Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 901 New hatred and old hatred

Chapter 901 New hatred and old hatred
If it is covered by the ice crystal accumulation, if Xue Yue wants to find that place in the mortal world, she can only find it bit by bit.

If the clues Xue Dongjian gave him didn't lie to him, it would be a great help.

After flying over a mountain range, Xueyue landed on the ground, shuttled between the snow fields, and personally went to investigate any area.

Fortunately, he is a member of the Xue family, and he understands what ice crystals are, and can distinguish the subtle difference between the white mist emitted by ice crystals and the ice mist in the icy world, otherwise it is easy to miss it if someone else comes.

Suddenly, Xueyue's heart tightened, and a wave of sadness invaded his heart again.

He hurriedly rushed in one direction, and soon, the Ice Crystal Yun appeared in front of his eyes, and he was not surprised at all.

He felt a trace of his divine power just now, although it was very weak, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.This is where Xueyue's sadness came from. He used divine power to make ice cones for Fenghua's self-defense. Feeling this trace of divine power, the lingering distress for Fenghua in his mind raged again. heart of.

He could understand Fenghua's despair when he met that cruel guy and pierced the ice pick into his body helplessly, but he also thanked Fenghua for leaving him such a clue, which he sensed from afar.But if it weren't for the cover of the ice crystal, the opponent would have nowhere to escape, and he could only sense it when he was so close!

Rushing into the range of ice crystals, Xueyue rushed straight towards the target.

Within the area covered by ice crystals, there are caves, stone houses and clear lake water. The ground here is still snowy, but there are no more ice slags hanging on the trees. It is obvious that this place is much warmer than other places.

There are a lot of people here, some with a little cultivation, some just ordinary people, all working, or moving huge stones or trying to pile up the stones.

Xue Yue stopped, and he came to a huge building, a palace?
This palace, isn't it exactly...

On the high wall outside the gate of the palace, a man wrapped in a black cloak walked out with several beauties in his arms, looking down at Xueyue below.

The man took off his cloak, with a very indifferent expression on his face, he seemed to have guessed that Xueyue would come, and he was not at all surprised: "How? Is the palace I rebuilt here beautiful? Of course, it is still a bit far from the real thing, but I caught it These people who came back can only do so much. After killing several designers, I was forced to compromise."

"Sabo Beacon!"

Combined with Xueyue's injuries to Fenghua, and all the familiar scenes here, she already has a faint feeling of bad premonition.Everything here is built with reference to the royal palace of the Tost Empire, no wonder it looks familiar!
"Are you that surprised? Hiding aggrievedly in such a place where nothing shit happens, who else is there besides me?" Sabo let go of his hand and let the beauties back down, "I am surprised to meet you."

It really shouldn't be a surprise that Saab is here.

The moment Michael was annihilated in the battle of annihilation, Sabo knew that the general situation was over.I think it was because of his cleverness and scheming that he made Arnold the great magister favor him at the beginning. As soon as he saw Michael being defeated, he immediately began to think about how to escape.

Juliyer, who was greatly depleted, was not Sabo's opponent at all, but it would be a waste of time for Sabo to win him.So Sabo retreated to the ground while fighting, and suddenly attacked the mortal army on the ground, casting many powerful magics that were forbidden spells for the mortal world.

How could Uriel fail to see Sabo's purpose with his intelligence, but he had no other choice but to temporarily ignore Sabo and try his best to destroy those fireballs.

After spending a lot of effort, it was too late to find Sabo.

"Ulier, it's due south!" Raphael has been paying attention to the situation on the field. Seeing that Sabo is about to escape, he has paid attention to the direction of his escape in advance.

"Let him escape. In the current situation, if he fights desperately, it will be hard to tell the outcome." Ulier was still rational, and in an instant he estimated the most beneficial approach for his side.

Letting this bastard who betrayed the Three Realms escape would make anyone unhappy, but it is equivalent to letting this war of annihilating the world have no more surprises, and draw a brief and stable end.

"Well... we really have no one to chase after." Raphael looked at the seriously injured Great Demon God and the Archangels lying around and smiled wryly.

After the World Annihilation War is over and they recover, where can a jumping clown go?

But then nearly ten years later, Juliel and Lucifer sent many gods to search in the mortal world, and Sabo seemed to have evaporated from the world, and they couldn't find him even after three feet of digging.

Now the secret of Sabo's disappearance was solved by Xueyue. This Sabo was very lucky. He returned to the Tost Empire area he was familiar with and hid in the deserted snow-capped mountains. land.Knowing the use of ice crystals, he came up with the idea of ​​ice crystals and used ice crystals to hide himself.

Sabo has a cautious personality, probably because he was worried that he would not be sure to kill everyone in the Xue family at once. If a certain Xue family escaped, he would lose his last hiding place, and he would die soon.So he didn't rush to kill them all, and used his own strength to oppress the Xue family to provide him with ice crystals.It just so happens that the Xue family always regards themselves as isolated from the world and thinks highly of themselves. They will not spread this kind of humiliation, which is why Sabo has been hiding until now.

"Sabo... Sabo!" Xueyue roared Sabo's name in a low voice, "I want to pay homage to the spirit of Fenghua in the sky with your blood!"

From the beginning of the college exchange match, this Sabo has formed an incessant and chaotic hatred with them!In the college exchange game, the lover who favored her publicly questioned the rules of the game, mocked Yuan Feiwu and forced Yuan Feiwu to abolish her practice. In the end, she lost the bet and did not fulfill her promise. Later, she even asked the great magister Arnold to find trouble for Yuan Feiwu... There are so many shameless acts Counting, such a shameless person makes a cold person like Xueyue can't help but hold grudges!Not to mention the doves occupying the magpie's nest and cruelly slaughtering the royal family of the Tost Empire, disregarding the lives of the old, the weak, women and children in the war, using the information that the source of the flying is a fallen angel to attack the unified pace of the coalition army, all kinds of unconscionable things There is nothing he does not do!Even in the end, he came out of nowhere to betray the Three Realms and submit to Michael, Xue Yue was not surprised at all!

Sabo, is such a scum!
Adding new grudges to old grudges, Xue Yue felt a restless aura in his chest constantly impacting his mind, and he had to spend some energy to suppress that aura.

"Hahaha...God of Ice and Snow, I should use your blood to pay homage to Michael's spirit in heaven!" Sabo's originally indifferent facial features became distorted and hideous after seeing Xueyue's roar, "If it weren't for you, Michael He has led us to level the Three Realms and absorb the power of destruction! We should have been seeking a higher meaning of life in the vast universe, so why should I hide in this snow-capped mountain! Why did you betray Michael!"

"The way is different, don't conspire with each other! The meaning of life found by being covered in innocent blood, it doesn't matter if you don't seek it!"

Xueyue flew up, holding the ice and snow spear horizontally in her hand, and swept it from bottom to top following her figure!
The magnificent ice and snow divine power slammed across the high wall, creating a huge crack.When Xueyue flew in front of Sabo, the spear had already swept it, and the divine power mixed with the gravel, forming a huge white rainbow!

Sabo also moved, under Xueyue's majestic divine power, he couldn't ignore it, the gray-red divine power overflowed from his hands.

The interweaving of ice and fire is the collision of poles and poles, which cannot be blended together!The powerful divine power was vented due to the collision, and the high wall where Sabo was located was instantly shattered and collapsed with a bang.

Such a big momentum frightened the captured slaves of Sabo to run away, and the overseers were also frightened, and after reacting, they ran into the house with a whip in their hands.

Xueyue frowned into a "Chuan", he didn't pay attention to everything outside, his attention was all on his spear and his opponent.

His spear was actually blocked by Sabo's hand, and he held it tightly in his hand.And Sabo had a disdainful smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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