a long time, but she didn't want to fly with that ugly monster, so she had to endure it.

"There, go." Xue Dongyan pointed towards the main house and pushed Fenghua.

Fenghua ran in that direction without saying a word, and as she ran closer, she vaguely saw that there was indeed a person in a black cloak standing over there.There are many heavyweights beside him, all the patriarchs and elders I met in the main house that time are there, and there are many guardians!Xue Dongjian was also standing beside the patriarch, this scene made it a bit big!
Feng Hua hurried over.

"Hello! Please go with me!" Feng Hua rushed to the man, panting.

The person in the black cloak turned his head slightly, Fenghua couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he could feel the other person's gaze sizing her up, sweeping across her body from head to toe as if the essence.

"This one is the slave for Mr. Xue Dongjian suddenly said with a smile.

A servant for Mr. !

Many people present were stunned. The patriarch and elder Qi Qi looked at Xue Dongjian and asked him what the hell he was doing.Xue Dongjian smiled at them, and Transsion explained.

The patriarch and elders heard Xue Dongjian's intentions, and felt that such a toss is not bad, if Xueyue can't use it for himself, it's better to let him fight this guy to death!Anyway, they originally wanted to make them fight against evil!

When Feng Hua heard Xue Dongjian say this, how could she still not understand that she had been cheated, and when she looked back, she couldn't see Xue Dongyan!
"Send me? A disfigured guy?" The visitor turned his head, stared at Xue Dongjian on the stairs and sneered.

The Xue family present felt tense at the visitor's sneer, and Xue Dongjian was a little panicked. He wanted the visitor to see the scar on the woman's face and didn't like it, so he chopped her head off.Of course, if the visitor has a special hobby, it doesn’t matter, or even better!It's even more interesting to see that Xueyue who can't take her back and can't swallow this breath is living like death!It is best for Xueyue to trouble this person and risk her life!

But Xue Dongjian didn't expect that sending such a woman would make people misunderstand that they were humiliating him!They have never had the experience of pleasing others, so how can they think so far!If you don't like the gift, just throw it away. I didn't think that others might think it was a kind of humiliation!
"No, the concubine's body is not a gift for you!" Feng Hua hurriedly said, and quietly took a few steps back, ready to run.

"Oh?" The person who came turned around again, looked at Fenghua again, and couldn't help laughing with emotion when he saw her backing away, "I didn't expect to be the oiran of Tost! The gentle town surrounded by oirans... come, come and let me have a look."

The visitor stretched out his hand, and Fenghua felt a strong suction force, and his body flew towards the visitor uncontrollably, but was grabbed by the visitor, and he put it in front of his eyes for a careful look.

"Looking at your posture just now, you haven't lost your dancing skills, right? It's a pity, Qingcheng's appearance has been ruined... But the good figure should still be there, and it would be nice to bring it back so that I can enjoy the beauty of the oiran again. This gift I like!"

The entire Xue family did not expect that the situation would suddenly turn around, and this person would actually like this gift again?
Take her back!Take her back and I'll give you two more ice crystals!Xue Dongjian recited silently in excitement.There is also Xue Dongyan, who hid in a house far away and watched everything that happened there, his heart was full of joy!

No matter what happens to this ugly monster, in short, Xueyue will definitely never have this guy who does not know how to charm Xueyue by his side!Without the presence of ugliness, Xueyue will naturally see her beauty, her status, and she will be one step closer to Xueyue!
The visitor clamped Fenghua's neck with his left hand, touched the Xuehu coat with his right hand, and was about to feel the tender and smooth skin of the oiran after being soaked in special flowers and plants. Take a shot.


A strange and tragic whistling sound came from the human mouth, no one had ever heard such a terrifying scream!
Fenghua was taken aback, she took the self-defense that Xueyue left for her - a small ice pick, and pierced the hand of the person who started to thin his body.The ice pick suddenly disappeared and merged into the man's arm. The pain made the man tremble all over his body. He even took several steps back, and Feng Hua was also thrown heavily to the ground.

But the terrible whistling sound also contained a powerful force, how could Fenghua, who was close to her, bear it, blood continued to flow from her ears, staining the coat covering her ears red, and she became dizzy and almost lost consciousness due to the impact of the sound.

"Bitch! Don't think it's so easy to die!" The visitor jumped up angrily, grabbed Fenghua again, flipped the palm of his right hand, and a small dark red flame appeared, before Fenghua could react, he directly slapped her into her mouth.

After doing all this, the visitor quickly put all the ice crystals into the storage space, and flew away, leaving the Xue family looking at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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