Chapter 902
Sabo's face and body are covered with countless demon scales.The dark red pupils in the eyes also gradually cast a layer of gray, making them look even darker.The coercion gradually emanating from his body was extremely frightening.

"I don't understand what kind of donkey kicked your brain. Don't you understand that the divine power that Michael gave us is the real power, which is much higher than the power we practice here... You don't want to give it to me. Me!" Sabo's eyes widened suddenly, utterly impersonal and strange.

As he spoke, Sabo also held the Ice Spear with his other hand.It is impossible for Xueyue to be slaughtered by others, so she immediately mobilized her divine power, and the ice and snow spear suddenly let out low noises, and the ice and snow divine power continued to attack Sabo.Sabo didn't dare to delay, he exerted strength in his hand, grabbed the Ice and Snow Spear and swung it, throwing Xueyue and the spear out, smashing to the ground hard.In just such a short time, Sabo's palm was already covered with icy slag, a gray flame shot out from his hand to melt the ice and snow on his hand, and then he shook his hand.

If he lets go and is slower, I'm afraid he will suffer a lot!This Xueyue is not so easy to deal with...

Sabo also touched his arm, he was caught off guard by a divine force shot by the oiran before, and he was in pain. From that moment on, Sabo knew that Xueyue was coming.

In the Three Realms, besides him, who else has such powerful ice and snow power?

But from this ice and snow divine power, Sabo also felt other familiar things.

He thought that Xueyue had cleared the treasure that Michael left for him, isn't it still there?It's a pity he doesn't know how to keep that treasure for himself, it's a waste to keep it in someone who doesn't use it.

"If you don't want it, why do you keep it?"

Filled with regret in his heart, Sabo leaned down and rushed down. Two gray-red fire dragons had gathered in his hands on the way, and they were wrapped around his arms. The fiery breath of the dragons made the temperature of the entire snow-capped mountain rise in a straight line. .

Xueyue didn't answer, turned over and stood up, pushed the ice and snow spear upwards, stabbed seven times in an instant, like seven white shooting stars towards Sabo.

Seeing the seven snow-white meteors, Sabo laughed out loud, and waved his hands forward, the fire breath from the fire dragon surrounding his hands melted the meteors.

If Xueyue thinks that she wants to challenge him with such strength, she is too naive.

Xueyue didn't expect that she had nothing to do with the opponent even if she made a strong move, she quickly fought back, and Sabo landed on the place where he stayed just now, and the fiery divine power suddenly melted a huge hole there!
Before the blow was over, Sabo raised his hands, and smiled ferociously at Xueyue with his face covered with demon scales, and the fire dragon sprayed out from both hands.

The fire dragons sprayed gray-red flames in the air and swam towards Xueyue, and suddenly exploded together, turning into more than ten small fire dragons, and instantly accelerated to fly towards Xueyue.

Xueyue didn't think that Sabo's attack would end here, so she was very careful to guard against it.Seeing many small fire dragons flying from all directions, his eyes burst out, the ice and snow spear was brandished by him, and the ice and snow power flew all over the sky, like a group of dancers waving their white dancing sleeves together to show a colorful dance.

The ice and snow spear was like an eagle hitting the sky, and all the Bai Lingwu sleeves were drawn to attack the little fire dragons. The cold tip of the spear was accurate and smashed all the little fire dragons.

This beautiful marksmanship is enough to amaze everyone, but it's a pity that Sabo only got a meaningful sneer.

Suddenly a tongue of flame pierced out from the ground, and the small gray-red fire dragon sneaked from below Xueyue, and suddenly sank into Xueyue's thigh, a powerful flame divine power immediately began to wantonly destroy Xueyue's body.

The scorching pain made Xueyue almost go crazy... Did Fenghua endure such pain until she saw herself for the last time?

Xueyue just thinks about it, and feels pain in her chest, and the pain in her legs is not as good as one ten thousandth of the pain in her heart!

"I just let a disfigured oiran fuck me before I returned it to you. You are welcome." Sabo laughed, but his movements did not stop, and his divine power quickly condensed on him, "But your level has not risen but declined over the years, it is too much. Can't make it up?"

Instead of ascending, descending... That's right, Xue Yuehua is a demon species whose mind has been suppressed and started to agitate, and the mind that was consumed by burning life in the battle of annihilation has not yet had a stable time for him to recover...

Xueyue dispelled the flame divine power that had entered her body, looked up and saw Sabo waving his hand, and an incomparably pure flame divine power turned into a beam of light and rushed towards herself.

Xueyue raised her hand, waved out a streak of ice divine power that was also compressed to the extreme, and pushed it out hastily.

The white divine power and the gray-red divine power collided together, and within ten seconds of stalemate in the air, the white divine power collapsed.

The gray-red divine power blasted into Xueyue's body like a broken bamboo, piercing his body, making him unable to control his body and fall backwards.

Almost in the next instant, Sabo had already stepped on Xueyue's fallen body, a flame ignited in his hand, shaking in front of Xueyue.

How could Xueyue accept such humiliation, just as she was about to stand up, she was stepped on by a big hole in her body, and pushed him to the ground again.His right hand wanted to pick up the ice spear, but the flame in Sabo's hand immediately turned into a gray-red chain, passing through his arm and locking him to the ground.Xueyue's wound did not flow out of divine blood, because it burned away when it touched the flame.

The anger was burning out his rationality, and demon scales began to appear on his face...

no!He must not become a demon!

Xueyue's injury made his mind start to be in a trance, he tried his best to recall everything Fenghua had done for him, and what he worried about him before he died... Don't become a demon!
"That's right, really good. Michael's treasure is actually very suitable for you. What's the point of being shrouded in the glory of that bullshit demon king all your life? If Michael succeeds in destroying the world that day, we both have to become his pawns." It doesn't seem to be interesting to let him do his bidding. But now there is a good opportunity. The Demon King ran to fight the Lord of Chaos to the death, the creation god's skills were all abolished, all the great demon gods were disabled, and the six archangels were not seriously injured. Only the second one is left, and the god king is probably half dead, and they can't recover much in ten years. Such a good time, if the two of us work together, how difficult is it to unify the Three Realms?"

Xueyue coughed a few times, spit out a mouthful of divine blood, and looked at Sabo in disbelief.

He originally thought that Sabo was just lingering here, but he was wrong, even though he has reached the current state, this person has no regrets at all.

Xue Yue even wondered if he had already guessed that she had something to do with the Xue family since Sabo accidentally found the Xue family?I have been dormant here, is it to wait for myself to appear?

As he said, if he joins hands with him, he will certainly be able to shake the current Three Realms!

"We start from the demon world. We can't give those big demon gods a chance to breathe. We will defeat them one by one as soon as possible! If we can subdue them, it is best to subdue a few big demon gods as scapegoats, and then kill them in the heavens. Juliel and Raphael It is definitely not our opponent, and we must kill them before the leaders of the Wingless God rescue them. Even if the leaders of the Wingless God are added to the remaining wounded, there is nothing we can do about it. Look, unify the Three Realms What difficulty is there?" Sabo slowly confided his plan with a look of intoxication.

The more Xue Yue listened, the more she confirmed her suspicions, this guy, what a deep city!
"Come on, let's cooperate! Oh, in order to prevent you from betraying me like you betrayed Michael, let's sign a master-servant contract first this time, hehehe..."

"Don't think about it!"

Xueyue pulled out her hands forcefully, letting the chain of flames tear his hands apart, and the whole snow was stained red with the blood of the gods.

But Xueyue hadn't had time to swing his ice and snow spear, two long spears turned into gray red flames were nailed into Xueyue's arms on both sides, tightly jamming Xueyue's hands.

The ice and snow spear fell far away with a bang.

"Why don't you want to use your brain? You have been corroded to the point that the demon world will leave you, a scourge that can go crazy at any time, in this world?" Sabo's intoxicated expression just now disappeared, because of Xueyue's stubbornness. He became anxious and kicked the big hole in Xueyue's chest several times, blood stained the soles of his shoes.

The severe pain made Xueyue almost faint, but Xueyue didn't groan.

"Well, I really have nothing to say to you, so why not talk to him." Sabo suddenly smiled coldly, bent over and touched some demon scales on Xueyue's face, "You just said Who do you want to avenge for? That ugly oiran? Is it your lover? Oh, unfortunately, I can still smell the fragrance of a girl from her body, and she was still a virgin before she died. She enjoys being a woman for once."

"Shameless..." Xue Yue gritted her teeth and stared at Sabo, her growl sounded like a crazy beast.

(End of this chapter)

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