Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 899 A Lucky But Unwilling Meeting

Chapter 899 A Lucky But Unwilling Meeting

Lin Beck was supported by a man wearing blue gloves and a man with long silver hair and flew down, his face was covered with blood.

"Beck, you're being reckless!" Several sword masters rushed forward to catch up with Lin Beck and put him flat on the ground.

"How? Let's see!" Douglas anxiously pushed away several sword masters, who didn't mind. In terms of healing ability, Douglas must be number one in the world.

"It's too late, his eyes..." Nangongfeng covered his face with his hands, unable to continue.

Xueyue on the side even slammed the floor hard.

"No! Let me see!" Douglas hastily gathered a white light in his hand and released it on Lin Beck's face.

Xueyue didn't want to watch any more, turned around and flew away.Everyone is not an ordinary person, and it is clear at a glance what has happened to Lin Beck's eyes. Even if the world's number one magister of light takes action, some lost things cannot be restored.

"Hey, Xueyue, treat your injuries a little bit too!"

Nangongfeng shouted, Xueyue didn't look back, and quickly re-entered the battlefield.He needs to fight to calm down the fluctuating emotions at this moment!
Seeing Xueyue flying away, everyone reacted, Nangongfeng and the sword masters looked at each other and then flew away one by one, leaving only Douglas to heal Linbeck.

It's not that they are ruthless, but that the battle is not over yet, and many innocent civilians are facing death threats, and they have more urgent missions!
A white figure penetrated into a half-collapsed large wooden house, jumped over several corpses held down by wooden pillars, and kicked out with one kick, kicking a green monster covered in lumps aside, a cold light flashed from his waist Then, the green monster was split into two cleanly.

A woman slipped out from the monster's big mouth, Xue Yue knew with a simple glance that it was hopeless.His figure kept coming, and there were many people waiting for his rescue, so he shouldn't stop for a moment.He rushed forward, opened a few cabinets in the corner, hugged the shivering little guy in his arms, and rushed out.

On the edge of the small village, several green monsters were easily defeated by Xueyue. A defensive line of defense troops had already been built here, and Xueyue left behind a pile of monster corpses before flying in.

"General Xueyue!" A few guards hurried up to greet them, and respectfully picked up the child Xueyue put down.

The child was about seven or eight years old, and the dust and dirt on her face couldn't hide her beautiful rosy skin, and her pair of watery eyes kept staring at Xueyue.Xue Yue didn't even look at her, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Wait, why didn't you save my mother!"

Seeing the formidable white-clothed man walk away, the child immediately rushed towards his back. The two guards quickly grabbed her and prevented her from rushing over.

"Your mother is already dead." Xue Yue stopped in her tracks and said lightly.

"She was alive just now, she was alive just now! You obviously have the ability to help us, why did you come now! Originally, my mother, father, and my grandparents all didn't have to die! It's all your fault!!!"

The child couldn't break free from the blocking of the guards, but kicked out his sloppy little flower shoes forward, hitting Xueyue's calf, leaving a gray mark on the flawless white trousers, which was very conspicuous.

"Bold! How dare you be unreasonable to General Xueyue!" "The monster attack was sudden, General Xueyue and the others have rushed here desperately, and will avenge you for saving you!" The two guards frowned and angrily scolded the child who was caught , the strength in his hands became stronger unconsciously, pinching her shoulders on both sides with a few bloodstains.

The other soldiers who heard it couldn't help turning their faces. Even though she had resigned as a general, Xue Yue's prestige in the army was still very high. Many people had received Xue Yue's life-saving grace on the battlefield. Those who haven't encountered it have also heard about Xue Yue's deeds in the army.Hearing that someone blamed General Xueyue so unreasonably, he was very angry. If he hadn't seen that he was just a brat, they would have gone to beat him up in the morning!

"Let her go." Xue Yue turned around and took a few steps towards the child.

Although the two guards were very reluctant, they also resolutely carried out Xue Yue's order, let go of their hands, and the child immediately staggered forward and fell down.

"Sorry, I'm late...I'm sorry." Xueyue knelt down to support the child's body.

From Xueyue's blurry face, a blood drop slid down, and the bright red blood dripped continuously.

"General Xueyue! You are injured!" "Military doctor! Send the military doctor to come quickly!" The guards on the side were a little flustered when they saw this.

"It's okay. There are other civilians, I can't be late." Xueyue refused the medical care of the guards, jumped up, and flew into the melee in the village again.

The phantom white figure caught the attention of everyone present, and they gave a military salute in the direction he left in unison.

After Xueyue flew away, the child had a sudden epiphany and began to cry.She has a kind father, she has a kind mother, and she has learned right from wrong since she was a child.The anger and grief she felt for the death of her family just now, she lost her mind and vented it on her savior. If her parents knew about it, how much it would hurt her heart!She knew she was wrong, it was obviously her fault, but she even asked her savior to apologize to her, what the hell did she do!

After blaming herself frantically, she wanted to catch up with that person named Xue Yue and apologize, but the guards pulled her away and moved her to a safe place.

She sadly begged the guards to take her to see Xueyue, but no one was willing to talk to her. His unreasonable treatment of Xueyue had already made these guards feel uncomfortable, so who would let her see Xueyue.

In this way, with such a great anxiety, she lives in self-blame every day.

Gradually, the man in her mind with blood dripping from his cheeks overlapped with the man in front of her eyes who dripped tears from his cheeks.

She didn't know how to congratulate herself for being lucky enough to allow her to meet him again.But when she did meet her, she was scared and guilty, and couldn't find a suitable opportunity to solemnly apologize to him for what happened back then.She was deeply afraid that he would despise her if he knew that the bad boy who made trouble for no reason was her.

But now she regrets that she didn't find a chance to explain her faux pas back then and say sorry to him face to face.She couldn't make a sound, and couldn't feel the beating of her heart, and she was struggling until now just to see him for the last time...

She was so unwilling, how could she be a sinner worthy of his tears for her?You are the great hero Xueyue-sama who has spent his whole life in love!
I can't be reconciled...

Xueyue closed her tarnished eyes for Fenghua, hugged her in her arms, unwilling to let go for a long time.He doesn't understand why his heart hurts so much, he and Fenghua have only known each other for a few days, why is he in so much pain that tears flow out uncontrollably?

No, it's not that he doesn't understand, he understands very well.Ever since Fenghua rescued himself from the demon seed, the unsteady fishing figure on the river outside the cave had already lived in his heart.He is very indifferent, and there are not many people he values, but once he can enter his heart, it is irreplaceable for him!
Until the end, Xueyue couldn't understand what Fenghua's trembling lips wanted to tell herself.He suddenly saw the old but well-preserved book that fell on the ground, there might be something Feng Hua wanted to say in it.

He simply flipped through.

"The adoptive mother who adopted me is very kind to me. She said that I have great potential to be an oiran! Oh, the point is, we in Yanyulou perform arts and not sell ourselves. If we become an oiran, we can marry better! But I won't marry, and my adoptive mother said whatever I want Me, just practice the dance well! Of course you have to practice well, and dance for him when the time comes..."

"As an oiran, do you have to have a stage name? Then there's no need to say, Fenghua! It's called Fenghua! My adoptive mother asked me why I chose this name, hehe, of course it's a secret!"

The content is written very short and incisive, Xueyue can easily understand it.It turned out that her name didn't come out randomly, it really was Fenghua.

Xueyue hesitated for a moment, this... seems to be Fenghua's notepad?This kind of private thing should not be looked at again. Even if the wind and flowers are gone, one must respect her privacy.

When she was about to close the notepad, Xue Yue suddenly saw something that she couldn't take her eyes off.

(End of this chapter)

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