Chapter 898 Cruel torture

Stepping out of the snowy land, the surrounding scene suddenly brightened in Xueyue's heart.

In the snowy land, the spiritual consciousness is blocked by the special white mist emitted by the ice crystals and cannot explore very far. For Xueyue, it is equivalent to being half blind.Leaving the land of snow, I immediately felt that the sky was high and the land was vast, and the oppressive feeling that had existed before disappeared in smoke.

Xueyue flew to the mountain range that Xue Qichun said was where his mother was buried. Due to the random burial, Xueyue couldn't find the location at first glance, and looked at the identical mountain tops in a daze.

No way, just spend a little time looking for it.

As long as the foreign slaves are not buried in the snowy land, they can be buried anywhere. Xueyue believes that Xue Qichun doesn't have that much time to bury him in the farthest place. He starts from the nearest hill and finds it on the second hill.

Since the burial, no one has come to clean it. Several years have passed, and the small arched mound where Xueyue's mother is buried has long been covered by thick snow.Fortunately, it was Xueyue who became a god and came to look for it. If it were Xueyue before, it would take a lot of effort to find it.

Xueyue simply cleaned off the snow on the mound, found some trees on the snow mountain from other places, and helped the mound build a wooden shed that could shelter the wind and snow.These trees can grow on the snow, so they are naturally hard and cold-resistant. In addition, the dead branches are not easy to rot in the cold, and the small wooden shed is enough to keep the mother's tomb unaffected for a long time.

Fame, prestige, money, status... Human desires are endless once they arise. If you can't suppress your greed and live in endless desires, it's too sad.

His mother is such a sad person.He was originally a cultivator with good strength, but he strayed into the snowy land by mistake and was left as a slave.Longing for power and power, she seduces Xue Qichun. In the end, the mother successfully squeezed into the Xue family with her son's preciousness, and got the status she dreamed of and some cultivation methods that were better than what she had learned from the Xue family's favor.

But then what?The ranks of the Xue family are even stricter, but after entering the Xue family, she became the lowest member of the Xue family. From the chicken head in the past to the phoenix tail now, it aroused her desire even more...

Zhou Yuan's duplication was endless, and finally suffered from heart disease and died of depression.

Xueyue couldn't tell whether it was because her leaving made her mother's last hope of getting ahead, and caused her death.But if Xueyue hadn't left, Xueyue believed that even if his mother was still alive, she was only living in purgatory, living in a purgatory called bottomless desire, and she would pull Xueyue to sink together.

Now that she is free, Xue Yue feels relieved for her.The gap in her desire, Xue Yue is very sure that even if she is a god, she can't make up for it, it's better to clear it all up, dust to dust to dust to obtain eternal peace.

Xueyue looked up at the setting sun that was about to set, she never thought that she would sit here for so long without knowing it.He got up and touched a piece of wood that he had just made by the way, carved his mother's name on it, and inserted it firmly in front of the small mound.

Let's go, see you next time.

After spending time with her mother, Xueyue felt a lot more relaxed, and most of the depression towards the snow land dissipated.

Xueyue stepped into the land of snow again, unlike when she first came two days ago, her steps were much easier. This refreshing state of mind made him confident that even if the monsters attacked again now, he would still be sure to keep his mind.

As if she had let go of some burden that had been weighing on her heart, Xueyue only had a slim and vague figure in her mind at the moment. Under the moonlight, beside the fire, she danced beautifully and hummed the melody of nature.

The feeling of being anxious to go home, Xueyue felt this feeling again after a long time since leaving the inhuman house, and he also understood why in his heart.

The reason why home is called home is because there is someone who makes people miss, and that is the person he misses.

Xueyue returned to Xue's house, opened the door of the house, and her originally happy mood seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, cooling her heart!

The small house is empty, and the people who should have been there have disappeared!

Although they just met each other not long ago, Xueyue has already understood Fenghua's temperament after a life and death together, and Fenghua will never run around in disregard of his orders!


There was a roar from the ground, Xueyue couldn't develop her consciousness in the snowy land and immediately found someone, but it was always right to find this person!

The deep roar was like the roar of the sleeping king of beasts in the forest, and the entire Xue Family was shaken by this roar!
Xue Dongjian was still standing leisurely outside the door of the main house leaning against the gate. He was waiting to see Xueyue's sad and angry appearance, but Xueyue's roar shocked the entire Xue family, and Xue Dongjian was even more frightened. Sitting down softly.

For some reason, he felt intense unease in his heart at this moment, subconsciously telling him that he seemed to have caused a catastrophe...

Turning his head and looking into the distance, Xue Dongyan, who was standing in another place quietly looking at him, had already run away!Needless to say, she must be scared too!

What about yourself?Xue Dongjian could clearly feel that he was also afraid!
No, he Xue Dongjian cannot be afraid!He didn't kill people, no matter how angry Xueyue is, what can he do?The reason is on his side!And at that time, everything was tacitly approved by the patriarchs and elders, and the patriarchs and elders would definitely protect him. Could it be that Xue Yue wanted to be an enemy of the entire Xue family? !

Xue Dongjian stood up holding the door, resisting the fear brought to him by his shallow consciousness, and controlled his trembling feet. He wanted to appreciate Xue Yue's sad expression when he saw the slave's corpse!

With just such a second thought, his pupils suddenly gathered and shrank... When did that person arrive? !

Under the steps outside the door of the main house, there was a white figure.

"Wind flower!"

Xueyue embraced Fenghua, her mind suddenly went blank, she only knew to stare at her with her eyes, as if to determine whether everything in front of her was real or not.

Master Xueyue...

Feeling the familiar embrace, Fenghua forced her eyes to open, her lips moved, but she could no longer make a sound.She knew that Xueyue was calling her name, but she couldn't hear it; she really wanted to call Master Xueyue's name again, but she couldn't.

"Who! Who is so cruel!" Xueyue has used her spiritual sense to explore Fenghua's injury in an instant. Fenghua has no obvious external injuries, but there is a small evil fire, which starts from Fenghua's tongue and burns inward. .

The speed is very slow, just like this bit by bit along Fenghua's throat, burning down Fenghua's internal organs... Xueyue doesn't even know how Fenghua can endure such cruel torture, endure the internal organs a little A little bit of pain swallowed by flames!
Xueyue shot a burst of cold air and instantly extinguished the flame, but he understood that it was already too late...

Suddenly, an old thick book fell out of Feng Hua's coat, and Feng Hua glanced at it.

Xueyue immediately opened the book, and saw a line of words written in blood on the last page, which was written crookedly by Feng Hua enduring the severe pain in her body when she fell down.

"Don't avenge my concubine, don't become a devil..."

Xueyue looked at the words above, and the gray air in her eyes slowly receded.Don't take revenge, but worry about getting hurt; don't become a demon, just worry about losing yourself... In the end, Fenghua still misses him... He doesn't understand why Fenghua can do this for herself.


Fenghua exhausted her last strength and moved her lips.



Looking at Xueyue's face approaching to hear what she said clearly, Fenghua was very unwilling.In the end, she still didn't find a chance to say sorry to Master Xueyue.

That smoky day came to her mind.

The village where she lived was involved in the flames of war for no reason, and the frantic flames of war seemed to erase the words of tranquility, peace, and happiness from the village.

(End of this chapter)

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